EzaEzriyan 4C E1D022084

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Name: Eza Ezriyan

S. ID: E1D022084
Class: IV C

1. Elon musk
Often using storytelling to captivate his audience, Elon Musk is recognized for his
informal yet powerful speaking style. His technical jargon-free speech makes his
difficult concepts easier to understand.

2. Prince Harry
He often infuses his speeches with humor and personal anecdotes, which helps him
connect with his audience on a more personal level.

3. Queen Elizabeth II
Her speeches are characterized by a formal tone, reflecting her position. She uses
pauses effectively and maintains a steady, authoritative voice.

4. Jack Ma
Jack Ma is known for his motivational speaking style. He encourages risk-taking and
resilience, often sharing his own experiences to inspire his audience.

5. Dwayne Johnson
He delivers speeches with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Johnson often includes
motivational elements and personal stories that resonate with his listeners.

6. Rihanna
Rihanna’s speeches are heartfelt and often centered around themes of unity and
humanitarianism. She speaks with clarity and conviction, which underscores her

7. Cristiano Ronaldo
Ronaldo’s speeches are usually very motivational, focusing on teamwork,
determination, and success. He speaks with confidence and often shares his personal
journey to inspire others.

8. Chris Martin
Chris Martin, the main singer of Coldplay, frequently injects spontaneity and fun into
his remarks. He has a reputation for interacting with his audience by telling anecdotes
and personal observations.
9. Tom Holland
Holland’s speeches are typically characterized by his youthful energy and charm. He
often shares anecdotes from his experiences in a relatable and engaging manner.

10. Chris Hemsworth

Hemsworth usually speaks in an easygoing and friendly manner. His talks are highly
captivating since he frequently uses comedy and a relaxed demeanor.

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