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Fantasy Dice Combat Primer

This is a one page primer for the Fantasy Dice roleplaying game better success allows for a
combat system. This primer assumes the reader has already read counter attack. The counter
the Fantasy Dice One Page Primer. For the full Fantasy Dice attack is executed immediately
game system and the fantasy roleplaying game Crimson Exodus, using the secondary action if the
visit defender wants to spend it on
such an action. A counter attack
Combat works just like a regular Melee
You have two actions in a round – primary and secondary. attack and can be defended
against if the opponent has
The secondary action must be something different than the actions left.
primary – so you can attack using your sword with your primary
and then parry with your shield using your secondary, but not Tactics
attack twice with the sword. Any movement must be done as part As a basic rule one die can be sacrificed to increase wound
of your primary action – although you can dodge behind a tree or severity by one, or both actions spent to gain one bonus die to the
other cover using your secondary action. attack or defence. However, you are encouraged to employ a
Actions are declared when executed – either at your initiative as wide range of tactics, and be creative. The standard tactics are:
determined by your reflex roll, or as a defence when attacked. You
are expected to actively defend or you are easy to hit. Tactic Mod Actions WS Notes

Aimed +1D one - one round

Melee Deadly -xD one +x x = 1 to 3
Close combat is resolved using the Melee skill and any Feint +1D one -1 once
appropriate speciality. Melee attacks are resolved just as any skill Focused +1D both - also defence
roll and a detailed sequence is shown here: Snapshot -2D both - no reload
• Attacker declares type of attack Harass - one - stuns
• Defender declares any defence Targeted - both - targeted, PR1
• Attacker declares any tactic
• Defender declares any tactic Movement
• Both scale their roll You can walk a number of meters equal to Agility in a round or
• Both roll the dice jog twice this. You can run four times as fast with a -1D penalty
to actions, or sprint x6 but then you can perform no other actions.
If the attack succeeds, and is not targeted, 1D8 is rolled for the
location (left leg: 1, right leg: 2, shield arm: 3, weapon arm: 4,
Multiple Attackers
abdomen: 5-6, chest: 7, head: 8).
If several people attack one human sized target at the same time
The wound inflicted is then determined by the weapon used, any any marginal success goes stray and hits a fellow attacker, unless
tactic and adjusted down one severity if a marginal success or up you are extra careful giving you a -1D attack penalty.
one severity if an exceptional success.
A reach advantage gives a bonus die to any defence, and attacks
Wound Severities: Superficial, Nasty, Grievous, Grim, Mortal.
with the longer weapon.
Only the most severe wound is counted for penalty. If wounded
Ranged you may be stunned (-1D to all rolls) for the rest of the round and
the entire following round. This depends on your toughness and
Ranged attacks are resolved exactly like melee attacks versus the wound severity. With normal toughness you are stunned on nasty
defender's defence, but if not defending the difficulty is tricky. If
or worse wounds. If you are frail you are stunned even on a
you are attacking beyond your weapon's range interval up to superficial wound, and if you are hard you are only stunned on
twice this interval you are at long range and receive -1D. If you
grievous wounds. If hit in the head you may be knocked out.
are up to three times this interval it is extreme range and you take
-2D. This is the maximum range. Armour
Defending Each point of armour (AR) reduces wound severity by one, but
only after the weapon's penetration rating (PR) is subtracted.
There are three primary ways to defend against an attack –
dodge, block or parry. Each is different, and dodge is best against Post Trauma
ranged attacks as other forms of defence take a -2D penalty.
After the combat you must deal with bleeding, broken bones and
Counter Attack internal trauma as this is what will most likely kill you. A skilled
surgeon or healer can be a real life saver.
Any defence with the primary action which results in a normal or

Fantasy Dice and this primer is © 2012 Claus Bornich. You may print and distribute this page.

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