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Biomech Model Mechanobiol (2018) 17:465–477


Simulation of the human airways using virtual topology tools

and meshing optimization
A. Fernández-Tena1 · A. C. Marcos2 · R. Agujetas3 · C. Ferrera3

Received: 11 September 2017 / Accepted: 24 October 2017 / Published online: 5 November 2017
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract A method is proposed to improve the quality of 1 Introduction

the three-dimensional airway geometric models using a com-
mercial software, checking the number of elements, meshing In the European Union and USA, total health spending will
time, and aspect ratio and skewness parameters. The use of increase as the population grows older (OECD/UE 2016;
real and virtual topologies combined with patch-conforming Przywara 2010). A big percentage of these expenses is
and patch-independent meshing algorithms results in four due to respiratory diseases (Gibson et al. 2013), such as
different models being the best solution the combination of asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases).
virtual topology and patch-independent algorithm, due to The increasing cost both in spending and human lives has
an excellent aspect ratio and skewness of the elements, and encouraged European and US administrations to invest in
minimum meshing time. The result is a reduction in the com- developing different methods of drug-aerosol delivery (Lip
putational time required for both meshing and simulation due and Philip 2015; Ashurst et al. 2000). This delivery must
to a smaller number of cells. The use of virtual topologies be targeted in order to increase the efficiency of the treat-
combined with patch-independent meshing algorithms could ment and to minimize its secondary effects (Kleinstreuer
be extended in bioengineering because the geometries han- et al. 2008). To reach this goal, it is crucial to understand
dling is similar to this case. The method is applied to a healthy the airflow dynamics in the human airways. The Compu-
person using their computed tomography images. The result- tational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a useful tool which can
ing numerical models are able to simulate correctly a forced provide us valuable data of the air movement in lungs. It is a
spirometry. non-invasive technique, relatively inexpensive and can study
unusual or dangerous performances with the only require-
Keywords Human airways · CT images · CFD · Virtual ment of a precise geometry. In order to get results, one must
topology · Meshing optimization accomplish three processes: (i) obtaining the topology of the
human airways, (ii) meshing the geometry, (iii) choosing a
simulation model and running to obtain the results.
Concerning the morphology of a lung, it consists of a series
of dichotomous bifurcations, each of them producing a new
generation, which results in a highly complex branching net-
B C. Ferrera work. As stated previously, it is quite difficult to describe geometrically this network. The first attempt to characterize
1 the lung morphology in a simple way considered a symmet-
Universidad de Oviedo and Hospital Universitario Central de
Asturias, 33011 Oviedo, Spain rical bifurcation of the geometry at each bronchus (Weibel
2 1963). This model indicates the bifurcation modes, designing
Dpto. de Expresión Gráfica, Universidad de Extremadura,
06006 Badajoz, Spain the trachea as the first airway (generation 0) and assuming
3 that each airway generates two symmetrical branches (regu-
Dpto. de Ingeniería Mecánica, Energética y de los Materiales
and Instituto de Computación Científica Avanzada (ICCAEx), lar dichotomy). So, the left and right main bronchi are order
Universidad de Extremadura, 06006 Badajoz, Spain 1 and so on. There are at least 23 airway generations until

466 A. Fernández-Tena et al.

the alveolar sacs. In this model, it was not taken into account tion (FSI) in complexes geometries are scarce. Jahangiri et al.
the spatial disposition of the branches; therefore, it is consid- 2015 conducted an FSI research on stenosed arteries and
ered a model that only allows modelling the lung function in assessed that the error assuming laminar flow instead of tur-
one dimension. More general approaches for complex rep- bulent flow is bigger than considering a rigid wall instead
resentation have been proposed. The algorithmic techniques of a flexible one. The assumption of a rigid wall can lead
(Kitaoka et al. 1999) carry out the design of a realist model to a good correlation between experiments and simulations
of the lung, following a set of basic rules. (Agujetas et al. 2017). Moreover, an FSI analysis of flow in
Although relevant information can be extracted from sim- human airways would require the segmentation of multiple
ulations made with the previous models (Fernández-Tena images during the respiratory cycle and a huge computational
and Casan Clarà 2015; Fernández-Tena et al. 2017a), real- cost. For all these reasons, in this work, we neglect the defor-
istic models are required to get results applicable to clinical mations associated with the wall and concentrate our efforts
situations. For this reason, idealized shapes are giving way in a fixed geometry.
to patient-specific geometries reconstructed from medical Once the geometry is obtained, it is necessary to create
imaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance (MR) and a numerical mesh and to adapt it to the geometry with-
computer tomography (CT). In this case, one of the major out adding irregularities. For a complex geometry, there are
problems is the reconstruction of the intricate local anatomy different ways of meshing: (a) increasing the number of
delimiting the fluid domain, which is precisely the main cause elements in non-structured (Kannan et al. 2016; Kolanjiyil
of complex flows in lungs. Nowadays, upper airways (Lin et al. 2017; Vos et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2012) or struc-
et al. 2007), until the sixth generation (Choi 2007), carti- tured (Hörschler et al. 2003) meshes, (b) developing a specific
laginous rings (Zhang and Finlay 2005), mucus (Inthavong meshing algorithm (Dyedov et al. 2009) or (c) using com-
et al. 2010; Islam et al. 2015) and vascular models (Zheng mercial algorithms combined with virtual topologies. These
2014) have been included. A combination from CT images ways have both advantages and disadvantages. Introducing
and idealized models is presented in Marchandise et al. tiny elements both adapts the numerical mesh to the geome-
(2013) and Miyawak et al. (2017), using an open-source try and increase their quality. However, the computing time
software. Both cases propose a fully automatic procedure grows as the number of elements is higher. Constructing an
for the mesh generation of tubular geometries such as blood algorithm can produce a very good mesh, but it is quite dif-
vessels or airways based on centrelines. Therefore, progress ficult and limited to experts in mesh development. Virtual
in studying the airways as a result of modern imaging topologies can reduce the number of elements to be pro-
techniques (MRI, SPECT—single photon emission CT) is cessed by merging the smaller triangular surfaces resulting
opening doors to wider use of CFD simulations as: compar- from the segmentation process, but this methodology has
ing with real measurements (De Backer et al. 2010; Rochefort only been successfully applied to geometries involved in
et al. 2007), considering unsteady conditions (Taherian et al. industrial processes (Streinbenner et al. 2000). As virtual
2011), assessing the effects of different drugs in asthma (De topologies are included in both commercial and open source
Backer et al. 2008) and COPD (De Backer et al. 2012) and software packages (Fedorov et al. 2012) and do not alter
detecting the local airways resistance in patients with sev- the original geometry (Foucault et al. 2007), its application
eral treatments (Vos et al. 2013) and analyse the influence in the study of a complex geometry could provide valuable
in the deposition of drugs of rings present in both trachea results. A successful application of this methodology could
and the first generation airways (Kannan et al. 2017b). Nov- avoid the disadvantages of increasing the computational time
els models, as the quasi-3D wire (Kannan et al. 2017a), are or the development of a specific algorithm for each case of
also introduced obtaining results faster than traditional CFD complex geometry.
schemes. In spite of all these advances, the presence of differ- After the mesh generation is completed, we must perform
ent scales and the intrinsic fractal character (Weibel 2009), the simulation. The use of a direct numerical simulation
force any new study to refine the segmentation of the CT (DNS) or a large Eddy simulation (LES) would provide
images to obtain a geometry that closely matches the real exact or very accurate predictions, respectively. These simu-
one. So the resolution of CT images must be increased dur- lations have been used to solve idealized stenotic geometries
ing the segmentation process in order to get a geometry with (Varghese et al. 2007a, b; Tan et al. 2011). The computing
the most important details and easy to manipulate and to effort is huge for low Reynolds numbers but, to the best
calculate. of our knowledge, DNS or LES have not been applied to
Another important feature is the airways wall deforma- a complex geometry. Although some authors question their
tion. It is well known that airways significantly expand and applicability to complex flows (Scotti and Piomelli 2002), the
contract during the inhalation and exhalation phases, respec- Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations have
tively. These deformations in the airways wall modify the been applied to get results without consuming too much com-
flow behaviour. The analyses of the fluid structure interac- puting time (Kleinstreuer 2006). SST-k-ω turbulent model

Simulation of the human airways using virtual topology tools and meshing optimization 467

Fig. 1 Pulmonary CT images performed with a 64 slices volumetric scanner (Light speed VCT, GE medical systems). (Left) coronal plane, (centre)
axial plane, (right) sagittal plane. Measurements guidelines: collimation: 0.6 mm; pitch: 1.1; rotation time: 0.6 s; tube voltage: 120 kV

Fig. 2 Representation of
triangulation process of an
airway branch bifurcation

(Menter et al. 2006) can produce useful results in clinical tive pulmonary disease (COPD) obtained at the Hospital
situations when it simulates a real geometry (Agujetas et al. IC in Badajoz-Spain. The images were exported to DICOM
2017). (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) format.
This work seeks a reduction in the time required for Their resolution is 512 × 512 pixels, and the pixel size is
the complete process that includes the reconstruction of the 680 µm. Each pixel has a grey intensity value according to
geometry from CT images and its meshing. Our main objec- the Hounsfield greyscale (Hounsfield 1973). There is a direct
tive is to assess the use of virtual topologies in combination relationship between the density of each anatomical structure
with the patch-independent algorithm to mesh a real human and the grey value assigned to each pixel in the image. As all
airways and reflect their advantages. The lower number of human tissues are classified under the Hounsfield scale, the
elements will simplify the mesh, and it will have a positive 3D Slicer software (3D Slicer 2014) was used to group similar
impact in the time required for the simulation. grey values, identifying the threshold between the different
The paper is organized as follows. The different methods tissues and extracting the human airways. Once the segmen-
employed in this work, i.e. the segmentation and the mesh- tation process has finished, the cloud of points (Fig. 2a)
ing processes, the experiments performed and the simulations extracted from the images can be joined with lines (Fig. 2b),
executed are described in Sect. 2. The results of the applica- being generated triangular faces with a size inversely pro-
tion of those methods are discussed and presented in Sect. 3. portional to the curvature of the different parts (Fig. 2c). In
Finally, the paper closes in Sect. 4 with some conclusions. addition, the scale of each generation is greater than the next
one. This factor is very important as this difference increases
sharply between non-consecutive generations. With these
image resolutions, the 3D Slicer software can rebuild the
2 Methods lung up to the fourth generation.
One crucial aspect in CFD studies is the mesh resolution. A
2.1 Numerical model reduced size of the elements (high number of cells) increases
the computational time and does not always lead to a better
The numerical model will be reconstructed from the airways solution. The influence of the edge length in the meshing
CT images (Fig. 1) of a patient without chronic obstruc-

468 A. Fernández-Tena et al.

Fig. 3 Influence of the edge length in the meshing process

Fig. 4 a Sphere with multiple elements, b meaningful and c full reduction of the number of faces in a mesh using virtual topology

process can be seen in the Fig. 3. This figure shows two sim- a strong influence on the meshing process as they increase its
ilar geometries (a and b). However, if the edge is zoomed, the complexity. The use of a virtual topology can reduce them
Fig. 3c is a perfect circle and the Fig. 3d is a 36-sided polygon. when they are not necessary, as it can see in Fig. 4. This figure
If the edge length is very small one obtains a mesh with mul- is an example of the generation of different virtual surfaces
tiple elements (Fig. 3e). The detailed geometry is difficult over the different faces that form a sphere. Figure 4a shows a
to manipulate and a very fine mesh needs a lot of calcula- sphere meshed with multiple faces while Fig. 4b, c show the
tions increasing the time to converge a solution. Kannan et al. same sphere meshed with significant and full reduction of
2017b pointed that the convergence of the numerical algo- the number of faces using virtual topology. Nevertheless, the
rithms on such fine meshes can be bad and proposed a model underlying geometry remains intact. Nowadays, commercial
to overcome this issue. On the other hand, if one decreases software (Ansys 2015) provides meshing tools to perform
the number of elements, then the mesh is considerably sim- these operations.
plified (Fig. 3f). In this case, the perfect geometry (Fig. 3a) Figure 5 (Ansys 2015) shows the method of generating
is treated numerically as a simplified geometry (Fig. 3b) so virtual surfaces, which consists of joining the triangular sur-
a loss in the accuracy is due to a bad mesh. So instead of faces as a function of the Gauss Curvature Angle that form
wasting resources meshing a very precise geometry with big two contiguous surfaces (an angle between 0◦ and 180◦ can
elements we must mesh the simplified one. Nevertheless, as be selected). The larger the angle of curvature selected, the
stated in the introduction, it is a usual practice to increase more surfaces will be joined on fewer virtual surfaces. The
the resolution either the geometry or the mesh with commer- best results are achieved for angles between 20◦ and 120◦ . If
cial algorithms. We propose applying a virtual topology to the angle is set below this range, few faces will be merged,
address the problem of meshing the human airways. The goal while if the value is above this range could result in prob-
of any simulation is to reduce the number of elements and lems with the mesh. Figure 6 (Ansys 2015) shows the virtual
edges while getting a model closer to the real one. Edges have

Simulation of the human airways using virtual topology tools and meshing optimization 469

joined surface) because the order in which the surfaces are

joined determines the maximum size that can be obtained
for each virtual surface. In addition, it also allows to leave
small surfaces or significant edges to be taken into account
by meshing algorithms. Figure 7 shows three different virtual
topologies, two of them are automatically generated with dif-
ferent surfaces size (Fig. 7a has smaller surfaces than Fig. 7b),
and the third shows the case made manually (Fig. 7c). With
the manual process, the lung surface can be separated by
levels (Fig. 7c), which will allow to complete studies, such
as particles deposition (Fernández-Tena et al. 2016), deter-
mining the generation of the lung where the particles are
Fig. 5 Definition of the Gauss curvature angle (Ansys fluent)
deposited. Simultaneously, the number of edges and, as a
consequence, the mesh that is going to be constructed is
surfaces made in a machining geometry using three different less complex, and a reduced time is needed to perform this
Gauss Curvature Angles (25◦ , 60◦ and 120◦ ). process. This case gets the best results because the num-
In lung geometry, edges are not important like in machin- ber of surfaces can be reduced, respecting important details
ing; then, it is essential to reduce its number. The Ansys in the surface, such as the presence of a polyp in a branch
meshing tool allows this process to be performed automat- (Fig. 8). The absence of cartilaginous rings in the airways of
ically, but the best results are obtained in a manual way this patient can also be observed. As the patient is a small
(without the requirement to define a normal for a multiple child, the rings have not been developed yet.

Fig. 6 Gauss curvature angle at a 25◦ , b 60◦ and c 120◦ (Ansys fluent)

Fig. 7 Virtual topologies generated over the segmented geometry. a Automatic generated mesh with the smallest and b biggest element sizes, c
manually generated mesh to increase the size of the surfaces

470 A. Fernández-Tena et al.

used as the mesh close to the geometrical surface must be

structured and there must be a good transition.
The quality of the mesh is assessed using the skewness and
aspect ratio parameters (Ansys 2015). The skewness mea-
sures how much one face of the mesh is close to an ideal cell
with equal sides or angles. The aspect ratio is a measure of
the stretching of a cell, being computed as the ratio of the
maximum value to the minimum value of any of the follow-
ing distances: the normal distances between the cell centroid
Fig. 8 Detail of the virtual surfaces generated around a polyp in a and face centroids and the distances between the cell centroid
and nodes.
The combination of topologies and meshing algorithms
results in four different models: real topology and patch-
conforming, real topology and patch-independent, virtual
topology and patch-conforming and virtual topology and
patch-independent. Table 1 shows the results, performed on
a PC with an Intel Core i7-6700HQ processor at 2.6 GHz
and 16 Gb of RAM. Figures 10 and 11 show the skewness
distribution over the wall and the interior of a human lung
for the four models. For a better understanding of the mesh
(Fig. 10), in each sketch, there are two labels showing where
the maximum (red colour) and minimum (blue colour) skew-
ness values are placed. In Fig. 11 one can observed the detail
of the two types of meshing: boundary layer at the wall and
tetrahedra inside.
Fig. 9 Detail of the interior, with the tetrahedral and the boundary layer
2.2 Experimental

Tetrahedra have been selected due to the complexity of In addition to the geometry, the particle deposition is influ-
the bronchial tree, so we are going to test methods com- enced by the mass median aerodynamic diameters, the
patible with that element. These methods are named patch- difference in the velocity of the air in the different branches,
conforming and patch-independent and they employ the the humidity in the lungs, the tidal volume, the flow rate and
biggest elements possible to save processing time. The main the different typology of diseases affecting the respiratory
difference between both methods; it is founded on how they system (Nahar et al. 2013). Studies ex vivo, in vitro and in
capture the irregularities in the surface. The study of the tur- vivo can be found in the bibliography. Ex vivo studies are
bulent flow present in high frequency breathing imposes the mostly employed in animals. In vitro are limited to a cul-
meshing of the boundary layer, so the way the surface details ture of lung cells. Both type of studies are focused on the
are meshed can influence and hinder the boundary layer analysis of drug absorption and transport. So, the best option
mesh. Figure 9 shows a branch, including its bifurcation, with to localize the position of the particles are in vivo studies
this type of mesh, an external boundary layer mesh composed (Nahar et al. 2013) because they not only provide the posi-
of triangular prisms and a tetrahedral mesh in the interior. The tion in the different regions of the lung but also they assess
patch-conforming algorithm takes into account all edges and the clinical effects of the drugs. Concerning the transport of
faces of surface, while the patch-independent algorithm cre- the drugs, in vivo studies have been performed in animals.
ates a mesh that does not necessary conform to every edge Concerning the position of the particles, there are studies
or face (they can be defeatured within a tolerance margin). in humans (Stahlhofen et al. 1989) where the particles are
Patch-conforming needs to have a large number of elements located by labelling the aerosol with a radiotracer and imag-
to avoid deforming cells while patch-independent, with fewer ing the total lung deposition and the fraction remaining in the
elements, provides a good model with small inaccuracies and airways. Nevertheless, these types of test in humans require a
it is not limited by the underlying geometry. In this test, the very expensive equipment, a specialized staff to perform the
chosen parameters in the construction of the mesh are the experiments and a specific permission from the authorities
same in both algorithms: maximum and minimum length of to perform experiments in humans with radioactive particles.
each side are 0.8 and 0.4 mm, the algorithm used to place the As our group do not have access to the experimental equip-
cells is the proximity function, and five inflation layers are ment necessary to perform these test, a good alternative could

Simulation of the human airways using virtual topology tools and meshing optimization 471

Table 1 Comparison between the four different meshes

Model Number of elements Meshing time (min)

Real topology and patch-conforming 462,279 <5

Real topology and patch-independent 797,180 120
Virtual topology and patch-conforming 978,816 30
Virtual topology and patch-independent 544,946 <5

Model Aspect ratio

Min Max Mean Standard deviation

Real topology and patch-conforming 1.18E+00 7.72E+03 5.47E+00 1.35E+01

Real topology and patch-independent 1.18E+00 7.75E+01 5.00E+00 3.29E+00
Virtual topology and patch-conforming 1.17E+00 2.67E+01 5.17E+00 2.84E+00
Virtual topology and patch-independent 1.18E+00 3.19E+01 4.92E+00 3.00E+00

Model Skewness
Min Max Mean Standard deviation

Real topology and patch-conforming 8.96E−04 1.00E+00 3.39E−01 1.60E−01

Real topology and patch-independent 1.43E−03 9.92E−01 2.44E−01 1.46E−01
Virtual topology and patch-conforming 5.99E−05 9.60E−01 2.36E−01 2.03E−01
Virtual topology and patch-independent 3.44E−04 9.56E−01 2.24E−01 1.50E−01

be a forced spirometry. These test is also an in vivo test and mercial software Fluent (Ansys 2015). The walls are rigid,
can be used to validate the models here proposed. and the fluid is Newtonian. The turbulent stresses are calcu-
In this test, the patient only has to make several inhalations lated with the SST-k-ω model (Menter et al. 2006; Wilcox
and exhalations with a flowmeter placed in his mouth. To 2006). Air was the working fluid with a constant density of
obtain spirometry data to be used as a reference for compar- 1.225 kg/m3 and dynamic viscosity of 1.7894×10−5 kg/m/s.
ison, several forced spirometry tests will be conducted in the On the other side, the non-slip boundary condition is pre-
patient, and the spirometry that best matched the ERS quality scribed at the airway inner surface. Some values of 5% for
criteria (Miller et al. 2005) is chosen. The spirometry data the turbulence intensity at both the inlet and outlet sections,
is obtained by means of a spirometer model CPFS/D USB, and 10% for the turbulent viscosity ratio at the inlet section
with a MedGraphics preVentTM pneumotachometer and are fixed. The wall turbulence conditions are the standard
BREEZESUITETM diagnostic software (Medical Graphics (Ansys 2015) and all y+ values fell into the laminar sublayer,
Corporation 2004, 350 OakGrove Parkway, St. Paul, Min- most of them within the interval 0 < y+ < 1. The numerical
nesota 55127-8599). From the obtained data, the relationship integration of the hydrodynamic equations is carried out with
between flow rate and volume versus time was represented the pressure-based solver, and the gradients in the cell centre
in Fig. 12. It can be seen that after 3 normal breathing cycles, and faces are evaluated with the Green–Gauss node-based
the portion corresponding to the manoeuvre of the forced scheme and a multidimensional Taylor expansion, respec-
spirometry itself is between 11.14 and 16.70 s. The forced tively. The spatial discretization of the pressure equation is
spirometry has a range of flow rate of − 312 L/min (22.7 m/s) conducted with the second-order approximation, while the
and 348 L/min (−20.6 m/s), in a time of 5.56 s, being the rate momentum equations are discretized with the second-order
of change of the flow rate (velocity) very dependent with the upwind scheme. The velocity-pressure coupling is conducted
considered time interval. with the SIMPLEC procedure. Normalized residuals levels
(measured by a reduction in all flow residuals by at least
three orders of magnitude, as well as a relative change in
2.3 Simulations measured parameters, pressure and flow rate in select air-
ways) were examined, accepting a convergence with criteria
To know the goodness of the model, two types of simula- of 10−5 residuals.
tions (steady and transient cases) have been performed. In In steady mode, two simulations were executed to know
each case, the RANS equations are integrated in the unsteady the velocities and pressure drop in the branches. Each sim-
and incompressible regime with the finite volume method ulation corresponds to the inhalation and exhalation phases
(Versteeg and Malalasekera 2007) implemented in the com-

472 A. Fernández-Tena et al.

Fig. 10 Skewness distribution over the wall of a human airways for the different applied models: a real topology and patch-conforming, b real
topology and patch-independent, c virtual topology and patch-conforming, d virtual topology and patch-independent

of a person whose breathing condition is a mixed one, with in previous works by the authors (Fernández-Tena 2014;
a value of 28 L/min, between sedentary and heavy-activity Fernández-Tena et al. 2017b). The simulation consists of
(Hofmann et al. 1989; Sbirlea-Apiou et al. 2007). A uniform reproducing the forced spirometry (Fig. 12) with the same
velocity profile compatible with the measured flow rate and conditions that in the experimental test. The boundary con-
normal to the inlet is imposed at that section. Pressure out- ditions imposed to the model were the flow rate varying
let boundary conditions are set at the outlets sections. They over time at the inlet (generation 0), and a static pressure
were run to full convergence (Fig. 13), indicating that a steady (at the inhalation) and a total pressure (at the exhalation) at
state condition had been achieved, showing the Fig. 15 the the outlet (generation 4). The rate of change of the flow rate
obtained results (average velocity and pressure drop in each is very dependent with the considered time interval, which
generation). suggests that time points corresponding to simulation time
For transient mode, we think that the best method is to steps should be clustered closer together when the rate of
simulate a forced spirometry, which has already been tested change in mass flow rate is large and more sparsely when

Simulation of the human airways using virtual topology tools and meshing optimization 473

Fig. 11 Skewness quality in the interior of the human airways: a real topology and patch-conforming, b real topology and patch-independent, c
virtual topology and patch-conforming, d virtual topology and patch-independent

the rate of change is small. For this reason, to reproduce the

variation of flow rate over time, it was used a special adaptive
time stepping (Fernández-Tena et al. 2017b), with a constant
step in the relevant dependent variable (flow rate, pressure)
rather than a constant step in independent variable (time). To
check that these obtained pressure values are correct what it
does is to repeat the spirometry test but, in this case, using
the previously obtained unsteady total pressure (sum of static
and dynamic pressure) as inlet boundary condition (genera-
tion 4) and pressure outlet as outlet condition (generation 0).
Figure 16 shows experimental flow rate at generation 0 and Fig. 12 Forced spirometry, with a flow rate range of − 312 L/min and
the obtained numerical pressure at generation 4. Figure 17 348 L/min in 5.56 s
shows experimental and the obtained numerical flow rate at
generation 0.
ters. The meshing time and the number of elements used are
the variables to be optimized. The skewness quality of the
3 Results and discussion four meshes from a global point of view is good (Fig. 10);
however, it is possible that some of those four meshes may
3.1 Meshing have several deformed cells that affect to the results of
the simulation. Concerning the real topology and patch-
The quality of the mesh, as mentioned in the Sect. 2.1, is conforming model (Figs. 10a, 11a), the Table 1 shows quite
tested using the aspect ratio and the skewness as parame- good results as it has minimum number of cells, minimum

474 A. Fernández-Tena et al.

Fig. 13 Convergence: a real topology and patch-conforming, b real topology and patch-independent, c virtual topology and patch-conforming, d
virtual topology and patch-independent

meshing time and acceptable mean values. Nevertheless, if of the same algorithm with a real geometry. Despite that,
one looks carefully the minimum and maximum values, there the most deformed cells disappear as the maximum value of
are several cells that are quite deformed and are worsen- the aspect ratio decreases drastically. Finally, the best results
ing the mesh. Also, the algorithm fails to create boundary are achieved combining a virtual topology and the patch-
layer meshing over the entire surface, as can be seen in the independent algorithm (Figs. 10d, 11d). Both mean aspect
Fig. 11a. The real topology and patch-independent model ratio and skewness values are further improved, while the
(Figs. 10b, 11b) has the next worse results. The mean val- number of elements and the meshing time is reduced.
ues are improved slightly in spite of an increment of nearly
75% in the number of cells. The consequence is a drastic rise
of the time needed to complete the process. The quality of 3.2 Simulation
the mesh is further improved when using virtual topologies.
The combination between a virtual geometry and the patch The same tendency appears when simulations are conducted.
conforming algorithm (Figs. 10c, 11c) yields a larger num- As it can be seen in Fig. 13, the case (a) Real topology and
ber of cells and a higher meshing time than the combination patch-conforming does not converge due to presence of cells
with very poor Aspect Ratio and Skewness. Convergence

Simulation of the human airways using virtual topology tools and meshing optimization 475

Fig. 14 Convergence of the selected variable p_0 for three different


Fig. 17 Flow rate and pressure drop in the conductive region during
steady state simulations of inhalation and exhalation

elements of the optimized mesh. Figure 14 shows that after

a few iterations the convergence value of 25 Pa is reached
by the different models. The variation observed in the pres-
sure drop was less than 0.67% between the 544,946 cells
model and the model five times higher and 0.45% with the
twice superior model. Therefore, the small improvement in
the accuracy of the result with the increase in the mesh does
Fig. 15 Flow rate and pressure drop in the conductive region during not compensate the computational time spent.
steady state simulations of inhalation and exhalation
In steady mode (Fig. 15), velocities and pressures have
similar values in both cases, inhalation and exhalation. As
expected, the velocity increases in the first three generations
of the airways as the total cross-sectional area decreases,
and then it gradually decreases in the remaining generations,
since the total cross-sectional area of the lung is globally
increasing. Static pressure values obtained during the inhala-
tion and exhalation cases have a similar tendency but with
differences in the upper airway generations. During inhala-
tion, there is initially a more rapid increase in pressure as
generation number increases than in the case of expiration.
This difference occurs in the region for which global mean
velocity is increasing with increasing generation number. The
Fig. 16 Unsteady inlet flow rate imposed at generation 0 in the simu-
lation and static pressure difference obtained in generation 4 trend reverses after generation 4, i.e. when the global mean
velocity begins to decrease (Fernández-Tena et al. 2017a).
These results agree with those obtained by Hofmann et al.
in the other three cases is good, being the fastest, 10 min, (1989) and Sbirlea-Apiou et al. (2007). For velocity, the mean
(d) Virtual topology and patch-independent. Cases (b) Real difference over all generations for both inhalation and exha-
topology and patch-independent and (c) Virtual topology and lation is 0.8%. For average pressure, the mean difference is
patch-conforming spend 50 and 90% more time. Because the 1.1%. The results of the steady simulations verify that the
results of the three cases have differences lower than 0.1%, in model is able to reproduce physiologically realistic flow fea-
order to avoid confusion and from now to on, we focus only tures of the lung airway during both steady inhalation and
the best case, (d) Virtual topology and patch-independent. exhalation.
Concerning the dependence of the values of a variable In transient mode (Fig. 16), during the exhalation cycle,
on the number of the elements of the cell, we have set the which occurs during the first 4.6 seconds of the test, the
inlet pressure (p_0) as the control parameter. We have run pressure at generation 4 increases sharply in accord with the
three different simulations. The first one for the optimized sudden exhalation of breath, then relaxes towards zero as the
mesh with 544946 cells, a second one duplicating the num- exhalation rate decreases. Similarly, during the inhalation
ber elements and a third one quintuplicating the number of phase, the pressure decreases sharply during rapid inhala-

476 A. Fernández-Tena et al.

tion and relaxes towards zero as the flow rate decreases. The numerical study of a three-dimensional model of an asthmatic patient
results of the flow rate obtained at generation 0 for both airways reconstructed from CT or MR images.
cases (Fig. 17), the numerical and experimental tests, are
Compliance with ethical standards
very similar. That is, the maximum flow rate occurs at time
0.17 s, with a predicted value of 344.561 L/min, compared to Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
an experimentally obtained value of 345.936 L/min. There- interest.
fore, the maximum error is less than 0.4%, which suggests
that the method presented is capable of faithfully reproduc-
ing physiologically realistic results under realistic ventilation

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