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Take Home Exam

Mining Engineering Cenderawasih University

Nama : Flemicito Claudio Orweiss Tutkey

Tanggal : 11 Desember 2022
NIM : 2022061044015

Video zone
Imagining a world without fossil fuels

Can you imagine a world without fossil fuels? In this video, former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres outlines her
vision of a world that’s entirely free of fossil fuels. Please watch the video and do the tasks.


Task 1
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

challenges dangers emissions energy system

Fossil fuels global transformation subsidise wind power

1. Governments will save money if they no longer subsidise fossil-fuel production.

2. Our energy system is undergoing an unstoppable transformation.
3. The coal-fired power industry is being rapidly replaced by sun and wind power
4. Our collective mission is to bend the curve of emissions
5. Fossil fuels have made an extraordinary contribution to humanity.
6. Now that we understand the dangers of fossil fuels, we should no longer use
7. The journey to a fossil-fuel-free future is the most exciting global transformation we have ever
8. Renewable energy is the answer to so many challenges in the world.
Task 2

What did you learn from the video? Please write down your answer.

what I learned from watching this video: first is Government had to spend fortunes to subsidise fossil fuels
production, second is fossil fuels is not good for human body, third is with renewable energy every single
home can have electricity no matter how far it is from the grid, fourth is renewable energy like sun and wind is
the answer to so many challenges in the world


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