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Bulletin of Indonesian
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Halim Alamsyah , Charles Joseph , Juda Agung &
Doddy Zulverdy
Published online: 17 Jun 2010.

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INDONESIA, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 37:3, 309-324, DOI:

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Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, Vol. 37, No. 3, 2001: 309–24



Halim Alamsyah, Charles Joseph, Juda Agung and Doddy Zulverdy*

Bank Indonesia, Jakarta

The experience of high inflation accompanying the economic crisis in 1998 has brought
back painful memories of hyperinflation in the 1960s. Success with inflation target-
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ing (IT) in other countries has prompted Indonesia to consider this framework as
the basis for monetary policy, a response that seems justified on at least two grounds.
First, monetary policy needs a new anchor after the abandonment in 1997 of the
previous regime of managed floating. Second, the central bank law enacted in 1999
prescribes stability of the value of the rupiah as Bank Indonesia’s sole objective. This
paper explores the future framework of monetary policy under a formal IT approach
and highlights the constraints Bank Indonesia faces in implementing such an ap-
proach. It discusses the monetary policy framework before and during the crisis,
and in the post-crisis period. It then goes on to outline a preliminary design for a
suitable IT framework for Indonesia.

Over the past decade inflation targeting transparency, discipline, accountability
(IT) has become a fashionable frame- and a forward looking operating proce-
work for monetary policy in many coun- dure.
tries. This new framework involves the Pioneered by New Zealand and fol-
following basic elements: first, deciding lowed by many industrial countries
on, and announcing, a target level of in- such as Canada, the United Kingdom,
flation for the coming period; second, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Australia and
forecasting the level of inflation in the Israel, IT quickly gained support and
coming period, given assumed mon- was adopted in several emerging mar-
etary policy settings (i.e. of one or more ket countries such as Chile and the
monetary variables under the control of Czech Republic. Quite recently, Brazil
the central bank, such as base money and several Asian countries such as Ko-
growth or a key interest rate); third, ad- rea, Thailand and the Philippines have
justing these monetary policy settings in also officially adopted inflation as their
order to achieve the targeted inflation nominal anchor for monetary policy.
rate; and fourth, adjusting the monetary International experience with IT has
policy settings in line with revised in- shown some very positive results. In
flation forecasts as new data come to general, those countries employing an
hand. It is a monetary policy alternative IT framework have experienced both
to targeting the rate of growth of mon- lower rates of inflation and lower ex-
etary aggregates, the exchange rate, or pected inflation—that is, lower than in
interest rates. Effectively, IT introduces the pre-IT period and lower than in other

ISSN 0007-4918 print/ISSN 1472-7234 online/01/030309-16 © 2001 Indonesia Project ANU

310 Halim Alamsyah, Charles Joseph, Juda Agung and Doddy Zulverdy

countries (Bernanke et al. 1999; Allen the sole objective of Bank Indonesia (BI).
2000; Haldane 1995). A study by Corbo Although the law does not explicitly call
et al. (2001), for example, reports that for the use of IT, the features of mon-
inflation in developing countries adopt- etary policy it outlines—such as the an-
ing an IT framework declines signifi- nouncement of an inflation target, the
cantly to low levels similar to those in adoption of rupiah stability as the sin-
developed countries. Countries adopt- gle objective, and the granting of instru-
ing IT have also enjoyed lower nominal ment independence—appear to us to
interest rates. Finally, it is found that have placed BI’s monetary policy implic-
with increases in central bank credibil- itly into an IT framework.
ity over time, IT reduces the variability Lessons from international experi-
of both inflation and output (Cecchetti ence will be indispensable in providing
and Ehrmann 1999). This last finding is insights into the preconditions for, and
crucial, since many argue that the adop- the necessary institutional set-up sur-
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tion of IT may sacrifice output growth, rounding, the implementation of IT.

especially in developing countries that These insights will be important even if
may put great weight on rapid growth factors that were seen to be critical to
to generate much needed welfare im- ensuring the success of IT in more de-
provements for their population. veloped countries may have different
The experience of countries that have weights in the context of emerging mar-
pioneered IT seems to suggest that a kets like Indonesia. Experience from
prerequisite for the successful imple- countries such as Israel and Chile sug-
mentation of this approach is a high de- gests that achieving and maintaining
gree of central bank independence, price stability relies on a strong political
especially in the pursuit of monetary commitment to sustaining an appropri-
policy (Debelle 1997; Debelle et al. 1998). ate macroeconomic policy mix. Further-
In all IT countries, the central bank has more, although technical capability is
some degree of independence either in certainly not a rigid requirement, any
formulating its objective (goal inde- lack of it, especially in inflation and out-
pendence) or at least in choosing the in- put forecasting, may inhibit the smooth
struments with which to achieve the rate implementation of IT. In brief, although
of inflation deemed appropriate by the some basic elements of IT can be identi-
authorities (instrument independence). fied as necessary conditions, further
Related to this, the monetisation of fis- analysis of the preconditions and the
cal deficits needs to be strictly prohib- institutional set-up will also be crucial
ited or limited. when a developing country like Indo-
Apart from the success of the frame- nesia decides to adopt this approach.
work in other countries, there seem to
be at least two other grounds to justify THE EXISTING M ONETARY
the use of explicit IT in Indonesia. First, POLICY FRAM EWORK: TO WARD S
following the abandonment in 1997 of INFLATION TARG ETING
the use of intervention bands under the The monetary policy framework in In-
previous regime of managed floating, donesia has evolved gradually over the
monetary policy needs an alternative past three decades. For example, mon-
nominal anchor; the inflation rate is one etary management has moved from di-
such alternative. Second, the new cen- rect controls in the form of credit and
tral bank law enacted in 1999 prescribes interest rate ceilings to indirect control
the stabilisation of the rupiah’s value as through open market operations. While
Towards Implementation of Inflation Targeting in Indonesia 311

the ultim ate objectives of monetary greater emphasis on forecasting inflation

policy were vaguely formulated, and and adjusting monetary policy settings
included keeping inflation under con- in light of these forecasts.
trol, the main anchor of monetary policy
was the exchange rate. With a heavily The M onetary Policy Framework
managed exchange rate system, the con- Prior to the Crisis
duct of monetary management was ef- Before the crisis, monetary policy was
fectively constrained and, given the conducted mainly by using base money
multiple objectives of policy, the central as the operational instrument for con-
bank ended up with an eclectic approach trolling other monetary aggregates such
in its decisions. This approach—combin- as broad money. While there were mul-
ing money, interest rate and exchange tiple objectives—such as a low level of
rate targeting—proved very difficult to unemployment, high economic growth,
administer, especially during the 1990s a sustainable balance of payments posi-
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when the integration of the economy tion and a tolerable rate of inflation—
with the international financial market the anchor of monetary policy during
became more pronounced. 1 With an this period was clearly the nominal ex-
open capital account coupled with large change rate, which was managed heav-
and volatile capital flows, the policy of ily within a relatively narrow band that
keeping the exchange rate within a rela- depre ciated at a fairly steady ra te
tively narrow band faced tremendous (McLeod 1997a: 22). The band was
challenges. As the currency crisis began gradually widened after 1992, reaching
to get under way in mid 1997, specula- plus or minus 12% from the central par-
tive pressures in both the money and ity in July 1997, about a month before
foreign exchange markets increased dra- Indonesia’s currency crisis broke. Al-
matically, leading to the adoption of a though the use of base money as the
flexible exchange rate system in August operational instrument for monetary
1997. policy seemed to have been effective in
Under the new flexible exchange rate the 1980s and early 1990s, the same ap-
regime, choosing an alternative nominal proach was strongly challenged there-
anchor became critical to monetary after, not least because the relationship
policy. The 1999 central bank law set out between nominal income and broad
a new framework for such policy, and money became increasingly unstable as
has provided the basis for BI to search a result of global financial innovations
for a new and appropriate nominal an- and deregulation.
chor. While during the post-crisis period There has been concern that it is diffi-
base money is still being used as the cult for policy makers to control base
anchor under the IMF assistance pro- money growth for at least two reasons
gram, its suitability for the future needs (Boediono 1998). First, the markets for
to be questioned. In any case, as it re- the instruments with which open mar-
flects on past experience and contem- ket operations were conducted, namely
plates the challenges ahead, BI should central bank bills (SBI, Sertifikat Bank
see the search for a new anchor as part Indonesia) and money market paper
of a quest for econom ic discip line (SBPU, Surat Berharga Pasar Uang),
through transparency and accountabil - were relatively thin and fragmented.2
ity, and for a more forward looking op- The liquid reserves of the banking sys-
erating procedure in the conduct of tem were not distributed evenly among
mo netary policy— that is, pla cing banks; most outstanding SBI were held
312 Halim Alamsyah, Charles Joseph, Juda Agung and Doddy Zulverdy

by the state banks, so that the private rate regime was widened several times
banks relied heavily on the interbank to allow greater flexibility and to ease
market to manage their liquidity, and the conflict with monetary policy. This
were therefore vulnerable to sudden pragmatic approach was viewed as part
shocks. With this fragmented market it of a transitional phase during which the
was quite difficult for BI to control sys- monetary authority was shifting its
tem liquidity without creating pressure policy from quantity targeting to price
on interest rates. For example, in Sep- (interest rate) targeting. To a large extent,
tember 1984, when BI squeezed liquid- however, the recent financial crisis has
ity from the market, the interb ank forced BI to postpone adopting the price
overnight rate jumped to 90% per an- targeting approach and continue to use
num. And in mid 1987, when BI wanted the quantity approach, for reasons dis-
to counteract speculative transactions in cussed below. Despite these reserva-
the foreign exchange market, the state tions, prior to the crisis the overall stance
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banks had to be forced to repurchase of monetary policy appears comparable

SPBU, and state-owned enterprises to to the anti-inflationary stance of the US
use their deposits held at the state banks Federal Reserve’s policy in the Volker–
to buy SBI, in order to reduce the avail- Greenspan era: interest rates are found
ability of funds for speculation. A simi- to have reacted in virtually identical
lar story was played out early in 1991. ways to changes in expected inflation
Second, in certain periods base money and in overall demand in Indonesia as
is endogenous with respect to output. they have in the United States (McNelis
For example, during periods of upswing 2000).
in the economy, rising aggregate de-
mand is accompanied by both increased The Framework during the Crisis
foreign borrowing and the liquidation The financial crisis had a highly desta-
of SBI by sale to the central bank, both bilising impact on the economy. Pressure
of which result in increases in base on the exchange rate and on foreign cur-
money (given the quasi-fixed exchange rency reserves early in the crisis forced
rate policy and a reluctance to allow SBI BI to abandon the crawling band ex-
rates to rise). Controlling the growth of change rate regime and to allow the
base money (and through it, aggregate rupiah to float in August 1997. Triggered
demand) is therefore a difficult job that by dramatic depreciation of the rupiah,
sometimes needs extremely high inter- the crisis resulted in the most severe eco-
est rates. The difficulties of controlling nomic downturn in more than 30 years.
base money using market instruments Real GDP shrank by 13.2% during 1998,
led, in some cases, to the use of non- alongside a large-scale collapse of the
market instruments such as reserve re- banking system, and widespread busi-
quirements, moral suasion and tighter ness failures and job losses in the mod-
prudential regulations for the banks. ern sector, especially in construction.
In short, monetary policy using quan- Soon after floating the currency, the
tity targets became less effective. Faced government adopted an extremely tight
with this challenge, BI initially followed monetary policy, raising interest rates
a pragmatic or eclectic approach. With- sharply and forcing state enterprises to
out abandoning quantity targeting, it withdraw funds from the banking sys-
gave more attention to interest rates. tem and purchase SBI; it also suspended
Moreover, as noted above, the interven- the use of several monetary instruments
tion band under the managed exchange that had an expansionary impact, such
Towards Implementation of Inflation Targeting in Indonesia 313

as auctions of SBPU, the Discount Facil- liquidity support, BI imposed high pen-
ity I and repurchases of SBI.3 The jump alties on the use of the discount window
in interest rates and the enormous de- facility and on commercial banks’ nega-
preciation of the rupiah severely affected tive balances (overdrafts) at the central
the banking and real sectors. Given the bank. Furthermore, in May 1998 BI
fragility of both sectors, this contributed placed ceilings on deposit rates and
to widespread corporate failures and interbank rates for bank liabilities that
resulted in a worsening of the banks’ had been guaranteed by the government
asset quality. since late January. The policy aimed at
To prevent bank runs and a collapse preventing banks from adopting impru-
of the entire banking system, BI was dent measures that could lead to self-
obliged, as lender of last resort, to pro- reinforcing expansions of liq uidity
vide large-scale liquidity support to support.
troubled banks; this caused a temporary Because of a number of constraints on
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loss of monetary control in late 1997 and the use of money market instruments
early 1998. As a result, base money grew (such as the thin market for SBI), open
by 115% and broad money by 68% be- market operations were not able fully to
tween November 1997 and July 1998. As absorb all of the excess liquidity in the
people’s confidence in the rupia h economy. To achieve the quantitative
eroded, a cycle of weakening currency, target, attempts were made to render
soaring prices and expanding money open market operations more effective.
supply threatened to break out into hy- On 29 July 1998 BI changed the auction
perinflation. BI’s main objective, there- system of SBI, such that emphasis was
fore, was to restore confidence in the shifted from interest rate targets to quan-
currency; hyperinflation had to be pre- titative targets. Furthermore, participa-
vented and inflation brought down. BI tion in the SBI auctions was broadened
believed that if prices were stabilised, from primary dealers to include banks,
this would in turn strengthen the value money brokers, capital market brokers
of the rupiah relative to other currencies. and the general public. These changes
To achieve these aims, monetary ex- were intended to allow greater compe-
pansion needed first to be halted, and tition among auction participants, so
BI needed to regain control over its own that the SBI rate would better reflect the
balance sheet. All sources of central bank interaction betw een dem and and
money creation needed to be brought supply.
under control, and BI needed to reabsorb Another innovation that enhanced
excess liquidity from the banking sys- monetary policy operations was ‘rupiah
tem and in the broader economy. With intervention’ —the provision of a facil-
the support of the IMF, BI pursued a ity under which banks that fail to pur-
tight money policy stance, with base chase the desired quantity of SBI in the
money as the target. Quantitative targets regular auctions can lend their excess re-
were also set for other items in the cen- serves to BI for short terms (one to seven
tral bank’s balance sheet. BI did not al- days), at an interest rate lower than that
low domestic assets to expand; broadly for longer maturity SBI; this instrument
speaking, net domestic assets were tar- is used to support monetary restraint.
geted for zero growth. To protect its Control of monetary expansion result-
foreign asset position, a floor was estab- ing from government expenditure is also
lished for net international reserves. In effected from time to time by sterilisa-
April 1998, to prevent further growth of tion in the foreign exchange market—
314 Halim Alamsyah, Charles Joseph, Juda Agung and Doddy Zulverdy

that is, by the sale of foreign exchange, uted ambiguity, may be overstated,
which helps to strengthen the rupiah. however. In practice, exchange rate and
To sum up, targeting of the monetary price stability are usually closely corre-
base was adopted by BI after the crisis lated. Certainly, low inflation has gen-
a s a temporary measure in tended erally been consistent with reasonable
mainly to absorb the monetary expan- exchange rate stability in the past—al-
sion originating from liquidity support though the recent crisis raises doubts as
to the banking system, rather than to whether this can be taken for granted
being based on more fundamental con- in the future.
siderations such as a stable relationship Second, the new law provides BI with
between inflation and base money a framework conducive to pursuing
(Iljas 1999).4 price stability. In conducting monetary
policy, BI is granted full authority to
Toward an Inflation decide upon the inflation target to be
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Targeting Framework: achieved (goal independence) and free-

The 1999 Central Bank Law dom of choice over various monetary
A major change in the conduct of mon- instruments to achieve this target (in-
etary policy in the aftermath of the cri- strument independence).6 The law also
sis was the enactment of a new central prescribes that BI, as an independent
banking law in May 1999, which gives institution, is free from interference by
full autonomy to BI in formulating and the government and all other parties.
implementing monetary policy. The leg-
islation drew upon international best A PR ELIMINARY D ES IG N FOR AN
practice—for example, at the Bundes- INFLATION TARG ETING
bank of Germany.5 FRAMEWORK
Certain features of the new law have Under an IT framework, monetary
important consequences for the conduct policy is directed at influencing aggre-
of monetary policy. First, in contrast to gate demand so that it is consistent with
the previous law, which prescribed mul- economic capacity from the supply side,
tiple objectives for monetary policy, the to keep the rate of economic growth sus-
new law clearly states that the sole ob- tainable. The logic of this approach
jective of monetary policy is to pursue makes an inflation target for monetary
and maintain stability of the value of the policy widely acceptable. A problem
rupiah. This objective might be argued arises at the level of implementation,
to be somewhat ambiguous. ‘The value however. Monetary policy confers only
of the rupiah’ could refer to its value in very imperfect control over inflation—
terms of another currency unit—pre- or, as Milton Friedman has put it, mon-
sumably the US dollar, but perhaps etary policy lags are long and variable.
some other currency such as the Japa- The channels through which monetary
nese yen or the Euro. The alternative policy instruments influence the infla-
interpretation is that it refers to the value tion rate—the monetary transmission
of the goods and services the rupiah can mechanism—are still unclear, such that
buy. This interpretation implies that the some economists have dubbed the
objective is the maintenance of domes- transmission mechanism a ‘black box’.7
tic price stability, and it is this interpre- The mechanism is complex and the re-
ta tion tha t has emerged as the lationship between the variables is
operational one. The distinction between somewhat unstable. In this environ-
these two interpretations, and any attrib- ment, uncertainty should be kept in
Towards Implementation of Inflation Targeting in Indonesia 315

mind in designing a monetary policy ponents include real broad money (M2),
framework. real bank loans, SBI rates, stock prices,
These uncertainties aside, given the the import price index, nominal GDP,
new basis for monetary policy that has and the number of documents cleared
been laid out under the 1999 central through the payments system. The in-
bank law, various practical issues need dex of leading indicators of inflation can
to be considered in designing the IT only indicate the direction of future
framework. They include the ability to changes in inflation, not their magni-
forecast inflation; the appropriate meas- tude. This information can be used as a
ure of inflation; the optimum inflation check on the results from inflation fore-
rate; the appropriate time horizon; and casts. The information obtained from
the appropriate operating instrument. other leading economic indicators sug-
gests the direction of change in future
Ability to Predict Inflation economic activity, especially on the de-
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An ability to make reasonably accurate mand side. Since demand pressures will
predictions of inflation is one of the nec- affect inflation rates, these economic in-
essary conditions for implementing an dicators can also serve as inputs for in-
IT framework, since such forecasts will flation forecasting.
determine what policy actions should be
taken in order to keep inflation on tar- Which M easure of Inflation?
get. Within BI a number of studies have BI uses the consumer price index, appro-
been conducted of the inflation cycle, the priately modified (as described below),
diffusion index of the consumer price as its basic target, in line with practice
index (CPI), leading indicators of infla- in other countries that have adopted IT.
tion, and other leading economic indi- A theoretical advantage of using the CPI
cators that help to determ ine the (in preference to other measures such as
direction of inflation; partial and general the GDP deflator or the producer price
equilibrium models have also been built index) is that it directly indica tes
to forecast the inflation rate. The infla- changes in the cost of living for consum-
tion cycle study serves as a means to ers on fixed nominal incomes. A practi-
capture cyclical swings, in order to fore- cal advantage is that the nationa l
cast roughly when peaks and troughs of statistical agency devotes more re-
inflation will occur; studies of the diffu- sources to obtaining reliable CPI data
sion index of the CPI can also provide than to other price indices, as is also the
this kind of information. In general, this case in other countries. CPI data are
research indicates that the inflation rate therefore of better quality and are avail-
in Indonesia is broadly predictable on able on a more timely basis than other
the basis of variables that include the price data.
output gap (the difference between ac- Nevertheless CPI inflation in Indone-
tual GDP and the estimated long-run sia is very much characterised by ex-
trend value of GDP), aggregate demand, treme price changes for certain goods,
real money balances, import prices, and usually as a result of supply shocks as-
the exchange rate (Bank Indonesia sociated with weather or seasonal pat-
1999a). terns. Since supply shocks primarily
The index of leading indicators of in- affect food items, and since food ac-
flation is an index of components that counts for 40% of the CPI, these shocks
provide information on the likely direc- frequently have a large impact, at least
tion of change in inflation. These com- on the monthly inflation rates. The im-
316 Halim Alamsyah, Charles Joseph, Juda Agung and Doddy Zulverdy

plication is that it could be destabilising the latter, so if the inflation target is the
to use overall (or ‘headline’) inflation as core inflation rate this will be much less
the target. For example, if there is a de- acceptable, and the credibility of the tar-
mand shock that leads to high inflation, get might be questioned. Furthermore,
the central bank will respond by tight- since BI has been granted independence
ening monetary conditions. In this way, in setting the inflation target, calculation
monetary policy can adjust growth in of the core rate of inflation by the same
aggregate demand so as to match out- institution could exacerbate the credibil-
put capacity. However, if inflation in- ity problem. For this reason it might be
creases because of a supply shock such preferable if the job of calculating core
as bad weather that raises food prices, inflation could be given to the national
tightened monetary policy might cause statistics agency.
an unintended slowing of economic Methodologies have been developed
growth. Likewise, if the headline rate recently within BI to measure core in-
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falls in spite of an increase in underly- flation. These include adjustment by

ing inflation, simply because a supply exclusion (excluding certain categories
shock pulls down some food prices, a of goods such as energy and food from
response that loosened monetary policy the price index calculation), specific
would add to the underlying inflation adjustment (excluding categories of
rate. goods and services with government-
To avoid such destabilising effects, controlled prices at times when their
some (e.g. Freedman 1997) argue that prices are altered), and statistical meas-
monetary policy should respond only to ures to reduce the impact of volatility in
the second-rou nd effects of supply certain prices. Several countries use the
shocks, ignoring the first-round effects: exclusion method, excluding food and
that is, since supply shocks cause price energy. However, experience within BI
volatility in some components of the in estimating core inflation suggests that
CPI, these components should be ex- statistical measures to exclude (or ‘trim’)
cluded from the measure of inflation. To extreme price changes in the CPI basket
put it differently, given the strong influ- are more robust.
ence of supply shocks, there is an argu-
ment for dividing headline CPI inflation The Target Inflation Level
into two parts: core (or underlying) in- The new la w pre scribes that BI is
flation and noise.8 Thus BI uses core, obliged to convey information to the
rather than headline, inflation as its tar- public transparently through the mass
get, since only core inflation is consid- media at the beginning of the year,
ered to be controllable by monetary co vering topics such as m onetary
policy. The guiding principle is that policy plans and targets derived from
monetary policy should not be respon- the inflation target. Thus, for example,
sible for non-monetary factors that in- there have been announcements fol-
fluence prices. lowing meetings of the Board of Gov-
In choosing to use core rather than ernors stating that the target rate of
headline inflation as the target, however, inflation for 2000 was 3–5% and that
BI faces a dilemma. Headline inflation fo r 2 001 w a s 4– 6% . 9 These targets
is familiar to the general public, whereas were for core inflation, and did not
the concept of core inflation is not. In include possible increases in the price
consequence, most members of the gen- level caused by the gov er nment’s
eral public care about the former but not plans to increase fuel and electricity
Towards Implementation of Inflation Targeting in Indonesia 317

prices, civil servants’ salaries, and difficult to predict. On the other hand,
other administered prices. a range target may compromise the
There is no specific rule on how low credibility of the central bank, as the
the target level of inflation should be. If exact inflation rate upon which the
interpreted literally, the term ‘price sta- central bank bases its monetary plan-
bility’ suggests a zero inflation target. ning and policy may not be apparent
However, given imperfections in the to ec ono m ic agents. In sever al IT
measurement of inflation, the target for countries, the strategy initially was to
most IT countries is usually set slightly announce a single point inflation tar-
higher than zero. In developing coun- get, but as credibility has increased,
tries, where noise inflation due to their central banks have been moving
supply shocks appears to be more sig- gradually toward a relatively narrow
nificant than in developed countries, range target. Other countries (e.g. Is-
inflation targets are usually set at a still rael) initially opted to use a range tar-
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higher level (Mishkin and Schmidt- get, but gradually shifted toward a
Hebbel 2001). single point target. In Indonesia’s case,
The IT framework is characterised by given the depth of the crisis and the
forward looking monetary policy, imple- longer transition period to recovery
mented in response not to past inflation that might be needed, a more prag-
but to expected inflation. That is, it is matic or flexible approach that relies
implemented after taking into account on a range target seems appropriate.
potential inflationary pressures in the
future. For this reason a further consid- Time Horizon
eration is that achieving the inflation Two questions need to be considered in
target is difficult in the short run. There specifying the appropriate time horizon
is a lag between changes to the setting for returning to the targeted level of in-
of monetary policy and the full effect of flation should the actual rate turn out to
these on inflation. This lag is influenced be different. The first is how long it
by the channel through which monetary would take to reach the inflation target
policy is transmitted to the real economy, with minimum output loss (assuming
and also varies depending on whether the target has been exceeded). This de-
monetary policy is being tightened or pends mainly on the short-run trade-off
loosened. Accordingly, in addition to a between output and inflation as re-
short-term target, BI plans to establish a flected in the Phillips curve, and on the
medium-term target to be reached in credibility of the monetary authority (as
stages, to demonstrate BI’s commitment reflected in how the public forms its ex-
to reaching and maintaining low infla- pectations of inflation). The second ques-
tion. This medium-term target is in- tion is how long is the most appropriate
tended to become a basic reference point forecasting horizon for monetary policy
in determining the public’s inflation ex- determination, which depends on mon-
pectations. etary policy lags. Using various meth-
T h e i nfl a tio n targ et c an b e ex - ods, an internal BI study suggests a
pressed as a range or as a single point. policy lag of four to eight quarters—that
A range target may give more flexibil- is, it takes from one to two years for any
ity in monetary management, espe- change in SBI rates to have its full effect
c i al l y i f s h o c k s a r e no t a l w a y s on the inflation rate. This finding is con-
immediately recognised and their im- sistent with the monetary policy lag
pacts on the general price level are found in many countries.
318 Halim Alamsyah, Charles Joseph, Juda Agung and Doddy Zulverdy

Operating Instruments ability of avoiding an approach that is

There had been debate before the crisis too mechanistic, however—that is, we
about switching the paradigm of mon- should not totally eschew reliance on
etary policy from conventional mon- discretion.
etary targeting to IT. After the problem Having made the choice in principle
of temporary loss of monetary control of an interest rate rather than base
during the crisis was resolved, the use money as our operational instrument,
of interest rates as monetary operating it is still necessary to choose the particu-
instruments could be considered seri- lar rate. In other words, which short-
ously, resulting in an internal BI study term market rate should the central
that suggests that inflation can be tar- bank manipulate, and how should it
geted more effectively using interest move this market rate to the desired
rates as the operational instrument level? In particular, BI is now trying to
rather than base money (Bank Indone- decide whether it should implement
Downloaded by [Chulalongkorn University] at 17:58 27 December 2014

sia 1999b).10 active open market operations similar

At the time of writing BI is consider- to those used by the US Federal Reserve
ing using a type of Taylor rule based on (which buys or sells government bonds
those used by central banks in New Zea- or other securities in order to influence
land and the UK (Batini and Haldane market rates), or whether it should
1999; Drew and Hunt 1999) as the bench- adopt passive monetary management
mark for its monetary policy reaction like that of the Reserve Bank of New
function for adjusting monetary policy Zealand, by creating an official cash rate
settings in accordance with revisions to with accompanying deposit and lend-
forecasts of inflation and output. A sim- ing facilities at BI.
ple Taylor-type rule for adjusting the Another issue is whether there is a
interest rate can be expressed as: role for reserve requirements in an IT
framework. Many IT countries have
rt - rt -1 = a (p t + k - p *) + b ( yt + k - y*) abandoned, or at least reduced, the role
of reserve requirements as a monetary
subject to instrument. Our research indicates,
however, that the reserve requirement
rt - rt -1 £ h , can still play a significant role, particu-
larly in reducing the volatility of inter-
where rt is the current interest rate on est rates and in improving the sensitivity
the chosen instrument, pt+k and yt+k are to interest rate changes of the demand
projected inflation and output k periods for bank reserves.
into the future, respectively, p* and y* Finally, our experience during the cri-
are the inflation target and potential sis shows that price stability does not
output, respectively, at that time, and a, always go hand in hand with exchange
b and h are constants. The larger are a rate stability, at least in the short run. BI
and b, the larger the adjustment of the often found itself faced with the di-
interest rate to given deviations of in- lemma of whether to let the exchange
flation and output forecasts from the tar- rate move freely or try to smooth its
get and potential levels. The role of h is movement in order to minimise its im-
to limit the overall change in the inter- pact on inflation. In this regard, we have
est rate from one period to the next. yet to decide on the best policy response
Uncertainties inherent in the transmis- when exchange rate shocks occur. We
sion mechanism still suggest the advis- hope to find some indicators to identify
Towards Implementation of Inflation Targeting in Indonesia 319

the nature of the exchange rate shocks rate, driven mainly by non-economic
so that we can respond appropriately. factors, has at times led BI to take re-
sponsibility for stabilising it. Taking on
PROBLEMS AND CONS TRAINTS two objectives (price and exchange rate
Despite BI’s keen interest in pursuing IT stabilisation) makes it difficult for BI to
as the preferred approach to monetary determine its overall policy stance: mon-
policy, and despite having developed etary policy overall becomes subject to
some aspects of an initial framework, in conflicting demands that may compro-
practice the bank has not yet fully im- mise the central bank’s ability to keep
plemented strict IT such as is practised inflation within the targeted range. Thus
in New Zealand or the United Kingdom. under current conditions it is difficult to
Its current IT regime retains consider- decide whether BI should include the
able flexibility, because the bank still exchange rate directly in its reaction
faces many constraints, including chal- function, adjusting monetary policy in
Downloaded by [Chulalongkorn University] at 17:58 27 December 2014

lenges in the institutional framework, response to undesirable exchange rate

unresolved policy issues, and problems movements.
of technical capability. In relation to price stabilisation , infla-
tion is not easily controlled by the cen-
The Institutional Framework tral bank alone. This is a particularly
With regard to constraints in the insti- severe problem for Indonesia at present.
tutional framework, BI’s independence Although the free-falling rupiah, soar-
is currently uncertain, in the light of a ing inflation and high interest rates that
recent long debate in the legislature on together led the economy to near col-
possible amendments to the new central lapse in 1997–98 have been brought
bank law. More fundamentally, how- under control, there is still much uncer-
ever, central bank independence is not tainty about the speed of the recovery
merely a matter of legislation. To be truly process. The fragility of the banking sys-
independent a central bank must com- tem, the huge fiscal deficit, massive ar-
mand great respect throughout society rears on private debt and an uncertain
and must have sufficient prestige to en- social and political environment in the
able it to resist external pressure. This first half of 2001 all contributed to weak-
level of respect and prestige can only be ening of the exchange rate, and so were
developed over time, as the bank proves likely to create inflationary pressure by
its ability to safeguard financial stabil- increasing the prices of tradable goods
ity. For the time being, BI feels unable and services. This is the reason the tar-
totally to ignore pressures from out- geted range for core inflation announced
side—for example, urging it to avoid at the beginning of 2001 was revised
raising interest rates too far. upward, creating problems for BI with
respect to accountability and credibility.
Unresolved Policy Issues To maximise credibility, inflation targets
As mentioned earlier, BI’s legal respon- were initially announced and inter-
sibility to maintain the stability of the preted as official inflation projections or
rupiah can be interpreted as referring to forecasts. As inflation fell over time this
either price stability or exchange rate sta- procedure was changed, and the projec-
bility. By adopting a floating exchange tions came to be viewed by the central
rate regime it has, in effect, opted for the bank and the markets as hard targets.
first of these interpretations. Neverthe- However, experience suggests that it
less, recent volatility in the exchange might be better to phase in hard infla-
320 Halim Alamsyah, Charles Joseph, Juda Agung and Doddy Zulverdy

tion targets only after there has been bonds had been issued; the cost of serv-
some successful disinflation and stabi- icing these bonds in 2001 is budgeted at
lisation of the exchange rate. Therefore, Rp 61 trillion, or 4.2% of GDP. Higher
BI is unlikely to commit fully to explicit interest rates would increase this already
inflation targeting until the financial and heavy burden on the budget, and might
bank restructuring process is completed. prove unsustainable. They would also
A third interesting issue of current undermine efforts to restructure the
policy is whether BI should allow more huge volume of non-performing loans
rapid growth of the monetary aggregates to in the banking sector.
encourage spending, in order to absorb BI has already increased the bench-
idle capacity and speed up the recovery, mark one-month SBI interest rate by
or whether controlling inflation should more than two percentage points over
remain the top priority, regardless of the six months to June 2001, in attempt-
whether this jeopardises near-term eco- ing to help defend the ailing rupiah and
Downloaded by [Chulalongkorn University] at 17:58 27 December 2014

nomic expansion. Estimates of capacity to reduce inflation. A further conse-

utilisation from BI’s monthly Survey of quence of higher SBI rates, however, is
Manufacturing Industry for May 2001, that with the current stock of outstand-
covering 522 firms from a range of sec- ing SBI and rupiah (borrowing) inter-
tors in 20 provinces, indicate that the ventions approaching Rp 100 trillion,
average firm is running at only 40% of every one percentage point increase in
full capacity. This suggests that there SBI and money market rates costs the
should be ample room for demand to central bank some Rp 1 trillion per year.
grow without generating inflationary Thus higher interest rates create a huge
pressure. The issue is not clear cut, how- extra burden both for the budget and for
ever. All categories of commercial bank the central bank.
lending are well below pre-crisis levels,
reflecting the breakdown of the banks’ Technical Capabilities
intermediary function. How does mon- On the technical front, a good deal of
etary policy affect the real economy in empirical research has been done to test
circumstances in which the banks are not the causality between money, interest
making new loans? In other words, how rates and prices, using non-structural ana-
does the transmission mechanism be- lytical tools such as time series models.
have in such a situation? This puzzle has Some preliminary studies have shown
kept BI wondering how to decide on the that there is a significant role for the one-
right instrument to use as the monetary month SBI rate in affecting inflation
policy tool. through the money market channel (i.e.
Another factor that discourages the deposit rates at the commercial banks),
adoption of IT for the time being is the the exchange rate, aggregate demand, and
fact that the fiscal burden of bank recapi- the gap between potential and actual out-
talisation costs has placed a de facto con- put (Warjiyo and Zulverdi 1998). The im-
straint on mo netary policy. The pact of the SBI rate on rates in the money
government has financed more than market verifies the efficacy of monetary
80% of the cost of the bank recapitalisa - policy in providing signals to this mar-
tion program by issuing bonds whose ket. Nevertheless, conclusive studies of
interest costs are covered by the state the costs and benefits of choosing certain
budget. As at June 2001, Rp 409 trillion channels in preference to others still need
(about $41 billion at an exchange rate of to be undertaken in order to decide on the
Rp 10,000/$) of bank recapitalisation optimal operational instrument.
Towards Implementation of Inflation Targeting in Indonesia 321

CONCLUDING COM MENTS looking monetary reaction function or

In light of the 1999 central bank law that a feedback rule such as a Taylor rule
grants BI both goal and instrument in- is worth incorporating when revising
dependence, and under which its sole BI’s monetary policy models. Because
objective is to maintain stability of the of the significant lags in monetary
value of the rupiah, we argue that the policy, BI must rely on inflation fore-
most suitable monetary policy approach casts to achieve any given inflation
for the future is IT. We argue that a flex- outcome, so the availability of timely
ible IT framework is more suitable for data is essential. In addition to BI’s
the time being, however, because there existing business survey, other sur-
remain many constraints that are not veys such as a consumer survey and
conducive to the effective implementa- an export–import container survey in
tion of a strict IT approach. A flexible IT major ports would be a useful supple-
framework can be defined as one that ment to BI’s leading macroeconomic
Downloaded by [Chulalongkorn University] at 17:58 27 December 2014

allows the inflation target to be set as a indicators.

range that is wide enough to accommo- Given present conditions in which
date uncertainty, and that adopts a time the economy is characterised by weak
horizon long enough to achieve the in- domestic demand, an undervalued ex-
flation target with minimum loss of change rate and a slow bank recovery
output. process, several important questions
Several issues need to be addressed still need to be answered by BI as it
before IT can be fully implemented. In moves toward an explicit IT regime.
the short run in particular, bank restruc- First, should it include the exchange rate
turing is at the top of BI’s agenda. Res- in its reaction function (given that the
to ra tio n of the banking sector ’s central bank’s ‘sole objective’ as de-
intermediary function is very important scribed in the 1999 law can be inter-
to economic recovery, and support from pre ted to include exc hange rate
a healthy banking industry is also badly stability) at times when exchange rate
needed to make various monetary pressures emerge as a result of non-eco-
policy instruments effective, thus boost- nomic factors? Second, are monetary
ing the capacity of the monetary author- aggregates or interest rates the most
ity to plan and carry out its functions. appropriate instruments for the conduct
In addition, delays in restructuring the of monetary policy for the time being,
banks increase the cost involved, so we or would a combination of the two be
believe that this task should be given preferable? Finally, what research pri-
priority before BI accepts the challenge orities need to be established before
of adopting a strict IT strategy. moving to strict IT, given BI’s current
On the technical front, since IT is technical capabilities in forecasting GDP
forward looking in nature, a forward and inflation?

* An earlier version of this paper was Hutabarat and Fadjar Majardi for mak-
presented at the Bank Indonesia–Inter- ing their research results available.
national Monetary Fund Conference They also thank two anonymous ref-
on ‘Monetary Policy and Inflation Tar- erees for comments and suggestions.
geting in Emerging Economies’, Ja- 1 Conflicts between multiple objectives
karta, 13–14 July 2000. The authors were discussed by McLeod (1997b), al-
thank Re za Ang lingkusumo, A khis though in a slightly different context. In
322 Halim Alamsyah, Charles Joseph, Juda Agung and Doddy Zulverdy

particular, he argued that Indonesia’s ef- not matter whether the inflation target is
forts to limit the current account deficit set by it or by the government. But
to 2% of GDP conflicted with its 5% an- Schmidt-Hebbel (1999) argues that goal
nual inflation target. independence is needed in emerging
2 SBPU are purchased by BI from banks at economies prone to steadily increasing
times when an expansion of system li- budget deficits. A middle way is perhaps
quidity is required. the ‘cooperative approach’, as imple-
3 BI’s Discount Facility I is designed to al- mented in the Czech Republic. In this
low banks to cover any shortfall in their approach, the long-run inflation target is
required minimum reserves. The maxi- determined by agreement between the
mum maturity of this facility is one government and the central bank. The
month, but borrowings can be extended rationale for this is that a target that has
by a month each time they fall due. been agreed to by society should result
4 Whether the use of quantity targeting in greater price stability, since agents will
during the crisis was appropriate has use the inflation target in their decision
Downloaded by [Chulalongkorn University] at 17:58 27 December 2014

be en the subject of recent deba te. making.

Grenville (2000a, 2000b) argues that the 7 See for example various papers presented
growth of base money, especially cur- at a Symposium on the Monetary Trans-
rency, is demand determined. The in- mission Mechanism in the Journal of
crease in the demand for base money in Economic Perspective s 9 (4) (1995). For dis-
the early months of the crisis was inevi- cussion of the monetary transmission
table owing to a loss of confidence in the mechanism in Indonesia, see Boediono
banking system, and the authorities (1998); Sarwono and Warjiyo (1998); and
needed to respond by providing cash. Agung (1998, 2000).
Along similar lines to what has been sug- 8 Headline inflation is inflation based on
gested above, he also argues that the re- the CPI, as announced by the Central Sta-
lationship between base money and the tistics Agency and reported in the news-
ultimate objectives (either inflation or the papers, while core inflation is a measure
growth of nominal GDP) is unstable in that excludes very volatile components
both the short and the long run. By con- such as foods, and/or components with
trast, Fane (2000a, 2000b) defends the administered prices, such as energy.
IMF’s strategy of tighter control of money 9 The target for 2000 was missed; core in-
growth, arguing that the collapse of the flation was 5.9%. Headline inflation, ex-
rupiah was the result of the inability of pected to be 5–7%, was actually 9.4%. The
BI to control base money. Furthermore, major sources of inflationary pressures in
he argues that targeting base money 2000 were the higher than expected de-
would help the monetary authority to preciation of the rupiah, the impact of the
rebuild its credibility, as the public can increases in fuel and electricity prices and
quickly monitor whether the central bank minimum wages, and the expectation of
is hitting its target. Under high uncer- higher inflation. To reduce these infla-
tainty during the crisis, targeting domes- tionary pressures, BI tightened its mon-
tic prices could have undermined the etary policy by increasing SBI rates.
central bank’s credibility, as it would be However, the scope for tighter monetary
very difficult for BI to achieve any given policy was limited because the funda-
inflation target. mental condition of the economy was still
5 See McLeod (1999) for a brief description very weak. The target for 2001 was re-
of some aspects of the new law. vised upward in May for similar reasons.
6 One may argue that goal independence 10 Using cointegration tests, the study con-
for a central bank is superfluous given cluded that the long-run relationships
instrument independence (e.g. Blinder between M0 (base money) and M1 (nar-
1998)—that is, that provided the central row money), and between M0 and M2,
bank is able to implement monetary existed only until 1988. After that period
policy free of outside intervention, it does (the end of which coincided with far-
Towards Implementation of Inflation Targeting in Indonesia 323

reaching deregulation of the banking output gap and interest rates and under-
sector), the relationship became unsta- lying inflation have been stronger since
ble. Meanwhile, the long-run relation- 1990.
ships between interest rates and the

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