Chapter 1-3 Draft (Revised)

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Background of the Study

Television today has become an integral part of every household. It is a good and

healthy source of both entertainment and education (Heisenberg, 2018). It provides both

sound and picture at the same time making it a great source of entertainment. Television

is also an informative device that allows the broadcast of news both at local and global

levels to ensure that all individuals are kept updated. It is therefore used as a media of

communication disseminating information to millions of viewers.

In-classroom and out-of-classroom instructional television has been considered

as an effective instructional technology. Away from the traditional approach, wherein

chalk and board are the primary tool in imparting knowledge (Pandey, 2013). In

Philippines classroom, television in the classroom is increasingly gaining its popularity

(Demacais, 2014). In the Philippines, Batas Pambasa 2032 or also known as Educational

Act of 1982, suggested to strengthen the technology in the classroom. As to this date,

instructional technology such as TV has been a practice in the classroom in some schools

in the Philippines especially in public schools.

The Philippines continues to grapple with poor technology preparation in the

classroom. When it comes to the Filipino educational system, this is a huge and essential

topic in the country. Because the government places minimal emphasis on education,

various challenges arise that make it difficult for teachers to assist students in learning

more efficiently because there are insufficient resources for classroom supplies and

infrastructure. Despite the fact that this technology exists, chalk and board are still

frequently used in the Philippines. Traditionally, the government gives school teachers a

yearly chalk stipend to purchase chalk, erasers, and other visual assistance materials.

Chalk allowance is currently known as cash allowance. In School Year 2011, this

monetary allowance was worth 700 pesos (Tinio & Castro, 2016). Because this sum is

insufficient to meet the demands of instructors, particularly in K-12 programs, this

allowance has been increased to three thousand and five hundred pesos per teacher per

year (Cabico, 2018).

Furthermore, educators and businesses are adhering to and assisting in the

materialization of the rationale of K to 12 programs as technology centered classrooms.

Some proof that TV is used in the classroom may be found in the study of (Jaucian,

2017), who stated that instructors introduce technology into the classroom. Another

example is the articles in newspapers and online news about companies donating a

learning tool package to support the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum (SMART

Communications, 2016); Samsung has been active in promoting its innovations to help

improve educational procedures in Philippine schools (Fernandez, Pante, & Seng, 2014).

In Pontevedra Christian School Inc., there are some classes who has already

utilized a television in their classroom that can be used by teachers and students every

time they have a class discussion. For that reason, this study will serve as a key in

determining and understanding the influence of using television as a learning tool among

the secondary students of Pontevedra Christian School Inc., Lastly, the findings of this

study will be useful in enhancing the quality of learning in Pontevedra Christian School

Inc., Therefore, the conduct of this study is essential for the utilization of televisions in

Pontevedra Christian School, Inc.

Statement of the Problem

This study will seek the influence of television usage as a learning tool in

Pontevedra Christian School, Inc.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Grade Level

2. What are the students’ attitudes when television is incorporated as a learning tool

according to their age, sex, and grade-level?

3. What are the students’ attitudes towards the subject matter and overall

engagement in the learning process when incorporating television as a learning


4. Is using television as a learning tool has influence on the learning process

experienced by the respondent?

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored to the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of

Technology, the actual use of technology is determined by behavioral intention.

Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and conducive factors all

have a direct impact on the perceived likelihood of adopting the technology (Marikyan,

D. et al., 2023).

The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology applications revealed a

substantial dependence of behavioral intention on two perceptual elements, namely

perceived performance and perceived ease of use. The technology acceptance framework,

for example, was utilized to comprehend the acceptability of pharmacokinetics-based

clinical decision support systems. Except for facilitating conditions, which influenced

solely the actual use of the technology, all constructs had a substantial effect on intention.

Understanding users' requirements, preferences, and contexts is emphasized in the

Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology approach. Change enablers could

actively involve end users in the technology adoption process from the start. User

surveys, interviews, and focus groups can provide significant insights into their

expectations, issues, and special needs. We may design technology solutions to match

their needs by incorporating user feedback and involving them in decision-making,

boosting the likelihood of adoption and utilization.

Lastly, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model provides

a comprehensive framework for comprehending the elements that influence technology

adoption and utilization. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

model provides useful insights into improving the efficacy and efficiency of our work for

us as change enablers. We may build a conducive atmosphere for technology adoption by

taking into account the four primary variables of performance expectancy, effort

expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. We can leverage the power of

technology to create good change and accomplish sustainable agriculture practices by


using user-centric approaches, regularly reviewing and upgrading technological solutions,

promoting cooperation, and bridging the digital gap.

Conceptual Framework
Predictor Criterion

Influence of Television
Television Usage

Figure 1. The conceptual framework determines the relationship among the Predictor and

In this Conceptual Framework shows the “Television Usage” as the Predictor in

this study that influences the Criterion which is the “Influence of Television Usage” as a

learning tool.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following groups:

Students. This study will show the influence of using television as a learning tool

in Pontevedra Christian School, Inc. Therefore, this study will benefit the student through

the utilization of television in every classroom of Pontevedra Christian School, Inc. to

enhance the quality of their learning.

Faculty and School Administration. The findings of this study will be used to

provide insights into the use of television as a learning tool and to inform the school

administrators on the most effective ways to use television to enhance the quality of

learning in Pontevedra Christian School, Inc.


Curriculum Developers. This study will help in identifying the use of television

for teaching and learning. Therefore, it could be useful for curriculum developers in


Future Researchers. This study will discover new information on the influence

of television usage as learning tool, giving the researchers an opportunity explores and

gain new knowledge. Therefore, this study may benefit the future researchers.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will focus on the influence of Television Usage as a Learning tool in

Pontevedra Christian School, Inc. The respondents of the study are the Secondary

Students of Pontevedra Christian School, Inc. They were the basis why we conduct this

research. In this study, we will utilize the 116 randomly selected secondary students and

use the Survey-Questionnaire type research instrument to collect the necessary data


Definition of Terms

The following definition of terms were defined conceptually and operationally for


Television. The television is a system for transmitting visual images and sound

that reproduced on screens, chiefly. It is used to broadcast programs for entertainment,

information, and education (Oxford Languages).

In this study, the TV or television refers to an electronic device used by teachers

and students in a class discussion. It is used with the help of the internet to browse

educational videos online and is also used to connect with another device such as laptop

or smartphone to duplicates the display of a device onto the television for a much better


Learning. Learning is a process of getting an understanding of something by

studying it or by experience (Cambridge Dictionary, 2023).

In this study, learning refers to a process that leads to change as a result of

experience and raises the potential for improved performance of a student.

Learning tool. Learning tool is any tool that enhances the learning process and

helps learners to improve their learning experience.

In this study this will refer to a device or instrument that does any particular work

to assist a learner in his/her learning experience.

Usage. Usage is the use of something, the way in which it is used, or how much it

has been used (Cambridge Dictionary, 2023).

In this study, it refers to the television use of students. Specifically, it refers on

how they use television as a learning tool.




Conceptual Literature

Television, abbreviated as "TV," is a popular electronic gadget and means of

communication that broadcasts moving images and sound to a large audience. It enables

the transmission and receipt of audiovisual content such as television programs, news,

entertainment, instructional content, and so on. Television technology is concerned with

the capture, transmission, and presentation of images and audio in real time or as

recorded content.

Television may play an important role in the learning process when used properly,

functioning as a great instructional tool. While it is critical to maintain a balance between

television and other forms of education, such as classroom instruction and hands-on


Television is used in schools as a supplement to traditional teaching techniques

and is strategically integrated into the curriculum. Teachers and educators must carefully

pick and assess content to ensure that it matches with educational goals. The use of

television in schools may also vary depending on budget constraints and the availability

of technology and resources.


Television in schools has evolved over time, and its use can vary greatly based on

educational goals, available technology, and specific needs. When used correctly,

television may be a helpful tool in educational contexts. Teachers can supplement their

teachings with short video clips and multimedia presentations. These can include

historical video, scientific experiments, or simulations that supplement the curriculum.

Documentaries, scientific presentations, history classes, and other educational

programming are available on television. It can expose kids to subjects and issues they

might not have encountered otherwise. Educational television programs that are well-

designed can catch learners' attention and interest, making the learning process more

engaging. Interactive and visually appealing content can boost motivation and curiosity.

Television can bring real-world circumstances and experiences into the

classroom, allowing students to see practical applications of academic principles.

Educational performances, for example, can include scientists doing experiments or

historical reenactments.

They can employ televisions to construct or use interactive quizzes or game

shows in which students can participate. These can be focused on the material they've

been studying, and students can compete either alone or in groups. Use instructional

gaming platforms that allow students to learn while having fun. These games can be

played in groups or individually on the television screen.

Encourage students to make instructive videos, presentations, or mini-

documentaries of their own. They can conduct research, write scripts, film, and edit their

movies, which will ultimately be shown to the class on television.


Television usage in School’s in the Philippines

Television use in schools has been a key element of the educational landscape in

the Philippines, as in many other nations. Television has aided many educational projects

and addressed unique educational difficulties in the country.

Television can be used as an educational resource in both public and private

schools in the Philippines. Some private schools may have more leeway in using

instructional technologies, such as television, into their teaching techniques.

Knowledge Channel, ABS-CBN Foundation's Channel, and GMA's GMA News

TV all offer instructional content that can be used in classrooms. These channels provide

programming to supplement the national curriculum.

In classrooms, television is employed as a supplement. Educational programs and

content can be used by teachers to reinforce courses, give real-world context, or expose

pupils to new topics.

It is crucial to emphasize that, like in any country, the use of television in

education in the Philippines should be consistent with the educational objectives and

curriculum defined by the Department of Education. The government and educational

institutions must ensure that the content given is of good quality and that students have

access to the technology needed to benefit from television-based education. Furthermore,

as technology and educational demands evolve, television's function in Philippine schools

may change and adapt to new problems and opportunities.

Related Studies

Several studies have noticed that the use of television as a learning tool has a

positive impact on the effectiveness, competency, and confidence of teachers and

activates a sense of learning, encourages students to engage in learning, and encourages

them to study more. According to the Averion et al. (2020) study, teachers become

competent, confident, and effective in teaching while using LED televisions. While

students are more motivated, interested, and engaged in learning, they are disturbed or

distracted whenever technical problems occur.

According to the findings of Nnenna Ngozi Benwari’s (2015) study, there is no

statistically significant difference between male and female secondary school teachers'

assessments of the use of television as an instructional medium for concept analysis in

secondary schools. As a result, it was proposed that the use of television be embraced as

an innovation and supported in order to widen and enhance learning activities in schools.

Furthermore, Upesh Chakravartty (2017) study on Television as an Effective Teaching-

Learning Device found that televisions is a force for strengthening the teaching-learning


Additionally, based on the report written by (Jaucian, 2017) of CNN Philippines on

the distribution of Technology Devices such as Tablets and Televisions on the far-flung

Barangays of Coron, Palawan, these devices still serve as useful links to the rest of the

world and, eventually, as tools for academic development when the students move to the

city center to study high school. We’ve usually associated gadgets with leisurely whims

— social networking, video streaming, and mobile games — but stripped down to their

most important aspects, they are essential tools for learning.


Television is a popular electronic device that broadcasts moving images and sound

to a large audience, enabling the transmission and reception of audiovisual content such

as television programs, news, entertainment, and instructional content. When used

properly, television can play an important role in the learning process, functioning as a

great instructional tool. In schools, television is used as a supplement to traditional

teaching techniques and is strategically integrated into the curriculum. Teachers and

educators must carefully pick and assess content to ensure it matches with educational


Television can be used to supplement teachings with short video clips, multimedia

presentations, documentaries, scientific presentations, history classes, and other

educational programming. It can also bring real-world experiences into the classroom,

allowing students to see practical applications of academic principles. Educational

television programs can be interactive, visually appealing, and encourage students to

make instructive videos, presentations, or mini-documentaries.

In the Philippines, television has been a key element of the educational landscape,

assisting many educational projects and addressing unique educational difficulties. The

government and educational institutions must ensure that the content given is of good

quality and that students have access to the technology needed for television-based



Research Methodology

This chapter presents the locale and participants of the study, research design,

research instruments, data gathering procedure, and data analysis procedure.

Research Design

A Quantitative Descriptive Survey Research Design is a strategy used in social

sciences and other domains to collect and analyze data in a systematic and structured

manner with the goal of characterizing a specific phenomenon or group of occurrences.

This methodology is primarily focused with acquiring objective, numerical data that can

be measured and summarized, allowing for a full and exact knowledge of the issue under


Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Secondary School Department of Pontevedra

Christian School, Inc. (PCS) located at Ibarra St., Pontevedra, Capiz during the First

Semester of the School Year 2023-2024.

Respondents of the Study


The respondents of the study are limited to the One Hundred Sixteen (116)

randomly selected Secondary School’s students of Pontevedra Christian School, Inc.


Sample Size and Sampling Technique

The target population of this study consist of 267 secondary students of

Pontevedra Christian School, Inc. (PCS). Due to time and accessibility constrains, it is

impossible to survey the whole population. With that, the researchers used the Slovin’s

Formula in determining the appropriate sample size. From a population size of 267, a

sample size of 116 secondary students will be randomly selected to represent the

population with 0.07 margin of error.

n= 2
(1+ N e )
n= no of samples
N= total population
e= margin of error
n= 2
1+267 ( 0.07 )
1+267 (0.0049)
n = 116.08 or 116

The sampling technique that the researchers will use is the method of random

sampling. According to this method, which belongs to the category of probability

sampling techniques.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use the Survey Questionnaire as the primary instruments in

this study. The Survey Questionnaire is divided into two parts. The first part will consist

the demographic profile of the respondents of this study. The second part will consist a

set of questions that are aimed in eliciting relevant information on the influence of

television usage as a learning tool at Pontevedra Christian School, Inc.

Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument

The modified survey-questionnaire will be submitted to a panel of experts for

content and face validation. After checking the research instrument, it will undergo

through pilot testing to ensure its validity and reliability before being administered to the


Data Gathering Procedure

In collecting data, the researchers will prepare a letter to be sent to the school

principal, requesting permission to conduct the study. After securing approval, the

researchers will set a schedule for the pilot test and validate the research instrument and

after that, the researchers will schedule for the distribution of the validated survey-

questionnaire for the students. On the scheduled day of the students, the researchers will

distribute survey-questionnaire to the students.

Categorization of the Variables

Demographic Profile

Age. Age will be categorized into 13 and below, 14-16, and 17 and above.

Sex. Sex will be categorized into male and female.

Grade Level. Grade Level will be categorized into grade 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Influence of Television Usage as a Learning Tool among the Secondary

Students of Pontevedra Christian School, Inc. S.Y. 2023 – 2024. Influence of

Television Usage as a Learning Tool among the Secondary Students of Pontevedra

Christian School, Inc. S.Y. 2023 – 2024 will use the below scaling of scores below:

Scale Verbal Interpretations

Below 1.50 No Influence
1.50 – 2.49 Limited Influence
2.50 – 3.49 Moderate Influence
3.50 – 4.49 Important Influence
4.50 – 5.00 Very Important Influence
Table 1. Likert’s Scale of Interpretation.

Data Analysis Procedure

After the evaluation of the respondents’ responses on the given instrument, the

data gathered will be subjected to the data processing procedure for organization,

presentation, and statistical treatment to analyze and interpret the results obtained. The

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 20 will be used to

perform the statistical computation. The following statistical tools will be used:

Frequency Count and Percentage. This will be used to get the socio-demographic

profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, and grade level.


Mean. This will be used to get the average raw score of the respondents’ attitudes

towards the subject matter and engagement in the learning process when incorporating

television as a learning tool.

Standard Deviation (SD). This was to describe the dispersion of scores about the mean.

T-test for Independent Samples. This will be used to determine the significant

difference in the attitudes and engagement of the respondents according to their sex.

One – Way ANOVA. This will be used to determine the significant difference in the

attitudes and engagement of the respondents according to their age and grade level.


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