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The Explorer’s Diary Character Brief

Costume: Pantaloons/skirt/brown trousers, khaki shirt, leather jacket, pithe hat, glass of whisky.

Character: 1930s Brittish, Proper, Stuck up, Very well spoken with a bit of a potty mouth, Bollocks,
Bloody, Bastard. Greedy for money but doens’t want to work for it.

Example Script:

Where are they? Where are my explorers?/Where are my buffoons? Ah Blighty I think I've spotted
them! You’re all looking… worse for wear in those second hand clothes. Not to worry, where were
going, clothes are optional! Come quickly now, we have adventures to go on. Places to explore,
mysteries to solve.

Now I do apologise for the copious amount of stairs. Every day is leg day here. Have we all
successfully traversed the first challenge, the stairs…?

Before we go any further, now is your chance to deposit any valuables that you do not wish to burden
you during your travels.

Any valuables or other such shite that you don’t want to be associated with anymore

You call those “valuables”? Very well. Now we are traveling light, we can venture further. This way.

Gather round. Welcome adventurers (and the dead weight you’ve brought with you). My name is
……………….. of the British authorities. Now let me explain why I’ve brought you here.

We find ourselves in the last known location of famous explorer: Sir Benjamin Diggit. I’m sure you’ve
heard of him. Bloody strange chap he is… or rather WAS.

To tell the truth, we don’t know whatever has happened to him. You see Mr Diggit spent his entire life
searching for and collecting rare and valuable treasures for the British authorities. But I fear the last
relic we sent him to find… changed him.

The normally helpful and whimsical fellow we all knew and loved, became an absolute bastard. He
took everything and fled to here, Valorem island, and has not been seen since.

Rumour has it the relic cursed him. He started hearing voices that told him to hide all his treasures ,
including the BLOODY relic we sent him to find, and lock himself away where no one would find him.
Personally I believe he buggered off to the Caribbean or some other tax haven.… lazy twat

Nevertheless, that relic is incredibly valuable to the British authorities, and to you if you can get your
hands on it and return it to me. Don’t be fooled though, the value of this relic is no secret, and there
are plenty of others who will also be on their way. Time is of the essence. Before we go on, I must lay
down some gentlemen’s rules.

Be very careful with mr Diggit’s belongings. Anything you find could be essential to finding the
whereabouts of that relic, or might simply belong in a museum. I cannot stress enough, Do. Not.
Break. Anything. Am I clear?

Now, there may be darkness on your travels. But never fear. This lantern will guide your way. This isn’t
an ordinary lantern though. No no, this lantern needs no oil or fire. Simply a white switch underneath.
Do use it sparingly though to conserve its power. Energy bills are ridiculous at the moment.

I have also managed to recover Mr Diggit's diary, although it does seem to be missing.. pretty much all
of it!

In fact the only page I have managed to recover is this very one here. Now it looks like Mr Diggit was
attempting to translate some kind of ancient language, but didn’t get very far did he. Might I suggest
attempting to finish what he startted. Now you’re not 5 year olds so I shouldn’t need to tell you this, but
please hear me when I say: Only write on THIS diary page.
And on that note, might I recommend keeping an eye out for any more pages. They might be
important to unlocking the answer to this mystery. And on the topic of unlocking, I assume you have all
seen one of these before? (padlock demonstration)

Now might I direct your attention to to the moving painting behind you,. In a moment your mission will
begin and a short, but important message will appear to set you off on your journey. And don’t forget to
make haste! It wont be long before the vagabinds of Crawley will be hot on the trail too, and I hear
they have bad breath and look funny. You wouldn’t want to bump into them.


Key Points:

• We’re in Mr Diggit’s tent

• He was a famous explorer, and was on quest to find an extraordinay relic

• He went missing

• Rumor has it the relic was cused

• We believe he hid all of his treasures, and the relic

• The British authorities want that relic!

• Be gentle

• Lantern demonstration

• We recovered his diary, or whats left of it.

• There may be more pages

• Padlock demonstration

• Your mission will begin shortly

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