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Inhabitants of the south east of England are the

most A_____________members of society.On
average, they have the most disposable income.
2. Billy is learning English in order to
S___________his skills.
3. Melanie splashed out on a broad A__________of
clothes in the shop.
4. Nelly is extremely F______________about which
fare she consumes in restaurants.She only eats
particular types of food.
5. Timmy is extremely assiduous in his high-flying
job.He’s C_______________.
6. Mary H__________a taxi due to the teeming rain.
7. Davina got D____________in the aforementioned
8. Johnny nodded off during the meeting as it was
L___________.It never seemed to end.
9. Belinda is well- respected by her
P________________.her fellow teachers think she
is outstanding in her job.
10. There are several sizeable
C________________in the UK which stretch for
11. The food was D____________in the British
restaurant. I thoroughly enjoyed the roast beef.
12. The army A___________the enemy in the
bitter conflict.
13. George was F__________________at 3pm in
the afternoon.He was becoming weary.
14. It’s crucial that you U___________when you
arrive home.It’s important you take it easy.
15. Hampstead and Richmond are
16. Barney is fighting fit.He ran 1o miles with
ease.He did it E__________________.
17. There is a D_____________of agreeable days
in the UK.The sun rarely shines.
18. Lucy had a humdrum day yesterday. Nothing
really happened,so her day was U___________.
19. The police are setting out to ascertain who
was the P____________of the crime.
20. My auntie June is 90 years old and is very

weak.She’s F_________.

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