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22SMR0208 Done Resubmit Rejection

23KBA0034 Done Resubmit Rejection

21PLK0078 Done Resubmit Rejection

24TRK0005 Done Resubmit Rejection

23RTA0025 Done Resubmit Rejection

22SMR0055 Optimis

22SMR0139 No Task

22SMR0125 Optimis
20SKU0020 Optimis

21SPT0015 Optimis
21SPT0017 Optimis

20SAG0091 Done Resubmit Rejection

21PLK0101 Optimis

21SPT0119 Optimis
24TSL0007 optimis

24TRK0038 Need Onsite

24TRK0030 Need Onsite

22TRG0113 Optimis
ATP Remarks of Rejection: groundpart Tampilkan foto
pemasangan new MCB dan pasang label nya jumlah sesuai
boq untuk RF 1 bh Tambahkan foto pemasangan
groundingshield dari RF yang terpasang 1 bh towerpart
towerpart Foto Rf cover terbuka terlihat pemasangan optic,
Foto new powercable dan groundingshiled di RF yang
terpasang 1 bh, Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of
View power cable connection to MCB and label (After) :
Tampilkan foto pemasangan new MCB dan pasang label nya
jumlah sesuai boq untuk RF 1 bh , Remarks of Rejection
Ground Part Photo of View to the grounding connection inside
the cabinet (After) : Tambahkan foto pemasangan
groundingshield dari RF yang terpasang 1 bh, Remarks of
Rejection Tower Part Photo of View sector 1, RRU Power
cable and CPRI connection (After) : Foto Rf cover terbuka
terlihat pemasangan optic, Foto new powercable dan
groundingshiled di RF yang terpasang 1 bh. , Rejected by
Herry Rachmanto

ATP Remarks of Rejection: Tambahkan foto pemasangan

groundingshield dari RF yang terpasang 1 bh, Remarks of
Rejection Ground Part Photo of View to the grounding
connection inside the cabinet (After) : Tambahkan foto
pemasangan groundingshield dari RF yang terpasang 1 bh. ,
Rejected by Herry Rachmanto
ATP Remarks of Rejection: groundpart Tambahkan foto
pemasangan groundingshield dari RF yang terpasang 3 bh
towerpart Pasang stopper di mounting antena bawah,
Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of View to the
grounding connection inside the cabinet (After) : Tambahkan
foto pemasangan groundingshield dari RF yang terpasang 3
bh, Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of View Sector 3,
Bracket Assembly TOP & Bottom (After) : Pasang stopper di
mounting antena bawah. , Rejected by Herry Rachmanto

ATP Remarks of Rejection: towerpart bracket atas belum

dipasang doublelocknut foto new powercable hapus, foto RF
cover terbuka saja, Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of
View Sector 1, Bracket Assembly TOP & Bottom (After) :
bracket atas belum dipasang doublelocknut, Remarks of
Rejection Tower Part Photo of View sector 3, RRU Power
cable and CPRI connection (After) : foto new powercable
hapus, foto RF cover terbuka saja. , Rejected by Herry
ATP Remarks of Rejection: NG, salah dokumen, dokumen yg
harus di add print pdf NG. BOQ, Dokumen tdk bisa di buka.
ABD, Sesuaikan data azimuth dan tinggi antenna dgn data
antenna yg di pasang di site dan cover depan dan sid dan
ndb., Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of New/
Existing Grounding Bar (After) : Perbaiki kolom ini, liat dan
contoh dokumen dari Nokia., Remarks of Rejection Ground
Part Photo of View to the grounding connection inside the
cabinet (After) : Tambahkan foto koneksi grounding silk dari
kabel power rf module, liat contoh dokumen., Remarks of
Rejection Tower Part Photo of View sector 1, RRU Power
cable and CPRI connection (After) : Perbaiki kolom ini liat
contoh dokumen., Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of
View sector 1, RRU/filter/combiner grounding connection to
grounding bar (After) : perbaiiki kolom ini, liat contoh
dokumen., Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of View
Sector 2, Routing CPRI & power cable to RRU Assembly on
tower (After) : Perbaiki kolom ini liat contoh dokumen.,
Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of View Sector 2,
Bracket Assembly TOP & Bottom (After) : Perbaiki kolom ini
liat contoh dokumen., Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo
of View sector 2, Antenna height (After) : Perbaiki kolom ini liat
contoh dokumen., Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of
View Sector 3, Routing CPRI & power cable to RRU Assembly
on tower (After) : Perbaiki kolom ini liat contoh dokumen.,
Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of View Sector 3,
Bracket Assembly TOP & Bottom (After) : Perbaiki kolom ini
liat contoh dokumen.. Remarks of Rejection ATP Link of As
Built Drawing : Sesuaikan data azimuth dan tinggi antenna
dgn data antenna yg di pasang di site dan cover depan dan
sid dan ndb., Remarks of Rejection ATP Link of BoQ :
Dokumen tdk bisa di buka., Remarks of Rejection ATP Link of
NetGear Task ID : salah dokumen, dokumen yg harus di add
print pdf NG., Rejected by Daud Rawayanto

ATP Remarks of Rejection: GP, Tambahkan foto koneksi

kabel grounding silk di busbar kabinet t4 kabel power di
konek. DDF, Tambahkan semua capture alarm. Perbaiki cover
depan sesuaikan dgn data antenna di abd dan ndb dan aktual
site. tambahkan foto foto before., Remarks of Rejection
Ground Part Photo of View CPRI connection to modules inside
service cabinet (After) : Tambahkan foto koneksi kabel
grounding silk di busbar kabinet t4 kabel power di konek.,
Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of View to DDF
(Alarms) and label (After) : Tambahkan semua capture alarm.,
Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of View to the
grounding connection inside the cabinet (After) : Tambahkan
foto koneksi kabel grounding silk di busbar kabinet t4 kabel
power di konek.. , Rejected by Daud Rawayanto
ATP Remarks of Rejection: NG, Salah dokumen nya. yg harus
di add print pdf ng yg sudah di proses. ABD, Perbaiki abd
untuk data azimuth dan tinggi antenna nya sesuaikan dgn data
antenna yg terpasang di site. Perbaiki cover depan untuk data
antenna azomuth sesuaikan dgn abd dan aktual site.,
Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of OverView the
service cabinet (door Open) & module arrangement (After) :
Tambahkan foto based plate harus di beri dyna bolt., Remarks
of Rejection Ground Part Photo of View to DDF (Alarms) and
label (After) : Tambahkan semua capture alarm ada 7 item
alarm., Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of View to
the grounding connection inside the cabinet (After) :
Tambahkan foto grounding silk yg dikonek di busbar
grounding di kabenit tempat kabel power rf module di konek.. 20SKU0020
Remarks of Rejection ATP Link of As Built Drawing : Perbaiki
abd untuk data azimuth dan tinggi antenna nya sesuaikan dgn
data antenna yg terpasang di site., Remarks of Rejection ATP
Link of NetGear Task ID : Salah dokumen nya. yg harus di
add print pdf ng yg sudah di proses., Rejected by Daud

ATP Remarks of Rejection: groundpart Tampilkan foto SM

koneksi dynabolt dari plint ke frame concrete beton
Tambahkan foto capture simulasi alarm ENVA clear, lihat
contoh born Tambahkan foto pemasangan groundingshield
dari RF yang terpasang 1 bh towerpart Foto Rf terpasang
cover terbuka terlihat pemasangan optic, Foto new
powercable dan groundingshiled di RF yang terpasang 1 bh,
Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of OverView the
service cabinet (door Open) & module arrangement (After) :
Tampilkan foto SM koneksi dynabolt dari plint ke frame
concrete beton, Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of
View to DDF (Alarms) and label (After) : Tambahkan foto
capture simulasi alarm ENVA clear, lihat contoh born,
Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of View to the
grounding connection inside the cabinet (After) : Tambahkan
foto pemasangan groundingshield dari RF yang terpasang 1
bh, Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of View sector 1, 21SPT0015
RRU Power cable and CPRI connection (After) : Foto Rf
terpasang cover terbuka terlihat pemasangan optic, Foto new
powercable dan groundingshiled di RF yang terpasang 1 bh,
Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of View sector 2,
RRU Power cable and CPRI connection (After) : Hapus foto. ,
Rejected by Herry Rachmanto
ATP Remarks of Rejection: abd Cek kembali pemasangan
new equipment sesuaikan dengan BOQ dan sesuaikan
pewarnaan gambarnya, dan aktual pemasangan groundpart
Tambahkan foto capture simulasi alarm ENVA clear, lihat
contoh born Tambahkan foto pemasangan groundingshield
dari RF yang terpasang 1 bh towerpart Foto Rf terpasang
cover terbuka terlihat pemasangan optic, Foto new
powercable dan groundingshiled di RF yang terpasang 1 bh,
Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of View to DDF
(Alarms) and label (After) : Tambahkan foto capture simulasi
alarm ENVA clear, lihat contoh born, Remarks of Rejection
Ground Part Photo of View to the grounding connection inside
the cabinet (After) : Tambahkan foto pemasangan
groundingshield dari RF yang terpasang 1 bh, Remarks of
Rejection Tower Part Photo of View sector 2, RRU Power
cable and CPRI connection (After) : Foto Rf terpasang cover
terbuka terlihat pemasangan optic, Foto new powercable dan 21SPT0017
groundingshiled di RF yang terpasang 1 bh. Remarks of
Rejection ATP Link of As Built Drawing : Cek kembali
pemasangan new equipment sesuaikan dengan BOQ dan
sesuaikan pewarnaan gambarnya, dan aktual pemasangan,
Remarks of Rejection ATP Link of NetGear Task ID : Update
link netgear dalam bentuk pdf, Rejected by Herry Rachmanto
ATP Remarks of Rejection: Abd hal 15 tampak atas tower rf
terpasang di sec 2 dan 3 sesuai foto born groundpart
Tambahkan foto capture simulasi alarm ENVA clear, lihat
contoh born towerpart Pengukuran tinggi tidak sesuai dengan
NDB yang dilampirkan Pengukuran tinggi tidak sesuai dengan
NDB yang dilampirkan Foto Rf terpasang cover terbuka
terlihat pemasangan optic, Foto new powercable dan
groundingshiled di RF yang terpasang 4 bh Pengukuran tinggi
tidak sesuai dengan NDB yang dilampirkan Foto Rf terpasang
cover terbuka terlihat pemasangan optic, Foto new
powercable dan groundingshiled di RF yang terpasang 4 bh,
Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of View to DDF
(Alarms) and label (After) : Tambahkan foto capture simulasi
alarm ENVA clear, lihat contoh born, Remarks of Rejection
Tower Part Photo of View sector 1, Antenna height (After) :
Pengukuran tinggi tidak sesuai dengan NDB yang dilampirkan,
Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of View sector 2,
Antenna height (After) : Pengukuran tinggi tidak sesuai
dengan NDB yang dilampirkan, Remarks of Rejection Tower
Part Photo of View sector 2, RRU Power cable and CPRI
connection (After) : Foto Rf terpasang cover terbuka, Foto new
powercable dan groundingshiled di RF yang terpasang 4 bh,
Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of View sector 3, 21PLK0101
Antenna height (After) : Pengukuran tinggi tidak sesuai
dengan NDB yang dilampirkan, Remarks of Rejection Tower
Part Photo of View sector 3, RRU Power cable and CPRI
connection (After) : Foto Rf terpasang cover terbuka terlihat
pemasangan optic, Foto new powercable dan groundingshiled
di RF yang terpasang 4 bh. Remarks of Rejection ATP Link of
As Built Drawing : hal 15 tampak atas tower rf terpasang di
sec 2 dan 3 sesuai foto born, Rejected by Herry Rachmanto

ATP Remarks of Rejection: 1. Posisi RF di sector-1 tidak back

to back dan inline dengan ANT & Posisi tutup cover wajib
mendekati Leg. 2. Lampirkan 7 capture actual ENVA test
alarm, Main Power Failure, Rectifier Module Failure,
Temperature Alarm, PLVD Disconnect, Arrester Fail, Rectifier 21SPT0119
Battery Fails, Door Open, Aviation Light fail, DDF harus di
tutup & dilabel., Remarks of Rejection Ground Part Photo of
View to DDF (Alarms) and label (After) : Lampirkan 7 capture
actual ENVA test alarm, Main Power Failure, Rectifier Module
Failure, Temperature Alarm, PLVD Disconnect, Arrester Fail,
Rectifier Battery Fails, Door Open, Aviation Light fail, DDF
harus di tutup & dilabel., Remarks of Rejection Tower Part
Photo of View Sector 1, Installation Assembly (Antenna, RRU,
Filter) (After) : Posisi RF di sector-1 tidak back to back dan
inline dengan ANT & Posisi tutup cover wajib mendekati
Leg.. , Rejected by Heri Kusnanto
ATP Remarks of Rejection: groundpart Di boq ada
pemasangan airscale Di boq ada pemasangan airscale
Tambahkan foto capture simulasi alarm ENVA clear, lihat
contoh born Di boq ada pemasangan airscale, Remarks of
Rejection Ground Part Photo of OverView the service cabinet
(door Open) & module arrangement (After) : Di boq ada
pemasangan airscale, Remarks of Rejection Ground Part
Photo of View CPRI connection to modules inside service
cabinet (After) : Di boq ada pemasangan airscale, Remarks of
Rejection Ground Part Photo of View to DDF (Alarms) and
label (After) : Tambahkan foto capture simulasi alarm ENVA
clear, lihat contoh born, Remarks of Rejection Ground Part
Photo of View to the grounding connection inside the cabinet
(After) : Di boq ada pemasangan airscale. , Rejected by Herry

Photo rejection: View Sector 1, Installation RF Jumper RRU to

Antenna After: Punchlist: Minor-All connectors properly
waterproofed (pvc,butyl,pvc, 2xcableties), Remark: All
connector jumper must be install with 2 x cable ties ( top and
bottom) ;, View Sector 2, Installation RF Jumper RRU to
Antenna After: Punchlist: Minor-All connectors properly
waterproofed (pvc,butyl,pvc, 2xcableties), Remark: All
connector jumper must be install with 2 x cable ties ( top and
bottom) ;, View Sector 2, Bracket Assembly TOP & Bottom
After: Punchlist: Major-Support is stable, Remark: Bracket
mounting to leg tower not properly install;, View Sector 3,
Installation RF Jumper RRU to Antenna After: Punchlist:
Minor-All connectors properly waterproofed (pvc,butyl,pvc,
2xcableties), Remark: All connector jumper must be install
with 2 x cable ties ( top and bottom) ;, View Sector 1, Bracket
Assembly TOP & Bottom After: Punchlist: Major-Support is
stable, Remark: No submit photo tower bracket;, View Sector
3, Bracket Assembly TOP & Bottom After: Punchlist: Major-
Support is stable, Remark: No submit photo tower bracket;,
Rejected by Puput Arismanto

ATP Remarks of Rejection: Mounting ANT Penta Band untuk

mechanical tilt terbalik (seharusnya bagian yang Panjang ada
di bagian ANT)., Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of
View Sector 1, Bracket Assembly TOP & Bottom (After) :
Mounting ANT Penta Band untuk mechanical tilt terbalik
(seharusnya bagian yang Panjang ada di bagian ANT).,
Remarks of Rejection Tower Part Photo of View Sector 2,
Bracket Assembly TOP & Bottom (After) : Mounting ANT
Penta Band untuk mechanical tilt terbalik (seharusnya bagian
yang Panjang ada di bagian ANT)., Remarks of Rejection
Tower Part Photo of View Sector 3, Bracket Assembly TOP &
Bottom (After) : Mounting ANT Penta Band untuk mechanical
tilt terbalik (seharusnya bagian yang Panjang ada di bagian
ANT).. , Rejected by Heri Kusnanto
Photo rejection: OverView the service cabinet (door Open) &
module arrangement After: Punchlist: Major-All modules are
screwed in firmly with all the proper bolts, Remark: All
connection in FSMF must use cap seal;, View CPRI
connection to modules inside service cabinet After: Punchlist:
Minor-Optical cables are protected with dust caps, Remark:
Connection optic cable to FSMF must use cap seal;, Rejected
by Puput Arismanto
Need Enva
Need Enva

Need Enva
Need Enva
Need Enva

Need Enva (simulasi Alarm)

Need Enva

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