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Supplément au Compte rendu


Conférence technique maritime préparatoire

Genève, 13-24 septembre 2004

Supplement to the Record of Proceedings


Preparatory Technical Maritime Conference

Geneva, 13-24 September 2004

Suplemento de Actas


Conferencia Técnica Marítima Preparatoria

Ginebra, 13-24 de septiembre de 2004

Advisers and substitute delegates
Afrique du Sud South Africa
SIEKER, Achim, Mr., Federal Ministry of Economy and
Sudáfrica Labour.
KURTH, Orloff, Mr., Federal Ministry of Economy and
Government Delegate DIRKS, Jan, Mr., Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
SEAFILED, Virgil, Mr., Manager, Employment Standards. and Housing.
ESCHERICH, Peter, Mr., Federal Ministry of Transport,
Building and Housing.
Adviser and substitute delegate
KNOSPE, Armin, Mr., Federal Ministry of Health and
LUSENGA, Lindiwe, Ms., Counsellor, Permanent Social Security.
Mission, Geneva. FRIESE, Kay, Mr., Germanischer Lloyd.
KRANEN, Dirk, Mr., Counsellor, Financial Affairs,
Shipowners' Delegate Permanent Mission, Geneva.
YASAR, Sabriye, Ms., Intern, Permanent Mission,
SNOOK, Richard, Mr., Recruiting Manager, Unicorn Geneva.
Shipowners' Delegate
Advisers and substitute delegates
LINDEMANN, Dierk, Mr., Managing Director,
DANIELS, Paul, Mr., Senior Crewing Manager, Association of German Shipowners (VDR).
O'BRIEN, Steve, Mr., Crewing Manager, Smith Marine.
Advisers and substitute delegates
Seafarers' Delegate BREUER, Henry, Mr., Shipowner.
KÖSTER, Klaus, Mr., Head of Unit, Association of
DLAMINI, Thulani, Mr., Collective Bargaining Secretary, German Shipowners (VDR).
Seafarers' Delegate
Advisers and substitute delegates
BENZE, Dieter, Mr., Head, Maritime Division, Federal
HARRIS, Steve, Mr., General-Secretary, UTATI. Board, Ver.di.
MANKGE, Zack, Mr., General Secretary, Transport and
Allied Workers Union.
Advisers and substitute delegates
HESSE, Karin, Ms., Head, Transport Division, Federation
North, Ver.di.
Algérie Algeria Argelia STANGE, Jörg, Mr., Inspector, Ver.di.

Délégué gouvernemental
DEMBRI, Mohamed-Salah, M., Ambassadeur,
Angola Angola Angola
Représentant permanent, Mission permanente, Genève.
Délégué gouvernemental
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
NGOVE LUSSOKE, David, M., Directeur, Cabinet de
ZEBIRI, Nacereddine, M., Ministère des Transports. Relations internationales, Ministère de l'Administration
KENDOUCI, Abdelkader, M., Ministère des Transports. publique, l'Emploi et la Sécurité sociale (MAPESS).
KHENIDJOU, Mohamed, M., Ministère des Transports.
SEDKI, Boualem, M., Ministre, Mission permanente,
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
BOURBIA, Ahmed, M., Directeur des Relations du MBUNGA, M'bizi, M., Chef de Section, Normes des Gens
Travail, Ministère du Travail et de la Sécurité sociale. de Mer, Direction nationale de la Marine Marchande et
des Ports, Ministère des Transports.
NATALIA, Maria Manuela, Mme, Directrice Provinciale,
Allemagne Germany Alemania LUVAMBANO, Alain Michel, M., Juriste, Ministère des
PINTO, Duart Eduardo C., M., Chef de Département,
Government Delegate Ministère de la Pêche.
MABUTA, Simão, M., Conseiller, Ministère de la Pêche.
MÜLLER, Christopher, Mr., Head, Department for
"Principle Questions of Labour Law", Federal Ministry
of Economy and Labour.

Délégué des armateurs
Argentine Argentina Argentina
ALVES DOS SANTOS, Gilberto Pedro Majango, M.,
Directeur, Resources humaines, SECII Maritime.
Delegado gubernamental
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
CHIARADIA, Alfredo, Sr., Embajador, Representante
PAZ COSTA, Gentil do Ceu, M., Administrateur, Permanente, Misión Permanente, Ginebra.
KUNDONGENDE, João da Cruz, M., Directeur, Cabinet Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
de Resources humaines, SONASHIP.
VARELA, Eduardo, Sr., Consejero, Misión Permanente,
Délégué des gens de mer Ginebra.
ALONSO, Lilia María, Sra.
ANTONIO, Ernesto Manuel, M., Secrétaire général, BECKER, Rubén Ramón, Sr.
Syndicat des Travailleurs maritimes, portuaires,
ferroviaires et assimilés. Delegado de los armadores
Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant CABRAL, Guillermo Marcelo, Sr., Asesor, Cámara
Naviera Argentina.
DA COSTA, Tomas José, M., Secrétaire provincial
adjoint, Syndicat indépendant des Travailleurs Delegado de la gente de mar
maritimes et assimilés (SIMA).
SUAREZ, Enrique Omar, Sr., Secretario General,
Sindicato de Obreros Marítimos Unidos (SOMU).

Arabie saoudite Saudi Arabia Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes

Arabia Saudita CASTRO MARCOS, Ricardo, Sr.
VENTURINI, Enrique Oscar, Sr.
RINALDI, Juan Antonio, Sr.
Government Delegate
MOURAD, Faried Yousef Abdulrahman, Mr., Director,
International Marine Transport, Ministry of Transport.
Australie Australia Australia
Advisers and substitute delegates
AL-HARIRI, Hassan Saleh, Mr., Director, Marine Government Delegate
Department, Sea Ports General Organization.
SHELLEY, Colette, Ms., Transport and Resources Team,
ALYAHYA, Yahya N., Mr., Assitant Director-General,
Industries Branch, Workplace Relations
International Organizations, Ministry of Labour.
Implementation Group, Department of Employment
and Workplace Relations.
Shipowners' Delegate
AL-MARZOUQI, Tariq A., Mr., Member, National Adviser and substitute delegate
Marine Transport Committee, Council of Saudi
SAWERS, Mark, Mr., First Secretary, Permanent Mission,
Chambers of Commerce & Industry.
Adviser and substitute delegate
Shipowners' Delegate
AL-OMANI, Isam A., Mr., Member, National Marine
PAYNE, Lachlan, Mr., Chief Executive, Australian
Transport Committee, Council of Saudi Chambers of
Shipowners Association.
Commerce & Industry.

Seafarers' Delegate Seafarers' Delegate

CRUMLIN, Paddy, Mr., National Secretary, Maritime
MATTAR, Sahir A., Mr., National Shipping Company of
Union of Australia.
Saudi Arabia.


Government Delegate
FRANCIS, Judith, Ms., Maritime Attaché, Bahamas High

Adviser and substitute delegate Délégué des armateurs
BELL, Douglas, Mr., Captain, Deputy Director, Bahamas SIMONS-VAN ECHELPOEL, Nicole, Mme, Directeur
Maritime Authority. adjointe, Union royale des Armateurs belges.

Délégué des gens de mer

Bahreïn Bahrain Bahrein KERKHOFS, Joris, M., Responsable, Confédération des

Syndicats chrétiens - Transcom.

Government Delegate
AL ARADI, Ali, Mr., Third Secretary, Permanent Mission, Benin

Délégué gouvernemental

Bangladesh DEHOUE, Martial Alain, M., Directeur de l'Inspection et

de la Vérification interne, Ministère des Travaux
publics et des Transports.
Government Delegate
Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
ALI, Toufiq, Mr., Ambassador, Permanent Representative,
Permanent Mission, Geneva. ANKI DOSSO, Rahanatou, Mme, Directrice de la Marine
Advisers and substitute delegates
Délégué des gens de mer
HOSSAIN, Kazi Imtiaz, Mr., Counsellor, Permanent
Mission, Geneva. SABOU, Daniel, M., Chef, Service matériel flottant, Port
ISLAM, Daniul, Mr., Second Secretary, Permanent autonome, Cotonou.
Mission, Geneva.

Shipowners' Delegate
Brésil Brazil Brasil
HOSSAIN, Ehterab, Mr., General Manager, Hoque and
Sons Ltd.
Government Delegate
Seafarers' Delegate
DE ALMEIDA, Paulo Sérgio, Mr., Labour Inspector,
RAHMAN, Shafiqur, Mr., President, Bangladesh Seamen's Head, Special Unit for Maritime Labour Inspection,
Association. Ministry of Labour and Employment.

Advisers and substitute delegates

Belgique Belgium Bélgica DO NASCIMENTO PEDRO, Antonio Carlos, Mr.,

Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
BARROS DA SILVEIRA, Soraya Rego, Ms., Labour
Inspector, Regional Labour Inspection Unit, State of
Délégué gouvernemental
Pernambuco, Ministry of Labour and Employment.
HUYLEBROECK, Leo, M., Conseiller, Direction générale DE ANGELO BARBOSA, Claudia, Ms., Second
Transport maritime, Service public fédéral Mobilité et Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
Transport. DE CASTRO SALDANHA, Pedro Marcos, Mr., Second
Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
Seafarers' Delegate
CLOESEN, Joseph, M., Conseiller, Division des Affaires
internationales, Service public fédéral Emploi, Travail ALMEIDA FILHO, Severino, Mr., President,
et Concertation sociale. CONTTMAF.
VERHEYDEN, Frédéric, M., Deuxième secrétaire,
Mission permanente, Genève. Advisers and substitute delegates
LEEMANS, Bernard, M., Premier Conciliateur social,
Direction générale Relations collectives de Travail, PIRES DOS SANTOS, Enilson, Mr., Director, Maritime
Service public fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation Issues, CONTTMAF.
sociale. SANTOS PINHEIRO, Darley, Mr., Director, International
BUYSSE, Bart, M., Conseiller adjoint, Direction générale Relations, SINDMAR.
Relations individuelles du Travail, Service public
fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale.

Advisers and substitute delegates
Bulgarie Bulgaria Bulgaria
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
NASSIF, Said, Mr., Manager, Marine Occupational Health
Government Delegate and Safety, Transport Canada.
MARTINOVA, Krasimira, Mrs., Deputy Minister of HEYDER, Ella, Ms., Senior Policy Analyst, International
Transport and Communications. Labour Affairs, Human Resources and Skills
Development Canada.
BÉDARD, Julie, Ms., Project Manager, Marine
Advisers and substitute delegates
Occupational Health and Safety, Transport Canada.
KALEVA, Maria, Mrs., International Legal Norms Unit, MACPHEE, Donald, Mr., Counsellor, Permanent Mission,
Ministry of Transport and Communications. Geneva.
TZANKOV, Georgi, Mr., Chief Inspector, Crisis
Management, Safety Inspectorate and Euro-Atlantic Shipowners' Delegate
Cooperation, Ministry of Transport and
Communications. Délégué des armateurs
CHRISTOVA, Iliana, Ms., Chief Expert, Maritime GREENWAY, John, Mr., Vice-President, Operations
Administration. Seaway Marine Transport.
PARAPUNOVA, Stanimira, Ms., Senior Expert, Ministry
of Labour and Social Affairs.
Seafarers' Delegate
MEHANDJIYSKA, Deana, Mrs., Third Secretary,
Permanent Mission, Geneva. Délégué des gens de mer
DESJARDINS, Michel, Mr., Executive Vice-President,
Shipowners' Delegate Seafarers' International Union of Canada.
DONEV, Christo, Mr., Executive Director, Navigation
Maritime Bulgare.

Adviser and substitute delegate Chili Chile Chile

GENCHEV, Georgi, Mr., Navigation Maritime Bulgare.
Delegado gubernamental
Seafarers' Delegate
DONAIRE GAETE, Claudia, Sra., Asesora del
VALCHEV, Krasimir, Mr., President, Union of Seafarers, Subsecretario de Trabajo.
Confederation of Independent Trade Unions.
Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
DEL PICÓ, Bernardo, Sr., Segundo Secretario, Misión
Cameroun Cameroon Camerún Permanente, Ginebra.
BARRERA, Manuel, Sr., Agregado Laboral, Misión
Permanente, Ginebra.
Délégué gouvernemental MORENO, Manuel, Sr., Capitán de Navío, Dirección del
Territorio Marítimo.
Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Mission
permanente, Genève.
Chine China China
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
NGANTCHA, Francis, M., Ministre Conseiller, Mission
permanente, Genève. Government Delegate
ESSOMBA ZANG, Yves Matthieu, M. LI, Guangling, Mr., Deputy Director-General, International
Department, Ministry of Communication.

Advisers and substitute delegates

ZHANG, Guoqing, Mr., Counsellor, Permanent Mission,
Government Delegate HU, Zhiqiang, Mr., Counsellor, Department of Regulations
and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Délégué gouvernemental ZHANG, Xiaojie, Mr., Director, International Department,
ROUSSEL, Donald, Mr., Director, Personnel Standards Ministry of Communication.
and Pilotage, Marine Safety, Transport Canada. ZHANG, Lu, Mr., Director, Department of International
Cooperation, Ministry of Labour and Social Security.

DUAN, Dongwen, Mr., First Secretary, Permanent Seafarers' Delegate
Mission, Geneva.
LI, Bo, Mr., Deputy Director, Director-General, STAVROU, Pantelis, Mr., General Secretary, Federation
Department of Personnel, Ministry of Communication. of Transportation, Petroleum and Agriculture Workers.
XIE, Ling, Mr., Deputy Director, China Maritime Safety
LI, Zhonghua, Mr., Deputy Director, Guangdong
Provincial Maritime Safety Administation. Congo
LI, Bo, Mr., Engineer, Tianjing Municipal Maritime Safety
RAO, Gangcan, Mr., Deputy Director, China Ship Délégué gouvernemental
Classification Society. BIYAMA KIMIA, Didier, M., Attaché, Cabinet du
LAW, Oi Hui, Mr., Senior Surveyor, Multi-lateral Policy Ministre d'Etat, Ministère des Transports et des
Division, Hong-Kong Marine Department. Provatisations.

Shipowners' Delegate
LI, Shanmin, Mr., Director, Seamen Affairs Committee,
China Shipowners Association. République de Corée
Republic of Korea
Advisers and substitute delegates República de Corea
LI, Keming, Mr., Sector Manager, Sino-trans Ltd
FENG, Jia Pei Gilbert, Mr., Assistant Director, Hong- Government Delegate
Kong Shipowners Association. CHUNG, Sang-Ho, Mr., Director-General, Shipping &
Logisitics Bureau, Ministry of Maritime Affairs &
Seafarers' Delegate Fisheries.
WU, Ziheng, Mr., Chairman, Chinese Seamen and
Construction Workers' Union. Advisers and substitute delegates
KWON, Hyeuk-Tae, Mr., Labour Attaché, Permanent
Advisers and substitute delegates Mission, Geneva.
MA, Guichuan, Mr., Chairman, Trade Union of COSCO. HONG, Jong-Hae, Mr., Shipping Policy Division, Ministry
OUYANG, Yingbin, Mr., Deputy Director, International of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries.
Department, All-China Federation of Trade Unions. PARK, Yong-Han, Mr., Assistant Director, Shipping
KWOK, Kam Wah, Mr., Chairman, Hong-Kong Seamen's Policy Division, Ministry of Maritime Affairs &
Union. Fisheries.
LEE, Wai Man, Ms., Assistant Administrator, Merchant CHOI, Gyung-Hee, Ms., Assistant Director, Shipping
Navy Officers' Guild, Hong-Kong. Policy Division, Ministry of Maritime Affairs &
JI, Sang-Won, Mr., Professor, Department of Maritime
Transportation, College of Maritime Science, Korea
Chypre Cyprus Chipre Maritime University.
JEON, Yeong-Woo, Mr., Professor, Marine Engineer
Team, Korean Institute of Maritime & Fisheries
Government Delegate Technology.
CHONG, Dae-Yul, Mr., Professor, Nautical Science Team,
CONSTANTINOU, Andreas, Mr., Senior Surveyor, Korean Institute of Maritime & Fisheries Technology.
Department of Merchant Shipping, Ministry of OH, Byung-Yul, Mr., Maritime Safety Team Manager,
Communication and Works. Korean Register of Shipping.

Adviser and substitute delegate Shipowners' Delegate

DEMETRIOU, Chryso, Ms., Merchant Shipping Officer PARK, Chan-Jae, Mr., Secretary-General, Korea
A', Department of Merchant Shipping, Ministry of Shipowners' Association.
Communication and Works.
Adviser and substitute delegate
Shipowners' Delegate
JOH, Bon-Giee, Mr., Manager, Korea Shipowners'
KAZAKOS, Thomas, Mr., General Secretary, Cyprus Association.
Shipping Council.
Seafarers' Delegate
KIM, Su-Jo, Mr., Chief, Federation of Korean Seafarers'

Costa Rica Costa Rica Danemark Denmark
Costa Rica Dinamarca

Delegado gubernamental Government Delegate

GONZÁLEZ-SANZ, Manuel A., Sr., Embajador, SOLLING OLSEN, Birgit, Ms., Director for Shipping
Representante Permanente, Misión Permanente, Policy, Centre for Shipping Policy and Legal Services,
Ginebra. Danish Maritime Authority.

Consejero técnico y delegado suplente Advisers and substitute delegates

CLARAMUNT-GARRO, Carmen Isabel, Sra., BAUCHY, Philippe, Mr., Special Adviser, Centre for
Embajadora, Representante Permanente Alterna, Seafarers and Fishermen, Education and Register of
Misión Permanente, Ginebra. Shipping, Danish Maritime Authority.
ULSTRUP, Arne, Mr., Chief Ship Surveyor, Centre for
Maritime Safety and Occupational Health, Danish
Maritime Authority.
Croatie Croatia Croacia SORENSEN, Jette Blendstrup, Ms., Special Adviser,
Centre for Shipping Policy and Legal Services, Danish
Maritime Authority.
Government Delegate HANSEN, Jorgen Loje, Mr., Centre for Seafarers and
Fishermen, Education and Register of Shipping, Danish
MARKOTIC, Gordan, Mr., Ambassador, Permanent Maritime Authority.
Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva. IBENFELDT SCHULTZ, Lisa, Ms., Special Adviser,
Ministry of Social Affairs.
Advisers and substitute delegates KRISTENSEN, Lene Wang, Ms., Attaché, Permanent
SOCANEC, Branko, Mr., Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
Mission, Geneva.
BATUR, Tomislav, Mr., Senior PSC Inspector, Ministry of Shipowners' Delegate
the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development. WENGEL NIELSEN, Michael, Mr., Secretary-General,
CICOVACKI, Luksa, Mr., External Adviser, Ministry of Danish Shipowner's Association.
the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development.
Adviser and substitute delegate
Seafarers' Delegate
VOSS, Pia, Ms., Director, Danish Shipowner's
BERLAN, Branko, Mr., Vice-President, Seafarer's Union Association.
of Croatia.
Seafarers' Delegate
BERLAU, Henrik, Mr., Secretary, Head of Maritime
Cuba Section, General Worker's Union.

Advisers and substitute delegates

Delegado gubernamental
PEDERSEN, Jens Fage, Mr., President, Danish
DELGADO ALFONSO, José, Sr., Dirección de Recursos Navigator's Association.
Humanos, Ministerio del Transporte. HILSTROM, Niels-Jorgen, Mr., Local Chairman, Metal
Delegado de los armadores JORGENSEN, Per, Mr., President, Danish Engineer's
VIDAUD MARQUES, Rubén, Sr., Vicedirector, Recursos CHRISTENSEN, Gert, Mr., Branch Agent, Danish
Humanos, Grupo ANTARES. Seamen's Union.

Delegado de la gente de mar

PRIETO SOCIAS, Gilberto, Sr., Sindicato Nacional de
Trabajadores de la Marina Mercante, los Puertos y la Egypte Egypt Egipto

Government Delegate
ELHALIM, Hazem Mohamed, Mr., Under-Secretary for
Maritime Transport, Ministry of Transport.

Advisers and substitute delegates Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
ELHAMID, Fatma Abd., Ms., Director of Maritime BAQUERIZO GUZMÁN, Leticia, Sra., Tercer Secretario,
Transport, Ministry of Transport. Misión Permanente, Ginebra.
EL-GAZZAR, Nadia, Ms., Labour Counsellor, Permanent THULLEN, Jorge, Sr.
Mission, Geneva. MAYORCA, Danny, Sr., Primer Secretario, Misión
EL SALEM, Ahmed Aly, Mr., Director, Department of Permanente, Ginebra.
Shipping Crews, Egyptian Port Authority.
ROUSHDY, Alaa, Mr., First Secretary, Permanent
Mission, Geneva.
Espagne Spain España
Shipowners' Delegate
MOSTAFA KAMAL, Ahmed Medht, Mr., Director,
Delegado gubernamental
Administrative and Human Resource Department,
Egyptian Company of Maritime Transport. BRES GARCIA, Juan Ramón, Sr., Inspector de Trabajo y
Seguridad Social.
Seafarers' Delegate
Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
EL SOBEHY, Adel Mohamed, Mr., Chairman, General
Union for Maritime Transport. ARNAU NAVARRO, Francisco, Sr., Consejero de
Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Misión Permanente en
MORALA DEL CAMPO, Aranzazu, Sra., Secretaría
Emirats arabes unis General de Pesca Marítima, Ministerio de Agricultura,
Pesca y Alimentación.
United Arab Emirates ORIZAOLA GURRIA, Santos, Sr., Instituto Social de la
Emiratos Arabes Unidos Marina.
PALAO LECHUGA, Manuel, Sr., Inspector de Buques,
Dirección General de la Marina Mercante, Ministerio
Government Delegate de Fomento.
GARCIA CONDE DEL LLANO, Rodrigo, Sr., Adjunto al
AL MUHAIRI, Salem Ali, Mr., Director, International
Consejero de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Misión
Relations Department, Ministry of Labour and Social
Permanente en Ginebra.

Advisers and substitute delegates Delegado de los armadores

CARLIER DE LAVALLE, Manuel, Sr., Director General,
AL HADHAREM, Omar, Mr., Director, Establishment
Asociación de Navieros Españoles (ANAVE).
Affairs Unit, Abu Dabi.
SIRAJANNUR, Yousuf Jaafar, Mr., Labour Expert.
Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
Shipowners' Delegate BARBADILLO EYZAGUIRRE, Jesús, Sr., Asesor
Jurídico, ANAVE.
ALGAIZI, Ahmed Jama, Mr., Director, Economical
Department, Federation of Chambers of Commerce.
GÓMEZ MOURELLE, Ignacio, Sr., Director de Personal,
Seafarers' Delegate SUAREZ SANTOS, Roberto, Sr., Departamento de
ALMARZOUQI, Saleh Abdulrahman, Mr., Chairman, Relaciones Laborales, Confederación Española de
Administrative Board, Professional Coordination Organizaciones Empresariales (CEOE).
Association. DEL PUEYO PEREZ, Eduardo, Sr., Departamento de
Relaciones Laborales, CEOE.

Delegado de la gente de mar

Equateur Ecuador Ecuador DOMINGUEZ SEGADE, Manuel, Sr., Secretario Federal,
Sector del Mar, Federación de Transportes,
Comunicaciones y Mar (FTCM), Unión General de
Delegado gubernamental Trabajadores (UGT).
ESCUDERO MARTÍNEZ, M. Hernán, Sr., Embajador,
Representante Permanente, Misión Permanente, Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
PEREZ DOMINGUEZ, José, Sr., Secretario General,
Sector del Mar, Federación Comunicación y
Transportes (FCT), Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO.).

PEREZ VEGA ARTIME, José Manuel, Sr., Responsable Seafarers' Delegate
de Internacional, Sector del Mar, FTCM, UGT.
AZKUE MANTEROLA, Jon, Sr., FCT, CC.OO. FAY, John, Mr., Vice-President, Seafarers International
Union, Camp Springs, Maryland.

Adviser and substitute delegate

Estonie Estonia Estonia LACKEY, Gerald B., Mr.

Government Delegate
RAIK, Ivar, Mr., Head, Work Environment, Working Life Finlande Finland Finlandia
Development Department, Ministry of Social Affairs.

Adviser and substitute delegate Government Delegate

KOPPEL, Gerli, Ms., Executive Officer, Aviation and LONKA, Esa, Mr., Government Counsellor, Ministry of
Maritime Department, Ministry of Economic Affairs Labour.
and Communication.
Advisers and substitute delegates
Shipowners' Delegate HALME, Harri, Mr., Senior Safety Officer, Ministry of
KULLERKUPP-JOEKAAR, Mailis, Ms., Lawyer, Social Affairs and Health.
Estonian Shipowners' Association. ALAVIUHKOLA, Katriina, Ms., Government Counsellor,
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
NURMINEN, Saija, Ms., Attaché, Permanent Mission,
Seafarers' Delegate
VASK, Kaia, Ms., Chairperson, Estonian Seamen's
Independent Union. Shipowners' Delegate
KOSTIAINEN, Kimo, Mr., Labour Market Ombudsman,
Aland's Shipowners' Association; Representative,
Finnish Shipowner's Association; Representative,
Etats-Unis United States Finnish Cargo Ship Association.
Estados Unidos
Seafarers' Delegate
Government Delegate TERÄVÄINEN, Pekka, Mr., Union Secretary, Finish
Seamen's Union.
CARLTON, Bruce J., Mr., Associate Administrator for
Policy and International Trade, Maritime Advisers and substitute delegates
Administration, Department of Transportation.
ZITTING, Simo, Mr., President, Finnish Seamen's Union.
Advisers and substitute delegates GYLLENBERG, Bo, Mr., Managing Director, Finnish
Ship's Officers' Union.
BLANCK, John, Mr., Attorney, Treaty Affairs, Office of LÄHDESMÄKI-JOHANSSON, Ritva, Ms., Labour
the Legal Adviser, Department of State. Relations Officer, Finnish Engineers' Association.
CHAMBERLIN, John, Mr., Labor Attaché, Permanent
Mission, Geneva.
FAGAN, Linda, Ms., Commander, Executive Officer,
United States Coast Guard Activities Europe, United France France Francia
States Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security.
KRUSA, Christopher E., Mr., Maritime Training
Specialist, Office of Policy and Plans, Maritime Délégué gouvernemental
Administration, Department of Transportation.
MEDINA, Mayte, Ms., Maritime Transportation ILLIONNET, Philippe, M., Sous-Directeur des Gens de
Specialist, Office of Operating and Environment Mer, Directeur des Affaires maritimes et des Gens de
Standards, United States Coast Guard, Department of Mer, Ministère de l'Equipement, des Transports, de
Homeland Security. l'Aménagement du Territoire, du Tourisme et de la
SOMMER, Edmund T., Mr., Chief, Division of General Mer.
Law, International Law and Litigation, Maritime
Administration, Department of Transportation. Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
SCHINDLER, Jean-Marc, M., Administrateur en Chef des
Shipowners' Delegate Affaires maritimes, Ministère de l'Equipement, des
COX, Joseph J., Mr., President and Chief Executive Transports, de l'Aménagement du Territoire, du
Officer, Chamber of Shipping, Washington, D.C.. Tourisme et de la Mer.

JOUFFRAY, Jean-François, M., Sous-Directeur des
Affaires juridiques et internationales, Etablissement Géorgie Georgia Georgia
national des Invalides de la Marine, Ministère de
l'Equipement, des Transports, de l'Aménagement du
Territoire, du Tourisme et de la Mer. Government Delegate
BOUVIER, Jean, M., Chef, Bureau des Etudes juridiques
et des Conventions internationales, Etablissement IMNAISHVILI, Valerian, Mr., First Deputy Chairman,
Maritime Transport Administration.
national des Invalides de la Marine, Ministère de
l'Equipement, des Transports, de l'Aménagement du
Territoire, du Tourisme et de la Mer. Shipowners' Delegate
MOUSSAT, Alain, M., Chef, Bureau de l'Inspection du PARESASHVILI, Lia, Ms., Lawyer, Ocean Shipping Co.
Travail maritime, Direction des Affaires maritimes et Ltd.
des Gens de Mer, Ministère l'Equipement, des
Transports, de l'Aménagement du Territoire, du Seafarers' Delegate
Tourisme et de la Mer.
JORET, Fabien, M., Direction du Transport maritime, des DAVITIANI, Otar, Mr., Deputy Chairman, Georgia
Ports et du Littoral, Ministère de l'Equipement, des Seafarers Union.
Transports, de l'Aménagement du Territoire, du
Tourisme et de la Mer. Adviser and substitute delegate
CORNILLOU, Jean-Charles, M., Chef du Bureau SM/3,
KRISHUNAS, Ellen, Ms., Lawyer.
Direction des Affaires maritimes et des Gens de Mer,
Ministère de l'Equipement, des Transports, de
l'Aménagement du Territoire, du Tourisme et de la
FAUDUET, Jean-François, M., Expert, Direction des Ghana
Affaires maritimes et des Gens de Mer, Ministère de
l'Equipement, des Transports, de l'Aménagement du
Territoire, du Tourisme et de la Mer. Government Delegate
MARIN, Marie, Mme, Expert, Direction des Affaires AMEYAW-AKUMFI, Christopher, Mr., Minister for
maritimes et des Gens de Mer, Ministère de Ports, Harbours & Railways.
l'Equipement, des Transports, de l'Aménagement du
Territoire, du Tourisme et de la Mer. Advisers and substitute delegates
BISSUEL, Jean-Louis, M., Chargé de Mission, Affaires
maritimes, Ministère des Affaires étrangères. AZUMA, I.P., Mr., Shipping Commissioner, Ministry of
AUER, France, Mme, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Ports, Harbours & Railways.
Genève. BONNA, K.A., Mr., General Manager, Ghana Ports and
LE GUEVEL, Audrey, Mme, Deuxième Secrétaire, Harbours Authority.
Mission permanente, Genève. ERZUAH, Cecilia, Ms., Deputy Director, Ministry of
Ports, Harbours & Railways.
Délégué des armateurs QUAYE, Samuel, Mr., Legal Officer, Ministry of Ports,
Harbours & Railways.
SULPICE, Guy, M., Directeur des Affaires sociales, PREMPEH, Azara, Mrs., Senior Legal Officer, Ghana
Armateurs de France. Shippers' Council.
ALOMATU, Matilda A., Ms., Chargé d'affaires a.i.,
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants Permanent Mission, Geneva.
BARTHE, Anne, Mme, Déléguée générale, Armateurs de
France. Shipowners' Delegate
DELETAILLE, Pierre, M. OSEI-BONSU, Perpetua, Ms., Executive Secretary,
BOURGAIN, Georges Olivier, M. Shipowners & Agents Association.
NECTAR, Jean, M.
Seafarers' Delegate
Délégué des gens de mer
BUCKMAN, Sigis, Mr., General Secretary, Ghana
NARELLI, Charles, M., CGT. Merchant Navy Officers' Association.

Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants

MERLET, Alain, M., CGT.
JOUAULT, Joël, M., CFDT. Grèce Greece Grecia
TORRES, Lilian, M., FO.
VERRIEUX, Raymond, M., CGC. Délégué gouvernemental
DAYDOU, Jérôme, M., Confédération française des ZEIBEKIS, Sotirios, M., Captain, Ministry of Merchant
Travailleurs chrétiens, CFTC. Marine.

Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants Adviser and substitute delegate
BOUMPOPOULOS, George, M., Commander, Ministry of CHATTERJEE, Arun Kumar, Mr., First Secretary,
Merchant Marine. Permanent Mission, Geneva.
CAMBITSIS, Andreas, M., Minister Counselor,
Permanent Mission, Geneva. Shipowners' Delegate
ZARNAVELIS, Andreas, M., Lieutenant, Ministry of
Merchant Marine. HAJARA, Sabyasachi, Mr., Director, Shipping
Corportation of India Ltd, Mumbai.
Délégué des armateurs
Seafarers' Delegate
KOLTSIDOPOULOS, George, M., Union of Greek
Shipowners. SERANG, Shri Abdulgani Y., Mr., General Secretary,
National Union of Seafarers of India (NUSI).
Délégué des gens de mer
CHALAS, John, M., Secretary-General, Panhellenic
Seafarers Federation. Indonésie Indonesia Indonesia
Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
Government Delegate
TSELENTIS, Agis, M., Technical Adviser, Panhellenic
Seafarers Federation. HENDARTI, Tati, Mrs., Director, Standardization,
Certification and Competence, Ministry of Manpower
and Transmigration.

Guatemala Advisers and substitute delegates

HANARTANI, Myra, Mrs., Head, Legal Bureau, Ministry
of Manpower and Transmigration.
Delegado gubernamental
GAOL, S. Lumban, Mr., Director, Terms of Employment,
PIRA, Lars, Sr., Embajador, Representante Permanente, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration.
Misión Permanente, Ginebra. USMAN, Azhar, Mr., Head Division, Legal and
International Cooperation, Ministry of Transportation.
Consejero técnico y delegado suplente SOEMARNO, Sunu, Mr., Counsellor, Permanent Mission,
CHAVEZ, Angela, Sra., Ministro Consejero, Misión RUKANDA, Dodo, Mr., Directorate of Vessels and
Permanente, Ginebra. Seafarer Affairs, Ministry of Transportation.
PURWANTO, Budi, Mr., Legal Bureau and International
Cooperation, Ministry of Transportation.
SARWONO, Ade Padmo, Mr., First Secretary, Permanent
Honduras Mission, Geneva.
SUMIRAT, Agung Cahaya, Mr., Third Secretary,
Permanent Mission, Geneva.
Delegado gubernamental
ZAPATA, J. Benjamín, Sr., Embajador, Representante Shipowners' Delegate
Permanente, Misión Permanente, Ginebra. KUSRIN, Ubung S., Mr., Chairman, Indonesian
Shipowner Association.
Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
BU FIGUEROA, Gracibel, Sra., Consejera, Misión Advisers and substitute delegates
Permanente, Ginebra. LUNTUNGAN, Ferry, Mr., Chairman, Consortium of
PEREZ ZEPEDA, Mauricio, Sr., Segundo Secretario, Indonesian Manning Agents.
Misión Permanente, Ginebra. JATMIKO, Sukanto, Mr., Secretary, APINDO Province of
Central Java.

Seafarers' Delegate
Inde India India
RUSTANDI, Hanafi, Mr., Chairman, Indonesian Seafarer
Union, Jakarta.
Government Delegate
MALHOTRA, Neera, Ms., Deputy Director-General,
Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai.

MOLTONI, Stefania, Mme, Transport maritime et interne,
République islamique d'Iran Ministère des Infrastructures et des Transports.
Islamic Republic of Iran ALATI, Giuseppe, M., Transport maritime et interne,
Ministère des Infrastructures et des Transports.
República Islámica del Irán SALARDI, Silvia, Mme, Institut de Prévoyance pour le
Secteur maritime.

Government Delegate Délégué des armateurs

BADPA, Amir, Mr. AGLIETA, Roberto, M., Confédération italienne des
Advisers and substitute delegates
FATTAHI, Seyed Morteza, Mr. Délégué des gens de mer
MEHRDANA, Hamid, Mr. SOMMARIVA, Mario, M., Département Réseaux -
SHIRZADI, Arsalan, Mr. tertiaire - Coopération CGIL.
YUSUFI, Seyed Esmaeil, Mr.
BAYAT MOKHTARI, Rashid, Mr., Counsellor,
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
Permanent Mission, Geneva.
DI FIORE, Remo, M., Secrétaire national - FIT - CISL.
Shipowners' Delegate CARONIA, Giuseppe, M., Secrétaire national - UIL -
SATTARI, Mohammad, Mr. SCOTTI, Roberto, M., Secrétaire national - FILT - CGIL.

Advisers and substitute delegates

MIR, Eshaghali, Mr.
ZOUGHI KODEHI, Jamshid, Mr. Japon Japan Japón
Seafarers' Delegate
Government Delegate
RAZMJOO, Asadollah Ghotb, Mr.
TERANISHI, Tatsuya, Mr., Director, Seafarers Labor
Standards Division, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of
Adviser and substitute delegate
Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
Advisers and substitute delegates
NOGAWA, Shinobu, Mr., Professor, Tokyo Gakugei
Irlande Ireland Irlanda OKANO, Yoshinari, Mr., Chairperson, Navigation Course
Department, National Institute for Sea Training,
Independent Administrative Institution.
Government Delegate
HAYASHI, Masahiko, Mr., Counsellor, Permanent
O'CALLAGHAN, Tom, Mr., Captain, Nautical Surveyor, Mission, Geneva.
Marine Survey Office, Department of TAKAHASHI, Ichiro, Mr., Counsellor, Permanent
Communications, Marine and Natural Resources. Mission, Geneva.
YOSHIDA, Akiko, Ms., Director for International Affairs
Seafarers, Policy Division, Maritime Bureau, Ministry
of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
Italie Italy Italia MAEDA, Ryohei, Mr., Chief, Port State Control Affairs
Section, Seafarers Labor Standards Division, Maritime
Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.
Délégué gouvernemental OKADA, Yohei, Mr., Official, Seafarers Labor Standards
Division, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land,
CALIENDO, Cosimo, M., Directeur général, Navigation et Infrastructure and Transport.
Transport maritime et intérieur.
Shipowners' Delegate
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
MANJI, Takao, Mr., Labour Affairs Committee Member,
BRUNI, Paolo, M., Ambassadeur, Représentant Japanese Shipowners' Association.
permanent, Mission permanente, Genève.
COLOMBO, Filippo, M., Premier Secrétaire, Mission
Advisers and substitute delegates
permanente, Genève.
TRENTO, Luigi, M., Protection des conditions de Travail, MASUDA, Megumi, Mr., General Manager, Europe
Ministère du Travail. District Branch, Japanese Shipowners' Association.

AKATSUKA, Koichi, Mr., Advisor, Japanese Shipowners'
Association. Lettonie Latvia Letonia
TSUJIMOTO, Yasuhisa, Mr., Advisor, Japanese
Shipowners' Association.
HAYAMA, Norio, Mr., Seafarer's Policy Committee Government Delegate
Member, Japan Federation of Coastal Shipping
Associations. KUZMICS, Mihails, Mr., Chief Inspector, Seamen's
Registry, Latvian Maritime Authority.
Seafarers' Delegate
Adviser and substitute delegate
MIO, Masaru, Mr., Director, Education and Public
Relations Department, Policy and Publication Affairs, KALNINS, Edgars, Mr., Third Secretary, Permanent
All-Japan Seamen's Union. Mission, Geneva.

Advisers and substitute delegates Shipowners' Delegate

IIJIMA, Yuji, Mr., Chief, All-Japan Seamen's Union KLAVINS, Andris, Mr., President, Shipowners
European Office. Association.
IKEDA, Hideo, Mr., General Secretary, International
Affairs and Seafarers' Section, All-Japan Seamen's Seafarers' Delegate
Union. UMBRASKO, Andrejs, Mr., Vice-President, Latvian
Seamen's Trade Union.

Liban Lebanon Líbano
Government Delegate
OWADE, Philip Richard, Mr., Chargé d'affaires a.i., Délégué gouvernemental
Permanent Mission, Geneva. BOU NASSAR, Chawki, M., Conseiller, Mission
permanente, Genève.
Advisers and substitute delegates
NGARE, Ephraim Waweru, Mr., Counsellor, Labour, Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
Permanent Mission, Geneva. CHAAR, Hani, M.
NZAVU, Samuel Nginga, Mr., Shipping Officer I,
Ministry of Transport.
KAGIMBI, Wilfred Josphat, Mr., Merchant Shipping
Superintendent, Kenya Maritime Authority. Liberia

Government Delegate
Koweït Kuwait Kuwait
SUPUWOOD, J. Laveli, Mr., Minister of Labour.

Government Delegate Advisers and substitute delegates

AL-KANDERI, Mustafa Mohammed, Mr., Director, MEHNPAINE, S. Reginald, Mr., Director-General,
Marine Affairs Department, Ministry of International Labour Affairs.
Communications (MOC). SMITH, Jeremy, Mr., Operations Manager, LISCR.
DAVIS, Michael, Mr., Legal Counsel, LISCR.
Adviser and substitute delegate KELLER, Joseph P., Mr., General Manager, LISCR.
CLINTON, Yvonne, Ms., Deputy Commissioner for
AL-SHAHEEN, Fawzan Abdullah, Mr., Head, Marine Technical Services, Bureau of Maritime Affairs.
Agency Sector, MOC. WRIGHT, Nelson, Mr., Assistant
Commisioner/Marketing, Bureau of Maritime Affairs.
Shipowners' Delegate
BURBA'AI, Abdullah Hamad, Mr., Kuwait Oil Tanker Co. Shipowners' Delegate

Adviser and substitute delegate Seafarers' Delegate

AL-MATOOQ, Tha'er Ebraheem, Mr., Kuwait Oil Tanker FREEMAN, Joyce M., Ms., President General, United
Co. SAK. Seamen, Port & General Allied Workers Union.

Adviser and substitute delegate Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
THOMAS, Alfred, Mr., President, Seafarers Section. HOLLERICH, Hubert, M., Secrétaire central, OGB-

Lituanie Lithuania Lituania

Government Delegate
Délégué gouvernemental
RINKUNAS, Algimantas, Mr., Ambassador, Permanent
Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva. RAMBELOSON, Alfred, M., Ambassadeur, Représentant
permanent, Mission permanente, Genève.
Advisers and substitute delegates
Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
YAKUCIONYTE, Reda, Ms., Attaché for Social Security
and Labour, Permanent Mission, Geneva. RASOLONJATOVO, Jean-Michel, M., Premier
BURINSKAITE, Virginija, Ms., Senior Specialist, Water Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève.
Transport Department, Ministry of Transport and

Shipowners' Delegate Malaisie Malaysia Malasia

KUTKA, Gintautas, Mr., Executive Director, Lithuanian
Shipowners Association.
Government Delegate
Seafarers' Delegate RAJMAH, Hussain, Mrs., Ambassador, Permanent
Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
BEKEZA, Petras, Mr., President, Lithuanian Seamen's
Adviser and substitute delegate
WAN ZULKFLI, Wan Setapa, Mr., Labour Attaché,
Permanent Mission, Geneva.
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Malte Malta Malta
Délégué gouvernemental
GLODT, Marc, M., Commissaire du gouvernement aux Government Delegate
affaires maritimes (CAM).
VASSALLO, Lino C., Mr., Executive Director Merchant
Shipping, Malta Maritime Authority.
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
HOFFMAN, Alain, M., Conseiller technique, CAM. Advisers and substitute delegates
SIUDA, Marc, M., Employé, CAM.
PESCH, Alexandra, Mme, Chargée de mission, Mission BORG, Saviour F., Mr., Ambassador, Permanent
permanente, Genève. Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
MANGION, Anthony J., Mr., Registrar of Ships, Malta
Maritime Authority.
Délégué des armateurs BONNICI, Tony, Mr., Second Secretary, Permanent
BRACKE, Freddy, M., Président, Association des intérêts Mission, Geneva.
maritimes luxembourgeois (ALIM asbl).
Shipowners' Delegate
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants CURMI, Joseph, Mr.
VAN HERCK, Raymond, M., Représentant, Armateurs
luxembourgeois. Seafarers' Delegate
ASSELMAN, Geert, M., Représentant, Armateurs
luxembourgeois. SATARIANO, David Dennis, Mr.

Délégué des gens de mer

BLESER, René, M., Conseiller à la navigation, CGTL

Maroc Morocco Marruecos Mexique Mexico México

Délégué gouvernemental Delegado gubernamental

HILALE, Omar, M., Ambassadeur, Représentant DE ALBA, Luis Alfonso, Sr., Embajador, Representante
permanent, Mission permanente, Genève. Permanente, Misión Permanente, Ginebra.

Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes

DIOURI, Azzedine, M., Directeur, Direction de la Marine ROVIROSA, Socorro, Sra., Ministro, Misión Permanente,
marchande, Ministère de l'Equipement et du Transport. Ginebra.
BOUASSA, Siham, Mme, Conseillère, Mission ENRIQUEZ, David, Sr., Agregado Técnico para Asuntos
permanente, Genève. de la Organización Maritima Internacional, Secretaría
ABOUELFETH-IDRISSI, Abdellah, M., Chef, Division de Comunicaciones y Transportes.
des Gens de Mer, Direction de la Marine marchande, RAMIREZ, Francisco Xavier, Sr., Subgerente de
Ministère de l'Equipement et du Transport. Concertación Laboral, Petróleos Mexicanos.
BUSTAMANTE, Guillermo, Sr., Oficina del Abogado
Délégué des armateurs General, Petróleos Mexicanos.
LOPEZ, Ignacio, Sr., Asesor Jurídico del Director
IBRAHIM, Taoufiq, M., Président, Comité central des Corporativo de Administración, Petróleos Mexicanos.
Armateurs marocains (CCAM); Président Directeur HERRERA, José Luis, Sr., Abogado, Unidad de Asuntos
général, Compagnie marocaine de Navigation Internacionales, Petróleos Mexicanos.
(COMANAV). SÁNCHEZ, Juan Manuel, Sr., Tercer Secretario, Misión
Permanente, Ginebra.
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants GENINA, Victor, Sr., Asesor, Misión Permanente,
AZZOU, Mohammed, M., Secrétaire général, CCAM. Ginebra.
MANDOUR, Abderrahim, M., Chef de Division, Gestion
administrative, COMANAV. Delegado de los armadores
VILLEGAS, Javier, Sr., Presidente, Cámara Mexicana de
Délégué des gens de mer la Industria del Transporte Marítimo.
EL HAIRECH, Said, M., Secrétaire général, Union
syndicale des Travailleurs des Ports du Maroc, Union Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
marocaine du Travail (UMT). MONDRAGÓN, Leonor, Sra., Consejera, Cámara
Mexicana de la Industria del Transporte Marítimo.
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants GONZALEZ, Luis, Sr., Consejero, Cámara Mexicana de la
RAOUI, Moustafa, M., Secrétaire général, Syndicat Industria del Transporte Marítimo.
national des Officiers de la Marine marchande du
Maroc, UMT. Delegado de la gente de mar
MAKROUM, Mustapha, M., Responsable permanent des SALAZAR, Alfredo, Sr., Unión Nacional de Marineros,
Relations internationales, Membre, Bureau exécutif, Fogoneros, Mayordomos, Cocineros, Camareros y
Union générale des Travailleurs du Maroc (UGTM). Similares.
BOUDILI, Abderrahamane, M., Secrétaire général,
Syndicat des Employés de l'Office d'Exploitation des
Consejero técnico y delegado suplente
Ports (ODEP), Fédération démocratique du Travail
(FDT). GONZÁLEZ, Adriana, Sra.

Maurice Mauritius Mauricio Namibie Namibia Namibia

Government Delegate Government Delegate

SEEGOBIN, Gawooreesunkur, Mr., Superintendent of SHINGUADJA, B.M., Mr., Labour Commissioner.
Advisers and substitute delegates
SMIT, Andries, Mr., Deputy Director, Occupational Health
and Safety.
MATENGU, David Samba, Mr., Chief Control Officer.

Shipowners' Delegate SMEFJELL, Georg T., Mr., Assistant Director.
VIDNES, Oyvind, Mr., Councellor.
MUSUKUBILI, Felix, Mr., Representative, Namibia BRUAAS, Odd, Mr., Advisor.
Employers' Federation. RIDDERVOLD, Marianne, Ms., Researcher.

Seafarers' Delegate Shipowners' Delegate

IBWIMA, Richard, Mutonga, Mr., National Union of MIDELFART, Edith, Ms., Attorney-at-Law.
Namibian Workers.
Seafarers' Delegate
MORDT, Birger, Mr., Attorney-at-Law.
Advisers and substitute delegates

Delegado gubernamental SMITH, Jacqueline, Ms., National Secretary.

GUTTERUD, Bjorn Richard, Mr., Advisor.
CASTILLO PEREIRA, Eduardo, Sr., Representante
Alterno, Encargado de Negocios a.i., Misión
Permanente, Ginebra.
Consejero técnico y delegado suplente
CRUZ TORUÑO, Néstor, Sr., Primer Secretario, Misión
Government Delegate
Permanente, Ginebra.
JAFAR AL MOOSA, Suhail, Mr., Directorate of Ports and
Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Transport and
Shipowners' Delegate

Government Delegate AL-HUSSAINI, Mohamed bin Khamis, Mr., Director of

Economic Research Division, Omani Chamber of
EZEASOR, Chiedozie B., Mr., Secretary, Board Joint Commerce and Industry.
Maritime Labour Industrial Council.
Seafarers' Delegate
Adviser and substitute delegate
AL MUKHENI, Nassr Rashid Najim, Mr., Pilot, Port
ILLOH, O.C., Mr., Federal Ministry of Labour and Services Corporation SAOG.

Shipowners' Delegate
FOLARIN, Otumba K., Mr., Director Shippers Group.

Seafarers' Delegate Government Delegate

FABIYI, L.M.O., Mr., Deputy Director, Seafarers. UMER, Shaukat, Mr., Ambassador, Permanent
Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.
Adviser and substitute delegate
BABA, I.A., Mr. Advisers and substitute delegates
SHAH, Anwar, Mr., Director-General, Port & Shipping
HAYAT, Khizar, Mr., Joint Secretary, Ministry of
Norvège Norway Noruega Communications.
TIRMIZI, Faisal Niaz, Mr., First Secretary, Permanent
Mission, Geneva.
Government Delegate
NYGAARD, Leif Asbjorn, Mr., Director General. Shipowners' Delegate
JUMANI, Bakht Ali, Mr., Executive Director, Pakistan
Advisers and substitute delegates National Shipping Corporation.
STORHAUG, Haakon, Mr., Advisor.
BJORKHAUG, Kirsti, Ms., Advisor.
LUNDE, Wenche, Ms., Advisor.
DEHLI, Erik, Mr., Advisor.

Adviser and substitute delegate KAASJAGER, Sanne, Mr., First Secretary, Permanent
Mission, Geneva.
SARFARAZ, Muhammad, Mr., Superintendent (Marine), VINK, Meindert, Mr., Dutch Schipping Inspectorate.
Pakistan National Shipping Corporation.
Shipowners' Delegate
Seafarers' Delegate
HOLLAAR, Guido, Mr., Staff Executive, Royal
PANJRI, Adam, Mr., General Secretary, Pakistan Seamen Association of Netherlands' Shipowners.
Advisers and substitute delegates
Adviser and substitute delegate
VAN KETEL, Hendrik, Mr., Senior Engineer Quality,
ABRO, Abdul Rashid, Mr., Chief Executive Transport Environment, Safety & Health, Royal Association of
Services International Ltd.; Member, Managing Netherlands' Shipowners.
Committee, FPCCI. WESTRA, Tjitso, Mr., Staff Member Operational Affairs,
Royal Association of Netherlands' Shipowners.
ZIER, Maarten, Mr., Industrial Relations Officer, Royal
Association of Netherlands' Shipowners.
Seafarers' Delegate
Delegado gubernamental SARTON, Ed, Mr., President, Dutch Seafarers' Federation.
DOMINGUEZ, Arsenio, Sr., Jefe, Centro Regional,
Autoridad Marítima de Panamá en Europa.
Advisers and substitute delegates
TOUWEN, Rudi, Mr., Union Official, Dutch Seafarers'
Delegado de la gente de mar Federation.
VERHOEF, Arie, Mr., Consultant, Dutch Seafarers'
DEL CID RAMOS, Edilberto, Sr., Secretario de Defensa, Federation.
Unión Nacional de Marinos de la Panamá (UNMP).

Consejero técnico y delegado suplente

PINEDA PIEDRA, Roberto, Sr., Delegado, Asociación Pérou Peru Perú
Nacional de Oficiales de Marina (APOM); Secretario
General, Federación de Profesionales de Panamá
(FEDAP). Delegado gubernamental
SALINAS, José Luis, Sr., Ministro, Representante
Permanente Alterno, Misión Permanente, Ginebra.
Pays-Bas Netherlands Consejero técnico y delegado suplente
Países Bajos BERAÚN, Eliana, Sra., Segunda Secretaria, Misión
Permanente, Ginebra.
Government Delegate
VAN DEN BERG, Cees, Mr., Head of Department,
Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. Philippines Philippines
Advisers and substitute delegates
BRINKMAN, Onno, Mr., Policy Advisor, Ministry of
Social Affairs and Employment. Government Delegate
DE BRUIJN, Rob, Mr., Policy Advisor, Ministry of BALDOZ, Rosalinda D., Ms., Administrator, Philippine
Transport and Public Works. Overseas Employment Administration.
VAN GASTEREN, Ingeborg, Ms., Policy Advisor,
Ministry of Transport and Public Works.
Advisers and substitute delegates
VAN DER LOUW, Cynthia, Ms., Policy Advisor,
Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. TIONLOC, Ramon T. Jr., Mr., Deputy Administrator,
MERKUS, Henk, Mr., Deputy Head, Ministry of Transport Philippine Overseas Employment Administration,
and Public Works. Officer-in-Charge, Maritime Training Council.
WINDSTER, Oswaldo, Mr., Head Certification & TEMPLO, Horacio T., Mr., Chief Actuary, Executive
Registration, Directorate for Maritime Affairs, Vice-President for Branch Operations Sector, Social
Netherlands Antilles. Security System.
DEVERE, Cynthia, Ms., Policy Advisor, Directorate of EASTWOOD, Ma. Veronica A., Ms., Labour Attaché,
Maritime Affairs, Netherlands Antilles. Permanent Mission, Geneva.

Shipowners' Delegate Délégué des armateurs
SALINAS, Carlos C., Mr., Chairman and President, COELHO, Joaquim, M., Membre, Confédération de
Filipino Shipowners' Association. l'Industrie portugaise (CIP).

Seafarers' Delegate Délégué des gens de mer

OCA, Gregorio S., Mr., President, Associated Marine DEUS GOMES PIRES, João de, M., Membre, Union
Officers' and Seamen's Union. générale des Travailleurs (UGT).

Advisers and substitute delegates

ABAD, Maximo, Mr., Associated Marine Officers' and Qatar
Seamen's Union.
LAMUG, Jose Raul, Mr., Associated Marine Officers' and
Seamen's Union.
Government Delegate
SALE, Jesus P. Jr., Mr., Associated Marine Officers' and
Seamen's Union. AL-MAS, Ahmed Y., Mr., Customs and Ports General

Adviser and substitute delegate

Pologne Poland Polonia AL-MAADEED, Mohamed A., Mr., Customs and Ports
General Authority.
Government Delegate
LEWANDOWSKA, Malgorzata, Ms., Chief Specialist,
Department of Maritime Transport, Ministry of République dém. du Congo
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Adviser and substitute delegate República Democrática del Congo
LEMIESZEWSKA, Renata, Ms., First Secretary,
Permanent Mission, Geneva. Délégué gouvernemental
Shipowners' Delegate TATI, Xavier-Honoré, M., Premier Conseiller
d'Ambassade, Chef de Division, Responsable, Bureau
NIEMIEC, Ryszard, Mr., Secretary-General, Polish des Institutions spécialisées des Nations Unies à
Shipowners' Association. caractère culturel et humanitaire, Direction des
Organisations internationales, Ministère des Affaires
Seafarers' Delegate étrangères.
CEGIELSKI, Jacek, Mr., Vice-President, National
Maritime Section NSZZ "SOLIDARNOSC". Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
MWENELWATA, Milinganyo, M., Conseiller, Cabinet du
Ministre des Transports et Communications.

Portugal Délégué des armateurs

KONGO, Mbumba, M., Administrateur, Directeur
Délégué gouvernemental technique, Compagnie maritime du Congo.

PACCETTI DOS SANTOS LOBO C., Maria Tereza, Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
Mme, Assesseur principal, Direction générale de
l'Emploi et des relations de Travail, Ministère des MUKUNDA, Kalama, M., Chef, Service d'Exploitation,
Activités économiques et du Travail. Compagnie maritime du Congo.

Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants Délégué des gens de mer

PEREIRA CANECO, António, M., Chef, Département du MBAMBI, Khonde, M., Secrétaire général, Pool des
Personnel de la Mer, Institut portuaire et des Transports Marins, Ministère du Travail et de la Prévoyance
maritimes. sociale.
DE SOUSA FIALHO, José António G., M., Conseiller,
Mission permanente, Genève. Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
BABAKA, Phumu, M., Pool des Marins, Secrétaire
général administratif, Institut des Techniques maritimes
et fluviales.

Royaume-Uni United Kingdom Fédération de Russie
Reino Unido Russian Federation
Federación de Rusia
Government Delegate
SADLER, Paul, Mr., Head of International Liaison Government Delegate
Branch, Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA). FROLOV, Alexander Iliych, Mr., Head, Maritime and
River Navigation Safety Division, State Policy in
Advisers and substitute delegates Railroad, Maritime and River Transport Department,
MARTYN, Mary, Ms., Head of Seafarer Health and Safety Ministry of Transport.
Branch, MCA.
LINES, Mike, Mr., Manager (Policy), Seafarer Health and Advisers and substitute delegates
Safety Branch, MCA. KORENNOY, Alexander Vasilievich, Mr., Senior Expert,
COLEY, Paul, Mr., Head of Survey Branch, MCA. State Policy in Railroad, Maritime and River Transport
CRANE, Steve, Mr., Secretariat Services Manager, Department, Ministry of Transport.
International Liaison Branch, MCA. KAREV, Yan Alexandrovich, Mr., Senior Expert, Legal
SUETT, John, Mr., Policy Advisor (Social Security), Department, Ministry of Transport.
Department for Work and Pensions. ZAGAYNOV, Evgueny, Mr., Counsellor, Permanent
MILROY, David, Mr., Head of EU and International Mission, Geneva.
Relations, Shipping Policy, Department for Transport. SHERBAKOV, Yuri, Mr., Counsellor, Permanent Mission,
GOODALL, Katie, Ms., Legal Adviser, Maritime Geneva.
Division, Department for Transport. LAVRENTYEVA, Elena Alexandrovna, Mrs., Professor,
HOWELL, Des, Mr., Isle of Man Administration. St.- Petersburg Water Communications State
NELLTHORP, Helen, Ms., First Secretary, Permanent University.
Mission, Geneva. LEGUSHA, Sergei Fiodorovich, Mr., Senior expert,
TARIF, Pam, Ms., Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
Geneva. GOROBTSOV, Alexander Petrovich, Mr., Assistant
Professor, Chair of Navigation, State Maritime
Shipowners' Delegate Academy after Admiral Makarov.
SPRINGETT, Tim, Mr., Manager, Marine Personnel, GRIBKOV, Ilya, Mr., Attaché, Permanent Mission,
Chamber of Shipping. Geneva.

Advisers and substitute delegates Shipowners' Delegate

BROOKES, Edmund, Mr., Deputy Director-General, LOPATKIN, Alexei Vasilievich, Mr., Head of Labour and
Chamber of Shipping. Wage Division, Murmansk Shipping Co.
PREECE, Frank, Mr., Director, Dorchester Maritime Ltd.
DEARSLEY, David, Mr., Secretary-General, International Advisers and substitute delegates
Maritime Employers' Committee. PETRUK, Ivan Stepanovich, Mr., Senior Expert,
"Sovcomflot" Shipping Co.
Seafarers' Delegate SMAGIN, Victor Gerasimovich, Mr., Adviser, Murmansk
ORRELL, Brian, Mr., General Secretary, NUMAST; TUC Shipping Co.
General Council.
Seafarers' Delegate
Advisers and substitute delegates PAVLOV, Igor Nikolaevich, Mr., President, Seafarers
MCEWEN, Peter, Mr., Deputy General Secretary, Union of Russia.
TODD, Steve, Mr., National Secretary (Shipping), RMT. Adviser and substitute delegate
DICKINSON, Mark, Mr., Assistant General Secretary, BEREZINSKIY, Valeriy Vitalievich, Mr., President,
NUMAST. Pacific Regional Organization, Seafarers Union of
EPSOM, John, Mr., Chair, NUMAST Council. Russia.

Adviser and substitute delegate
Singapour Singapore Singapur
PATHIRANA, S.P.W., Mr., Second Secretary, Permanent
Mission, Geneva.
Government Delegate
CHANDRU, S.R., Mr., Assistant Director (Ship's
Registry), Maritime and Port Authority. Suède Sweden Suecia
Adviser and substitute delegate
Government Delegate
GOH, Irene, Ms., Manager Mercantile Marine Office,
Maritime and Port Authority. GOTARE, Rolf, Mr., Principal Administrative Officer,
Swedish Maritime Administration.
Shipowners' Delegate
Advisers and substitute delegates
FOONG, K.K., Mr., Assistant Director, Singapore
Shipping Association. BERGSTRÖM, Anders, Mr., Legal Adviser, Swedish
Work Environment Authority.
Seafarers' Delegate GRANBORG, Margaretha, Ms., Deputy Director, Ministry
of Industry, Employment and Communications.
KAM, Soon Huat, Mr., Executive Secretary, Singapore LIDAL, Bengt, Mr., Special Adviser to the Ministry of
Organisation of Seamen. Industry, Employment and Communications.
WIKLUND, Kerstin, Ms., Counsellor, Ministry of
Industry, Employment and Communications.
Slovénie Slovenia Eslovenia Shipowners' Delegate
SPRANGERS, Pieter, Mr., Captain, Swedish Shipowner
Government Delegate Employers' Association.
RIHAR BAJUK, Katja, Ms., Adviser, International
Relations and European Affairs Department, Ministry
Advisers and substitute delegates
of Labour, Family and Social Affairs. HOLMBERG, Fredrik, Mr., Adviser, Swedish Shipowner
Employers' Association.
Adviser and substitute delegate MILGER, Gary, Mr., Vice-President, Swedish Shipowner
Employers' Association.
ANDRIJASIC, Alenka, Ms., Adviser, Slovenian Maritime
Directorate, Ministry of Transport.
Seafarers' Delegate
Adviser REINHOLD, Kenny, Mr., Chariman of the Seafarers'
Branch, Union for Service and Communication
RIJAVEC, Maja, Ms., Adviser, Labour Relations and Employees.
Labour Rights Department, Ministry of Labour, Family
and Social Affairs.
Advisers and substitute delegates
Shipowners' Delegate HANSSON, Göran, Mr., National Officer, Union for
Service and Communication Employees - Seafarers'
IVANEZ, Peter, Mr., Association of Employers of Branch.
Slovenia. GRAHL, Hans-Dieter, Mr., Secretary, Swedish Ship
Officers' Association.
Seafarers' Delegate JOHANSSON, Mats, Mr., Legal Counsellor, Merchant
FILIPCIC, Karl, Mr., Seafarers' Trade Union of Slovenia. Marine Officers' Association.

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Suisse Switzerland Suiza

Government Delegate Délégué gouvernemental

FERNANDO, Sarala, Ms., Ambassador, Permanent DÜRLER, Reto, M., Adjoint diplomatique, Office suisse
Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva. de la Navigation maritime, Département fédéral des
Affaires étrangères (DFAE), Direction du droit
international public (DDIP), Berne.

Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant Shipowners' Delegate
HULLIGER, Jean, M., Directeur de l'Office suisse de la YUKTANONDA, Vicha, Mr., Member, Sub-Committee
Navigation maritime, DFAE, DDIP, Berne. on Seafarers, Thai Shipowners' Association.

Délégué des armateurs Seafarers' Delegate

NUESCH, Eduardo, M., Chef du Personnel navigant, MEWONGUKOTE, Boondej, Mr., Chairman, Merchant
Massoel Gestion SA, Genève. Marine Alumni Association.

Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant

BÜRGIN, Kurt, M., Chef du Personnel navigant, Suisse- Togo
Atlantique SA, Renens.

Délégué des gens de mer Délégué gouvernemental

BRAMLEY, Nick, M., Sekretär, Gewerkschaft LEBGAZA, Alfa, M., Administrateur des Affaires
VHTL/FCTA, Sektion Seeleute, Basel. maritimes, Chef de Division, Administration générale
et Gens de Mer, Direction des Affaires Maritimes,
Ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie, des Transports
et du Développement de la Zone franche.
République arabe syrienne
Syrian Arab Republic
República Arabe Siria Tunisie Tunisia Túnez

Délégué gouvernemental
Délégué gouvernemental
AKKACH, Tarek, M., Director, Department of
MANSOUR, Habib, M., Ambassadeur, Représentant
International Relations, Ministry of Social Affairs and
permanent, Mission permanente, Genève.
Conseillers techniques et délégués suppléants
Conseiller technique et délégué suppléant
RACHDI, Mokhtar, M., Directeur général, Marine
IBRAHIM, Rakan, M., Director of Labour Affairs,
marchande, Ministère des Technologies de la
Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour.
Communication et du Transport.
FARSI, Mohamed, M., Premier officier, Direction générale
Délégué des armateurs de la Marine marchande, Ministère des Technologies
MOUCHLY, Hana'a, Mme, Deputy Director, Office of the de la Communication et du Transport.
Minister of Industry. MEGDICHE, Rabah, M., Directeur des Négociations
collectives, Direction générale du Travail, Ministère
Délégué des gens de mer des Affaires sociales et de la Solidarité.
YAHMADI, Ali, M., Directeur des Gens de Mer, Office de
AHMAD, Housein, M., Secretary, Health Affairs in the la Marine marchande et des Ports.
General Union of the Syndicate of Workers. LANDOULSI, Hatem, M., Conseiller, Mission
permanente, Genève.

Délégué des armateurs

Thaïlande Thailand Tailandia
LAOUANI, Hayet, Mme, Présidente, Fédération nationale
du Transport, Union tunisienne de l'Industrie, du
Government Delegate Commerce et de l'Artisanat.

CHAVALITNITIKUL, Chaiyuth, Mr., Deputy Director- Délégué des gens de mer

General, Department of Labour Protection and Welfare,
Ministry of Labour. KRICHENE, Ezzedine, M., Secrétaire général, Syndicat
général de l'Office des Ports, Union générale tunisienne
Adviser and substitute delegate du Travail.

AMORNCHEWIN, Pakorn, Mr., Minister Counsellor,

Permanent Mission, Geneva.

Turquie Turkey Turquía Uruguay

Government Delegate Delegado gubernamental

BAYAR, Süleyman, Mr., Undersecretariat of Maritime, POLLAK, Raúl, Sr., Ministro, Misión Permanente,
Acting General Manager, Sea Transport Directorate. Ginebra.

Advisers and substitute delegates Consejero técnico y delegado suplente

KAZAN, Bilal, Mr., M. Sc Engineer, Sea Transport ROCANOVA, Ana Inès, Sra., Segundo Secretario, Misión
Directorate. Permanente, Ginebra.
OYMAN, Halit, Mr., Counsellor, Social Affairs and
Labour, Permanent Mission, Geneva.

Shipowners' Delegate Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu

UNSALER, Hakan, Mr., Lawyer, Turkish Shipowners
Association, Secretary-General.
Government Delegate
Seafarers' Delegate KALUAT, Lionel, Mr., Acting Commissioner of Labour.
UZUN, Turhan, Mr., Chairman, Trade Union of Seafarers.
Shipowners' Delegate
Adviser and substitute delegate WILSON, Roy, Mr.
KOCAOGLU, Emre, Mr., Adviser of the Chairman, Trade
Seafarers' Delegate
Union of Seafarers.
TOARA, Api, Mr.

Ukraine Ukraine Ucrania

Government Delegate
Delegado gubernamental
SEREBRYAKOV, Olersandr, Mr., Head of Labour
Protection, State Department of Maritime and River PORTOCARRERO, Blancanieve, Sra., Embajadora,
Transport, Ministry of Transport and Communications. Representante Permanente, Misión Permanente,
Advisers and substitute delegates
Consejeros técnicos y delegados suplentes
BILLIAR, Kostiantyn, Mr., First Secretary, Treaties and
Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. PICONE, Jhonny, Sr., Director, Inspección y Condiciones
KHATSANOVSKYY, Eduard, Mr., Head of Division, de Trabajo.
Scientific-Research and Design Institute of Maritime VILLAROEL, Shirly, Sra., Jefe, División de Recursos
Transport. Administrativos.
LOPEZ, Carlos, Sr., Supervisor Jefe, Unidad de
Shipowners' Delegate Supervisión de Cumaná, Estado Sucre.
HANDS, Rafael, Sr., Consejero, Misión Permanente,
KRYVONIS, Oleksandr, Mr., President, Black Sea Ginebra.
Regional Organisation of Employers, Seafarers ARIAS, Juan, Sr., Economista, Misión Permanente,
Employment Enterprises. Ginebra.
MARQUEZ, Servio Tulio, Sr., Capitán, Instituto Nacional
Seafarers' Delegate de los Espacios Acuáticos (INEA).
KIRYEYEV, Mykhaylo, Mr., Chairman, Trade Union of PIÑANGO, Miguel, Sr., Capitán, Universidad Marítima
Maritime Transport Workers of Ukraine. del Caribe.

Delegado de los armadores

SALAZAR, Karina, Sra., Asesora Legal, PDV-MARINA.

Consejero técnico y delegado suplente

MORETT, Miguel Angel, Sr., Auditor de Calidad, PDV-

Delegado de la gente de mar
GUEVARA, Yvo, Sr., Presidente, Sindicato Nacional
Unión Universal Marinos Mercantes de Venezuela

Consejero técnico y delegado suplente

ARCINIEGAS, Humberto, Sr., Jefe de Reclamos,
Sindicato Unico de Marinos (SUMA).

Viet Nam Viet Nam Viet Nam

Government Delegate
NGO, Quang Xuan, Mr., Ambassador, Permanent
Representative, Permanent Mission, Geneva.

Adviser and substitute delegate

PHAM, Hong Nga, Mr., Counsellor, Permanent Mission,





Organisation maritime internationale
International Maritime Organization
Organización Marítima Internacional
HESSE, H., Mr., Deputy Director, Sub-Division for
Operational Safety, Security and Human Element,
Maritime Safety Division.
MAHAPATRA, A., Mr., Head, Maritime Training and
Human Element Section.

Organisation de coopération et de
développement économiques
Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development
SCORPECCI, Danny, Mr., Principal Economist in the
Division of Transport.

Union européenne European Union

Unión Europea
BURGHELLE-VERNET, Philippe, M., Chef d'Unité, DG
Transport et Energie.
BECHET, Thierry, M., Ministre-Conseiller, Délégation à
BOELAERT, Sonja, Mme, DG Emploi et Affaires
DELARUE, Rudie, M., DG Emploi et Affaires sociales.
DE KONING, Astrid, Mme, DG Emploi et Affaires
DEVOUCHE, Anne, Mme, DG Transport et Energie.
ECONOMOU, Christos, M., DG Transport et Energie.
HEUZE, Thibault, M., DG Emploi et Affaires sociales.
Transport et Energie.
DUFOUR, Christian, M., Délégation à Genève.


VAN THIEL, Servatius, Mr., Counsellor, Liaison Office,

General Secretariat, Council of the European Union,
ALLEN, Oliver, Mr., First Secretary, Liaison Office,
General Secretariat, Council of the European Union,



Confédération internationale des syndicats Association maritime chrétienne
libres internationale
International Confederation of Free Trade International Christian Maritime Association
Unions Asociación Marítima Cristiana Internacional
Confederación Internacional de GONZALEZ JOYANES, Domingo, Mr.
Organizaciones Sindicales Libres KANZ, Juergen, Mr.
LAASIO, Jaakko, Mr.
CUNNIAH, Dan, Mr., Director, Geneva Office. PETERS, Canon Ken, Mr.
BIONDI, Anna, Ms., Assistant Director, Geneva Office. STEVENSON, Douglas, Mr.
YORK, Christopher, Mr.

Confédération mondiale du travail

Fédération internationale des armateurs
World Confederation of Labour
International Shipping Federation
Confederación Mundial del Trabajo
HORROCKS, Chris, Mr., Secretary-General.
SEA, Hervé, M., Représentant permanent, Genève. COOPER, Terry, Ms.
GUY, Richard, Mr.
DEARSLEY, David, Mr.
WISEMAN, Natalie, Ms., Secretary.
Fédération syndicale mondiale MARKING, Timothy Frank, Mr.
World Federation of Trade Unions CRYE, John Michael, Mr., President, International Council
of Cruise Lines.
Federación Sindical Mundial THOMPSON, Ted, Mr.

CARDONA, Ramón, Sr., Secretario General Adjunto.

NARVAEZ GARCIA, Luis Efrain, M., Conseiller
juridique, Bureau du liaison, Genève. Fédération internationale des associations
de patrons de navires
International Federation of Shipmasters’
Organisation internationale des employeurs
International Organization of Employers
Federación Internacional de las
Organización Internacional de Empleadores
Asociaciones de Capitanes de Buques
YURÉN, Andrés, Mr., Adviser.
DEJARDIN, Jean, Mr., Adviser. GRAHL, Hans Dieter, Mr.

Association internationale des sociétés de Fédération internationale des ouvriers du

classification transport
Internatioal Association of Classification International Transport Workers' Federation
Societies Federación Internacional de los Trabajadores
Asociación Internacional de Sociedades de del Transporte
Clasificación WHITLOW, Jon, Mr.
WRIGHT, Colin David, Mr., Senior Technical Officer, JAMES, Sharon, Ms.
IACS. DOWSETT, Leanne, Ms.
PAVOLV, Igor, Mr., Seafarers' Union of Russia (SUR).
STOLYARENKO, Georgy, Mr., International
Confederation of Water Transport Workers' Unions

YEFRIMENKO, Nataliya, Ms., Marine Transport
Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine.




Bureau de la Conférence
LEWANDOWSKA, M., Mme (Pologne)
COX, J., M. (Armateurs, Etats-Unis)
Président SMITH, J., Mme (Gens de mer, Norvège)

SCHINDLER, J.-M. M. (France)

Comité de rédaction
TERANISHI, T., M. (Japon) ROUSEEL, D. M. (Canada)
LINDEMANN, D., M. (Armateurs, Allemagne) YAHMADI, A., M. (Tunisie)
ORRELL, B., M. (Gens de mer, Royaume-Uni) SADLER, P. (Royaume-Uni)
DEARSLEY, D., M. (Armateurs, Royaume-Uni)
Délégation du Conseil d’administration MCEWEN, P., M. (Gens de mer, Royaume-Uni)
Assisté par
NGANTCHA, F., M. (Représentant gouvernemental, TSELENTIS, A., M. (Gens de mer, Grèce)
SUZUKI, T., M. (Membre employeur, Japon)
BLONDEL, M., M. (Membre travailleur, France)
Bureaux des groupes

Bureaux des Commissions Groupe gouvernemental

Commission d’organisation des travaux Président

ZHANG, X., M. (Chine)
SCHINDLER, J.-M. M. (France)
SOLLING OLSEN, B., Mme (Danemark)
Commission no. 1
(préambule, articles, titre 5, annexes) Secrétaire
VAN DER BERG, C., M. (Pays-Bas)
CARLTON, B., M. (Etats-Unis) Groupe des armateurs
JEON, Y.W., M. (République de Corée)
HAJARA, S., M. (Armateurs, Inde) LINDEMANN, D., M. (Allemagne)
ORRELL, B., M. (Gens de mer, Royaume-Uni)
Commission no.2
DEARSLEY, D., M. (Armateurs, Royaume-Uni)
(titres 1 à 3)
Président WISEMAN, N., Mme (Fédération internationale des
SMEJFELL, G., M. (Norvège) armateurs)

Vice-présidents Groupe des travailleurs

MORENO, M., M. (Chili)
LINDEMANN, D., M. (Armateurs, Allemagne) Président
CRUMLIN, P., M. (Gens de mer, Australie)
ORRELL, B., M. (Royaume-Uni)
Commission no. 3 (titre 4)
FAY, J., M. (Etats-Unis)
BALDOZ, R., Mme (Philippines)

WHITLOW, J., M. (Fédération internationale des ouvriers
du Transport)

Secrétariat général
de la Conférence

Secrétaire Général

TAPIOLA, K., M., Secrétaire général

DOUMBIA-HENRY, C., Mme, Représentante du
Secrétaire général
JENNINGS, N., M., Représentant adjoint du Secrétaire

Conseiller Juridique


Directeur exécutif (dialogue social)



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