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- very poor and very limited vocabulary

- poor and very limited to limited vocabulary
- poor and limited vocabulary
- has extremely weak vocabulary usage
- often uses vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest conversation
- uses vocabulary very limited to basic personal and survival areas (time, food, family, transportation,
- His vocabulary has grown and improved a lot! He doesn’t hesitate to think appropriate words for his
- He self-corrects himself as he search for adequate vocabulary words and correct the structure of his
- He is more knowledgeable in complex words now that he uses on his sentences.
- He uses words appropriate for the sentence. He understands meaning of new words for him and can
use it in a sentence.
- He easily understood the meaning of words discussed and could sometimes use those words in his
own sentences.
- He’s got good vocabulary skills and he knows how to use them in sentences.
- Sufficient vocabulary to carry on sustained conversation
- He uses precise and descriptive words in our class.
- He uses proper vocabulary limited for everyday use. But he still needs to enrich his vocabulary.
- cannot able to fully express ideas due to a limited vocabulary; familiar with the use of figurative
language (e.g. idiom)
- has sufficient vocabulary to express oneself; shows familiarity with some difficult words or phrases
- uses proper vocabulary limited for everyday use.
- Hesitates to think of correct word, but sometimes does not come up with the word and makes the
conversation awkward.
- uses lots of vocabulary for everyday use, but sometimes it is not suitable.
- uses broad and precise vocabulary for everyday use. Does not hesitate when thinking of suitable
- he has good vocabulary but sometimes he struggles for the right words to use.
- He uses variety of words in expressing his thoughts. He knows how to use a word for his sentence.
 uses precise and descriptive words even figurative languages (e.g. idiom)
- has strong vocabulary and syntax (sentence patterns and structures)
- uses broad and precise vocabulary for everyday and professional use, but still limited for unfamiliar
- uses rich and broad range of vocabulary that suits different situations.
- vocabulary as accurate and extensive as that of native speaker
- He uses variety of words for his sentences. He can produce meaningful statements by using the
appropriate words for the sentence.
- He can supply appropriate words in his sentences. He can understand words used in a discussion.
- He can supply his sentences with several words. He can understand words used in a discussion.
- He needs to widen his vocabulary and be able to use them in his sentences.
- He can deliver his thoughts well using simple terms. He understands the words used in a discussion.
- His vocabulary skills still need a bit of work but they are always improving.
- He needs to focus on proper vocabulary usage. He tends to use only the Basic English words in his
- He has limited vocabulary. He needs to widen his knowledge in English vocabulary.

- Hardly understands questions. Understand limited, common words and simple phrases.
- Can understand only simple sentences mostly with teacher’s guidance; the evaluator has difficulty in
understanding what the student is saying.
- Understands words, phrases and sentences, with some grammar errors, can communicate using
simple sentences structure.
- Makes no attempt to understand or is completely incomprehensive.
- Understands too little for the simplest type of conversation
- Understands only slow, very simple speech on common social touristic topics; always requires constant
repetition and rephrasing
- He is an active listener and asks for repetition only when needed.
- He can understand basic concepts. He can also comprehend longer discourses on various subjects
when spoken at a normal rate.
- He listens well to the teacher as evident by his responses. He can give proper feedback immediately.
- He can understand and communicate in a variety of contexts easily.
- His listening comprehension is quite impressive, there’s no need for any repetition of sentences and he
understands clearly well when explained to him.
- He sometimes asks for repetitions during the conversation.
- The student can focus on the spoken language without teacher's guidance. He can generally respond
to questions promptly and accurately.
- He’s got good listening skills for he can answer right away. I can say that he is focused in class and I
hope he keeps up the good work.
- Can comprehend short discourses spoken at low rate and tries to formulate opinion at the appropriate
- Can understand basic concepts; can comprehend longer discourses on various subjects when spoken
at a slow to normal rate.
- Understands implied meanings; hardly asks questions or instructions to be repeated
- Understands only simple speech on common social and touristic topics but inadequate to lead a
conversation without repetition and rephrasing.
- Understands careful, somewhat simplified speech when engaged in dialogue, but may require
considerable repetition and rephrasing.
- Understands quite well simplified speech when engaged in dialogue, but may require repetition or
- He listens well to the teacher as he gave proper responses during the discussion. He rarely asks for
- He focuses well on the teacher. He rarely asks for repetitions or simplifications of statements.
- Comprehension would not be a problem for the evaluator anymore as the student can immediately
catch meanings and words are already understood.
- Easy comprehension with highly developed reading and listening skills although there are still some
confusion in difficult words but is tolerable.
- Understands quite well normal educated speech when engaged in dialogue, but requires occasional
repetition or rephrasing
- Understands most educated conversation except for very colloquial or low- frequency items, or
exceptionally rapid or slurred speech.
- He can comprehend statements given to him without further repetitions. He listens well to teacher and
gives appropriate responses.
- He has highly developed reading and listening skills although there are still some confusion in difficult
words but it is tolerable.
- Understands everything in normal educated conversation except exceptionally rapid or slurred speech.
- Understand everything in both formal and colloquial speech to be expected of a native speaker.
- He has excellent listening skills. He can keep up with a very fast conversation and hardly asks
questions to be repeated.
- He can engage in a conversation easily for he can understand statements and can respond to it
- He could comprehend on chosen topics however; he seems to have a hard time with some topics that
were being discussed.
- He focuses on the teacher while on a discussion. At times, statements are simplified so he can
understand it easily.
- He can understand instructions/directions given to him. And he formulates opinions at the appropriate
- He understands words, phrases and sentences containing simple vocabulary.

- Uses key words , unable to make complete sentences
- The student can understand common words and simple phrases; can construct very simple sentences
but mostly broken English structure
- He composes sentences with good thoughts and can be easily understood.
- Employ simple and complete sentences, with some grammar errors, can communicate using simple
sentence structure
- He can compose several related sentences. He is able to learn to spell words easily.
- The student can construct compound/complex sentences with few errors.
- Isolated words within very predictable range. Grammatical order completely out of order.
- Isolated words with heavy reliance on memorized phrases. Little knowledge of grammar.
- He uses simple but complete sentences consistently and has built a good knowledge base of English
grammar rules.
- Can produce simple sentences to limited personal and survival areas (time, food, family, transportation,
etc.) consistent errors in grammar that strain intended meaning.
- He can express himself through simple sentences although there are corrections in the structure. He
needs to learn the proper use of verbs and adverbs in a sentence.
- He could express himself in simple sentences however; he needs to make use of the articles, verbs
and appropriate words to be able to express better and to be able to make more coherent sentences.
- He still answers in fragments so I suggest that he practice more in constructing sentences. He can start
with very simple ones.
- Use simple but complete sentences consistently and has built a good knowledge base of English
grammar rules
- Can construct simple to complex sentences with 3-4 major mistakes on grammatical structures
- Sentences and phrases are fair using the English grammatical structures with occasional errors
- Can produce simple sentences limited to personal and survival areas, including minor grammatical
errors. Occasionally hesitant and needs repetition.
- Can produce advocate grammar for everyday use, but occasional errors may obscure meaning. Simple
progressive, perfect tenses.
- Can produce strings of sentences. Gerunds and infinitives, perfect tenses, simple and perfect
progressive, some passive.
- He satisfactorily uses grammar but his tendency to use fillers gets in the way of his fluency since he
often uses the conjunction “and”.
- He has good grammar foundation. He uses past, present and future tenses with ease although errors
are still inevitable.
- can construct simple sentences when expressing his thoughts. There are some difficulties in proper
word order as well as in the use of tenses of verbs.
- Sentences and phrases are fair using the English grammatical structures but still commits grammar
inaccuracies; already aware and can overcome some of the difficulties and mistakes.
- Has good grammar foundation; uses past, present and future tenses with ease although errors are still
- Can control most grammatical structure, while grammar usage is not perfect yet.
- Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some patterns, but no weakness that causes
misunderstanding at all.
- Uses variety of sentence structure with no patterns of failure. Feels quite comfortable to express his/
her thoughts in different ways.
- Uses variety of sentences structure with no patterns of failure. All tenses active and passive, all
progressive and conditional types.
- is aware of the proper word order in a sentence; nevertheless he must learn more in subject-verb
- He constructs sentences in proper word order however there are still corrections on his usage of
subject, verbs or prepositions.
- He can construct simple sentences. He uses the right tenses of verbs but he needs guidance in
correcting the structure of the sentence.
- It would take him some time before he could answer a question because he has some difficulty in
expressing what he wants to say.
- He constructs sentences in proper word order yet there are corrections on his grammar particularly on
how he uses verbs. In most cases, he delivers simple and complete sentences.
- He uses simple but complete sentences consistently.
- He can construct very simple sentences and he's really trying his best to always answer in a complete
sentence. However, he must learn more in subject- verb agreement.

- Cannot differentiate consonant sounds (p/f, b/v, l/r), soft and hard th, heavy accent, no confidence in
saying words out loud, little or no intonation at all.
- Blending sounds are difficult to grasp
- Words are understood within the context
- He is confident and enthusiastic in speaking.
- He shows improvement in his vocabulary skill and requires less supervision.
- Has native language intonation, some words are mispronounced but can follow proper intonation of
phrases and sentences.
- Cannot pronounce words properly.
- The student pronounces well with good intonation, with few lapses form time to time. He can pronounce
a few words clearly and properly.
- He can put proper intonation markers in sentences. His pronunciation is easy to understand.
- Native speakers may not understand his/her pronunciation at all.
- Can pronounce most single words correctly. Native speakers may have great difficulty in understanding
his/her pronunciation.
- His native language intonation is still audible and pronounced, but he can already recognize proper
English intonation.
- He is good in pronunciation though he often mispronounces /l/ as /r/ sound and vice versa. His native
accent is almost neutralized.
- Can pronounce intermittent words correctly. Native speakers may have some difficulty in understanding
his/her pronunciation.
- He can pronounce most words well but he often interchanges /r/ and /l/. Residual sounds are also
evident in his speech.
- He still has native language intonation. He sometimes mispronounced words but he can follow the
correct pronunciation after several repetitions.
- He is good in pronunciation however; there were some words which he enunciated with residual sound
at the end. He also has to take note of the [R] sound and the proper enunciation of the other words.
- He is doing quite well in this area but I suggest that he practice “L” and “R” sounds more.
- Pronunciation and intonation generally understood but native language accent is still audible and
- He has tolerable English intonation and still not as good as can be expected but he can actually correct
his own mistakes.
- Proper pronunciation of most word but commits pronunciation errors in difficult words (accent marks
and syllable stress); intonation on native language is still present but can correct own pronunciation
- Pronunciation of words, intonation of sentences and questions are clearly understood and more
- Can produce most words correctly. Has difficulty with particular sounds and it is noticeable.
- Can pronounce almost every word correctly. Pronunciation would not be entirely understood by native
- Can pronounce every word correctly. Native speakers occasionally have difficulty in understanding his
pronunciation, but it is noticeable.
- He has proper pronunciation of most word but commits errors in difficult words. His native language is
slightly audible and pronounced.
- Has tolerable English intonation and still not as good as can be expected but can actually correct
- Can put proper intonation markers in sentences; fluent pronunciation with normal to very fast speed.
- Good and easy to understand, but still some sounds bother the ears.
- Quite good. Quite easy to understand.
- Excellent. Pronunciation is clear and easy to understand, but would not be taken for a native speaker.
- Native pronunciation, with no trace of foreign accent.
- He pronounces words really well and is quick to remember corrections on pronunciation errors.
- He can pronounce most words correctly; however he must be careful in enunciating sounds such as /p/
and /f/ for he often interchanges it.
- He can pronounce most words well; however he must be careful in enunciating particular sounds such
as /r/ and /l/.
- He can pronounce most words well however he often interchanges /b/ and /v/ sounds. He commits
minimal errors on intonation of some words.
- He needs to enunciate well when expressing his thoughts. There were times that he could be hard to
- He can put proper intonation markers in sentences. His pronunciation is easy to understand.

- Speaks in very simple words or fragmented sentences, in flat and emotionless speaking style
- Able to say simple, short or basic sentences; able to ask and answer basic questions; can follow and
engage in discourses on familiar matters
- Can engage in familiar discourses and articulate personal interests and has gained little or some
- He speaks out his mind to any topic presented in the class.
- Uses English occasionally and would not be understood by a native speaker at all.
- He does not seem intimidated at all by the task of learning the English language.
- Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtual impossible.
- Speech is very slow and uneven except for short or routine sentences.
- He can easily put into words whatever he feels. He confidently uses the language as he joins in a
- The student can interact effectively in the target language. He knows how to express ideas in clear
- He can express himself pretty well. However, he seemed to stutter sometimes especially when trying to
organize his thoughts.
- He is also doing well in this area because he can express himself and he shared his thoughts in class.
- His speech is mostly continuous with slight hesitation occasionally. He shows relatively smooth flow of
- Showed a lot of hesitations when speaking; can formulate questions and speak in phrases and
sentences using grammatical structures with some errors.
- Showed some hesitations when speaking but with degree of confidence, can express very well in
familiar topics
- Uses medium to difficult words in speaking with more structured sentences; can converse freely with
the evaluator
- Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky; sentences may be left uncompleted
- Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and searching for words.
- His speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and searching for
- Speech is relatively effortless and smooth but shows some breaks in flow of communication.
- He can easily join a dialogue. He gave appropriate responses and was spontaneous in expressing his
- Can use appropriate description and is able to use the language to his advantage; can compose simple
statements with the use of both simple and difficult words and phrases.
- Can communicate well in various complicated situations with intellectual participation; speaks with
- Speech is mostly fluid but perceptively non-native in speed and evenness.
- Speech is mostly continuous with slight hesitation occasionally. Shows relatively smooth flow of
- Speech is effortless and continuous, and able to comfortably lead a conversation with a native speaker.
- Speech on all professional and general topics is as effortless and smooth as a native speaker.
- He’s a great conversationalist. He welcomes any topic and can even throw jokes in English.
- He’s quick-witted.
- He gives proper feedback during a discussion. He can confidently express his self during a
- He can easily participate in a discussion. He can go with the flow of the lesson as he enjoys having a
conversation with the teacher.
- He can join a conversation with ease. He can be simultaneous but he can still practice to improve the
speed of his speech.
- He has difficulty in conversing or expressing his self most of the time. He cannot answer conversational
questions often.
- He can engage in a relatively simplified dialogue. He can join in a conversation when simple topics are
- Sometimes, he shows hesitation when speaking. But he can express very well in familiar topics.

- The student has zero to little knowledge of English. The student does not respond to questions,
instructions or directions even after several repetitions with mostly irrelevant responses.
- The student has gained considerable knowledge and developed basic skills in English but has little or
no confidence at all. The student responds occasionally to the evaluator; but with very little confidence
and only after most of the questions have been repeated or paraphrased with limited responses.
- Nicholas is able to use English as a tool of communication and also has a good command of the
language, although sometimes he still commits grammar inaccuracies. He can correct his own mistakes
and makes an effort to be more aware of the problems encountered.
- You remain to be an active student. You are willing to be corrected on your mistakes in the class that
shows your humility and willingness to learn. You clearly express your thoughts and ideas that make it
easy to talk with you. Keep up the good job, Robert!
- The student has developed basic skills in simple English communication. The student can somehow
respond to the evaluator and asks for 5-7 questions to be repeated or paraphrased.
- The student has very little knowledge of the proper form of English. He has very limited English
vocabulary; he is grasping for words and is having a difficult time understanding most of the questions
and terms. Teacher needs to repeat questions and, if necessary, provide choices. He has very little or
sometimes no intonation at all. However he could improve his stocks of vocabulary and communicative
skills if he continues to study and practice.
- is very enthusiastic during the class interaction. He speaks with confidence and he shows interest in
studying English. He is able to use the language as a tool of communication and has good command of
English too; he can also handle medium topics with ease and can respond to complex, open ended
- has a great level of participation in our class and seems to enjoy learning English. He is able to use the
language as a tool of communication and has good command of English too. He's very willing to be
corrected during the conversation.
- The student has basic skills in using English. However, sentence structure is still of the broken English
type or structure that follows the student’s native language construction. Native intonation is very much
audible and student may not be very much aware of it. He could hardly understand questions asked to
him and therefore gives a different response.
- He makes a genuine effort in class and participates well in our activities. He has good knowledge base
of English Grammar rules although when left alone has difficulty. He never hesitates to ask questions
whenever he finds the topic confusing or difficult.
- Student has basic skills in English communication discussing simple everyday topics. Native intonation
is still present and it may still be difficult to understand. He recognizes simple and familiar expressions
or phrases. His sentences are lacking in structure. His pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary and
communicative fluency will be greatly enhanced through constant interaction with English speakers.
- can use the language with ease. He enjoys our class as he puts humor in our discussions. He can
easily understand instructions whether it is verbal or written that’s why he can actively participate in our
- June can freely express his thoughts using the English language. At times, he can correct his own
mistakes. He explore on different lessons which is very impressive. He is working out his weaknesses
so he can improve his skills.
- is aware of the simple English grammar although he is having difficulty putting it into practice. He still
gets confused with the proper forms of verbs in accordance with the subject and the right tense to be
used. Use of grammar is erratic although it is understandable.
- I enjoy teaching Mike. I think he has real potential. He makes a genuine effort in class and participates
well in our activities. He assumes responsibility well and has a fine attitude. His vocabulary skills still
need a bit of work but they are always improving. He needs to focus on his pronunciation in order to
keep perfecting his English skills. It's fun to teach him because I see he is always improving and
learning new things. I think that if he keeps up the good effort he has been making he will improve
consistently over time. I appreciate the work that he is doing, and I know that he will do better.
- is a very good student because he is participative in class. I can see his enthusiasm most especially
when he answers my questions. Another good thing about him is that he likes to be corrected.
- The student has already gained considerable amount of confidence. The student can understand the
evaluator but asked for 3-4 questions to be repeated and cannot keep up with the evaluator’s rate of
- It's a pleasure to teach William, he has a great attitude and personality. He can communicate well in
various complicated situations and can make appropriate input in a conversation when necessary.
- The student is already on the road to good communication and can converse have much interest in
learning. The student can somehow keep up with the evaluator’s rate of speech.
- The student has developed some awareness in the use of the language by correcting mistakes. English
is used as a tool for conversation and can hold conversation much longer with difficult or heavy topics;
can keep up with the evaluator rate of speech and has immediate responses.
- The student has a good knowledge base of English 00grammar rules although when left alone has
- Native language intonation is still audible and pronounced, but he can already recognize proper English
- He is able to communicate using simple sentence structure. He recognizes simple and familiar thought
groups or phrases.
- Student can hold simple conversations in an arranged normal setting though he still hesitates while
speaking. Intonation in native language is still present though there is already a presence of appropriate
English intonation markers noticeable in simple statements and questions. He recognizes simple and
familiar thought groups or phrases but has difficulty recognizing medium to difficult. Continued
interaction with an English speaker will enable him to improve his communicative skill which includes
his grammar and enunciation of English words. In addition, his accent which is tinged with the native
tongue will be fine-tuned.
- Student has considerable amount of confidence and has some awareness of personal difficulties in the
use of the language. English is used as a tool for conversation and the confidence level of the student
is pronounced. He can hold a conversation much longer even with difficult or heavy topics though with
occasional grammatical errors. Repetitions are done once or twice after which the student would finally
be able to recognize and comprehend the question. He needs conversation practice to help him
improve his communicative skill. `
- The student attends the class with vigor. He is alert and attentive to the teacher’s instructions. He tells
his own stories related to a topic given in class. He makes a dialogue fruitful as he added humor to the
thoughts that he delivers. There are corrections for him that he acknowledges and learns from it as
- is consistent in being active in class. He is enthusiastic in having the lessons. He can indubitably
express his thoughts using the English language. There are intermittent corrections during class that he
acknowledged and learned from it as well.
- can express himself well using the English language. It was easy for him to use the right word for his
sentence. He may start to improve his grammar by learning the correct structure of sentences. His
native accent can be discernible at some point.
- The student is able to use the language as a tool of communication and has good command of English
too; can handle medium topics with ease and can respond to complex, open ended questions.
- The student has good working knowledge of the language with more precise usage; has mastered the
variety of English grammatical structures and linguistic forms; the rate of speech is the same as the
- The student has already taken long steps in learning the language, can match the fluency of a native
speaker although there is still a hint of native language sound in speaking. Reading, listening, and
writing skills are highly developed but still needs constant speaking practice and more quality reading.
The student can fully express ideas, sentence structures are organized and grammar is good.
- Student is able to use English as a tool of communication and also has a good command of the
language and vocabulary, although sometimes still commits grammar inaccuracies. He commits
pronunciation errors only in difficult words. He uses more medium to difficult words in his vocabulary.
He can correct his own mistakes and makes an effort to be more aware of problems encountered. His
pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary and communicative fluency will be greatly enhanced by constant
interaction with English speakers.
- Student has a good working knowledge of the language. He can communicate well in various
complicated situations in a second language environment and can make appropriate input in a
conversation when necessary. Intonation and pronunciation is still not as good as can be expected but
the student is already aware and can actually correct his mistakes. Though he still faces some
confusion in difficult words. Constant interaction with native speakers would maintain his
communication skills.
- He can match wits with the fluent English speaker even though he won’t be taken as a native speaker.
Blended words and complex sentences are already easy for the student to comprehend. He can
understand the hidden meaning of western humor and even match the humor. With constant practice
and more interaction with native speakers, the student can adapt to any English speaking environment
without hitches.
- Student is comfortable in using the language in a spontaneous conversation. He can communicate in
situations or discussions that may involve intellectual participation. Native speakers can easily
understand him because of his strong vocabulary and syntax. He has a highly developed listening skill.
He is able to follow the speed of a native speaker and is able to recognize proper English intonation
and pronunciation. He needs to continue having meaningful discourse with an English speaker to
maintain his communicative skill.
- can supply his sentences with appropriate words which aid him in expressing his thoughts effectively. It
is easy for him to deliver his ideas in mind. He allots time for studying, which is very impressive, despite
his busy schedule. He can express his self well however he must be aware of the grammar rules.
- uses the English language with ease. He can freely discuss things. Although there are times he needs
guidance in correcting his grammar, his participation is impressive. He can also improve his grammar
by learning how to use the tenses of verbs properly.
- shows enthusiasm in class as he answers the exercises correctly. He remarkably participates and
cooperates to the teacher. There are instances where in he was having a hard time in understanding
new words nevertheless he tries to organize his thoughts with all his might to understand the new
- has a good attitude and a great personality. He always makes the conversation/ class light to handle.
When it comes to studying, he's always prepared and very open to corrections. He's also able to share
personal experiences about the topic.
- I'm really impressed with Mr. Lee's participation in our class. He's always prepared with our lessons.
And he never fails to attend our class.

Your performance was consistently good and always has something to share. Your native intonation and
accent was very audible. Please practice very well.

You can express yourself pretty well. However, you seemed to stutter sometimes especially when trying to
organize your thoughts. You can produce most words correctly but you were having difficulty with particular
sounds and it is noticeable.

Your comprehension was not a problem; you were knowledgeable enough to discuss the topic with the
teacher. You just answered in fragmented words and needs to be reminded on answering in complete
sentences. Practice constructing complete sentences in answering questions.
You’ve got good listening skills for you can answer right away. I can say that you are focused in class and I
hope you keep up the good work. You are doing quite well in your pronunciation but I suggest that you practice
“P” and “F” sounds more.

You obviously has strong interest in learning English. You just have to continue learning more vocabularies
that is applicable on daily conversation to expand your horizons in the given language.

You understood the flow of our discussion and you were able to answer the questions related to the topic so
keep it up! However you answered in fragmented words and needs to be reminded on answering in complete
sentences. Practice constructing complete sentences on answering.

You participated well in our discussion and was open in sharing ideas as well as experiences related with the
topic. You can construct simple sentences in the class but still needs guidance from time to time. Please
practice well.

You were an active listener and asked for repetition only when needed. You sounded good in the class. The
way you pronounced the words were very audible but you have to enunciate words clearly to avoid sounding
like you are mumbling.

You can easily join a dialogue.

You had a good response and you can construct your own sentence but you had inaccuracies. Try to work on

You listen well to the teacher as evident by your responses. You can give proper feedback with the questions.
You just have to be careful in constructing sentences.

You participated well in our discussion and were open in sharing ideas as well as experiences related with the
topic. You just need to work on your accent and intonation.

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