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Benxi Economic Development Zone Bomei Pharmaceutical

New Technology Development Co., Ltd

Certificate Of Analysis

Product : Indocianine Green

CAS : 3599-32-4
Batch number : 20230401
Batch quantity : 355GS
Manufacturing date : 2023.04.11
Expiry date : 2026.04.10



Appearance Dark green cyan or

dark brown red powder Complies
Identification Postitive Complies
Loss on Drying <6.0% 2.5%
As <8ppm Complies
Heavy metal <10ppm Complies
Sodium Iodide <5.0%(on anhydrous basis) 3.55%
Assay ≥89.0-100.0.0%(on anhydrous basis) 94.48%

Conclusion : Complies with the USP35 specifications.

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