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Phase Number Age Name Oni 1 # Oni 2 # Oni 3 # Oni 4 # Reward 1 # Reward 2 # Reward 3 # Haku Normal High rank

Oni 3 # Oni 4 # Reward 1 # Reward 2 # Reward 3 # Haku Normal High rank Required to advance
1 1 M. Hills Arrival of Oni Imp 20 Tenacious claw 1 Oni Skin 1 Iron Ore 1 90
1 2 M. Hills Destroy the Horde Poisonspitter 10 Blazing Soul 10 Grass ring 1 Snowflake Crystal 1 Red Clay 1 100
1 3 M. Hills Bloody Commander Ogre 1 Famine claw 1 Oni Skin 1 Heavenly Fibers 1 100
1 4 M. Hills Reclaim Kurogane Mines Imp 10 Poisonspitter 5 Blazing Soul 5 Iron ore 1 Breezy rock 1 Ruby 1 90
1 5 M. Hills White Nest, Purple Spiders Manhunter 1 White thread 1 Abyss drop 1 Manhunter hornbit 1 120
1 6 Peace Ruins Survey - Peace- Windshredder 1 Ogre 1 Dust storm 1 Airblade 1 Gale tail 1 130
1 7 Peace Wind Shredding Tiger Windshredder 1 Windshredder shell 1 Dust storm 1 Windshredder hornbit 1 120
1 8 Peace Brute in the Forest Bruteclaw 1 Bruteclaw splinter 1 Wriggling moss 1 Bruteclaw hornbit 1 120
2 1 Peace Purify -Underworld- Imp 10 Poisonspitter 10 Blazing Soul 5 Tenacious claw 1 Toxic fang 1 Red eye 1 360
2 2 Honor Subzero Battle Aurwing 10 Pale Imp 10 Rockshell 3 Large ear 1 Voracious fang 1 Stone shell 1 360
2 3 Honor A Piercing Roar Canidaemon 1 Storm claw 1 Oni Skin 1 Breezy rock 1 380
2 4 Honor Voracious Sea God Edax 1 Ice fur 1 Ripple drop 1 Edax hornbit 1 420
2 5 Honor Blade on the Breeze Bladetail 1 Razorhair 1 Zephyrslasher 1 Bladetail hornbit 1 420
2 6 Honor Rage of the White Spider Bloodhunter 1 Rock pellet 1 True abyss drop 1 Bloodhunter hornbit 1 420
2 7 Peace Bitter Fruit Phytodior 1 Mossy shell 1 Cursetree sapling 1 Cursetree hornbit 1 420
2 8 Honor Ruins Survey -Honor- Edax 1 Canidaemon 1 Icy mountains 1 Edax armshell 1 Edax legshell 1 440
2 9 Honor Demon that Binds Light Succuwing 1 Thunderstone 1 Light ray 1 Succuwing hornbit 1 420
3 1 Honor Purify -Shijima Grounds- Aurwing 10 Pale Imp 10 Rockshell 5 Oni skin 1 Snowflake Crystal 1 1 810
3 2 War Wild Dance of Blades Razortalon 10 Sickleclaw 10 Black feather 1 Sickleclaw talon 1 Shattered horn 1 810
3 3 War Roars Like Lightning Carcinus 1 Carcinus claw 1 Shattered horn 1 Grass ring 1 840
3 4 War M. Hills Eater Jollux 1 Adamantine hair 1 Revolving mountain 1 Jollux hornbit 1 900
3 5 War Gale Legs of Steel Skyshredder 1 Skyshredder shell 1 Brilliant light 1 Skyshredder hornbit 1 900
3 6 Honor Purify -Itsukushima- Aurwing 5 Pale Imp 5 Bladetail 1 Razorhair 1 Zephyrslasher 1 Bladetail hornbit 1 900
3 7 War Oni on Fire Pyropteryx 1 Blazebird ruff 1 Heat haze 1 Pyropteryx hornbit 1 900
3 8 M. Hills The Crawling Forest Manhunter 1 Phytodior 1 Manhunter sickle 1 Cursetree greenhand 1 Cursefruit 1 990
3 9 Honor A Lady Colder Than Ice Glaciabella 1 Ice sparkle scale 1 Crystal wave 1 Glaciabella hornbit 1 900
3 10 Honor The Creeping Fear Scorpioclaw 1 Scorpioclaw splinter 1 Running water 1 Scorpioclaw hornbit 1 900
3 11 Honor Giant Boulder Petros 1 White rockskin 1 Chaotic droplet 1 Petros hornbit 1 900
3 12 War Ruins Survey - War- Skyshredder 1 Carcinus 1 Brilliant light 1 Skyshredder claw 1 Skyshredder legplate 1 930
3 13 War Path to the Ultimate Quadbracchium 1 Quadbracchium shell 1 Mountain core 1 Quadbracchium hornbit 1 900
4 1 Grace Roadside Guardian Dark Imp 10 Thorntongue 5 Earthfang 5 Avaricious claw 1 Spiky tongue 1 Wet skin 1 1440
4 2 War Purify -Tenku-Azuchi- Razortalon 10 Sickleclaw 5 Quadbracchium 1 Broken club 1 Quadbracchium legplate 1 Quadbracchium fur 1 1560
4 3 Peace Terrible Wind Goddess Swiftwing 1 Thunderheart 1 Windslicer 1 Swiftwing hornbit 1 1560
4 4 Grace Corpse Armored Crab Hermitclaw 1 Corpse shell 1 Shattered horn 1 Killing stone 1 1480
4 5 Grace Catfish in Concealment Cruspices 1 Cruspices skin 1 Flowing marsh 1 Cruspices hornbit 1 1560
4 6 Peace Twin Lions in the Wind Windshredder 2 WIndshredder claw 1 Windshredder legplate 1 Gale tail 1 1560
4 7 Honor Shadows on Frozen Falls Glaciabella 1 Bloodhunter 1 Water silk 1 Iceblade scale 1 Bloodhunter sickle 1 1680
4 8 Honor Three Eyed Mynx Viper Queen 1 Scaly skin 1 Water spirit 1 Viper Queen hornbit 1 1560
4 9 Grace Wings From Above Astapteryx 1 Lusterbird ruff 1 DIstant thunder 1 Astrapteryx hornbit 1 1560
4 10 M. Hills Crowned with Lightning Petros 1 Astrapteryx 1 Earthshredder spike 1 Numbing breastplate 1 Lusterbird tail 1 1680
4 11 M. Hills Icy Intrusion Viper Queen 1 Scorpioclaw 1 High tide pearl 1 Dream claw 1 Scorpioclaw crosstail 1 1680
4 12 Grace Ruins Survey -Grace- Cruspices 1 Hermitclaw 1 Cruspices claw 1 Cruspices gill 1 Cruspices tail 1 1600
4 13 Grace Visage of Terror Wingspawn 1 Crimson shell 1 Cursed bud 1 Wingspawn hornbit 1 1560
5 1 Chaos Desert of Dangerous Oni Crawler 10 Soulreaper 10 Crawler's claw 1 Golden carapace 1 Soul serum 1 2250
5 2 Chaos Slumbering in Sand Aquaclaw 1 Death claw 1 Soul serum 1 Red clay 1 2300
5 3 Chaos Otherworld Tactician Leohomin 1 Leohomin redhair 1 Whispering sand 1 Leohomin hornbit 1 2400
5 4 Grace Bovine King of Hell Maledictaur 1 Maledictaur mane 1 Blackfie tormentor 1 Bullhead hornbit 1 2400
5 5 Grace Rescue - Rumor-Sakyo - Hermitclaw 1 Astrapteryx 1 Lusterbird wing 1 Thunder wing 1 Lusterbird claw 1 2450
5 6 Grace Face the Horde Thorntongue 5 Razortalon 3 Maledictaur 1 Magma rockstaff 1 Maledictaur armshell 1 Maledictaur tail 1 2400
5 7 Chaos Yellow Pool from Beyond Mortabella 1 Golden scale 1 Death spring 1 Mortabella hornbit 1 2400
5 8 Chaos White Dragon, Unleashed Drakwing 1 Drakwing scale 1 White flame 1 Drakwing hornbit 1 2400
5 9 Grace Bathe in Cursed Flames Wingspawn 1 Maedictaur 1 Bloodclot anchor 1 Maledictaur tail 1 Black sand 1 2550
5 10 Peace Deceptive Web of Illusions Venom Queen 1 Green scales 1 Wind spirit 1 Venom Queen hornbit 1 2400
5 11 M. Hills Vanishing Snake Princess Dark Imp 10 Thorntongue 5 Venom Queen 1 Rainbow pearl 1 Storm claw 1 Serpent skin 1 2400
5 12 Chaos Ruins Survey -Chaos- Leohomin 1 Aquaclaw 1 Leohomin claw 1 Leohomin fur 1 Leohomin tailspike 1 2450
5 13 Chaos An Evil Falls to Earth Brutebeast 1 Brutebeast skin 1 Skyruin omen 1 Brutebeast hornbit 1 2400
6 1 Yore Loiterers of Fire Blistershell 5 Goldentalon 10 Foul red shell 1 Gold feather 1 Soul serum 1 3240
6 2 Chaos Capture of Grounded Ships Crawler 3 Soulreaper 3 Drakwing 1 Drakwing talon 1 Drakwing membrane 1 Drakwing tailfin 1 3420
6 3 Peace An Endless Curse Goylespawn 1 Green husk 1 Roaring bud 1 Goylespawn hornbit 1 3420
6 4 Chaos Ultimate Iron Anomalos 1 Silver rockskin 1 Transcendent droplet 1 Impossible hornbit 1 3420
6 5 Yore Blazing Battle Phlogistor 1 Flame-red shell 1 Firetree sapling 1 Scorchtree hornbit 1 3420
6 6 Yore Demon From the Abyss Onyxwing 1 Nightsky chestplate 1 Flying shadow 1 Nightsky hornbit 1 3420
6 7 Yore Commander and Devourer Venter 1 Fatigue claw 1 Soul serum 1 Ruby 1 3300
6 8 Yore Bloodsucking Monster Crocodilus 1 Crocodilus hide 1 Vortex flame 1 Crocodilus hornbit 1 3420
6 9 Yore Dawn in Flames Chthonian Fiend 1 Pulsating lava 1 Shadowflame 1 Chthonian hornbit 1 3420
6 10 Chaos Ape and Dragon Rampage Leohomin 1 Drakwing 1 Leohomin tailspike 1 Drakwing legplate 1 Black sand 1 3600
6 11 Chaos Purify -Chaos Valley- Mortabella 1 Anomalos 1 Purple silk 1 Impossible spike 1 Soul crystal 1 3600
6 12 Grace Watchers From Above Onyxwing 1 Astrapteryx 1 Nightsky membrane 1 Tail membrane 1 Lusterbird tail 1 3600
6 13 Chaos The Coming Evil Leohomin 1 Brutebeast 1 Leohomin tailspike 1 Brutebeast claw 1 Purplish thorn 1 3600
6 14 Yore Purify -Serpent Road- Crocodilus 1 Chthonian Fiend 1 Cruspices gill 1 Chthonian beads 1 Chthonian tail 1 3600
6 15 M. Hills Roots of Evil Petros 1 Phlogistor 1 Petros arm 1 Scorchtree firehand 1 Scorchfruit 1 3600
6 16 M. Hills Despair on the Wing Goylespawn 1 Anomalos 1 Onyxwing 1 Goylespawn hornbit 1 Impossible hornbit 1 Nightsky hornbit 1 3780
6 17 Yore Ruins Survey -Yore- Venter 1 Chthonian Fiend 1 Chthonian beads 1 Soul serum 1 Soul Crystal 1 3600
6 18 Yokohama Monster From Beyond Time Tokiwa - no - Orochi 1 Orochi scale 1 Time ring 1 Orochi hornbit 1 3420
7 1 M. Hills New Threats Imp 10 Poisonspitter 10 Blazing Soul 10 Sun ring 1 Flame of man's realm 1 True red clay 1 4410
7 2 M. Hills Defense of the Mines Ogre 1 Venter 1 True silver ore 1 Gale stone 1 Hail crystal 1 4550
7 3 M. Hills Purple Night Spider Manhunter 1 Pure white thread 1 Hell drop 1 Manhunter horn 1 4620
7 4 Peace The Lurking Wind Windshredder 1 Hardened windshell 1 Whirling dust 1 Windshredder horns 1 4620
7 5 Peace Twin Claws of Misery Bruteclaw 1 Bruteclaw shell 1 Gluttonous moss 1 Bruteclaw horn 1 4620
7 6 Honor King of Gluttons Edax 1 Frozen ice fur 1 Tide drop 1 Edax horns 1 4620
7 7 Peace Return to Ruins -Peace- Windshredder 1 Bruteclaw 1 Windshredder razor 1 Bruteclaw claw 1 Otherworldy mineral 5 4830
7 8 M. Hills Retake Sakimori Canidaemon 1 Carcinus 1 Carcinus fang 1 Hardened oni skin 5 Small horn 5 5920
7 9 Honor Purify -Frozen Sea- Rockshell 5 Aurwing 10 Pale Imp 10 Carapace 1 Stomping foot 1 White drum 1 5760
7 10 Honor Wandering White Spider Bloodhunter 1 Hard rock pellet 1 Hades drop 1 Bloodhunter horns 1 6000
7 11 Peace Raging Wild Child Phytodior 1 Rotted bulb 1 Spritree sapling 1 Cursetree horns 1 6000
7 12 Honor Snow Rending Claws Bladetail 1 Whirlpool mouth 1 Zephyrcutter 1 Bladetail horn 1 6000
7 13 Honor Punish the Crimson Oni Succuwing 1 Roaring thunderstone 1 Blinding ray 1 Succuwing horn 1 6000
7 14 War Belly of Endless Hunger Jollux 1 Strong adamantine 1 Flowing mountain 1 Jollux horns 1 6000
7 15 War Battlefield Lion Skyshredder 1 Skyshredder shield 1 Heavenly light 1 Skyshredder horns 1 6000
7 16 Honor Return to Ruins -Honor- Edax 1 Succuwing 1 Submerged mountains 1 Succuwing raytail 1 Succuwing raywing 1 6240
7 17 War Return to Ruins -War- Jollux 1 Skyshredder 1 Divine mountains 1 Sharp skyblade 1 Otherworldy mineral 1 6240
7 18 M. Hills Defense of Murakumo Hermitclaw 1 Aquaclaw 1 Death talon 1 Small horn 5 Cryptid bone 5 7470
7 19 War Burning Bird Pyropteryx 1 Blazebird beak 1 Sea fire 1 Pyropteryx horn 5 7560
7 20 Honor Welcome to a Silver World Glaciabella 1 Freezesnake fang 1 Ice wave 1 Glaciabella horns 1 7560
7 21 Honor An Unsettling Grin Scorpioclaw 1 Scorpioclaw shell 1 Rushing water 1 Scorpioclaw horn 1 7560
7 22 War Ruler with a Giant Staff Quadbracchium 1 Quadbracchium hide 1 Mountain nexus 1 Quadbracchium horn 1 7560
7 23 Peace Merciless Goddess Swiftwing 1 Roaring thunderclap 1 Blinding ray 1 Swiftwing horn 1 7560
7 24 Honor Snake Queen on Ice Viper Queen 1 Tough scaly skin 1 Rain dragon 1 Viper Queen horns 1 7560
7 25 Grace Creeping Shadows Cruspices 1 Cruspices hide 1 Surging marsh 1 Cruspices horn 1 7560
7 26 Chaos Dust Driving Invader Brutebeast 1 Brutebeast armorskin 1 Skyswill omen 1 Brutebeast horn 1 7560
7 27
7 28
7 29
7 30
7 31 M. Hills Bladetail 1 Jollux 1 Pyropteryx 1
7 32 M. Hills Toukiden 2 Quadbracchium 1
Phase Number Age Name Oni 1 # Oni 2 # Oni 3 # Oni 4 # Reward 1 # Reward 2 # Reward 3 # Haku Normal High rank Required to advance
Phase Number Age Name Oni 1 # Oni 2 # Oni 3 # Oni 4 # Reward 1 # Reward 2 # Reward 3 # Haku Normal High rank Required to advance
Phase Number Age Name Oni 1 # Oni 2 # Oni 3 # Oni 4 # Reward 1 # Reward 2 # Reward 3 # Haku Normal High rank Required to advance
Phase Number Age Name Oni 1 # Oni 2 # Oni 3 # Oni 4 # Reward 1 # Reward 2 # Reward 3 # Haku Normal High rank Required to advance
Phase Number Age Name Oni 1 # Oni 2 # Oni 3 # Oni 4 # Reward 1 # Reward 2 # Reward 3 # Haku Normal High rank Required to advance
Phase Number Age Name Oni 1 # Oni 2 # Oni 3 # Oni 4 # Reward 1 # Reward 2 # Reward 3 # Haku Normal High rank Required to advance
Phase Number Age Name Oni 1 # Oni 2 # Oni 3 # Oni 4 # Reward 1 # Reward 2 # Reward 3 # Haku Normal High rank Required to advance
1 1 M. Hills First battle Imp 20 Tenacious Claw 1 Oni Skin 5 Rutile 5 90
1 2 M. Hills Patrol Duty -M. Hills- Poisonspitter 5 Blazing Soul 5 Imp 10 Red Eye 1 Toxic Fang 1 Mysterious Claw 5 90
1 3 M. Hills Invite from an Oni Ogre 1 Famine Claw 1 Oni Skin 5 Deep Blue Ore 5 100
1 4 M. Hills Bathing Black Spider Manhunter 1 White Thread 1 Abyss Drop 1 Manhunter Hornbit 1 270
1 5 Peace Contact with the Beyond Drumble 15 Snake Skin 1 Oni Skin 5 Breezy Rock 1 90
1 6 Peace Hunting with the Wind Windshredder 1 Winshredder Shell 1 Dust Storm 1 Windshredder Hornbit 1 300
1 7 Peace Deep Forest Predator Bruteclaw 1 Bruteclaw Splinter 1 Wriggling Moss 1 Bruteclaw Hornbit 1 360
1 8 Peace Patrol Duty -Peace- Ogre 3 Binding Rope 5 Tainted Coin 5 Breezy Rock 4 120
2 1 Honor Grand Tunnel of Evil Canidaemon 1 Storm Claw 1 Chipped Broadsword 5 Helmet Crest 5 390
2 2 Honor Realm of the White Spider Bloodhunter 1 Rock Pellet 1 True Abyss Drop 1 Bloodhunter Hornbit 1 420
2 3 Peace Ruins Survey -Peace- Windshredder 1 Ogre 1 Airblade 1 Windshredder Claw 1 Windshredder Legplate 1 510
2 4 Honor Towering Sea God Edax 1 Ice Fur 1 Ripple Drop 1 Edax Hornbit 1 540
2 5 Honor Wide Mouth of Ice Fangs Bladetail 1 Bladetail Talon 1 Bladetail Legplate 1 Bladetail Tailblade 1 450
2 6 Peace Poison Loving Freak Phytodior 1 Mossy Shell 1 Cursetree Sapling 1 Cursetree Hornbit 1 570
2 7 Honor Lightning Across the Sky Succuwing 1 Thunderstone 1 Light Ray 1 Succuwing Hornbit 1 720
2 8 Honor Ruins Survey -Honor- Bladetail 1 Canidaemon 1 Bladetail Hornbit 1 Bladetail Talon 1 Bladetail Legplate 1 660
2 9 Honor Patrol Duty -Honor- Canidaemon 3 Chipped Broadsword 5 Helmet Crest 5 Snowflake Crystal 1 420
2 DLC Peace Floating Gaze Mynx 1 Swaying Soft Fur 1 Wind Garment 1 Mynx Hornbit 1 420
2 DLC Peace Colorful Onitori Screecher 1 Screambox 1 Wailstone 1 Screaming Hornbit 1 420
3 1 War Mountainside Guard Dog Carcinus 2 Carcinus Claw 1 Broken Spear 5 Broken Armor 5 840
3 2 War Giant's Roost Jollux 1 Adamantine Hair 1 Revolving Mountain 1 Jollux Hornbit 1 900
3 3 Honor Smiling Scorpion Princess Glaciabella 1 Ice Sparkle Scale 1 Crystal Wave 1 Glaciabella Hornbit 1 900
3 4 Honor Snow Peak Invader Scorpioclaw 1 Scorpioclaw Splinter 1 Running Water 1 Scorpioclaw Hornbit 1 900
3 5 War Soaring Blades Skyshredder 1 Skyshredder Shell 1 Brilliant Light 1 Skyshredder Hornbit 1 900
3 6 War Flight of Fury Pyropteryx 1 Blazebird Ruff 1 Heat Haze 1 Pyropteryx Hornbit 1 900
3 7 Peace Sinister Band Manhunter 1 Bruteclaw 1 Bruteclaw Sickle 1 Bruteclaw Talon 1 Bruteclaw Legshell 1 990
3 8 War Pure Annihilation Petros 1 White Rockskin 1 Chaotic Droplet 1 Petros Hornbit 1 900
3 9 War Overwhelming Strength Quadbracchium 1 Quadbracchium Shell 1 Mountain Core 1 Quadbracchium hornbit 1 900
3 10 War Patrol Duty -War- Carcinus 3 Broken Spear 5 Broken Armor 5 Grass Ring 4 900
3 DLC War Cunning Bloodstained Claws Panthera 1 White Softfur 1 Seraphim Cloth 1 Panthera Hornbit 1 900
4 1 Grace Wagon Road in Peril Hermitclaw 2 Corpse Shell 1 Bewitching Cloth 5 Pointed Vajra 5 1480
4 2 M. Hills Mountainous Roar Jollux 1 Edax 1 Horned Mountains 1 Icy Mountains 1 Oni's Club 5 990
4 3 Grace Black Muddy Catfish Cruspisces 1 Cruspisces Skin 1 Flowing Marsh 1 Cruspisces Hornbit 1 1560
4 4 M. Hills Fortress for Two Bloodhunter 1 Skyshredder 1 Bloodhunter Sickle 1 Skyshredder Claw 1 Skyshredder Legplate 1 1680
4 5 War Ruins Survey -War- Petros 1 Carcinus 1 Earthshredder Spike 1 Petros Arm 1 Petros Claw 1 1560
4 6 Peace Terrible Wind Goddess Swiftwing 1 Thunderheart 1 Windslicer 1 Swiftwing Hornbit 1 1560
4 7 Honor Bite of the Water Snake Viper Queen 1 Scaly Skin 1 Water Spirt 1 Viper Queen Hornbit 1 1560
4 8 War Ice and Fire Pyropteryx 1 Succuwing 1 Blazebird Wing 1 Scarlet Wing 1 Succwing Talon 1 1680
4 9 Grace Wild Yellow Wings Astrapteryx 1 Lusterbird Ruff 1 Distant Thunder 1 Astrapteryx Hornbit 1 1560
4 10 Grace An Endless Curse Wingspawn 1 Crimson Shell 1 Cursed Bud 1 Wingspawn Hornbit 1 1560
4 11 Grace Ruins Survey -Grace- Cruspisces 1 Hermitclaw 1 Cruspisces Fang 1 Cruspisces Gill 1 Cruspisces Web 1 1560
4 12 Grace Patrol Duty -Grace- Hermitclaw 3 Bewitching Cloth 5 Pointed Vajra 5 Killing Stone 4 1560
5 1 Chaos Corpse Lover, Sand Swimmer Aquaclaw 2 Death Claw 1 Sword of Retribution 5 Broken Firearm 5 2300
5 2 Chaos One Cunning Simian Leohomin 1 Leohomin Redhair 1 Whispering Sand 1 Leohomin Hornbit 1 2400
5 3 Grace A New Palace Guard Maledictaur 1 Maledictuar Mane 1 Blackfire Tormentor 1 Bulhead Hornbit 1 2400
5 4 Peace The Serpentine Princess Venom Queen 1 Green Scales 1 Wind Spirit 1 Venom Queen Hornbit 1 2400
5 5 Chaos Yellow Pool from Beyond Mortabella 1 Golden Scale 1 Death Spring 1 Mortabella Hornbit 1 2400
5 6 Grace Cursed Whispers Glaciabella 1 Wingspawn 1 Iceblade Scale 1 Bloody Talon 1 Cursed Talon 1 2550
5 7 Honor Concerto of Disaster Viper Queen 1 Venom Queen 1 High Tide Pearl 1 Storm Claw 1 Serpent Skin 1 2550
5 8 Chaos White Dragon, Unleashed Drakwing 1 Drakwing Scale 1 White Flame 1 Drakwing Hornbit 1 2400
5 9 Chaos An Evil Falls to Earth Brutebeast 1 Brutebeast Skin 1 Skyruin Omen 1 Brutebeast Hornbit 1 2400
5 10 Chaos Ruins Survey -Chaos- Leohomin 1 Aquaclaw 1 Leohomin Claw 1 Leohomin Fur 1 Leohomin Tailspike 1 2400
5 11 Chaos The Oni to Lead All Oni Maledictaur 1 Quadbracchium 1 Brutebeast 1 Maledictuar Claw 1 Quadbracchium Legplate 1 Rockcrusher Talon 1 3600
5 12 Chaos Patrol Duty -Chaos- Aquaclaw 3 Sword of Retribution 5 Broken Firearm 5 Red Clay 4 2400
6 1 Yore Old Road On Fire Venter 1 Fatigue Claw 1 Bronze Sword 5 Valiant Haniwa 5 3300
6 2 Yore Fire Spitting Wild Child Phlogistor 1 Flame-red Shell 1 Firetree Sapling 1 Scorchtree Hornbit 1 3420
6 3 Peace An Endless Curse Goylespawn 1 Green Husk 1 Roaring Bud 1 Goylespawn Hornbit 1 3420
6 4 Chaos Destruction Perfected Anomalos 1 Silver Rockskin 1 Transcendent Droplet 1 Impossible Hornbit 1 3420
6 5 Grace An Unending Bloodbath Onyxwing 1 Nightsky Chestplate 1 Flying Shadow 1 Nightsky Hornbit 1 3420
6 6 Yore Red Catfish in Lava Crocodilus 1 Crocodilus Hide 1 Vortex Flame 1 Crocodilus Hornbit 1 3420
6 7 Yore Infernal Demon Chthonian Fiend 1 Pulsating Lava 1 Shadowflame 1 Chthonian Hornbit 1 3420
6 8 Yore An Unpleasant Uproar Phytodior 1 Phlogistor 1 Cursefruit 1 Scorchtree Firehand 1 Scorchtree Firefoot 1 3600
6 9 Chaos Upheaval in the Desert Anomalos 1 Drakwing 1 Impossible Spike 1 Impossible Arm 1 Drakwing Talon 1 3600
6 10 Yore Ruins Survey -Yore- Chthonian Fiend 1 Venter 1 Chthonian Armshell 1 Chthonian Legshell 1 Chthonian Tail 1 3420
6 11 Grace Watchers From On High Onyxwing 1 Astrapteryx 1 Nightsky Membrane 1 Creeping Claws 1 Lusterbird Wing 1 3600
6 12 Peace Wings Above Peace Swiftwing 1 Goylespawn 1 Swiftwing Talon 1 Goylespawn Scale 1 Goylespawn Talon 1 3600
6 13 M. Hills Gathering Evil Scorpioclaw 1 Mortabella 1 Crocodilus 1 Cruspisces Gill 1 Cruspisces Web 1 Cruspisces Claw 1 3780
6 14 Yore Patrol Duty -Yore- Venter 3 Bronze Sword 5 Valiant Haniwa 5 Ruby 4 3420
6 15 Yokohama Snake Coiled Around Time Tokiwa-no-Orochi 1 Orochi Scale 1 Time Ring 1 Orochi Hornbit 1 3420
7 1 M. Hills The Beat of Distant Drums Ogre 1 Venter 1 Famine Fang 1 Fatigue Fang 1 True Silver Ore 1 4550
7 2 M. Hills Violence Unleashed Canidaemon 1 Carcinus 1 Storm Horn 1 Carcinus Fang 1 Heavenly Wood 1 4580
7 3 M. Hills Bathing Crustaceans Hermitclaw 1 Aquaclaw 1 Hardened Corpse Shell 1 Death Talon 1 Small Horn 5 4620
7 4 Peace Brutish Devourer Bruteclaw 1 Bruteclaw Shell 1 Gluttonous Moss 1 Bruteclaw Horn 1 4620
7 5 Peace Unconventional Threat Windshredder 1 Hardened Windshell 1 Whirling Dust 1 Windshredder Horns 1 4690
7 6 Peace Deeper Ruins -Peace- Manhunter 1 Windshredder 1 Pure White Thread 1 Hardened Windshell 1 Whirling Dust 1 4830
7 7 Peace Path of Blades Bruteclaw 1 Scorpioclaw 1 Bruteclaw Horn 1 Bruteclaw Claw 1 Scorpioclaw Horn 1 4830
7 8 Peace Beautiful, Hungry Forest Manhunter 1 Phytodior 1 Rotted Bulb 1 Spiritree Sapling 1 Jetblack Exoskeleton 1 4830
7 9 Peace Recovery -Peace- Ogre 1 Manhunter 1 Windshredder 1 Bent Baton 5 Warped Coin 5 Gale Stone 4 4900
8 1 Honor Bloody Snowfield Bladetail 1 Whirlpool Mouth 1 Zephyrcutter 1 Bladetail Horn 1 4620
8 2 Honor Stern Lightning Succuwing 1 Roaring Thunderstone 1 Blinding Ray 1 Succuwing Horn 1 6000
8 3 Honor White Claws on Ice Scorpioclaw 1 Scorpioclaw Shell 1 Rushing Water 1 Scorpioclaw Horn 1 6000
8 4 Honor Sharp Then Solid Bloodhunter 1 Edax 1 Hades Drop 1 Tide Drop 1 Submerged Mountains 1 6240
8 5 Honor Deeper Ruins -Honor- Glaciabella 1 Viper Queen 1 Ice Wave 1 Rain Dragon 1 Low Tide Pearl 1 6240
8 6 Honor Garden Invaders Bladetail 1 Bladetail Talonedge 1 Bladetail Legshell 1 Sharp Tailblade 1 6000
8 7 Honor Shadows Across Ice Canidaemon 1 Scorpioclaw 1 Scorpioclaw Claw 1 Hard Scorpioclaw Talon 1 Hard Scorpioclaw Legshell 1 6080
8 8 Honor End The Snowstorm Viper Queen 1 Edax 1 Low Tide Pearl 1 Large Dream Claw 1 Submerged Mountains 1 6600
8 9 Honor Final Nocturne Glaciabella 1 Glaciabella Horns 1 Water Gauze 1 Icesplitter Claws 1 6000
8 10 Honor Recovery -Honor- Canidaemon 1 Edax 1 Glaciabella 1 Warped Broadsword 5 Rusty Armor 5 Hail Crystal 4 6320
8 DLC Peace White Cat Hiding from the Wind Mynx 1 Reverse Bristlefur 1 Gale Garment 1 Mynx Horn 1 6000
8 DLC Peace Banquet of Horror Screecher 1 Golden Crown 1 Lamentstone 1 Screaming Horn 1 6000
9 1 M. Hills Raging Waves Hermitclaw 3 Diamond 5 Mysterious Claw (L) 5 Blood Red Ore 5 6900
9 2 M. Hills Mahoroba in Chaos Carcinus 1 Aquaclaw 1 Venter 1 Diamond 5 Mysterious Claw (L) 5 Blood Red Ore 5 7470
9 3 M. Hills Storm at the Fortress Aquaclaw 1 Manhunter 1 Maledictuar 1 Hellblaze Rockstaff 1 Maledictuar Firearm 1 Maledictuar Hellclaws 1 7560
9 4 War Lord of the Sky Quadbracchium 1 Quadbracchium Hide 1 Mountain Nexus 1 Quadbracchium Horn 1 7830
9 5 War Sparks of War Carcinus 1 Skyshredder 1 Skyshredder Shield 1 Heavenly Light 1 Skyshredder Horns 1 7650
9 6 War Terror In Close Phytodior 1 Petros 1 Rock Face 1 Primal Droplet 1 Petros Horn 1 7830
9 7 War Clash in Ikusagahara Jollux 1 Quadbracchium 1 Flowing Mountain 1 Jollux Horns 1 Quadbracchium Club 1 7830
9 8 War Deeper Ruins -War- Jollux 1 Pyropteryx 1 Blazebird Beak 1 Sea Fire 1 Pyropteryx Horn 1 7830
9 9 War Pure Fury Quadbraccium 1 Quadbracchium Pelt 1 Quadbracchium Legshell 1 Quadbracchium Club 1 7560
9 10 War Battle Between Towers Skyshredder 1 Pyropteryx 1 Petros 1 Eartheater Spike 1 Strong Petros Arm 1 Hard Petros Claw 1 8100
9 11 War Recovery -War- Pyropteryx 1 Skyshredder 1 Aurogrinder 1 Broken Hero's Spear 5 Flaming Sword 5 Sun Ring 4 8100
9 DLC War Bewitching Black Cat Panthera 1 Black Coarsefur 1 Cloth of Light 1 Panthera Horn 1 7560
10 1 Grace Stand and Deliver Cruspisces 1 Cruspisces Hide 1 Surging Marsh 1 Cruspisces Horn 1 7560
10 2 Grace Palace Protector Wingspawn 1 Wingspawn Mane 1 Cursed Flower 1 Wingspawn Horn 1 9300
10 3 Peace Elegant Wind Goddess Swiftwing 1 Roaring Thunderclap 1 Blinding Ray 1 Swiftwing Horn 1 9300
10 4 Chaos One Twisted Simian Leohomin 1 Poison Stone 1 Edifying Sand 1 Leohomin Horn 1 9300
10 5 Grace Bird of Many Colors Pyropteryx 1 Astrapteryx 1 Sizzling Breastplate 1 Shocking Breastplate 1 Lusterbird Plume 1 9900
10 6 Grace Fearsome Resonance Petros 1 Maledictuar 1 Maledictuar Crown 1 Darkfire Bullking 1 Bullhead Horns 1 9600
10 7 Grace Deeper Ruins -Grace- Astrapteryx 1 Onyxwing 1 Thunderclap 1 Flying Darkness 1 Nightsky Horn 1 9600
10 8 Grace Earthquake Incoming Cruspisces 1 Hard Cruspisces Gill 1 Large Cruspisces Web 1 Large Cruspisces Claw 1 9300
10 9 Peace Beneath the Trees Ogre 1 Swiftwing 1 Swiftwing Raytalon 1 Sharp Swiftwing Legclaw 1 Swiftwing Thundertail 1 9600
10 10 Grace Clash of the Heavens Skyshredder 1 Astrapteryx 1 Succuwing 1 Heavenly Light 1 Thunderclap 1 Blinding Ray 1 9900
10 11 Grace Sources of Desolation Maledictuar 1 Onyxwing 1 Hellblaze Rockstaff 1 Onyxwing Membrane 1 Ambush Talon 1 9600
10 12 Grace Recovery -Grace- Hermitclaw 2 Astrapteryx 1 Maledictuar 1 12-layered Kimono 5 Pronged Vajra 5 Corrosive Stone 4 9700
11 1 Chaos Trampling Silver White Drakwing 1 Dragon Blood 1 Silver Flame 1 Drakwing Horn 1 11220
11 2 Chaos Evil That Swallows All Brutebeast 1 Brutebeast Armorskin 1 Skyswill Omen 1 Brutebeast Horn 1 11220
11 3 Peace Whirl of Miasma Goylespawn 1 Goylespawn Mane 1 Cursed Thunderflower 1 Goylespawn Horn 1 11550
11 4 Chaos Chaotic Daydream Cacarion 1 Cacarion Crown 1 Bluefire Horseking 1 Cacarion Horn 1 11220
11 5 Honor Black Steel Dragon Colubra 1 Black Dragon Blood 1 Dark Ice 1 Colubra Icetalon 1 11220
11 6 Grace Ringing Mourning Bells Wingspawn 1 Goylespawn 1 Cursed Bloodclot 1 Hard Goylespawn Scale 1 Large Goylespawn Talon 1 12630
11 7 Chaos Insane Dance Leohomin 1 Sharp Leohomin Claw 1 Leohomin Pelt 1 Sharp Tailspike 1 11220
11 8 Peace The Underworld Venom Queen 1 Green Scale Armor 1 Storm Dragon 1 Venom Queen Horns 1 12630
11 9 Chaos Deeper Ruins -Chaos- Mortabella 1 Anomalos 1 Impossible Horn 1 Strong Impossible Arm 1 Hard Impossible Claw 1 12690
11 10 Chaos Double Dragons Drakwing 1 Colubra 1 Colubra Icetalon 1 Colubra Legshell 1 Colubra Wing 1 12600
11 11 Chaos Desert Suppression Bloodhunter 1 Onyxwing 1 Mortabella 1 Otherwordly Mineral 5 Polyhedron Crystal 5 Oni's Tear 5 12720
11 12 Chaos Fortress of Evil Brutebeast 1 Anomalos 1 Cacarion 1 Crushing Hell 1 Hard Impossible Claw 1 Cacarion Hellclaw 1 12900
11 13 Chaos Recovery -Chaos- Aquaclaw 1 Drakwing 1 Anomals 1 Patriotic Spirit 5 Warped Bullet 5 True Red Clay 4 12900
11 DLC Peace Intruder In Hanachirusato Mynx 1 Goylespawn 1 Mynx Sharp Claw 1 Mynx Heel Spur 1 Large Mynx Tail 1 13680
12 1 Yore Volcanic Devourer Crocodilus 1 Crocodilus Firehide 1 Colored Flame 1 Crocodilus Horn 1 13320
12 2 Yokohama Invader From Beyond Tokiwa-no-Orochi 1 Orochi Squama 1 Infinity Ring 1 Orochi Horn 1 13320
12 3 War Chaos From On High Stealthwing 1 Soulsucking Fang 1 Flying Light 1 Stealthwing Horn 1 13320
12 4 War Ruler of the Sky Castle Wreckbeast 1 Silver Armorhide 1 Malevolent Omen 1 Wreckbeast Horn 1 13320
12 5 War Blazing Blue Fires Abyssal Fiend 1 Infernal Silver 1 Dark Light 1 Abyssal Horn 1 13320
12 6 Yokohama Snake of Reincarnation Tenrin Kaija 1 Transmigration Scale 1 Sea of Possibility 1 Tenrin Kaija Horn 1 13320
12 7 Peace Rain of Anguish Goylespawn 1 Venom Queen Hard Goylespawn Scale 1 Large Goylespawn Talon 1 Large Storm Claw 1 13600
12 8 Chaos Unknown Allure Glaciabella 1 Mortabella Freezeblade Scale 1 Earthsplitter Claws 1 Yellow Quartz Scale 1 13680
12 9 Yore Fire God and Sea God Phlogistor 1 Edax Scorching Bulb 1 Scorchtree Sapling 1 Scorchtree Horn 1 13680
12 10 Yore Critical Point Chthonian Fiend 1 Stealthwing Infernal Lava 1 Infernal Shadowflame 1 Chthonian Horn 1 13680
12 11 Yore Epic Rescue Venter 1 Crocodilus 1 Abyssal Fiend 1 Large Cruspisces Fang 1 Hard Cruspisces Gill 1 Large Cruspisces Web 1 14040
12 12 Yore Concerto of Violence Phlogistor 1 Chthonian Fiend Scorchvine Roots 1 Chthonian Rosary 1 Hard Chthonian Arm 1 14040
12 13 Yore Deeper Ruins - Yore- Tokiwa-no-Orochi 1 Tenrin Kaija Rare Orochi Fang 1 Tenrin Kaija Talon 1 Tenrin Kaija Fang 1 13680
12 14 Yore Recovery -Yore- Venter 2 Phlogistor 1 Chthonian Fiend 1 Mirror Sword 5 Arahabaki Figure 5 Flame of Man's Realm 4 13800
12 15 M. Hills Black Nebula Wreckbeast 1 Abyssal Fiend 1 Venom Queen 1 Wreckbeast Armshell 1 Platinum Greave 1 Hard Platinum Spike 1 14040
12 16 Yore Vision of Hell Chtonian Fiend 1 Crocidilus 1 Cacarion 1 Large Cruspisces Palp 1 Chthonian Rocktail 1 Cacarion Brutetail 1 14040
12 17 Grace Prosperity and Decline Wingspawn 1 Anomals 1 Cruspisces 1 Large Cursed Talon 1 Hard Impossible Spike 1 Large Cruspisces Palm 1 14400
12 18 Honor Absolute Zero Viper Queen 1 Bladetail 1 Succuwing 1 Colubra 1 Bladetail Legshell 1 Succuwing Raywing 1 Colubra Wing 1 14040
12 19 War Trio of Terror Wreckbeast 1 Stealthwing 1 Jollux 1 Stealthwing Wing 1 Wreckbeast Armshell 1 Hard Platinum Spike 1 14400
12 20 Peace One Against the Horde Windshredder 1 Phytodior 1 Phlogistor 1 Swiftwing 1 Armvine Roots 1 Scorchvine Root 1 Swiftwing Raytalon 1 14400
12 21 Chaos Toukiden 2 Bruteclaw 1 Leohomin 1 Drakwing 1 Brutebeast 1 Silver Flame 1 Drakwing Omen 1 Skyswill Omen 1 14400
12 DLC M. Hills Cry of Dusk Panthera 1 Stealthwing 1 Skyrending Claw 1 Panthera Heel Claw 1 Panthera Truetail 1 13680
12 DLC M. Hills Oni That Devours Forest Screecher 1 Venom Queen 1 Heavenly Mangle 1 Angel Feather 1 Heavenly Feather 1 11550

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