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2cups plain flour

2tbspnd oil

Tspn salt

Cold water in


Mince meat. Carrots. Peppers. Onions

Spices of yr choice


Mix flour. Salt and cooking oil.

Add water gradually to make a soft dough

Cover e dough w a damp dish towel and allow it to rest fr abt 20 mns

Prepare filling and set aside

Divide dough into equal portions and roll to make circular duscs

Smear cooking oil on each and sprinkle a bit of flour. Pile up w e smeared sides facin each other. Roll out
thinly. Trim ends

Bake in e oven at 180 degrees top rack. Remove wen done. Separate yr sheets. Cut into equal strips and

Fill in yr filling

Deep fry

Sausage rolls

Mince meat. Grated onion.beaten egg(add according to e amt of mince meat) bread crumbs. Bit of flour.
Spices of yr choice. Salt to taste.

Roll out puff pastry lengthwise and trim edges. Brush e edges w water

Place meat along e length of e pastry

Fold in e meatnicely to foam a tube like pastry until you reach e end.
Cut into small pieces andbake until golden brown

Puff pastry

2 cups flour

Tspn salt

Tablespoon of lemon juice

300 grams paffex


Grate in 100 g of paffex into the other ingredients

Pour in ice cold water and mix to make a soft dough.knead until mixed.roll out.divide into 3
sections.grate paffex on two portions. Close into an envelope. Turn the dough with the flat edge to yr
left making a quarter turn.roll out.repeat process 3 more tym.wrap in plastic and refrigerate fr at least
an hour.roll out and cut desired size fr pies and sausage rolls

Half moons


2cups flour

2tbspns oil

Salt 1 tspn

Warm water to make soft dough


Chicken breast


Yellow sweetcorn

Green pepper

Salt to taste

Green chillies

Curry powder
Garlic paste

White sauce.

1 cup milk

1 tbbspn flour or cornstarch


Make filling bybplacing cubed chicken in a pot.add yr salt and spices.your vegies and cook until moisture
has evaporated.

Make dough using flour oil and water

Knead fr 10 MNS

Roll out dough and cut out circles. Place one tspn of filling in each circle then fold over like a halfmoon
and pinch edges to dip each halfmoon in egg then coat w cornflakes crumbs and fry

Yaknzi halfmoons u make e sauce ndoyemavol vol au vents

Use two different sizesvof circle cutters.large and small.cut two cicles w the large one.cut one circle w
the smaller one put the center aside.brush w egg wash on the other the ring on top.brush the
ring w egg wash.brush the small circles also.bake.

When cool scoop filling at the center and place the smaller circle on top.serve

Fry ye onions.add yr steak.add yr water and let it cook till tender.add yr salt halfway thru cooking
tym..wen done remove frm stock and let it cool.shred into smaller pieces.add yr gravy to the stock.stir
until it thickens add yr shredded meat and mix well.let it cool and fill yr pies

Pizza dough

2cups flour

2 tspns yeast

1 tbspn oil

1/4 salt

1 tbspn sugar

Combine sugar and yeast in one cup of luke warm water

Let it sit fr 5mns until bubbly

Mix together flour.salt and oil.add yr yeast mixture and mix together.add a little bit of water to make a
smooth dough.turn yr dough to a floured surface and knead until smooth.smear oil in the yr
dough and oil on top as well

Cover w damp cloth and place in a warm place until it doubles in size.(1 hr)

Punch yr dough at the middle .turn it onto a floured surface and knead.divide into equal portions.make
smooth balls and let em sit over the counter covered with damp cloth fr 2 mins.

Roll into circular discs

Place yr sauce at the with cheese and yr topping


Fry yr chicken breast.add tumeric or paprika and salt to taste

Add yr onions and pepper.set aside to cool


Fry yr onions

Add yr herbs(thyme.rosemary.parsley)

Add yr tomato sauce and vinegar

Set aside to cool

Burger Buns


1 tbspn flour
6tbspns water

Cook over low heat to make a paste.set aside to cool


Use the same measurements fr pizza dough.leave out the oil


To yr flour add the roux and rub in.add the yeast mixture and mix well.add a bit if water if needed.

Turn to floured surface and knead.add 1 tbspn of

Room temperature butter and continue to knead until a smooth dough

Place in oiled bowl and cover with damb cloth

Place in warm place until doubled in size

Turn out onto a floured surface and knead .divide into 12 equal in baking tray and cover with
damp cloth fr 20 mns.brush with milk and sprinkle sesame seeds

Bake at 140 fr 30 mns

Wen done brush with melted butter and cover w damp cloth fr 20 mns

Burger Patty


Grated onion



Bbq sauce

Worcester sauce

Mix together and make a patty in your hands and shallow fry

Tomato ketchup


Chilli sauce


Assemble yr burger with lettuce.onion.tomato.cucumber


500g mince

2 tablessppons beaten egg

Salt to taste


Mixed herbs

Grated onion.

Bbq spice

2 tbspns flour

***u can add spices of yr choice

Mix together and form into balls.refrigerate fr 15 mns

Heat oil and shallow fry

Sticky wing

Cut off the tips of the wings

Separate wings and drummers

Marinate with spices of yr choice overnyt

Lay on a wire rack and bake.wen crispy take them out and brush w sauce.out bake in oven and bake fr 5
MNS then serve


3/4 cup tomato sauce

3/4 cup BBQ sauce

1/4 cup brown sugar

Salt and pepper to taste

Putvin a saucepan and simmer until sugar has dissolved


Marinate yr meat with spices of your choice overnyt

Preheat yr oven

Dip yr skewers in hot to prevent them from burning in the oven




Green,red,yellow peppers

Cut into cubes and add salt and oil.set take out yr meat and skewers.stack yr piece of meat
followed by a vegie until desired size

Place them on a wire and grill

Note** place yr wire rack inside a deep roasting pan

Chicken marinade


Lemon juice

White pepper


Garlic and ginger paste


for the sauce if u want a darker sauce

Fry onions

Add half cup brown sugar.vinegar.tomato sauce.water.tablespoon of worcester sauce

Let it boil .add a tspn of molasses .a bit of chilli powder if u want a hot sauce.let it simmer Kebbabs

Marinate yr meat with spices of your choice overnyt

Preheat yr oven

Dip yr skewers in hot to prevent them from burning in the oven




Green,red,yellow peppers

Cut into cubes and add salt and oil.set take out yr meat and skewers.stack yr piece of meat
followed by a vegie until desired size

Place them on a wire and grill

Note** place yr wire rack inside a deep roasting pan

Sticky wing

Cut off the tips of the wings

Separate wings and drummers

Marinate with spices of yr choice overnyt

Lay on a wire rack and bake.wen crispy take them out and brush w sauce.out bake in oven and bake fr 5
MNS then serve

3/4 cup tomato sauce

3/4 cup BBQ sauce

1/4 cup brown sugar

Salt and pepper to taste

Putvin a saucepan and simmer until sugar has dissolved


500g mince

2 tablessppons beaten egg

Salt to taste


Mixed herbs

Grated onion.

Bbq spice

2 tbspns flour

***u can add spices of yr choice

Mix together and form into balls.refrigerate fr 15 mns

Heat oil and shallow fry

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