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Paper No 1 CSS MPT

1. Longest Surah of Holy Quran?

2. How many verses are in Surah Baqarah?
3. How many rakhus, characters, words are in Surah Baqarah
4. What is the meaning of Baqarah?
5. Which is the longest ayat of Holy Quran and define where it is present and in which verse?
6. Title of Tafseer (commentary) which is written by Mufti Muhammad Shafi, He is also known as?
And Imam Ali shafi is in which number of great sunni Muslims?
7. Nisab was set by?
8. Zakat System in Pakistan define
9. Zakat means
10. Zakat is in which pillar of islam?
11. Zakat word comes in how many times in Holy Quran?
12. Zakat words comes how many times in Makki Surah and how many times in Madni Surah?
13. Who did jihad on Zakat?
14. What Hazrat Abu Bakar said on Zakat?
15. What Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H said on Zakat
16. Without prayer the Zakat is?
17. Who disbelieve in Zakat is?
18. Those people who are liable to pay zakat is called?
19. Define Zakat Numbers on Animals, Gold Silver
20. Who are not entitled to get Zakat?
21. Zakat made compulsory on?
22. When were complete system of Zakat was imposed
23. Define Masarif of Zakat
24. First Business tripe of Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W is in which country?
25. What is the real name of Imam Abu Hanifa?
26. Imam Abu Hanifa born on ?
27. Imam Abu Hanifa is also known as?
28. Namaze Janaza is called?
29. Distance required for Qasr Prayer?
30. Treaty Of Hudabiyaa was signed on?
31. How many clauses are in Treaty of Hudaibiya?
32. Treaty of Hudaibiya is written by?
33. Who represented Medina in Treaty of Hudaibiyya?
34. Who represented Quraish tribe of Mecca in Treaty of Hudaibiya?
35. Treaty of Hudaibiyaah is also called _______ in Holy Quran
36. Define Treaty of Hudaibiyah main points
37. What is meant of ijma and how many types of ijma
38. What is meant by Sila e Rahmi
39. What is the alternate name of Ghazwae Khandaq?
40. Ghazwae Khandaq started in?
41. How many days Ghazwae Khandaq lasts?
42. How many Sahabas/ Muslims and How many Kafars/Munafiqeen participated in Ghazwae
43. Who give the suggestion to digging the ditch in Ghazwae Khandaq and around in which city?
44. Ghazwae Khandaq is also called in English?
45. The first ever international treaty in Islamic history is known as? And it is also known as
46. When the first ever international treaty was in Islamic history is signed?
47. First every international treaty was signed between and how many clauses are in it?
48. Define clauses in first every international treaty of Islamic history
49. What is the name of the Islamic Constitutional Organization of the government of Pakistan?
When it is founded and in which government, Define Old name, Members shall not consist of
more than and less than? And who is the current chairman of it, and define functions?
50. What is Rabbi Zidni ilma?
51. The wealth/property left by deceased is called in Islam?
52. For how long did the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W and his companions remain in siege in
53. Shi’ab-e-Abi-Talib? is located in?
54. Who declared social boycott and economic boycott and on which(connected to the question
No 52)
55. Who was the first caliph of Umayyad Dynasty
56. Who was the founder of Umayyad Dynasty
57. First caliph of Umayyad Dynasty served from and to? (connected to question No 55)
58. After how many years of death of Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W he become Caliph (connected to
question no 55)
59. First caliph of ummayad Dynasty also also become Governor of _____ after his Brother _____
60. First Caliph of Umayyad Dynasty also established?
61. Which persons accepted islam after conquest of Mecca?
62. Who served as a Secretary to Holy Prophet?
63. Who is the writer of revelation
64. First Caliph of Umayyad Dynasty Transferred capital from ____ To?
65. Antonyms Sartorial, Sapient, Matutinal, Gumption, Obtuse
66. Synonyms Sumptuous, Sacrosanct, Churlish, Winnow, Mordant
67. How many sides a Pentagon have?
68. Sometimes we give a statement in favour of another statement is called?
69. Knowledge of children based on memory process is called
70. In Which memory, all materials are stored so that we can retrieve it later on
71. Who introduced the term “Intelligence Quotient” (I.Q)? and in which year
72. Sometimes we think about the beauty of Heaven, what we call it?
73. Define creative thinking and who according to which person?
74. Short term memory lasts only?
75. Give name of the range which an individual can make between the weakest and the loudest
76. Decibler (dB) is the unit which can be used to measure the?
77. Give name of the USB part which exists in all modern computers?
78. Term “Dear Money” is used for?
79. Give name of the term “SPM” which is often used in the study of pollution?
80. Which of the following option is a necessary part of “School”?
81. What does “SAT” stands for? SAT is used for, and in which country?, Who administer SAT,
Duration of Paper, Which Skills/Knowledge test, SAT is best for judging?
82. To clean the ice from the roads during winter season, which of the following is used?
83. Which of the following planet moves slowest around the Sun? and in how many days,
84. Brightest Planet?
85. Hottest Planet?
86. Third Brightest object is? And which are brightest things on Solar System?
87. It rotates from ________ along with ___ planet (Connected to Q.No 83)
88. Which are called Terrestrial Planets? And what is Terrestrial Planets?
89. Venus was a name of, and it named after?
90. Life of Red Blood Cell?
91. Life of white Blood Cell and it helps to Fight which thing?
92. How many fluids (Water) per day a man should use?
93. Vitamin A Creates which deficiency?
94. Vitamin A is founded on which things? And it is important for
95. The waves which are used by the TV remote control are?
96. Which of the following gas is used in refrigerator?
97. Which Planet moves fastest around the sun, and in how many days? It is also known as? And
it is also called ____ Planet, the distance of ______ from sun is?
98. What is equator? And how many countries are in equator?
99. What is Prime Meridian? And which country is to intersect Prime Meridian and Equator?
Prime Meridian is also used as? And it is also called as?
100. which lens is useful for microscope?
101. The instrument used to measure rainfall is called? And who invented and when? And
made with whose collaboration? Who invented Manual and when?
102. The instrument which is used to measure blood pressure is called? Founded in? who
103. Which blood group is rare in the human body? And how many percent of peoples have
104. The World is divided into how many Time Zones?
105. Which of the following is the warmest ocean?
106. Vitamin B Exists in?
107. How Many countries are declared Nuclear Weapons? Which 5 five states are considered
Nuclear Weapon States on Non Proliferation Treaty?
108. When NPT is signed? And become effective on? NPT is signed for? How many member
states it have? Which are not members of NPT?
109. FATF stands for? French name of FATF? Founded in? on the initiative? Word of FATF?
When mandate of FATF increased? It’s HQ is located in? Current President of FATF? His
tenure? Term of President? Pakistan was first placed in grey list in? FATF recently removed
Pakistan from grey list on which thing? Pakistan had been on the grey list since and it remained
how many years and months? When FATF removed Pakistan from grey list and alongwith
which country? First arab country to get full membership is? What is G7? Members of G7? G7
Founded in? which is not enumerated member? G7 formerly called?
110. Washington D.C is a State or District? When Washington D.C founded? Which party
established the Federal District? Which 2 states donated land for Wahington D.C? Washington
D.C is situated on which river? D.C Means? Is Washington and Washington D.C Is same define?
Washington is a _____ state of USA? Washington D.C was named after which president? Who
is the first president of U.S.A
111. Which is the smallest country in the world define Area Population and who is the King
and where it is located founded on?
112. When Wikipedia is founded and who is founders?
113. Who is called land of rising sun and why?
114. Sea of Japan is famous for?
115. Current P.M of Japan
116. Currency of Japan is?
117. Japan’s Stock Exchange name?
118. In Japan Bullet Trains is called?
119. Japan Air Line Name?
120. Japan is situated in which part of Asia?
121. Which is the capital of Japan
122. Japan is situated on ______ island
123. Old Name of Japan?
124. How many times Japan hosted Summer Olympics?
125. Who was the emperor of Japan during WWII?
126. Longest serving P.M of Japan is? And died at the age of?
127. Japan is also the part of which organization? And when it is founded? Members of that
128. Japan did war with which country and when?
129. National game of Japan?
130. Tuesday in known as ____ in Japan and why?
131. What is leap year?
132. ___ will be next leap year?
133. Leap Year comes in how many years?
134. COP26 held in which Year and in which date?
135. COP26 held in which country?
136. Full Form of COP
137. First COP meeting was held in which country and date?
138. What is COP and which organization is working on it/arranging meetings?
139. Who is the Current Speaker of National Assembly and elected on which date?
140. Who is the Current Deputy Speaker of National Assembly and elected on which date?
141. Who is the current Secretary of National Assembly?
142. How many seats are there in National Assembly define General, Women and Non
Muslim Quota
143. Who is the current leader of the opposition in the National Assembly?
144. National Assembly and Provincial Assembly tenure?
145. It must meet for at least _______ days (connected to Q. No 139 N.A)
146. Who summon for the session of National Assembly and under which article of the
Constitution of Pakistan?
147. How many session are there in one year in National Assembly?
148. As per IMF sources Pakistan’s GDP would be _____ in the year 2022
149. The Upper house of the British Parliament is called and how many members it have?
150. SAARC stands for, Founded on which date?
151. How many member states SAARC have on starting?
152. How many member states SAARC have now
153. Who is the Eight member of SAARC and when it joined the SAARC?
154. Secretariat of SAARC is located in?
155. Current Secretary General of SAARC?
156. Who was the first chairman of SAARC?
157. First summit of SAARC held in which country and when?
158. Which country have largest literacy rate who is on No, 2 in literacy rate and define
Pakistan’s no on SAARC literacy rate?
159. OIC Stands for?
160. OIC founded on and how many members it have?
161. Official Languages of OIC?
162. It changes it’s name on? And after changing what is the name of OIC?
163. Current Secretary General OIC?
164. Term of Secretary General in OIC?
165. Total numbers of OIC members and how many muslims countries it have?
166. Hamas is an organization of which country?
167. Hamas founded on?
168. Hamas founded by?
169. Hamas is leaded by?
170. Hamas came into power in Palestine in?
171. The Summit of Democracy was held in and held on which date?
172. How many countries invited in Summit of Democracy?
173. Is Pakistan is invited in Summit of Democracy?
174. The Author of Governing the Ungovernable is written by and who was that person?
175. FATA merged with KP under which Amendment of the Constitution of Pakistan? And
when amendment was passed?
176. How many seats were reduced in KP-FATA merged in senate?
177. How many seats were increased in National Assembly after FATA merged with KP?
178. Which assembly approved KP-FATA merge?
179. National Identity Card was introduced in which year?, under which article?
180. Card was issued on Manually hand written Paper form or Computerized form? And by
which department?
181. First CNIC is issued to?
182. Which rivers are given to india under Indus Water Treaty?
183. Indus Water Treaty is a Treaty between which countries?
184. Indus Water Treaty brokered by?
185. Indus water treaty is for which river to use water?
186. Indus Water Treaty is signed on and in which country and City?
187. Who represented India and who represented Pakistan in Indus Water Treaty?
188. Under Indus Water Treaty Pakistan has rights to use water of?
189. Under Indus Water Treaty India has rights to use water of?
190. Indus Water Treaty requires the water commissioners of Pak and india to meet in how
many years?
191. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto became first time Prime Minister of Pakistan in?
192. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was born on?
193. She was died on ______ in which city and in which incident?
194. Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was the _____ PM And _____ PM of Pakistan
195. She was selected again as a PM in?
196. Benazir Bhutto hosted which TV show and in which channel and year?
197. During Ayub Era Presidential Election were held in? who was the winner and majority of
Ayub Khan and what is the majority of Fatima Jinnah?
198. The head of the state in Pakistan is?
199. Who is the head of the govt?
200. Who was the first President
201. Who was the second President
202. Who is the current President?
203. President has which powers?
204. President has to advice with _______ and _______ to exercise powers
205. Name of the residence of President and it is located in?
206. Who will work as an acting President in the absence of President?
207. Lahore Resolution was passed in?
208. Lahore Resolution in Urdu meaning?
209. Lahore Resolution is also called?
210. Who written and prepared Lahore Resolution?
211. Who presented Lahore Resolution and Post of that person?
212. Who is known as Father of Urdu Journalism?
213. Lahore Resolution was made as constitution of All India Muslim League in?
214. Which lady respresentative supported Lahore Resolution and she belongs from which
215. Who Translated Lahore Resolution in Urdu?
216. Who was the second P.M of Pakistan?
217. Who become President after Ayub Khan Resigned?
218. Why Ayub Khan resigned and when?
219. Pakistan has how many federating Units/Provinces?
220. Pakistan become the Member of UN in?
221. United Nations founded in?
222. United Nations H.Q is located in?
223. Work of United Nations?
224. United Nations was founded after and in starting how many members it have?
225. MOTO of UNO?
226. How many member states UN have?
227. Most Powerful organ of United Nations is? It was founded in? how many members it
have? No of Permanent and Non-Permanent Members? Non-Permanent members are elected
for how many years? Permanent Members is also known as? Which countries are permanent
Members? How many times Pakistan is the member of it? Which country recently got seat of
Non Permanent Member and when? When it holds an emergency meeting on Ukraine issue?
228. Pakistan is situated on which part of Asia?
229. Pakistan shares borders with?
230. Length of China Border with Pakistan?
231. Length of India Border with Pakistan?
232. Length of Afghanistan Border with Pakistan?
233. Length of Iran Border with Pakistan?
234. The single National Curriculum in Pakistan was implemented at the primary level on
235. Current Federal Minister for Climate Change?
236. The 2021 World T20 Cup Champion is? And it was played in which country?
237. National Anthem of Pakistan was officially adopted in?
238. How many words and lines are in National Anthem?
239. Urdua Name of National Anthem?
240. Who composed Music of National Anthem?
241. Lyrics of National Anthem are in which language?
242. Lyrics of National Anthem is written by and in which year?
243. National Anthem Music was composed in which year?
244. The word Pakistan is used how many times in National Anthem?
245. Duration of Anthem in seconds?
246. The National Anthem is written on the book of ___________ the name of Book is?
247. The National Anthem is first played on which date and on?
248. Pakistan rerecorded National Anthem on?
249. NWFP was changed to KP on?

Best of Luck

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