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A104 Biology.

Lesson 10: Evolve through time

Team Assignment

Some researchers have used comparative anatomy to create a phylogeny to prove evolution.

A. Create a phylogeny using comparative anatomy. Using a minimum of 4 types of

organisms, justify with reasons to why the specific anatomy was chosen in the creation of
the phylogeny tree.
(Note: the examples should not be taken from pre-reading resources and SCORM lesson).
B. Evaluate if this method is the best way to prove evolution.

Present your team’s findings in PowerPoint (PPT) slides. You should consider the following aspects in
the slides:

1. What is comparative anatomy and how is it used to create a phylogeny?

2. What is the specific anatomy, which was used in making the comparison?
3. Is this method the best way to prove evolution?


1. The total number of slides should NOT exceed 8 slides (excluding cover, content and
reference slide)
2. At the bottom of each slide, state the name of the team member(s) who drafted the specific
3. PLAIGARISM is a SERIOUS offence. All resources should be cited and referenced. Teams who
are caught plagiarising would be subjected to downgrade by 1 letter grade for assignment
grade component.
4. DEADLINE of submission: Submission via Team Submission Folder by 2359 of Lesson Day.

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