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CSP MARINA-SCHOOL Composition du 2eme trimestre Année Scolaire : 2023–2024

Niamey – Niger Epreuve d’Anglais Mois : Juin

DDEN: Niamey I Coefficient: 2/3 Classe : 1ere A/D
Tel: 96 15 29 67 Durée : 2 Heures Prof : Mr Souleymane

Text: Tsunami

Nature challenges human in many ways, through diseases, weather, and famine. For those living
along the coast, one unusual phenomenon capable of catastrophic destruction is the tsunami (pronounced
"tsoo-NAH-mee"). A tsunami is a series of waves generated in a body of water by an impulsive
disturbance. Earthquake, landslides, volcanic eruptions, explosion, and even the impact of meteorites can
generate tsunamis. Starting at sea a tsunami slowly approaches land, growing in height and losing energy
through bottom friction and turbulence. Still, just like any other water waves, tsunamis unleash
tremendous energy as they plunge onto the shore. They have great erosion potential, stripping beaches of
sand, undermining trees, and flooding hundreds of meters inland. They can easily crush cars, homes,
vegetation and anything they collide with. To minimize the devastation of a tsunami, scientists are
constantly trying to anticipate them more accurately and more quickly. Because many factors come
together to produce a life-threatening tsunami, forecasting is not easy. Despite this, researchers in
meteorology persevere in studying and predicting tsunami behavior.

I. COMPREHENSION. Answer the following questions. (5pts)

1- Which sentence expresses the essential information of this passage?

a) Tsunamis could become a new source of usable energy in the next hundred years.

b) Tsunamis do more damage to the land than flooding

c) Tsunamis can have an especially catastrophic impact on coastal communities.

d) Scientists can predict and track tsunamis with a fair degree of accuracy, reducing their
potential impact.

2- In the first sentence why does the author mention weather?

a) Because tsunamis are caused by bad weather

b) Because tsunamis are more destructive than weather phenomena.

c) As an example of a destructive natural force.

d) As an introduction to the topic of coastal storms.


A. Give and underline the correct form of the verbs in the brackets (5pts)

1. If I had enough money, I (buy) a wireless ser.

2. I (just /give) my book to Ali.

3. If you (read) that book carefully, you would understand it.

4. Sani (sleep) in the house when his father entered.

5. He and his sister (go) to school every day.

B. Choose the correct answer about the meaning of the modal forms in the following sentences


1. May I use your mobile phone? 3. I can speak Arabic.

a. asking for advice. a. Expressing possibility

b. Asking for permission. b. Expressing ability

c. Making a suggestion. c. Expressing obligation

2. You mustn't walk on grass. 4. You must stop when the traffic lights are
a. Expressing a prohibition.
a. Expressing obligation
b. Expressing obligation.
b. Expressing prohibition
c. Expressing lack of necessity.
c. Expressing ability.

5. You may pass the exam. It is not very difficult. You only have to work harder.

a. Expressing obligation

b. Expressing possibility

c. Expressing prohibition.

III. Writing: (5pts)

Write a good paragraph of about 125 words to support the following statement:
Nowadays television is an important means of communication.

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