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1) Introduction

 Background information
 Debate (paraphrase the question)
 Give your opinion (thesis or outline sentence)

2) Main body paragraph 1

 Topic sentence – outline the first view you are going to discuss
 Explanation – explain why this view is held by some people (reason)
 Example – give an example suitable to the case being discussed

3) Main body paragraph 2

 Topic sentence – outline the second view you are discussing

 Explanation – explain why this view is held by some people (reason)
 Example – give an example

4) Conclusion

 Summarise the key points and state your opinion


1)In today’s modern busy life,………(background sentence). Therefore, it is believed by

some individuals that ... . While others consider that ... . Personally I think that…./both views
will be discussed in the ensuring paragraphs as well as a personal conclusion will be


On the one hand, in spite of the fact that ... (1st viewpoint) has several benefits, the
most significant one is that ... . To support my view... . From an overall perspective, another
profit of ... is that ... . As an illustration of this could be that ... .


On the other hand, some people argue that… . That can because/One of the
influencing can be … .From another culture's point of view, another drawback can be
that ... . According to the research that has been carried out by the scientists of Canada State
University, approximately 70% people/For instance… .

In my conclusion, with the points stated above I can safely say that ... .


Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however, believe that zoos
can be useful in protecting wild animals.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In today’s modern busy life, the debate over the role of zoos in conservation efforts is
ongoing. Therefore, it is believed by some individuals that zoos play a crucial role in
preserving endangered species through breeding programs. While others consider that the
poor conditions many animals experience in captivity render the existence of zoos
unacceptable. Personally, I believe that both arguments have merit, and in the ensuing
paragraphs, both views will be discussed, culminating in a personal conclusion.

On the one hand, in spite of the fact that there are many projects in existence in zoological
parks around the world where species facing extinction have been successfully bred in
captivity, the most significant benefit is that these efforts contribute to the survival of
animals under threat from poaching and habitat destruction. To support my view, the
example of the golden lion tamarin from Brazil is noteworthy. Despite nearly dying out due
to logging and mining activities destroying its habitat, today, a third of wild golden lion
tamarins were raised in captivity. From an overall perspective, another benefit of captive
breeding is that it helps increase the numbers of endangered species, thereby enhancing their
chances of survival in the wild. As an illustration of this, captive breeding programs have
played a crucial role in replenishing populations of various endangered species worldwide.

On the other hand, some people argue that there are some negatives for animals being
housed in zoos. One of the most influencing ones can be that most zoos are caging their
animals in very small spaces, which does not give them the ability to move. From another
cultural perspective, another drawback of zoos can be that isolating the creatures from their
natural habitat can make them suffer mentally making them depressed and physically
through lack of exercise. For instance, I remembered when I first visited at the biggest zoo in
Europe, I got to see how awful and cruel animals live every day, not having the possibility of
feeling at home.

In my conclusion, with the points stated above, I can safely say that while zoos do help to
safeguard dwindling populations of particular species, the suffering experienced by many
captive creatures due to unsuitable living conditions amounts to cruelty, and they should not
be allowed to exist.

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