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SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication

Communication Model used as an analysis tool for evaluating the

Various Models at a Glance communication process & components.  Components
LINEAR are the questions to be asked to get the answers & keep
- Lasswell’s Model communication going.
- Shannon Weaver Model S
- Berlo’s S-M-C-R Model Who The Control
TRANSACTIONAL communicator Analysis
- Barnlund’s Transactional Model or sender or
- Helical Model source of
- Becker’s Mosaic Model message
INTERACTIONAL Says What The content of Content
- Schramm’s Interactive Model message Analysis
OTHER - Dance’s Helical Spiral Model In which The medium or Media
- Westley and MacLean’s Conceptual Channel media Analysis
Model To whom The receiver or Audience
an audience Analysis
LINEAR MODEL With what The feedback of Effect analysis
LINEAR model of communication is a simple one way effect the receiver to
communication model. The message flows in a straight the sender
line from sender to the receiver. There is no concept of •Effective Communication Process.
feedback. The only task that a receiver does here is to •Mass media. Only rich can communicate
receive the message. Different models that follow •Does not include feedback and ignores noise
linear model of communication are: •Does not consider barriers of communication
 Lasswell’s Model
 Aristotle’s Model
 Shannon Weaver Model
 Berlo’s S-M-C-R Mode
In TRANSACTIONAL model, senders and receivers
both are known as communicators and both play
equally important role in communication.
Transactional model relates communication with social
reality, cultural up-bringing and relational context
(relationships). Nonverbal feedback like gestures, body
language, is also considered as feedback in this model.
Different models that follow transactional model of
communication are:
 Barnlund’s Transactional Model
 Helical Model
 Becker’s Mosaic Model
INTERACTIVE model or convergence model is
similar to transactional model as they are both two way
communication model. But, interactive model is
mostly used for new media like internet. Here, people
can respond to any mass communications like videos,
news, etc. People can exchange their views and ideas.
Different models that follow interactive model of
communication are:
 Schramm’s Interactive Model
Aka action model or linear or one way model of
communication. It is one the most influential
communication models.  Has 5 components which is
SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication
SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication
SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication

The modern-day style of communication features
developed primarily from the early on work associated
with Shannon along with Weaver along with
Schramm. These experts have been related to
expounding on the process of communication in a way
that may be useful in most situations. Off their
work, the ultra-modern, as well as a modern-day style
of communication, developed. The normal regions
of a modern-day style of communication incorporate
communicator, encoding, information, moderate,
recipient, decoding, and suggestions along with
SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication
- Distance doesn’t matter because you’ll be able
to contact a person on phone.
- Information can be found in a matter of seconds
in the internet.
- Ideas and notes can easily be shared and an
EXAMPLES OF THE MODEL: ● Social Media. immediate reaction obtained on a specific topic.
● Social Media – Direct Message (DM) DISADVANTAGES OF CONTEMPORARY
● Email Marketing. - It lacks power in certain instances
● Direct Email. because of the formation of users and the ability for
● Blogging. them to express themselves via digital
● Voice Calling. media.
Consequently, a wide range of information has not
ADVANTAGES OF been subjected to an authoritative censor.
- The diffusion of knowledge may
occur when someone who has not finished a
- Messages can be sent or received within a few
fundamental level of education falls into
information that has no base or foundation.
- There are search filters available via digital
media, which need just a computer and a mobile
- Communication delivered through
device and the usage of a keyword or word to locate
text message, email, or social media might be
an infinite amount of information. As a result,
misinterpreted by other users if the message is not
traditional media loses audience attention since
properly formatted.
they have a set schedule at a certain day and time
that may not interest the individual whose
attention is being targeted.
It limits the development of
relationship by limiting face-to-face interactions
- Thanks to the impact of modern communication,
and dependence on telephone communication.
there is a message transmitted and a user as a
Modern means of communication make written
receiver capable of developing an opinion about it.
communication easier but face-to-face interaction
strengthens relationships.
- Whenever a user accesses information, that
- Modern means of communication are
information is shared with another user, who is
insecure just as information is stored centralized in
often unaware of this connection until it happens.
one database. Pirates or viruses may also attempt to
Hyperlinks in digital media have developed a
compromise it.
network of linkages that enable you to learn more
about a topic in greater detail.
- Modern Communication methods are
unhealthy for the body, especially because they
use low-frequency signaling technology, which may
- The process of communication covered all
result in weariness and sleep issues.
parts of the world so that the world has become
a small village.
- The rapid sharing of information on
social media sometimes causes misinformation.
- The process of communication covered all
Misinformation on social media spreads quickly in
parts of the world so that the world has become
comparison to traditional media because of the lack
a small village.
of regulation and examination required before
The use of modern methods
significantly reduces the effort, cost and time.
Communication models help identify and
understand the components and relationship of
SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication
the communication process being studied. Models
represent new ideas and thought on various aspects
of communication which helps us to plan for
effective communication system. Communication
and society are inextricably linked. We are
surrounded by a "web of different meanings,"
which we communicate verbally, non-verbally, with
the help of the rapid development of information
and communication technologies. While there are
communities and societies, communication will
also exist. Modern communications are
important and indispensable where became an
essential part of all life fields. Modern
communications have made communication and
information transmission easier, faster, less
expensive and more efficient. Let us also remember
electronic crimes and the health risks associated
with the use of such means. With modern
communication, you can communicate with family
and friends without all the complexities that come
with date rates, by either audio/video calls, or
sending text messages, images, video, user location
and audio media messages from one smart phone to
another instantly regardless of what data plan the
two people have. You can also broadcast single
messages to multiple persons at a time. This shows
why modern communication is important in our
present life style and why the popularity of modern
communication increases over days and years.
SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication
this about each other can communicate in
ways that resonate more effectively with each
3. Cultural Awareness in Body Language
GLOBALIZATION  Awareness of cultural differences in body
What is Globalization? – a process of interaction and language can be just as important as the
integration among people, companies, and nuances of speech.
governments of different nations, a process driven by  It is important to understand acceptable
information technology. This process has effects on the speaking distances, conflict styles, eye contact
environment, on culture, on political systems, on and posture in different cultures, accepting that
economic development and prosperity, and on human the physical expressions of their own culture
physical well-being in societies around the world. are not universally accepted.
Globalization is a two-way process. If there 4. Time Differences
was no mass media, globalization would not have been  The advent of global collaboration introduces
possible. The information disseminates from one part another new dynamic to communication skills
of the world to other part in seconds, this miracle is -- the need to communicate and share
just due to the mass media. Hence, we can say that information with people across several time
globalization and mass media are interdependent. zones. When people collaborate with others on
Globalization is only possible because of mass media the other side of the globe, their counterparts
and on the other hand mass media gets advanced due are usually at home asleep while they
to globalization. themselves are at work.
1. Virtual Interaction GLOBAL COMMUNICATION - It describes the way
 Globalization has introduced virtual countries and people of the world interact and
communication and collaboration as a major integrate. Many things have become globalized as
part of workplace dynamics. people come into contact. Economic globalization is
 One must understand the strengths and how countries are coming together as one big global
limitations of different communications media, economy, making international trade easier. As its
and how to use each medium to maximum root, global communication can be defined just as any
effect. communication can: a message is sent fromone person
 Communicating via email requires a certain or group to another anywhere in the world, which can
etiquette and nuance not necessarily required be described as a five-step process:
in face-to-face interactions. 1.A person or organization in one country sends a
 Holding virtual meetings requires a similar message
change in approach, and people who are 2. The message is encoded.
unaccustomed to communicating in groups in 3. The message travels through a channel or medium.
virtual settings can find themselves lost, 4. The receiver in another country decodes the
confused or unable to share their input. message.
2. Cultural Awareness in Speech 5. The recipient receives the message
 The need for cultural awareness is a major  In a globalized world, effective
impact of globalization on the required skillset communication is a necessity. When friends,
of effective communicators. relatives, and colleagues need to reach all
 Communicators need the ability to catch subtle corners of the world, it is easy to see the
nuances of people's manner of speech when importance of global communications in the
communicating across cultures. world today.
 Cultural differences can affect vocabulary,  Global communications are not only the
colloquial expressions, voice tone and taboo interaction between two employees within
topics. your organization
 In Japanese business culture, for example, it  The study of global communication examines
can be considered rude to ask personal how information is exchanged across
questions in an initial business meeting. geographical and social divides, as well as
 In the U.S., on the other hand, asking personal how communication both impacts and is
questions and sharing personal information influenced by culture, politics, media,
can display warmth and openness. American economies, health, and relationships in the age
and Japanese business people who understand of globalization.
SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication

WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS We think and act as Filipinos because our parents
brought us up this way. We acquired complete
OF GLOBALIZATION IN LANGUAGE knowledge and understanding of our cultural norms
USE AND COMMUNICATION? from our parents, teachers, relatives, and friends. Our
 With globalization allowing languages and cultural norms satisfy us, we accept them as “true,”
their cultures to spread and dominate on a and we follow them
global scale, it leads to the extinction of other 2. Cultures are shared
languages and cultures. We act as members of our own cultural group, not as
 Language contributes to the formation of individuals, because belonging to a culture means
culture, such as through vocabulary, greetings following the norms of the group. Fitting into the
or humor. group means acceptance and fellowship, and it
 Language is in a sense the substance of provides us members with feelings of security and
culture. love.
 The globalization of communication implies 3. Cultures are multifaceted
the freedom of movement of ideas, We are surrounded by cultural norms that affect
information, images, and reporters. language, religion, basic world view, education,
 The globalization of communication follows technology, social organization, politics, and law, all
economical and military globalization: the interacting with one another. Behaviors and things
ideas, information and people are following common to people who live together in social groups
the economical and military fluxes are considered cultural universals, but the performance
transforming societies and markets, and at the of these activities and things differs dramatically from
same time, affecting their knowledge and culture to culture.
behavior, as well as their attitudes towards 4. Cultures are dynamic
culture, society and politics. Cultures constantly change as cultural contact
 Although globalization claims to incorporate increases, new technologies emerge, and economic
the whole world, it is actually generating conditions vary. Globalization has greatly changed
exclusion. relationships of nations and governments. Cell phones
 Globalization is based on communication, but have drastically changed interpersonal communication,
it is not equally accessible to everyone. A and the availability of the Internet has affected how
country, in order to participate in the people of varied cultures recognize and respect their
globalization process, must gather a minimum differences. Instead of having set ideas about cultural
level of required means and infrastructure to norms, we should be sensitive, observe changes, and
be able to be connected to the rest of the deal with these changes accordingly.
world. 5. Cultural identities are overlapping
 The context of globalization requires effective We belong to multiple, overlapping cultures as we
communication skills from students and interact with one another. Some of these cultures work
workers to cope with the demands and together while others clash. We all belong to national,
challenges brought about by this phenomenon. regional, social class, ethnic, professional, religious,
This includes communicating effectively with age, and gender cultures. Sometimes one or more of
people of different background, age, culture, these identities become significant while others take a
gender, beliefs, orientations, preferences, and back seat, but when the overlapping cultures create
status differences that cannot be ignored, conflicts and
CULTURE problems arise. It is seldom that any two people
 Culture has been defined as “the learned and become members of exactly the same cultures, and
shared behavior of a community of interacting none of us follow all the rules of the cultures where we
human beings” (Useem & Useem, 1963, p. are member.
169) or as “a system of beliefs, assumptions, Barriers to Effective International
and values shared by a group of people”
(Fileding, 1996, as cited in Singh &
Rampersad, 2010) 1. Ethnocentrism.
 It is a “learned set of shared interpretations Ethnocentrism refers to the belief that a person’s
about beliefs, values, and norms that affect the culture (his “in-group”culture) is much better than any
behaviors of a relatively large group of other group’s culture (an “out-group” culture), and the
people” (Lustig & Koester, 2003). tendency is for that person to judge any “out-group”
culture by using the norms of his “in-group” culture.
CHARACTERISTICS OF All of us are, to some extent, ethnocentric, whose
CULTURES ethnocentricity falls somewhere on a scale between
1. Cultures are learned, not innate “low” and “high”. Our level of ethnocentricity affects
SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication
our ability to successfully communicate cross 1. Technology provides us with unlimited
culturally. information.
2. Stereotypes and prejudices. 2. It creates opportunities for meeting new
Stereotyping and being prejudiced against cultural people.
groups are the main barriers to intercultural 3. It helps us keep in touch with family and
communication. The negative characteristics attributed friends anywhere in the world.
to one group can cause beliefs and feelings that lead to 4. It brings new diversity to our culture and our
biases and discrimination against that group. The lives.
discriminated group often suffers from being rejected 5. It fosters better cooperation among different
and avoided in cross-cultural interactions. cultural groups.
3. Stereotypes. 6. It isolates us.
 Are generalized negative traits assigned to a 7. It can make us create second lives. (Gamble &
group of people (e.g.,ace, nationality, religion, Gamble, 2013)
social class, sexual orientation, age, gender) Barriers in Communication
even if these traits may only reflect a selected
The term ‘Barriers’, ‘Obstacles’, ‘Hindrances’ and
few of the group.
‘Noise’ are all used to describe the distracting stimuli
 A stereotype is a generalization of a group of
associated with the communication process.
people based on a small sample of these
 Language
4. Prejudice.
Signs and Symbols (Semantics)
 An offshoot of stereotypes, is an unfair
Stereotypes and Prejudices
thought, belief, or feeling of dislike for a
 Behavior and Beliefs
person or group because of race, nationality,
 Religion
gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, and
 Ethnocentrism
so on.
 It is a negative preconceived opinion held by Developing Cross-Cultural
one group toward members of another group Communication Skills
that biases perception and provides a reason 1. Slow down
for discrimination. When someone is 2. Separate questions
prejudiced, it is usually referring to his 3. Avoid negative questions
thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about a certain 4. Take turns
group of people, which he learns only from his 5. Write it down
“in-group,” not from any first-hand, direct 6. Be supportive
contact with “out-group” members. 7. Check meanings
5. Assumed similarities. 8. Avoid slang
 An assumption of similarity is a baseless, 9. Watch the humor
unreasonable refusal to see cultural differences 10. Maintain etiquette
where they exist. This happens when members Why cross-culture is important?
of one group assume that all groups behave the •Globalization
same way they do, that what is true to their •Business opportunities
results in insensitivity to cultural difference •Job opportunities
6. Anxiety. •Sharing of views and ideas
 Intercultural communication anxiety is the fear •Talent improvisation
or apprehension associated with either real or •An understanding of diverse market
anticipated communication with people from (1) creating awareness
another cultural group. (2) imparting knowledge
 The fear is often caused by differences in (3) projecting an image
language ability, verbal and nonverbal (4) shaping attitude
communication styles, and expression of (5) stimulating a want or desire
emotions. Both “in-group” and “out-group” (6) effecting a sale
cultures may experience feelings of
impatience, frustration, and suspicion while
communicating or even in anticipation of the
interaction, which can then increase anxiety in
both parties
Impact of Technology on
SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication
SUBJECT: GE5 – Purposive Communication

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