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User name is the Name combination of your email ID (eg: Email ID then the login name will be deepu.j)
No password set for the initial login, after successful login each user
is advised to set their password from setting menu.
After successful login....
Click here to go to your Workspace
Project Folder Details
1 - Select project by clicking on the small arrow
and expand further to choose relevant discipline
and document type folder for adding a new
2 - After choosing the right document type click on the highlighted button on
the right side corner. Then choose Add Document > Then select Single or
Multiple document add option.
8 - Click on Add button to Add this
document to Database
1 - Click here and select Native File (Please
follow PEC guidelines for Electronic file naming)

2 - Click here and select system Number as

per numbering procedure
3 - After selecting the system number > click on the radio button to create
document number automatically. User can change the sequential number if they
are issuing a different document number other than system provided.

4 - Document Description shall be in CAPTIAL exactly as in the document / Drawing

5 - Click the radio button and choose the Issue purpose i.e IDC, IFA, IFC etc.....

6 - Revision automatically appear once you choose the correct Issue


7 - Click on the calendar button and choose

the Issue Date
Click on the Document Number to open the
document details tab for adding Specter file
(PDF), Related file (CRS, any additional
information related to subject document)
Document Details Tab
( Click on Files Tab > then click on
Attach tab to choose Specter)
Click here and choose the relevant
Specter (PDF) file > click > open...
selected file will be added under
Specter. (Please follow PEC guidelines for
Electronic file naming)
Same action can follow for adding Related files
i.e. CRS, any additional information related to
subject document.
1 - After adding Specter, related files etc., >
click on Summary button and verify all the
details are attached correctly
2 - Click on Send button and choose the
relevant stage (SDC, IDC, Transmittal)
for further action. (Choose bypass option if you want
to eliminate next stage and jump to another stage)

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