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International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences 2021; 5(1): 87-89

E-ISSN: 2616-4493
P-ISSN: 2616-4485 Paronychia and its homeopathic management
IJHS 2021; 5(1): 87-89
Received: 16-11-2020
Accepted: 18-12-2020 Dr. Saurav Rathore
Dr. Saurav Rathore
MD, Hom, Associate Professor, Abstract
HOD Department of Surgery, Paronychia is an inflammation of the folds of tissue surrounding the nails of a toe or a finger. Women
Govt. Homeopathic Medical are 3 times more prone to men as they are more exposed to water and irritants. Paronychia can be
College and Hospital, Godda, classified as either acute or chronic. The main factor associated with acute Paronychia is direct or
Jharkhand, India indirect trauma to the cuticle or nail folds whereas frequent exposure to the water, chemical and
irritants are responsible for chronic Paronychia. Homeopathy as a system of medicine can play a major
role in controlling and curing Paronychia, if the history is recorded and physical examination is done
appropriately can minimize the need of surgery as well [1].

Keywords: Paronychia, trauma, nail folds, homeopathy, surgery

Paronychia is among the most common infection of the hand. The term para means “around”
and onyx means “nail”, thus it involves the proximal and lateral fingernails and toenails
folds, which includes the skin and tissue that borders the side and root of the nail. The
condition can occur spontaneously or following trauma or manipulation. When the protective
barrier between the nail and nail fold is disrupted it results in Paronychia. Mostly the
Paronychia involves in single nail but can occur in many nails at a time due to drug induced
conditions [2, 3].

Paronychia is more common in women compare to men; female to male ratio is 3:1. Majority
of the patients are manual labour and people with occupation where the hands and feet are
submerged in water for a long period of time (e.g. Dishwasher, washerwomen etc). Highest
risk of infection is found among middle aged female [4].

Etiology and Classification

According to the clinical presentation, Paronychia can be classified as below:

1. Acute Paronychia
Acute Paronychia most commonly results from nail biting, finger sucking, aggressive
manicuring, a hang nail or penetrating trauma with or without retained foreign body. This
usually last for less than six weeks, condition is painful and purulent. The most common
infecting organism is staphylococcus aureus, followed by streptococci and pseudomonas

2. Chronic Paronychia
Chronic Paronychia resembles acute Paronychia clinically, but the cause is multifactoral like,
mechanical or chemical factors and sometimes infection etiology especially fungal infection
Candida Species (95%). People at risk of developing chronic Paronychia includes those who
are repeatedly exposed to water containing irritants or alkali like dishwasher, bartenders,
housekeepers and swimmer, as well as certain medicine and immune suppressed persons
(diabetes, HIV or malignancy).
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Saurav Rathore
MD, Hom, Associate Professor, When the protective barrier between the nail and the nail folds which is the cuticle is
HOD Department of Surgery, disrupted, it results in Paronychia. Trauma (including manicures and pedicures), infection
Govt. Homeopathic Medical (including bacterial, viral or fungal), structural abnormalities (in-growing nails) and
College and Hospital, Godda, inflammatory disease (ex. Psoriasis) are predisposing factors. These factors gives access for
Jharkhand, India
the organism to enter the moist nail crevices, which leads to colonization of the area.

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In case of acute Paronychia, staphylococcus aurues, only one of the many causes of diseases. In chronic diseases
streptococci and pseudomonas are responsible for the constitutional symptoms are more marked where as in acute
infection whereas candida albicans are responsible for the cases structural and functional changes of tissues over
chronic Paronychia in majority of the cases [5]. shadow constitutional symptoms [6].
From the above information, we can understand that the
Diagnosis diseases are not only caused by the micro-organisms, but
To diagnose a Paronychia, we need to obtain a good history diseases depend on the susceptibility, heredity,
and physical examination as there is no laboratory testing or predisposition and environment.
imaging technology available that will lead to the diagnosis. So Paronychia can be caused because of different causes
The patient will usually present within the first few days of and covers all the three Miasm i.e., Acute paronychia
infection due to pain. History may include recent trauma, caused due to staphylococcus, streptococci etc, Hang nails,
infection, structural deformity or inflammatory disease. nail biting falls under PSORA. When the infection
Occupation and working environment are critical historical progresses with accumulation of pus i.e. abscess formation
findings predisposed to developing chronic Paronychia. Past it falls under SYCOTIC Miasm. Chronic Paronychia i.e.
medical history inquiry should include any debilitating usually in immune compromised (HIV), Diabetes etc,
illness like diabetes and HIV. A list of medication on which Diseases lasting for long time with structural derangements
the patient is, can help in determining the cause of chronic of nail ridges and nail bed falls under SYPHILIS [7].
Physical examination for acute Paronychia will reveals an Management and Treatment
erythematous, swollen and tender lateral nail fold. When Patient should keep their hand and foot dry, clean and
abscess is present, there may be an area of fluctuance. If warm. Recommendation includes wearing of gloves for any
there is an uncertainty of the abscess present, a digital contact with water, chemical and irritants. Avoid nail-biting,
pressure test may prove helpful; examiner can do this by manicuring nails fold, using nail varnish or false nails until
applying pressure to the volar aspect of the involved finger. complete recovery is achieved. The blood sugar level should
If an abscess is present, a larger than expected area of be kept under control in case of Diabetes Mellitus [3].
blanching will be visible at the Paronychia and drainage will Modern system of Medicine usually treats through
be needed. In the chronic Paronychia the nail fold may be antibiotics and antifungal. In case of large collection of pus,
red and swollen, but flactuance is rare. The nail fold may a surgical intervention like Incision and Drainage under
appear boggy and discolored. Other common finding of the proper aseptic and antiseptic measure is recommended.
chronic Paronychia may be a retraction of the proximal nail Chronic and recurrent Paronychia is a threat for the modern
fold, nail dystrophy and loss of cuticle. system, but homeopathy can plays a main role. Homeopathy
treatment is holistic in nature, which means that
Differential Diagnosis homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a whole
Differential Diagnosis of Paronychia includes along with his pathological conditions. The Homeopathic
1. Cellulitis: Cellulitis is a superficial infection and will medicine are selected after a detailed individualizing
present as erythema and swelling in the affected portion examination and case analysis, which includes the medical
of the body with no area of fluctuance. history of the patient, physical and mental constitution,
2. Onychomycosis: This is the fungal infection of the nail family history, presenting symptoms, underlying pathology,
that causes whitish- yellow discoloration. possible causative factors etc. Along with this the miasmatic
3. Felon: A felon is a subcutaneous infection of the digital tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also taken into
pulp space. The area becomes warm, red, tense and account for the treatment especially in recurrent or difficult
very painful due to the confinement of the infection, cases. Homeopathy not only proves its efficacy by
creating pressure in the individual compartments controlling, curing the condition, but avoid the need of
created by the septa of the finger pad. surgical intervention in many cases of Paronychia.
4. Herpetic Whitlow: This is a viral infection of the distal
finger caused by HSV. Patient usually develops a Homeopathic Therapeutics related to Paronychia [8, 9, 10]
burning pruritic sensation before the infection erupts. A 1. Belladonna: Belladonna is recommended in the initial
physical examination will show vesicles, stage of the inflammation before the pus settles. The
vesicopustules, along with pain and erythema. affected finger nail folds are red, tender and swollen.
5. Nail Psoriasis: Psoriasis can also affects the fingernail There is alternate redness and paleness of the skin.
and toenails. It may cause thickening of the nails with 2. Silicea: Silicea is very helpful for nail fungus with pus,
areas of pitting, ridges, irregular contour and even infection and sharp pains in toenails. It is given
rising of the nail from the nail bed. especially if white spots are present on the nails. It is
6. Squamous cell carcinoma: Squamous cell carcinoma very good remedy for ingrowing toe nails. Patient has
is mainly cancer of the skin but can also affects the nail icy cold and sweaty feet. Patient has suppurating
bed. It is a rare malignant sublingual tumour subject to sensation in finger tips.
misdiagnosis as chronic Paronychia. 3. Fluoric Acid: Fluoric acid is a remedy for Paronychia
specially for old agers. There is inflammation of the
Miasmatic Background finger joints. Sensation of a sphincter under the nail.
According to Hahnemann’s theory of chronic diseases and Nails crumble. The nails grows too rapidly and
bacteriology Micro-organisms (Bacteria) as cause of crumbles with fungal infection.
individual diseases are not the whole unconditioned causes, 4. Graphites: Graphites is given when patient has nail
they are reduced in rank to equality with constitution, fungus when nails crack.. It is given when toe nails are
heredity, predisposition and environment. Since, bacteria is crippled. It can also be given when patient has stiffness

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and contraction of toes. His nails are brittle and break Prognosis
easily. It also treats when patient has deformed nails Paronychia usually has a good prognosis. Acute Paronychia
which are painful, sore, thick and crippled. usually resolves within a few days of treatment and will
5. Hepar Sulphuris: Nail of the great toe painful on rarely recur in healthy individuals. Chronic Paronychia may
slight pressure. Abscess with suppurative prickling persist for several days to months and may recur in
pain. Unhealthy skin: every little injury suppurates. predisposing patients.
Chapped skin with deep cracks on the hand and finger.
The condition is chronic and recurring in nature. Complications
6. Myristica Sebifera: A remedy with great antiseptic Acute Paronychia can cause a severe infection of the hand
powers. Traumatic infections, pain in the fingernails and may spread to involve underlying tendons, which is
with swelling of the phalanges. It hastens suppuration why appropriate treatment on initial presentation is
and shortens its duration. Often prevents the use of essential. Chronic Paronychia whereas can complicate with
surgeon’s knife. nail dystrophy. Brittle, distorted nail plates and nail
7. Bufo rana: Bufo rana is given when patient has nail discoloration are associated with chronic Paronychia.
Infection and fungus that turns the nail blue. It is given
when patient has fungal infections of the nails and Conclusion
toenail which appear bluish or blackish in colour. It is Homeopathy offers excellent treatment for Paronychia, both
given when patient has swollen skin around the nails acute and chronic. The treatment not only depends on the
and has pus. It is associated with a deep dull pain that physical appearance but on the totality of the symptoms
run upward till the armpit. considering maintain and predisposing factor too. The above
8. Tarentula Cubensis: Tarentula Cubensis is a toxemic therapeutic medicine and the rubrics are used frequently in
medicine and for septic conditions. It is adapted to the treatment of Paronychia. The proper and timely treatment
most severe type of inflammation and pain. Especially not only cures the case but also reduce the possibility of
suited for senile ulcers. recurrence, thus avoiding the need of surgery and further
Rubrics related to Paronychia [11, 12, 13, 14] Reference
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