Anabiosis An Conservation of Microorganisms+++

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Volume 4, 2004-2005, pp. 17-28


Tsonka Uzunova-Doneva* and Todor Donev

National Bank for Industrial Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, 1113 Sofia,
P.O.Box 239, Bulgaria; e-mail:


A literature review is made about the applied methods for microorganisms

preservation in the collection activity. Two groups of conservation methods are
described – in hypobiotic and anabiotic states. The first group aims reducing to
minimum the cell vital activity by storage under mineral oils, in water and water
solutions, inactivation in dryers etc. The second group methods lead the microorganisms
to an anabiotic state by means of freezing and low temperature storage and by freeze-
drying (lyophilization). The main factors in the culture preparation before the
conservation are analyzed. They affect the cell resistance and survival and include
cultivation method, nutrient medium composition and pH, temperature regime, aeration,
culture physiological state, cell concentration, protection, suspension equilibration etc.
The influence of the factors and methods on the survival of different microorganism
groups – actinomycetes, bacteria, yeasts and fungi, is considered.

The support of culture collections is an The production standard and quality depend
essential element of the microbiological sci- on the right choice of preservation methods
ence, practice and their development. The of the industrial strains. A variety of methods
man has accomplished to choose and select are available for strain preservation, which
thousands of useful microorganisms, which keep their vitality and authenticity. The main
now are the base of the biotechnological difference between them is the time they
processes. Some of them are strains involved provide for the hopeful strain using. Depending
in the production of dairy, bakery, spirits, on the aims, the methods could be divided
alcohol, vaccines, antibiotics, enzymes, silage, into: laboratory with short time between culti-
vinegar etc. Parallel with the process of vations – from several months to years (sub-
isolation, selection and genetic engineering a cultivation, storage under mineral oil, in water
need arises for the preservation of strains, and water buffers, by cooling to 4 – 8 °C or
their vitality, specificity, activity, immunogenicity drying etc.); long-term storage methods (free-
and other properties in laboratory conditions. zing at different temperature, freeze-drying),

by which the specimens could be preserved quences for the strains. With the deve-
unchanged for decades. The conservation lopment of microbiology the requirements for
results could be affected by lots of factors the culture preservation increase. It is not
during the preliminary culture preparation, by enough to perform a successful conservation;
the choice of protectants, preservation and it is also necessary to keep the strain for a
regeneration methods with minimum conse- long–term period.

Anabiosis of microorganisms
Anabiosis is a state and ability of the microorganisms from the permanent frost
organisms to reduce or stop reversibly their world regions – Arctic, Antarctic and Siberian
vital activity. A connection between the evo- tundra. Samples of ice and turf with supposed
lutionary processes of the organic com- age between 300 and 3 million years are
pounds and Earth’s life is found, during study studied. Rich and various microflora – spore-
the anabiosis. It is a form of adaptation, way of forming and non-sporeforming bacteria, actino-
survival and preservation of organized matter mycetes, fungi and yeasts are found in
[2, 8, 36, 37, 38, 55, 108]. anabiotic state. The representatives of the
The term “anabiosis” was formulated for following genera are isolated and defined:
the first time in 1900 in the journal “Scientific Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, Zygomycota, Pseu-
review” (“Nauchno obozrenie”) by the emi- domonas, Bacillus, Nocardiopsis, Streptomyces,
grated in Bulgaria Russian scientist P. Bah- Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Mucor,
metiev and it expressed the absence of Cryptococcus, Rhodotorulla etc [2, 45]. Data for
organism vitality, not meaning its death [7]. the anabiotic state continuance in Antarctic ice
The microbiologists show interest in the exist, which show that the longevity limit is
anabiosis phenomenon. The microorganisms many times over compared to laboratory
are constantly disposed on atmospheric results. Many of the isolated strains are defi-
influences in their natural environment – ned as psychrotolerant and even psychro-
warmth, cold, freezing and thawing, drying philic with optimal growth temperature from
and moisturizing. Yeasts are the first investi- 2 – 5 °C to 18 – 20 °C. The natural conditions
gated microbiological object. Nowadays for determine adaptive structural and functional
the definition of anabiosis M. Becker sug- changes in the cell that lead to modifications
gests the following conclusion – the organism in the regulatory mechanisms, slow down the
ability to stop convertibly and utmost reduce culture development and metabolism. This
the vitality [9]. structural and biochemical organization allows
Characters of this condition are: keeping the viability of the yeast cell for a long
• absence or utmost reduction of meta- period of time [9].
bolism; In the beginning of the twentieth century
• structure preservation for a long time; conditions to develop the methods for micro-
• absence of noticeable amounts of free organisms conservation are available. Mainly
water as permanent medium in the liquid they could be divided in two groups.
phase; The first group aims detention of the cell
• increased resistance to extreme con- vitality to minimum – hypobiosis, a state
ditions; known as “cells at rest”.
• ability to recover the vital activity. The second group leading the micro-
The study of anabiosis continues to en- organisms to an anabiotic state is: drying,
gage the scientists. Expeditions have isolated freezing at low temperatures and lyophilization.

Methods for maintenance and preservation
Subcultivation. The subcultivation is a The aim is to limit the oxygen access that
method of periodical cultivation on agar reduces the microorganisms’ metabolism and
nutrient medium and it is the oldest method growth, as well as to restrict the cell drying
used for microorganisms maintenance and during preservation in freezing conditions.
preservation in laboratory and industrial con- According to some investigations the
ditions. A main principle in the cultivation is microorganisms conservation period under
taking cell material from great amount of Vaseline oil without subcultivation is 1 to 12
colonies. Using a single colony is not re- years depending on their properties. Optimal
commended because this increases the and utmost time limits are established for
unwanted selection probability. Thus the cultivation of different taxonomical groups.
control of the innate strain characteristics, The preservation period for bacteria from the
activity change and vitality could be im- genera Azotobacter and Mycobacterium is
possible [19, 27, 30, 82]. from 7 to 10 years, for Bacillus – 8 - 12 years.
The choice of nutrient medium for strain In twelve month preservation of genus
cultivation is essential for the method ap- Lactobacillus under Vaseline oil the titer
plication. Choosing correct nutrient com- decreases 2 – 3 orders but there are some data
pounds is the base of further preservation of for conservation of the genus to 6 years.
taxonomical, morphological and biochemical Other bacteria need re-cultivation at intervals
culture properties. The regularity of the culti- of 6 months to 1 year. Acetobacter and Gluco-
vation is different for the separate micro- nobacter have to be undergone to five passages
organisms groups and varies from 30 days to for biochemical properties recovering. Dif-
several years, at preservation temperature 3 – ferent genera yeasts are studied and it is
5 °C. According to some scientists the determined that the conservation period varied
temperature increasing over 5 °C leads to from 1 to 7 years (Candida, Endomycetes, Han-
quick lost of cell viability [82]. The average senula, Saccharomyces, Schizosaccharomyces,
conservation longevity for yeasts is 1 to 3 Pichia) [5, 46, 50, 63, 69].
months. Data exist that some bacteria are Water or water–salt solutions. There
conserved for 5 to 12 months and micro- are data for microbiological objects pre-
scopic fungi over 5 years. Announcements serving in water or water–salt solutions. The
are found that representatives of genus cells are placed in indifferent liquid medium
Streptomyces keep their vitality by this method and they approach a hypobiotic state. The
for 26 years. Fungi are the longest preserved suspension density, the presence of Ca ions
by subcultivation strains and have been kept in the medium, the solution composition and
since 1895 [4, 15, 27, 65, 91, 103]. pH, the preservation temperature influence the
Mineral oils. Other cultures preservation quantity and protection of the cells at rest. For
method is under mineral oil [17, 41, 48]. It was example, it is determined that direct cause for
applied for the first time in 1914 by A. Limier to the accelerated death of Escherichia coli with
keep the gonorrhea agent (Neisseria gono- population number over 10 cells/ml is the
rrhoeae). In 1921 by this way M. Michelle accumulation of lethal metabolites in the inter-
preserved in broth gonococci, meningococci cellular medium. Their concentration grows with
and pneumococci [46]. The method essence the cell density increasing. The optimal pH for
is covering the well grown culture on liquid or 1 month preservation of E. coli is pH 8 and for
agar nutrient medium with sterile non-toxic S. cerevisiae – pH 5.5. This method is recom-
mineral oil. The most common used oil is pa- mended for short term storage at 4 – 8 °C for 1
raffin or vaseline with layer thickness 1 to 2 cm. week to 12 months [5, 17, 59, 92, 102].

Drying. The cultures conservation method cumulation of significant results from fun-
that imitates the natural conditions is drying damental investigations in microbiological
preservation. It is based on the natural micro- science. It is well known that the laboratory
organism properties to fall into anabiosis. microorganisms could not always be lead to
Sand, soil, mud, active carbon, saw-dust, anabiosis by cooling and freezing. Often the
synthetic balls and tablets, polymer matrixes, cells die or remain alive but not viable. The
high disperse materials, filter paper etc are temperature decrease affects the biological
used as microbic material carrier. The large systems and series of mechanical, physio-
carrier surface adsorbs part of the moisture. logical and biochemical changes occur. De-
The drying is performed at room temperature pending on the cooling and overcooling level,
or by heating up at 36 – 40 °C. the cells suffer different damage consequen-
In 1966 Coe and Clark applied the ces by the “temperature shock” [9, 18, 22, 26,
method for strains Staphylococcus aureus, 52, 75, 83, 94].
announcing preservation date 6 months [63]. During the cryogenic treatment of the
There are references for stability investi- cells a great number of damage factors are
gations after conservation on different car- known [73, 86, 99, 100] and the basic are:
riers and following drying of representatives of • in and out water crystallization, ac-
the genera Shigella, Salmonella, Proteus, Ba- complished by biomacromolecule dehydra-
cillus, Streptococcus, Pseudomonas, Coryne- tion and damaging barrier membrane pro-
bacterium, Rhodococcus, Serratia, Mycobacte- perties, mechanical disturbances of the cell
rium, with advisable conservation time to 12 structures, caused by the mixed forms of ice
month at temperature 4 °C [11, 12, 16, 25, 47]. – hexagonal and cubic with destructive action
M. Litvinov carried out extensive research in [32, 43, 106].
the 40ties on the strain preservation by drying • increasing concentration of the cell
species S. cerevisiae [54]. He developed drying electrolytes – a result of overcooling that leads
procedures on a filter paper or glass and to hydrogen ions concentration changes in the
cell and pH disbalance. The salts reach
determined the conditions – in exicator using
hypertonic concentrations and critically affect
vacuum 18 mmHg, at 25 – 32 °C in the pre-
the cell protein structures [34, 96, 106];
sence of dryer – calcium chloride. This pre-
• conglomeration – spatial connection
servation method is widely used for brewery
between cells and macromolecules that
and bakery yeasts. M. Becker and A. Rapoport
usually do not interact.
carry out numerous investigations connected
The literature gives theoretical and ex-
to the structural and functional characteristics
perimental data referred to the influence of
of the cytoplasmic membrane after the cell
the freezing and thawing rate upon the form
anabiotic state [66-69]. A convective drying of
of the crystals and their destructive action to
starter yeast cultures of species S. cerevisiae
the cell [6, 19, 64, 72, 74, 100]. The scientists
is applied at 37 oC with ultimate humidity 8 –
have different opinions about the choice of
10 % [8, 9, 77, 104, 110].
the freezing rate for the biological suspensions
In 1954 Anner for the first time used
preservation. According to N. Pushckar and
vacuum to speed up the process of microbial -1
A. Bellows the slow freezing (0.3 °C.min –
suspension drying. The method is named “L- -1
drying”. It is used for the conservation of 1°C.min ) causes a formation of big crystal
spyrochetas, leptospyras, salmonellas and structures in the samples independently on the
some yeast and virus strains [57, 63]. primary structure. With speed of 10 °C.min
Cryogenic conservation. In the last dendrite recrystallization do not occur and
decades of twentieth century the cryogenic with 60 °C.min small crystal structures ap-
conservation was characterized with quick ac- pear in the specimen and do not grow. A high

-1 -1 monly accepted names for the process of
speed freezing from 100 °C.min to 400 °C.min
is used in laboratory conditions and the liquid taking away the entire quantity freeze moisture
phase freezes almost immediately. The struc- from the solid matrix of the wet containing
ture is defined as “non-crystal”. The phe- materials by vacuum sublimation. The lyo-
nomenon term is vitrification, because of the philization consists of the following stages:
vitreous amorphous condition of the system. • material freezing to low temperatures –
-1 below the eutectic temperature;
There are data for freezing rates to 6000 °C.min
• primary drying when the ice crystals
[18, 73-75, 84].
sublimate influenced by the passed in the
The thawing of different microorganisms is
system heat energy in vacuum conditions;
usually in water bath at temperature 25 °C to
• secondary drying when after the ice
41 °C. The slower static thawing of the cells
(stored at low temperatures of minus 135 °C – separation the remained material moisture is
196 °C) at room temperature could lead to desorbed in maximum deep vacuum con-
lethal recrystallization in the temperature range ditions [75].
between minus 130 °C – minus 110 °C [31, 40, 94]. There are a great number of literature
Freezing in liquid nitrogen. The method data for the microbiological cultures lyophili-
of freezing to minus 196 °C and preservation zation [3, 13, 44, 49, 65-68, 71, 101, 106, 107].
in liquid nitrogen or its vapor is basic for most The method has a wide application for the
of the culture collections. Actinomycetes, vaccine production, veterinary and humane
bacteria, yeasts, fungi, plant and animal purposes [99, 100]. Most of the viruses sur-
viruses and cell cultures are conserved that vive very well the vacuum-sublimation drying.
way. According to some scientists the optimal Only small part of them is sensitive to freezing
-1 and drying [86, 101].
cooling rate for fungi is 1°C.min , for yeasts
-1 From all microorganisms groups the
7-10 °C.min , for bacteria and actinomycetes
-1 bacteria sustain lyophilization the best [56].
2-45°C.min [88]. In the 60ties of the twentieth
According to their resistance to drying some
century Maussori carried out experiments of
authors relate the bacteria to three groups:
yeasts freezing with different rates including
-1 • Strongly resistant, such as the genera
6000°C.min [19]. Some authors recommend
Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Brevibacte-
this freezing speed for the species Lacto- rium, Corynebacterium, Lactobacillus, Salmo-
bacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, inde-
nella, Bacillus etc. Their viability reaches
pendently on the protective media [41].
100 % after drying;
Tsutsaeva et al. pay attention to the aeration
• Medium resistant, such as the genera
of the culture grown in liquid medium as well
Brucella, Salmonella, Seratia, Pseudomonas.
as to the higher resistance of the cells culti-
Their survival reaches 70 %.
vated on rich nutrient medium. The influence
• Sensible to drying are some
of some physicochemical factors on the
representatives of the genera Spirochete,
yeasts sensitivity to freezing is studied and
-1 Methylobacter, Methylococcus [58, 67, 85].
the slow freezing is recommended – 0.4 °C.min .
With long storage terms 33 – 36 years are
The experiments with E. coli bacteriophages
the genera Aspergillus, Fusarium, Citromyces,
do not show longevity change at different
-1 -1 Acetobacter, Alcaligenes, Bacillus, Mycobacte-
freezing rates from 1 °C.min to 400 °C.min
rium etc [50].
[94, 95, 97, 98]. B. Kirsop analyzes the con-
The yeasts resistance to freeze-drying pre-
servation of about 500 strains from 75 species
servation is considerably smaller [6, 58]. Yeasts
of genus Saccharomyces in liquid nitrogen 8
and reveals that the average survival is 66.1 % of species S. uvarum with concentration 10
with deviation 34.8 % [39]. cells/ml in water suspension, frozen at different
-1 1
Lyophilization. Lyophilization, vacuum – rates of 0.1 °C.min to 1 °C.min- , die over 99 %
sublimation drying or freeze-drying are the com- after the vacuum – sublimation drying [19, 54].

Protective compounds – cryoprotectants, synthetic processes before the anabiotic tran-
are found to eliminate most of the multiple sition. Such examples are S. rouxii, E. coli,
destructive factors during freezing of biolo- Ps. putida. The increasing glycerol concen-
gical structures. This cryobiology branch is tration assumes to play an important part in
based on studying the natural protection mo- the microorganisms’ stability toward dehydra-
dels of the cell, being in hypo- and anabiotic tion, increases the resistance at lowering the
state. The basic indicators of the protective active water (aw) and secures the vitality
media are determined by the experimental during freezing [62, 87, 105]. A lot of cryo-
data of scientists such as Louie, Lovelock, genic conservation experiments are carried
Shickama: out with varying the glycerol concentrations at
• to keep the microorganism viability, different temperatures and freezing rates.
morphological, biochemical, taxonomical and Glycerol is successfully applied to freezing
genetic properties during conservation and Serratia marcescens, Erwinia aroideae, T4
preservation; phage, Claviceps sp., Acremorium chryso-
• to be non-toxic; genum, S. cerevisiae, C. utilis and others with
• to have good water solubility; high percentage survival and preserved
• to connect easily with water, per- properties [62, 91].
forming coligative properties; Dimethylsulphoxid (DMSO, C2H6SO).
• to have low eutectic temperature; The cryoprotective properties of this com-
• to prevent salt hyperconcentration in pound depend on the concentration. For
the suspension; example, the study of DMSO concentrations
• to stabilize hydrogen connections in from 10 % to 20 % at freezing myocardial
the crystal lattice and to prevent large crystal tissue cultures in liquid nitrogen shows the
forming; best results at 17.5 % [76]. The major part of
• to penetrate good the cells (only the world culture collections recommends
endocellular mechanism of cryoprotecting); 10 % protecting concentration [87].
According to the location of their action There is lots of information in the literature
the cryoprotectants are divided in two groups: for the survival of the microorganisms stored
• endocellular cryoprotectants – media, in liquid nitrogen when glycerol and DMSO are
penetrating cells; used as protective media. The optimal con-
• extracellular cryoprotectants – media, centrations are different depending on the
connecting with the extracellular water. specificity of the treated cells and vary bet-
Endocellular protectants. The appli- ween 5 – 20 % [28, 29, 42, 70].
cation of protective media with endocellular Extracellular protectants. Some of the
mechanism presents a cell penetration. The extracellular protectants applied to preser-
media overcooling before the freezing con- vation of the biological objects in frozen state
tribute to small crystal formation, which re- are polyvinylpyrrolidone, hydroxyethyl starch
stricts the mechanical disturbing action du- and dextran.
ring the cryogenic treatment. The main endo- Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, (-C6H9NO-)n).
cellular protective media are glycerol and There are several hypotheses about the cell
dimethylsulphoxid. cryoprotection mechanism of PVP. According
Glycerol (glycerin, 1, 2, 3 propantriol, to one of them the protective effect is con-
C3H8O3). Some microorganisms in natural nected with its ability of cell penetration by
environment or after adding extra amount of pinocytosis. Other hypothesis refers the pro-
glycerol to the nutrient media increase their tecting mechanism to the connection ability of

the polymer molecules with the cell membrane lose), colloids (gelatin, agar, peptone, milk and
and to the envelope formation around. sera), salts (sodium glutamate) etc. In the
Hydroxyethyl starch (HES). It is non- experiments and practice, using combined
toxic, biologically inert, indifferent protectant. media higher percentage cell viability is es-
These properties make HES useful as a tablished compared to the single component
plasma substitute. It is an appropriate pro- protective media, during and after conservation
tectant for some blood cells. [1, 14, 51, 61, 64, 93].
Dextran. This compound is successfully When the influence of different factors
applied as cryoprotectant for viruses’ and upon bacteria and actinomycetes resistance
microorganisms’ conservation [20]. It is pos- during lyophilization is studied the most com-
sible to use this substance as a protective monly used protective medium is sucrose
medium combined with other cryoprotectants 10 % + gelatin 1 % [3, 43, 44, 67, 90]. Other
because it is chemically inert [7, 20, 21]. media such as 0.1 – 10 % peptone, 10 % suc-
Dextran is also used in medicine for blood rose, 10 % lactose, 10 % trehalose, 10 – 20 %
transfusion as a plasma substitute. skimmed milk, 5 % Na glutamate, casein hyd-
Combined media for cryo- and lyo- rolysate and many others are applied suc-
conservation and preservation of micro- cessfully to the genera Bacillus, Pantoea,
organisms are applied, containing different Seratia, Erwinia, Lactobacillus, Acetobacter,
sugar concentrations (sucrose, glucose, treha- Streptococcus etc [16, 24, 49, 85].

Preparation of the cultures for conservation

The basic factors in microbiological cul- tein, carbohydrate and lipid accumulation that
tures preparation before conservation by could increase the cell resistance to lyophilic
which the strain preservation could be pur- treatment. For example, extra addition of
posively influenced are: cultivation method tween 80 and oleic acid to meat peptone
(deep and surface), temperature regime, broth (MPB) during cultivation of Ps. de-
composition and pH of the nutrient medium, nitrificans, S. marcescens, E. aroideae, Acine-
aeration. The age, physiological condition and tobacter calcoaceticus etc raises cell viability
culture concentration at the moment of con- after conservation [3, 24].
servation are of great importance too [101]. The acidity (pH). Cell resistance during
Nutrient medium. The nutrient medium conservation depends on the cultivation
composition affects the cell resistance. Two medium acidity. It is well-known that the cul-
basic opposite opinions exist about the tivation medium pH influences the cell pro-
choice of the propagation media – poor and pagation: there is optimal pH range for every
rich one. Cultivation on rich nutrient media is culture and the cell growth is slow or absent
recommended in some conservation prescrip- out of it. Studying S. cerevisiae brewery and
tions because the percentage of viable cells bakery yeasts a correlation between the
is higher compared to those cultivated on cryoresistance and the medium acidity exists.
poor media. According to other authors the Although at pH 4.2 cells grow faster their
poor and becoming poor by the time of vitality after lyophilization is minimal. The
propagation nutrient media is a signal for cell survival increasing on an average with 10 –
metabolism reorganization that leads to ener- 25 % at pH 5.4 is observed, compared to the
gy storage. Probably the cells prepare them- lowest studied pH 3 [34, 35, 109].
selves for a hypobiosis from which the tran- Cultivation method. In the literature
sition to anabiotic state is easier [92]. The and in the practice of different culture col-
right choice of nutrient medium leads to pro- lections liquid broth or agar nutrient media

are used, and deep or surface cultivation organization of the cytoplasmic membrane
respectively, for the preparation of the cell and the cell bioorganization [33, 89, 96, 97].
culture before conservation. There are no According to other authors, one of the basic
data comparing both methods in relation to reasons for cell disturbance by cryoconser-
the culture resistance to conservation by free- vation and lyophilization is the action of the
zing or freeze-drying. dissolved in the medium oxygen that acti-
Temperature regime. The optimal incu- vates during processes and joins one or two
bation temperature for a given microorga- electrons and oxidizes important cell building
nism is enlisted in its databases (catalogue compounds [66].
information) and varies up to some limits. A Culture age (physiological condition).
lot of strains have equal temperature values When planning the experiment the choice of
in the catalogues. For example, more than culture age is of great importance for recei-
90 % of the strains E. coli in NBIMCC have ving high percentage vitality after microorga-
optimal cultivation temperature 37 °C. The nism lyophilization. Biriuzova and Rapoport
temperature regime of lactic acid bacteria is recommend 48 hours culture of S. cerevisiae
different – from 37 °C to 52 °C according to as the most appropriate for conservation.
their specificity. Species S. cerevisiae are Other scientists propose preserving S. cere-
conventionally propagated at temperature visiae at the beginning of the stationary
25 - 28 °C [14]. growth phase not specifying the age [35, 106].
In S. cerevisiae studies, when the culti- There are data confirming the fact that
vation temperature is gone down from 30 °C to the microorganisms are more resistant to
15 °C the cell resistance increases and a linear freezing and dehydration at the end of the
correlation is established. It is necessary a logarithmic growth phase or at the beginning
separate temperature determination for every of the stable one [3, 34, 43, 60, 68].
strain considering the cell structure and bio- Cell concentration. There are different
chemical reactions. Studying the growth of points of view about the influence of the cell
E. coli in the range of 13 °C to 46 °C the lowest suspension concentration on the strain viability
percentage of the cell biochemical changes is preservation. When studying the correlation
established and the optimal strain viability is at between the population density and the sur-
23 - 37 °C [10, 106]. vival after lyophilization of Streptococcus cre-
Aeration. It is proven that the cells have moris it is established that with the concen-
different conservation resistance depending on 6 9
tration increasing from 10 to 10 cells/ml the vi-
the aeration conditions during the cultivation.
tality percentage also increases [19]. For Ps. de-
For example in yeasts, the medium aeration
nitrificans freeze-drying, Arkadieva et al. re-
performs the following functions: providing the 9 10
necessary oxygen for yeast metabolism; commend starting concentration of 10 –10
supplying the intensive mixing of the nutrient cells/ml [3]. Experiments are also carried out
medium and equalizing the cultivation para- with species S. cerevisiae about the cell sus-
meters; removing the carbon dioxide released pension density. The results show that the
as a vital activity product of the yeast cells, that injured cell percentage in extreme conditions
leads to resistance increasing. raises with decreasing the cell concentration
The representatives of species S. cere- but on the other side the increasing concen-
visiae cultivated in aerobic conditions are tration leads to intercellular contacts, toxic
significantly more resistant to hypo- and metabolite production etc that reduces the
hypertonic shock. The anaerobic propagation vitality [109]. Most of the culture collections
8 10
reliably reduces the cryoresistance that is recommend using initial concentration 10 –10
explained with the change in the structural cells/ml [50].

Raising the initial concentration of the that they are natural preservation form and
viable cells on one hand increases the chance also with the smaller water amounts in the
of cell preservation even at low survival level spore. Non-sporeforming microorganisms stand
after conservation but on the other the lysed less the cryogenic and lyophilic treatment. It is
cells and the cell compounds could act as also known that the prokaryotes are more
cryoprotecting medium for the cells [60]. resistant than the eukaryotes as well as Gram
Equilibration. The equilibration is the first positive bacteria than Gram negative ones
stage connected with the microorganisms’ [59, 60, 87].
preparation, necessary for the cell structure A different cryo- and xero-resistance
stabilizing before conservation. It is possible a exists for separate strains of one spesies. For
series of cell biochemical changes to occur example, when S. uvarum and S. cerevisiae
during the equilibration causing either positive are cultivated under same conditions in con-
effect or negative influence on the metabolic centration 2-5.10 cells/ml and protected by
processes before microorganisms preservation. 10 % glycerol and 10 % DMSO, their viability
During that period the cells pass through a varies within wide limits from 34 to 100 % after
transfer stage that prepares them to stand the preservation in liquid nitrogen (minus 196 °C).
extreme conditions of conservation (osmotic After three years of storage in liquid nitrogen
and temperature shock). some of the strains preserve their vitality
The inner cell properties and characte- unchanged however, the survival of the others
ristics could be lost or the microorganisms decreases significantly.
could die under the stress influence attending Consequently, for the preservation of the
the conservation processes. The different initial properties of every microorganism group
microorganism groups have different resist- in long term storage an individual approach is
ance. The sporeforming cultures keep very needed either during the preliminary culture
well their viability at almost all conservation preparation or when choosing preservation
methods. This has connection with the fact and recovering methods.

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Цонка Узунова – Донева*, Тодор Донев


Направен е литературен преглед на прилаганите методи за съхранение на

микроорганизми при колекционирането им. Описани са две групи методи за
запазване – в хипобиотично и в анабиотично състояние. Първата група цели
забавяне до минимум на жизнената дейност на клетките – съхранение под
минерални масла, във вода и водни разтвори, инактивиране в сушители и
други. Втората група методи цели довеждането на микроорганизмите до
състояние на анабиоза, чрез замразяване и съхранение при ниски
температури и чрез вакуумно сублимационно сушене (лиофилизация). Описани
са основите фактори при подготовката на микробиологичните култури преди
консервирането, влияещи върху устойчивостта и преживяемостта на
клетките - метод на култивиране, състав на хранителна среда, рН,
температурен режим, аерация, физиологично състояние на културата,
клетъчна концентрация, протектиране, еквилибрация на суспензията и т.н.
Проследено е влиянието на факторите и методите върху преживяемостта на
различни групи микроорганизми – актиномицети, бактерии, дрожди и плесени.


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