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Passing The Torch

Read Judges 2:6 - 3:6

Ron Mathieu

In August millions watched the opening of the Beijing Olympics on television, probably the
most spectacular opening in the history of the Games. The highly anticipated climax was
the lighting of the Olympic flame. The lead-up had been months of continuous and often
controversial carrying of the torch over tens of thousands of miles. Each runner passed the
flame from torch to torch, beginning in Greece and ending with a dramatic eruption of light
high above the Bird’s Nest stadium. This has been a tradition since the beginning of the
Games in ancient Greece.

The Book of Judges is a poignant reminder of what can happen when people allow the
torch to be extinguished because they fail to pass on the flame. Joshua’s generation had
experienced 40 years of wandering in the desert and the ecstasy of entering the Promised
Land. But “another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for
Israel “(v 10).

As a consequence Israel experienced a recurring cycle of turning from God, resultant

oppression, cries for help, and divine deliverance that can be traced throughout the Old
Testament. God provided leaders, called Judges, who rescued them, but the cycle repeated
itself “because they would not listen” (v 6-17).

The remarkable story of how God overcame insurmountable obstacles in our move to Ko’olau
follows the vision of FPC’s founders who sought to spread the Good News of Christ in Hawaii
and the Pacific when the church was established 50 years ago. Yet how many of us know this
amazing story? Or have we already begun to forget the Miracle of Ko’olau? Let’s make sure we
become aware of this story and do our part in fanning the flame and passing on the torch!

P r ay e r
Lord, You are such an incredible God. You have provided blessings beyond our imagination,
yet we turn and worship false gods of possession, power, and prestige rather than You.
Illuminate us with the flame of Your Holy Spirit. May we pass on the knowledge of Your
provision to the next generation, and may we never forget what You have done through the
sacrifice of Your Son. In Christ’s name, Amen.
DAY 26

Is Israel’s pattern of turning from God representative of human nature?

How could they have forgotten the incredible things God did in delivering them to The
Promised Land? How can we avoid falling into the same trap?

What is the role of leaders or parents in passing the torch?

MY Reflections
Does any particular verse (SCRIPTURE) in today’s reading speak to you?

OBSERVE what this verse is saying to you:

How can you APPLY this verse to your life today?

My PRAYER for today is:

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