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How is the Government Organized?

The Three Branches of Government

There are three (3) different branches to the Canadian Government: the Legislative branch, the Executive branch, and the Judicial branch. Using the information packages provided,
complete the following graphic organizer.

Legislative Branch Executive Branch Judicial Branch

What it does: It has the power to make, change and What it does: It is known as the decision- making What it does: Has the power to give penalties and
repeal laws. branch, that introduces bills. punishment to those who have broken the law.

Who is involved at the Who is involved at the Who is involved at the Who is involved at the Who is involved at the Who is involved at the
Federal Level? Provincial Level? Federal Level? Provincial Level? Federal Level? Provincial Level?

Governor- general Lieutenant- governor King (Governor- general) King (Lieutenant-

governor) Supreme Court of Canada Superior Courts
Senate (Senators) Legislative assembly (MPPs)
Prime minister Premier Courts of Appeal
House of Commons (MPs)
Cabinet ministers Cabinet Ministers Criminal Courts

Public/civil service Public/civil service Provincial supreme court

How is the Government Organized?
The Three Branches of Government

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How is the Government Organized?
The Government Offices

There are many different Government Offices (ie. Jobs) in the Canadian and Ontario governments.
Using the information package provided, list the duties, the number of years in office, and whether
the position is appointed or elected for each of the following office positions.

(King or Queen)

● The Monarch represents and brings together Canada’s past and heritage.
● There are no fixed years for ruling as Monarch.
● The position of Monarch is passed down to the family members.

The Federal Government Offices The Provincial Government Offices

Governor General Lieutenant Governor

● Duties- The Governor General of Canada

represents the British Monarch in Canada. They ● Duties- Governor General appoints
participate in ceremonies like, dinner, awards Lieutenant Governor by the advice of the
etc. Moreover, is also the ceremonial head of Prime Minister. The Lieutenant Governor
armed forces, which include arranging award
represents the Monarch as the head of
ceremonies and duties related to it. Moreover,
province, which gives them power to give
they also engage people in activities to bring
unity among people and its government and Royal Assent to bills passed by the
themselves. Lastly, bills that are passed in the Legislative assembly.
house of commons are given Royal assent by the
Governor General. ● Number of years to service- Don’t have any
fixed term.
● Number of years in office- The position of
Governor General doesn’t go with a fixed term. ● Appointed or elected- Appointed

● Appointed or Elected- The position of

Governor General is appointed by the Monarch
as advised by the Prime minister.

Prime Minister Premier

● Duties- Prime minister plays an important ● Duties- Premier at provincial level is

role in the government as he is the Head of equivalent to Prime minister at federal level,
Government. The PM makes policies and which makes them the head of the
laws which will benefit citizens and society, government and gives them authority to
with the help of Cabinet Ministers, who are appoint cabinet ministers and make policies.
appointed by the Prime minister. Represents
Canada internationally to promote values ● Number of years to service- Elections are
and interests globally. Responsible for held every five years, and if a political party
making the country better and managing the wins again, then they can serve for five years
crisis. Also, acts as advisor to the Monarch. again.

● Number of years- Each winning party is ● Appointed or elected- Elected

given 5 years to work and do for the

● Appointed or elected - The Prime minister is

the leader of the winning party in the
elections, which means they are elected by
the citizens.
Senate -----
How is the Government Organized?
The Three Branches of Government
● Duties- Senators give a second opinion upon
the bills passed by the House of Commons.
They are known as the eyes of the ruling
government as they view their expenditure,
actions and policies.

● Number of years of service- Senators don’t

have fixed years of service, until the age of

● Appointed or elected- Senators are

appointed by the Governor General by the
advice of the Prime Minister.
The House of Commons The Legislative Assembly

● Duties- House of Commons is involved in

debating, amending and then passing bills in ● Duties- Provincial Legislative assembly
the Parliament. They play an important role focuses on healthcare, education, and
in approving the federal budget. transportation. Plays a vital role in the
budgetary process of individual provinces.
● Number of years to service- MPs are given 4
years to serve, once elected. ● Number of years to service- There is
election for MLA every five years, which
● Appointed or Elected- MPs are elected means that they don’t have any fixed years
every four years. of service.

● Appointed or elected- Elected.

Speaker of the House Speaker of the House

● Duties- Ensure that every proceeding is ● Duties- Appoints members to the

done under parliamentary rules and laws, committee in the Legislative assembly. The
which includes maintaining decorum, speaker plays a crucial role in maintaining
respective behaviour. The speaker sits with decorum during debates.
the MPs as they debate, and if there is a tie
voting among MPs, then it’s the Speaker’s ● Number of years to service- There is no
vote to approve one of the debates. limit of service to be as the speaker until
they resign or are removed by voting of
● Number of years to service- There is no limit MPs.
of service to be as the speaker until they
resign or are removed by voting of MPs. ● Appointed or elected- The speaker is
elected by the Members of Provincial
● Appointed or elected- The speaker is Parliament.
elected by the Members of Parliament of all
political parties

Cabinet of Ministers Cabinet of Ministers

● Duties- Cabinet ministers are known as the

advisors to the Prime Minister on matters ● Duties- Cabinet proposes new laws to and
within their knowledge. They are change previous laws to meet the new
responsible for formulating policies. In other requirements.
words, Cabinet ministers work together
under the Prime minister and both run the ● Number of years to service- Work as long as
nation with their expertise. they want to.

● Number of years in office- Cabinet ● Appointed or elected- Elected by people

ministers don't have any fixed years to and can be appointed by the Premier.
How is the Government Organized?
The Three Branches of Government
serve under the prime minister, but they can
be changed under some circumstances, such
as federal elections, the prime minister’s
priorities, and many more.

● Appointed or elected- Cabinet ministers

are elected by people, but can be appointed
by the Prime minister.

Leader of the Opposition Leader of the Opposition

● Duties- Second winning opposition team and ● Duties- Leader question about actions of
their leader plays a vital role in the the ruling party in the question period. Also
government. They closely overview the can present alternative policies in the
policies, performing and action of the ruling parliament.
government. As the ruling party makes
policies, the opposition can question them ● Number of years to service- There are
about that. Moreover, they are given the elections every five years, so they don’t have
opportunity to represent their own policies to work until they become the second
at the parliament. winning party.

● Number of years of service- There are ● Appointed or elected- Elected by the

federal elections every 5 years and there are people.
tasks for every second winning party. By
saying that, this means that parties can
change and every new coming party has to
do this duties.

● Appointed or elected- Elected by people.

Shadow Cabinet Shadow Cabinet

● Duties- Shadow cabinet are similar to ● Duties- Shadow cabinet has the duty to get
cabinet ministers, but are ministers of the their government prepared, if they will win
opposition party, which means they have no next elections.
executive power to do anything. They have
roles of viewing the ruling party’s account, ● Number of years to service- Unless removed
budget, expenditure and for policies they by their leader, they can work without any
have the right to question them. fixed years of service.

● Number of years of service- They doesn’t ● Appointed or elected- Are appointed by the
work for limited time, but they can removed leader of a party.
by their leader

● Appointed or elected- Are appointed by the

leader of the opposition.

Members of Parliament (MP) Members of Provincial Parliament (MPP)

● Duties- Known as representatives of citizens ● Duties- MPPs evolve involvement in the

as each MP represents ideologies of people community by attending events to
in their riding/district. understand the needs and of people. By
doing so, they bring ideas to the parliament.
● No. of years in office- They are four years
● Number of years to service- As long as they
● Appointed or elected- Are elected every are elected every 5 years, they can sustain
four years by the public. their position.

● Appointed or elected- Are elected by the

How is the Government Organized?
The Three Branches of Government

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