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● St.Johns Besant Nagar was featured as one of the Top 5 CBSE schools in Chennai by
● In the tapestry of education, our school stands as a vibrant thread, weaving dreams,
knowledge, and aspirations into the fabric of each student's journey.
As we celebrate this annual day, let's applaud the nurturing environment our school
provides, cultivating not just academic excellence but also fostering character, resilience,
and a spirit of collaboration.
● St. John’s is a place where the intellectual, social, emotional, physical, spiritual and
aesthetic development of the student is fostered, to enhance the Quality of Life.
● The school caters to holistic personality development interwoven with discipline,
punctuality, love for sports, etiquette, demeanour and respect for one and all.
● Education is what ultimately remains after one has forgotten all that one learnt in
Schools and Colleges. The motto of St. John’s aims at imparting wisdom – the ability to
think and utilise knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight.Our
motto will be a motivating impulse, taking each student on a quest for knowledge,
instilling in them passion for discovery, an urge to go beyond the frontiers of the
● Our founder Dr. Rajakumar’s life is an example of a great man who is still living
through his noble deeds. Dr. Rajakumar, an institution by himself was an
educationist, journalist, administrator, evangelist and a visionary. He was a great
man of God. He transformed millions of lives who came in touch with him.
● Our beloved Founder Chairman Dr. Rajakumar was a man of noble character. He
always insisted on perfection in every activity. He was a gentleman with a
magnanimous heart. He was known for his humility, philanthropy, punctuality,
courage, honesty, dedication and devotion.
● “Faith moves mountains”. Dr. Rajakumar had immense faith in God. His strong belief
in God enabled him to progress and prosper in his life.
● Our co- Founder Smt. Sakuntala Rajakumar was the unwavering backbone and and
an anchor of support to our founder. She has helped navigate St.Johns group of
schools to distinction for years. As a teacher by profession, she dedicated herself to
foster the growth of young minds and to spread love amd care.

● St John’s Besant Nagar is known for its unbreakable and supportive community,
where diversity and uniqueness are celebrated.
● Caring environment:
● St John’s provides a nurturing and caring environment, where students and teachers
are always given great opportunities for growth.
● In the realm of games & sports which holds a very special place in the hearts of the
tiny ones, we train them very specially and subtly to become healthy in body. Simple
and meaningful exercise which are to the liking of the children at the same time
tunes their bodies, are practised regularly. Physical stress here is minimised by the
joy and happiness that they experience during these P.T. classes. Sports a
pioneering work of St. John’s is an exclusive activity for the primary section, when a
variety of colourful and interesting non-standard as well as standard events are
organized for them. To inculcate the spirit of sportsmanship among students the
school conducts Intramural Games for the members of the four houses. A
full-fledged standard Athletic Meet is conducted among the members of all the four
houses in all the standard events.
Practical and holistic learning:
● Conducting coaching classes after regular class hours to enhance and supplement
learning skills.
● Career Counselling provided by highly functional and reputed organizations.
● Seminars and workshops are organized for enhancing academic proficiency and
developing soft skills.
● • Participation in a variety of Olympiads and Talent Search Examinations
conducted by reputed organizations.
● • Organising high profile and innovative project Exhibitions.
● • Instilling leadership qualities through assigning roles as ‘volunteers’ to
enhance discipline in the campus.
● • Encouraging participation in Co-Curricular activities at intra and inter levels.

1. "Knowledge is power; wisdom, its application—education empowers minds, shaping a future
of endless possibilities."
2. "Learn today, lead tomorrow; education is the compass guiding us through life's uncharted
3. "In learning, we grow; in teaching, we inspire—education plants seeds for a thriving future."
4. "Acquire knowledge, sow wisdom—education's harvest yields a bountiful crop of enlightened
5. "Education illuminates minds, dispelling darkness—its glow lights the path to a brighter
6. "Learn with purpose, teach with passion—education's journey shapes character and fuels
7. "Knowledge shared is wisdom multiplied; education cultivates a garden of flourishing
8. "Education unlocks doors, revealing the boundless chambers of opportunity within each
curious mind."
9. "In the book of life, education writes the chapters—each lesson a stepping stone to success."
10. "Wisdom echoes in the halls of learning; education's symphony orchestrates a harmonious
11. "Education molds minds like a sculptor shapes clay—crafting individuals into architects of
their destiny."
12. "A well-taught mind is a compass navigating life's seas; education charts the course to
13. "Education is the passport to the future; learning, the key that unlocks countless doors."
14. "Knowledge sown reaps a lifetime harvest—education is the fertile soil nurturing boundless
15. "In the classroom of life, education is the master key, unlocking doors to endless
1. "Knowledge opens doors, wisdom guides the way—education is the lantern illuminating the
path to a brighter future."
2. "Learn continuously; educate the mind—knowledge is the compass steering us toward a
world of endless possibilities."
3. "Acquire knowledge, sow wisdom—education's harvest yields a bountiful crop of enlightened
minds and enriched perspectives."
4. "Education is the foundation; learning builds the structure—knowledge constructs bridges to a
future of boundless potential."
5. "In the garden of learning, education is the seed; nurturing minds grows a forest of wisdom
and understanding."
6. "Educate minds, cultivate hearts—knowledge sown with compassion blossoms into a garden
of enlightened, empathetic individuals."
7. "In the journey of life, education is the map; learning navigates us through the diverse
landscapes of knowledge."
8. "Education is the canvas, knowledge the brushstroke—painting a masterpiece of
understanding and fostering a cultured society."
9. "Knowledge is the currency of progress; invest in education, and watch the economy of
enlightenment flourish."
10. "Education is the key; knowledge unlocks doors to opportunities, empowering minds to
shape a brighter destiny."
11. "Learning is the spark; education ignites the flame—illuminating minds and dispelling the
shadows of ignorance."
12. "Education is the springboard; knowledge propels us to new heights, launching us into a
world of endless possibilities."
13. "In the symphony of life, education is the conductor; learning orchestrates a harmonious
melody of wisdom and understanding."
14. "Education is the fertile soil; knowledge, the seeds—planting the future with the growth of
enlightened minds."
15. "Learn with purpose, teach with passion—education is the vessel that sails us through the
vast ocean of knowledge."
16. "In the book of life, education writes chapters—each lesson, a narrative crafting a tale of
informed, empowered individuals."
17. "Knowledge is the cornerstone; education constructs a fortress of understanding, sheltering
minds from the storms of ignorance."
18. "Education is the sculptor; knowledge molds minds like clay—crafting individuals into
architects of their own destiny."
19. "Wisdom in education shapes character; knowledge shapes paths—navigating life's journey
with purpose and understanding."
20. "In the realm of learning, education is the key; knowledge unlocks the doors to a realm of
infinite possibilities.”

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