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Saffana Aish(1202623028) 23-B

GBA uses texts to teach language,

focusing on mastering different text types
for communicative competence. The goal
is to develop students’ literacy skills by
engaging in social processes such as
explaining, describing, and arguing.

Overview: GBA encourages students to

create meaningful texts, focusing on
structure and implementation in real-
world contexts.

Relevance: Emphasizes teacher

intervention to support student learning
in the English teaching context.

Curriculum Context

Junior High School: Descriptive,

procedure, narrative, report, recount.

High School: Descriptive, recount,

narrative, report, explanation,
procedure, analytical exposition,
news item, discussion.

Principles of GBA Stages of GBA

Awareness of Text Uniqueness: Building Knowledge of the Field

Understand each text’s uniqueness to Activities: Introduce cultural context,
specific groups and contexts. vocabulary, experiences, and grammar
relevant to the genre.
Social Activity: Language learning is
collaborative, involving teacher-student Modeling of the Text
and peer interactions. Activities: Show examples of texts to
familiarize students with vocabulary,
Explicit Skill Explanation: Teachers clearly expressions, and organizational features.
explain the skills to be acquired.
Joint Construction of the Text
Teacher as Expert, Student as Activities: Students collaborate to develop a
Apprentice: Learning occurs under the text with decreasing teacher guidance,
teacher’s guidance, similar to an promoting peer collaboration.
Individual Construction of the Text
Teaching Grammar: Essential for Activities: Students independently create a
understanding how language works, text, demonstrating their understanding and
leading to broader comprehension. expressing their opinions.

Implementation of GBA
Diverse Genres: Use genres that match learners’ age,
interests, and needs.
Text Analysis: Have learners read and analyze genres before
Purpose and Audience: Identify text purpose and audience,
affecting format, style, and language.
Writing Preparation: Provide models for learners to copy and
Performance: Encourage students to perform learned skills.
Listening: Use relevant audio examples.
Support: Provide support through counseling, feedback, and

Problem Solving
Dictionary Use: Encourage vocabulary
memorization and usage in interactions.
Resource Optimization: Use materials from
magazines, newspapers, and the internet.
Self-Learning: Teachers seek additional
explanations and resources online and from
experienced colleagues.
Book Utilization: Read books related to English
language teaching to improve knowledge and
teaching methods.

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