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Team Agile Maturity Matrix Tool Instructions

Overview: The Agile Maturity Matrix Tool can be used to set transformation goals, monitor progress, and get the team in cohesion regarding
agile development. This includes: Agile Coaches, team members, managers, and senior leadership. This tool can also be used many
other creative ways, such as to focus retrospectives and to help people at all levels do a self-assessment of their own understanding
of agile practices. This encourages self-paced learning and allows people the opportunity to learn from others that may have more
agile experience.

Purpose: The purpose of the Team Agile Maturity Matrix Tool is to assess the agility health for an organizations team.
Instructions: The Team Agile Maturity Matrix Tool is designed to gauge agile team maturity. The instructions are as follows:
1. In the 'Team' sheet, assign a rating in the 'Current Level' field based on the health levels: Impeded (0), In Transition (1),
Sustainable (2), Agile (3), and Ideal (4).
2. Place the desired health level in the 'Target Level' field. This will monitor and identify areas of improvement.
3. Place notes in the 'Comment' field to show what is needed and how to reach desired goals.
4. Once completed, review the 'Radar Chart' to see your teams maturity level. The blue line represents your maturity level. For
optimal maturity, the blue line should reach the outer rim of the chart.

Note: Teams should evaluate their maturity level on a quarterly basis.

Team Agile Maturity Matrix

Team Name:

AREA Level Target Level Impeded (0) In Transition (1) Sustainable (2) Agile (3) Ideal (4)
Date: (0-4)

Being Agile
Following a specific methodology that supports Stable agile practices, regular sprints and Comprehensive agile adoption, self-organizing Agile deeply ingrained in culture, high adaptability and
Resistant to agile principles, rigid processes, siloed
0 1 Agile such as Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, Enterprise retrospectives, improved cross-functional teams, continuous improvement, integrated innovation, seamless collaboration, real-time customer
teams, minimal customer feedback.
Agility, XP, etc collaboration, regular customer feedback. customer feedback. feedback integration.
Team Dynamics

Morale The team is cohesive, productive, and enjoys

There are still elements of the previous state,
Regular occurance of behaviours such as blame working together, celebrating successes and Team members consider this one of their best teams,
but there is steady progress away from those
game, finger pointing, denial, passive milestones collectively. Comprised of self- passionate about their work and eager for the next day. They're
0 26 and 41 behaviors, problems are being actively People are getting along and happy at work.
aggressiveness etc. Active resistance to change. motivated individuals committed to goals, they exceptionally committed to goals, highly self-motivated, driving
addressed, and there is a general feeling that
Team morale is down due to the work environment take ownership of their work, and consistently innovation and achieving excellence independently.
morale is improving
deliver results.

Teamwork Team members demonstrate a high level of Between each individual and every other individual on the
Team members focus on getting the respective
Team members are individually contributing trust in each other's abilities, allowing for team, each believes that the other has the necessary skills, has
0 31 Non-existent tasks accomplished with help of existing skillsets
with the skillsets they possess. delegation of tasks and shared responsibility for high integrity, wants and helps them to succeed, and is
in the team.
outcomes. dependable.

Tuckman Stage
Team is in Storming phase. The team is just Team is in Performing phase. The team works in Team is in Adjourning phase. Team condusts an assement of
Team is in Norming phase. The team has mostly
Team is in Forming phase. New team members starting to figure out how to work together. an open and trusting atmosphere where the year and implements a plan for transitioning roles and
0 37 figured out how to work together as a team and
getting aquainted to each other. However team members still view themselves flexibility is the key and heirarchy is of little recognizing members contributions.
is well on their way to high performance.
as individuals rather than part of the team. importance.

Sustainable pace
Consensus is that the team is working at a pace The team has support to work at a sustainable
People are tired, burnt out, working overtime on a There is a recognition that the current pace is
that is close to sustainable indefinitely, though pace. Consensus is that the team is working Steps are actively taken by the team to support working at a
0 42 regular basis. Current situation is considered not sustainable and steps are being taken to
the workload is still inconsistent with bursts of consistently with the elements of sustainable sustainable pace.
business as usual. improve the situation.
heavy work loads pace in their team agreement 80% of the time.

Team working agreement Some defacto team norms that are generally There is a documented team working Followed by the team and includes elements
Followed naturally, exceptions are quickly identified and
0 25 Non-existent recognized, but haven't yet been written down agreement (processes), agreed on by the team, related to the process the team follows, and
and agreed on by the team. transparent to all and kept up to date. maintaining a sustainable pace.
Team Agile Maturity Matrix

Team Name:

AREA Level Target Level Impeded (0) In Transition (1) Sustainable (2) Agile (3) Ideal (4)
Date: (0-4)

Team size

It is recognized that a smaller team size is


0 >20 people on team needed and there is either a near term plan or < 20 people on the team < 10 people on the team 7 +/- 2 people on the team
the team is actively being reduced in size.

Dedicated team Most people are at least 50% allocated to the

Most team members are on multiple teams or Most people are >=70% allocated to the team. Most people are >=90% allocated to the team. Most people are 100% allocated to the team, nobody is less
0 team. Nobody is less than 30% allocated to the
working on multiple projects Nobody is less than 50% allocated to the team. Nobody is less than 70% allocated to the team. than 60% allocated to the team.

Cross functional All of the necessary skills for performing the work exist on the
All of the necessary skills for performing the team and most of the team is cross trained on most of those
A significant portion of what is needed to get the Some of the skills necessary to get the stories to All of the necessary skills for performing the
0 28, 29 work exist on the team and there is some cross skills.
stories to done exists outside of the team done exists outside of the team work exist on the team
training of skills Training schedule for the team are considered and planned at
the inception phase.

Self organization The roles and responsibilities of the Scrum

Teams are pulling work from the product
Most people do not have the ability to choose what Master are shared by the entire team and the
backlog themselves, doing their own team-
they work on, estimates are not determined by the need for a designated and/or dedicated Scrum
Some of the behaviors from the next stage are based estimation, choosing what to work on Complete autonomy, proactive decision-making, high trust and
0 36 and 33,34, 55 team. Team does not feel like it can make decisions Master is significantly reduced. When some
being discussed, encouraged, or tried themselves, and using the definitions of ready accountability, seamless collaboration.
on its own. Some members just want to be told members of the team are not present, the team
and done to guide interaction with those
what to do. is able to adjust and continue getting stories
outside the team.

Recognizing impediments inconsistently, limited
Invisible and/or ignored. Fear of reprisals. transparency, informal attempts, reactive Systematic identification of impediments, Continuous monitoring of impediments, open
Proactive prevention of impediments, continuous improvement
0 20 and 21 Reluctance to raise impediments. Impediments problem-solving. The team is beginning to see transparent communication, formalized process, discussions, agile frameworks, collaborative
culture, deep agile integration, swift cross-functional resolution
that are raised are not resolved. the benefits of this practice and feel proactive problem-solving problem-solving.
comfortable practicing it.

Deployment Frequency
Frequent, smaller updates; customers don't
Daily / incremental updates; customers receive validated
0 Regular but sparse More frequent, scheduled need to wait for validated features or issue
Infrequent, irregular features and issue fixes immediately.
Team Agile Maturity Matrix

Team Name:

AREA Level Target Level Impeded (0) In Transition (1) Sustainable (2) Agile (3) Ideal (4)
Date: (0-4)

Product management strategy1 Product management is agile and responsive to

Product practices are established and reliable. Product management is a strategic asset, deeply integrated into
Product decisions are sporadic or absent, lacking Product strategies are inconsistently applied, market changes. There's a strong strategic
There's a clear strategy in place, and are the organization's culture. There's a holistic approach to
0 alignment with business goals, causing attempting alignment with business objectives, focus, with decisions based on thorough
generally aligned with business goals, though strategy, including market research, user feedback, and
inefficiencies and missed opportunities. yet often shifting and lacking clear direction. analysis and customer feedback fostering
occasional consistency challenges arise. innovation leading to sustained product excellence and market
continuous improvement and business success.

Team level product management1 Product management efforts are inconsistent. Product management practices are established Product management is a strategic asset that is deeply
Team-level product management is minimal or Product management is agile and
Basic strategies are sometimes followed, but and reliable. The team follows a clear strategy, embedded in the team's culture. The team adopts a holistic
absent. The team lacks clear strategic direction, responsive.The team regularly reviews and
0 22, 23, 24 priorities often shift and lack clear direction, with decisions generally aligned with business approach, utilizing market research and user feedback to ensure
leading to misalignment with business goals and adjusts product priorities to ensure continuous
leading to occasional misalignment with goals, though there are occasional challenges alignment with business objectives, creating a true WYSIWYG
frequent inefficiencies. alignment with business objectives.
business objectives. maintaining consistent priorities. (What You See Is What You Get) experience.

All work goes from concept to release in 2

Release Cycle time Can get from concept to ready to release in 6 All work goes from concept to ready to release
0 57 A year or more from concept to ready to release months or less and it is possible to get from It is possible to get from concept to ready to release in days
months in 3 months or less
concept to ready to release in weeks

Product vision There is a compelling product vision which can

Vision is documented or the Product manager / Product Vision has a written definition which is Simple, clear, compelling, everyone involved can articulate it
0 Not defined be clearly articulated by the Product manager /
Product Owner knows what it is accurate and well known by everyone. well.
Product Owner

Use of INVEST framework for creating

high-quality, specific user stories.
INVEST is an acronym that stands for Team understands INVEST and is starting to
0 22, 23, 24 No knowledge of INVEST Following most of INVEST on many stories Following INVEST for most stories Following INVEST for all stories
Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, follow parts of it on some stories.
Estimable, Small, and Testable.

Definition of ready (DoR) There is a strong, clear, comprehensive (yet

There is a fairly good definition of ready which
There is an understanding of the need for a simple) definition of ready which resulted from
resulted from the collaboration between In place, comprehensive, periodically reviewed and updated,
0 16 Does not exist definition of ready and/or there is a tacit the collaboration of most of the members,
multiple members of the team. Definition of strictly followed
agreement for the content of one agreement and input from all, and it is publicly
ready includes existence of acceptance criteria

Definition of done (D0D) There is a strong, clear, comprehensive (yet

There is an understanding of the need for a There is a fairly good definition of done which simple) definition of done which resulted from
In place, comprehensive, periodically reviewed and updated,
0 15 Does not exist definition of done and/or there is a tacit resulted from the collaboration between the collaboration of most of the members,
strictly followed
agreement for the content of one multiple members of the team agreement and input from all, and it is publically

The team is starting to see the relationship Team has a rule of thumb encouraging small
Story size 0 Random Most stories can be done in a week or less Most stories shippable in 1-3 days
between small stories and success. stories

Backlog grooming and Refinement Backlog grooming and refinement are rare or Grooming and refinement efforts are Regular grooming and refinement sessions Grooming and refinement are integrated into Grooming and refinement are seamless and collaborative. All
0 18 disorganized. User stories lack clarity and inconsistent. Some stories are refined, but occur. Most user stories are refined and the team's workflow. Sessions are thorough, user stories are very well refined, with detailed criteria and
Kusumitha prioritization, causing confusion and inefficiency. sessions lack regularity and clear objectives. prioritized, though some may still lack detail. with clear acceptance criteria and prioritization. prioritization, enabling smooth sprint planning and delivery.

Structured Slicing (Consider Story size -

row 24) No knowledge of vertical slices or they can't be Using vertical slices for an increasing percentage
0 17 Using vertical slices for 50%+ of stories Using vertical slices for 70%+ of stories Using vertical slices for 90%+ of stories
done due to external constraints of stories

Work in progress (WIP) - One piece flow is actively being pursued, WIP
WIP is tracked and visible. One piece flow is WIP limits are set and respected. Most of the
Concept of limits are set, most of the time members are Only as much work that can be done simultaneously without
Amount of WIP unknown or no knowledge of one understood and there is interest in doing it. time members are only working on one story
"Stop Starting and Start Finishing" 0 13 working on at most 2 stories and usually only increasing the cycle time of any of the work in progress. Most of
piece flow (e.g. small batch size) Team mebers are trying to work on as few and frequently more than one member is
one. Sometimes, multiple members are working the time multiple members are working on the same story.
stories at a time as possible working on the same story.
on the same story.

check-ins, huddles, Regularly conducted is less than 20 minutes, Daily, short, effective. Runs well with or without
or similar. Being held regularly , however not adhering to real impediments are raised on a regular basis, somebody officially responsible for the meeting. In addition to the previous options, team culture imbibes the
0 7 Not being held
the set time limit the focus is on the work for this team, the team Team does an on-the-spot analysis of progress focus on work progress proactively
understands that the meeting is for them. towards shippability.
Agile Process Mechanics
Team Agile Maturity Matrix

Team Name:

AREA Level Target Level Impeded (0) In Transition (1) Sustainable (2) Agile (3) Ideal (4)
Date: (0-4)
Sprint Duration

No specific sprint duration followed. Set sprint duration of 2 / 4 weeks that is Sprints consistently deliver high-quality work predictably with a
Diligently follow the 2 / 4 weeks sprints without
Sprints often exceed planned duration or miss goals Sprints vary in duration as the team adapts to consistent with regular delivery of planned well defined duration with committed goals achieved status
regular sprint slippage observed.
Agile Process Mechanics

due to frequent blockers. new practices, with mixed successes. work, maintaining steady productivity. indicated across the sprint.

Sprint Goals
Sprint Goals are well understood and visible across the team.
Sprint Goals exists and team has established a Sprint Goals exist and team not only meet sprint
Discuss the sprint goals in the planning based on Team achieves sprint goals with exceptional efficiency and
No specific sprint goals set. reliable process for achieving their objectives goals consistently but also continuously improve
the user stories picked, but not documented effectiveness, continually setting and meeting higher standards
and are able to meet those consistently their processes to achieve the goals.
of performance.

Sprint Retrospectives

Held frequently with high engagement and in-

Occur inconsistently, with basic structure and Deeply ingrained, Creatively run, format varied from time to
Held regularly with structured agendas, active depth analysis using advanced techniques.
0 12 , 4.2, 66, 73 Rarely held or absent, with minimal participation varied engagement. Action items are identified time, occurring regularly with full engagement and focus on
participation, and tracked action items, though Action items are consistently tracked and
and vague discussions due to lack of structure and but not consistently tracked or completed. continuous improvement. Action items lead to measurable
follow-up may be inconsistent. completed, with skilled facilitation.
objectives. improvements, with highly skilled facilitation.

All work based User stories exist for 50%+ of the work, but still User stories exist for 80%+ of work, but still
on user stories It is understood that it is important to use user
using other artifacts for some work or using other artifacts for some work or
0 Not being followed stories for all work and steps are being taken to All work based on user stories
translating some user stories to other artifacts translating some user stories to other artifacts
get there.
for some work. for some work.

Estimation Estimations are inconsistent and vary in Estimation practices are established and Estimations are effective and valued. All team
Estimation practices are absent. There's little All team members are fully engaged using a highly refined
accuracy. A basic method is used but not always reliable, with defined methods and processes. members actively participate using a refined
consistency or reliability in estimating effort or method. Estimations are highly accurate and reliable, leveraging
0 5, 72 followed. Some team members participate, but Most team members participate and are method effectively, providing accurate and
timelines, leading to frequent delays and missed advanced techniques and data-driven insights to optimize
confidence in the estimates is low. Deadlines engaged. Estimates are generally accurate, reliable estimates that enable effective planning
deadlines. planning and delivery.
are sometimes missed. though there may be occasional deviations. and decision-making.

Progress tracking Integrates continuous tracking with real-time

Establishes regular updates using tools like visibility using different tools and regular use of Tracking is fully automated, leveraging predictive analytics and
No systematic tracking, resulting in poor visibility Introduces basic tracking, but it remains
0 8, Transparency JIRA,Kanban boards, task boards, and burndown metrics that depict the stages of work, risks, and advanced metrics for proactive decision-making, offering
and irregular updates. inconsistent and manual.
charts etc providing more reliable reports. dependencies enabling stakeholders to track transparent, real-time data access to all stakeholders.
progress and identify bottlenecks.

Sprint Demo/Reviews
Not happening / happening occasionally and Happening regularly, but some or all of the Happens regularly and showcasing fully
Happening regularly and showcases fully functional deliverables
team showcases incomplete or non-functional following are happening: not all stakeholders functional deliverables that exceed
Happening regularly and consistently with zero bugs consistently that delights the stakeholders.
0 deliverables. The team struggles to demonstrate involved, ill-prepared to do the demo, trying to expectations. The team is able to effectively
showcasing fully functional deliverables , team Minimal feedback received that can be quickly and seamlessly
substantial progress. "sell" what was done as opposed to the incorporate stakeholder feedback in upcoming
is fairly well prepared, feedback is encouraged integrated.
Individual efforts are showcased in demos. business value achieved. sprints.
and is generally positive.

Code reviews Regular part of the development process, Fully integrated into the workflow and Code reviews are deeply embedded in the team's culture in a
(software) Self review guided by established standards documented supported by automated or static code analysis timely and effective manner. Feedback is proactive and
: Resharper? No formal code review process. No guidelines or Conducted on an ad-hoc basis, with some basic and agreed upon. Significant improvements tools. Team continuously refines the review constructive, innovative practices are adopted, and defect rates
standards are followed. guidelines in place. observed in code quality. process. are minimal.

Test automation
(software) Comprehensive automation (unit, integration,
system tests, non-functional)(60-90% coverage) 90% + coverage including exploratory testing. The mechanism
Initial critical tests automated(10-30% Significant regression tests automated(30-60%
Minimal or no automation(0-10% coverage), mostly fully integrated with CI/CD. Well-defined, agile- for automated tracking and monitoring exits. Mature and
0 coverage). Early attempts to establish a process coverage). Defined process for test automation
manual testing. friendly processes for test automation exist. optimized processes with a focus on innovation and efficiency
for test automation with inconsistent execution. with regular and consistent efforts.
Tests are maintainable and adaptable including exists.
continuous improvement.
Continuous Improvement

Continuous Integration Continuous integration is central to development following

(software) Teams regularly integrate code, often nightly, Continuous integration is fully embraced, with
Continuous integration isn't a norm slowing down Efforts to integrate to pipeline are inconsistent. methods like 'Gated Check-in' for every check-in.
and run regression tests. This proactive automated tools running nightly builds and
development. Code integration happens Some teams try but lack standard processes. Automated tools seamlessly integrate code changes, running
approach minimizes conflicts and keeps regression tests. This ensures rapid feedback
infrequently, causing delays and conflicts. This leads to bottlenecks and inefficiencies. nightly builds and regression tests. This fosters innovation and
development on track. and collaboration.
maintains high-quality software.

Unit testing Unit testing is seamlessly integrated into

(software) Unit testing is inconsistent, lacking Unit testing is regularly performed, ensuring development, ensuring not only code coverage Unit testing is a fundamental practice, using TDD approach
Unit testing is rarely done, leading to potential bugs
standardization or effectiveness. Team is code coverage and promoting code quality. but feature coverage considering happy path ensuring robust code quality and fostering innovation. Metrics
and quality issues in the code. No track mechanism
working towards identifying the right metrics for Metrics exist to provide the details of measuring and edge cases enabling rapid feedback. data is continuously acted upon to meet the coverage and
for measuring unit testing effectiveness.
measuring the effectiveness of unit testing. the effectiveness of unit testing. Metrics exists but often checked only for testing effectiveness.
meeting the coverage aspects.
Continuous Improvement as Culture

Continuous improvement is actively Continuous improvement is deeply ingrained. Continuous improvement is at the core. Employees are
Continuous improvement isn't part of the culture. Efforts to improve are inconsistent and shallow. encouraged. Regular initiatives identify areas for Everyone embraces it, experimenting and empowered to innovate and improve continuously, ensuring
Efforts to improve are rare, leading to missed There's some attempt, but it's not fully growth, involving employees in the process. learning from mistakes to constantly improve. ongoing success.
opportunities. embraced. This inconsistency limits growth. KPI's to monitor the continuous improvement in KPI's to monitor the continuous improvement in KPI's to monitor the continuous improvement in place and
place but not tracked. place and tracked. consistent across the tracking period.
Team Agile Maturity Matrix

Team Name:

AREA Level Target Level Impeded (0) In Transition (1) Sustainable (2) Agile (3) Ideal (4)
Date: (0-4)
Maximum Technical Quality Debt

Efforts to address technical debt are regular and

Occasionally addressed, but efforts lack The team excels at identifying and addressing technical debt
systematic. The team prioritizes resolving Tracking mechanism to track the maximum debt
Neglecting technical debt leads to persistent issues, consistency and depth leading to ongoing issues using metrics like STL (Stop the Line), Bug Jail, and separate debt
0 technical debt proactively, ensuring high exist. The team continuously monitors and
compromised product quality, accumulating and ing the product's long-term stability and backlogs, ensuring high product quality. This approach fosters
product quality, improved code quality, and addresses technical debt , ensuring high quality
problems, and decreased product value. maintainability. innovation and supports long-term sustainability.
better maintainability over time. and reliability enabling team to consistently
deliver value to customers.

Creative Solutions

Struggles with innovation due to significant Begins generating ideas but faces challenges in Consistently delivers practical and scalable Quickly develops and adapts innovative Produces groundbreaking, transformative solutions that set new
obstacles and resource or time constraints. implementation and refinement. creative solutions. solutions based on feedback. standards.

Dependency mapping (internal or

external) Structured and consistent dependency
No formal dependency mapping exists. Initial efforts to identify and document Integrated and proactive dependency
mapping. There is visibility into key Fully optimized dependency management. Real-time updates
Dependencies cause frequent bottlenecks and are dependencies are in place but not all management. Dynamic tracking with advanced
(include visibility of dependecy) dependencies, and basic tools or methods are and predictive analytics. High autonomy and rapid adaptation
often unrecognized until issues arise. dependencies are captured. Awareness is tools. Effective collaboration minimizes
used to manage them, reducing bottlenecks and with comprehensive visibility and control.
growing, but structure is lacking. disruptions and enhances agility.
improving predictability.

High Performance Team / Growth

Mindset / Experiment / Failures
Teams show improved performance and begin Teams consistently perform well, embrace a High-performing teams with a strong growth Teams excel with exceptional performance driven by an
Teams exhibit low performance with a fixed
adopting a growth mindset, with occasional growth mindset by regular experiment, and mindset frequently experiment, systematically ingrained growth mindset, continuous experimentation, and
mindset, infrequent experiments, and failures that
experiments and a more constructive approach view failures as opportunities for learning and analyze failures, and learn from them to drive seamless integration of learnings from failures to innovate and
often lead to blame rather than learning.
to challenges and failures. improvement. continuous improvement. excel.

Customer Focused queries

Efforts to focus on customers are inconsistent. Regular efforts are made to understand and
Customer focus is well-integrated into the Customer focus is ingrained in the team's culture. Customers
Customer focus is minimal or absent. There is little Some feedback is gathered, but it is not meet customer needs. Feedback is collected
workflow. Continuous feedback loops are are actively engaged throughout the development process, with
to no interaction with customers, and their needs systematically integrated into the development periodically and used to inform product
established, with customer insights regularly their feedback and needs driving continuous innovation and
are rarely considered in decision-making. process, leading to occasional misalignment development, although there may still be gaps
driving product decisions and improvements. product excellence.
with customer needs. in addressing all customer concerns
Customer Focus




Suggestion Comments
Suggestion Comments
Suggestion Comments
Suggestion Comments
Suggestion Comments
Team Agile Practices
Unit testing Being Agile Morale
Continuous Integration
(software) Teamwork

Test automation
(software) 4 Tuckman Stage

Code reviews
(software) Sustainable pace

3 Team working agreement

Sprint Demo/Reviews

Progress tracking

Team size

Estimation Dedicated team

All work based

on user stories Cross functional

Sprint Retrospectives Self organization

Sprint Goals

Sprint Duration Deployment Frequency

Standups, Product management strategy1

check-ins, huddles,
or similar.

Work in progress (WIP) - Team level product management1

Concept of
"Stop Starting and Start Finishing"

Structured Slicing (Consider Story size - row 24) Release Cycle time

Backlog grooming and Refinement Product vision

Story size Use of INVEST framework for creating high-quality, specific user stories.
INVEST is an acronym that stands for Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable.
Definition of done (D0D) Definition of ready (DoR)
Structured Slicing (Consider Story size - row 24) Release Cycle time

Backlog grooming and Refinement Product vision

Story size Use of INVEST framework for creating high-quality, specific user stories.
INVEST is an acronym that stands for Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable.
Definition of done (D0D) Definition of ready (DoR)

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