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Laon Gi i Yearsteiublishing 4) PAN ASIA 6GEF (ry ) Les eS ENGLISH VOCABULARY RESOURCE BOOK VEAR = nazi =D) Scanned with CamScanner (Textbook: p.58 - p.69) (ry free time = 14] * masa lapang S noun time when you do not have to study 4,34) or work and can do what you want ie ‘ eg. eee his free time drawing. AS UY HASAN BS LSS ° CORES {2} week /weeks +4] * minggu (8) p58) [SUPERMARKET J noun Ziq atime of seven days y eg., They go to the supermarket every week. WATE BHAA tx weekly #43; mingguan t= last week | 23; minggu lepas t= next week F 238; minggu depan {3} football sk ¥ bola sepak nat noun agame played by two teams in which 474 each team tries to kick the ball into the other team’s goal to score points The boys are playing football. * AR Fy AE ERR t= football player 2 2ki4 3) it; pemain bola sepak © Scanned with CamScanner (ay match / matches +435 * perlawanan TB) p58) noun 4 sports event in which players or 4,74 teams compete to win e.g. My team won the football match. SDR T ABH RRB tx Other meaning K 2; mancis {3} trip / trips #3 * perjalanan 7B) p58 ) a a journey to a place and back again eg. They take a trip to the farm. AeA) RD TRE c= day trip — 4 #; /awatan balik hari (e} lake /lakes #3 * tasik we an area of water that is surrounded by land There is a lake in the park. ALA EM, to move through water by moving the arms and legs Igo swimming on Saturdays. PEK EMAL IK, t= swimming pool 2; kolam renang @ Scanned with CamScanner busy £48.45 + sibuk (78) p.60 ae having a lot of things to do e.g. My mother is very busy. AHH HG AE HR {9} hide-and-seek 42.24 i %* main sorok-sorok (Te) p60) noun a children’s game in which one player 474 does not look while others hide and then goes to find them eg. They are playing hide-and-seek. PAT) EERIE. watch ; YA % menonton 75) per) verb ; hi to look at someone or something eg. We watch the movie in the cinema. £ MMNANBERRYY. RAS res ER = eee ta Phrasal verb watch out ss; awas {uy weekend / weekends /"] % * hujung minggu in Saturday and Sunday @g, They went to the zoo last weekend. {INLAND ARA HH Do t= long weekend J] AK‘; cuti panjang hujung minggu r= weekday 4; hari Isnin hingga hari Jumaat @ Scanned with CamScanner i360 % sesat (73) pa) SSPr adjective not knowing where you are; é ir %%44 unable to find the way = {L e.g.) The tourist gets lost in the city. E ay) AR A 5S HEH BRET CD noun Av eg. ws hare ¥f%; (sejenis) arnab a) jump = 8. * melompat verb Ha vs Synonym leap #&; melompat e.g. (ts) ps2) pleasure, enjoyment or entertainment The children have fun at the party. BF MERS LRRD. te Idiom make fun of #2; mengusik (1a) rabbit / rabbits %-F ¢ arnab Te) p62) an animal with long ears, a short tail and soft fur The rabbit is eating a carrot. MRRF EGF bo to push yourself off the ground using your legs and feet The frog jumps into the pond. ABR HSE BEE LD @ Scanned with CamScanner ~ {16} mud = #&38 + Jumpur ex muddy #5923245; berlumpur {17} Perfect % 44 * sempurna soft and sticky things from the mixing of water and earth The kitten fell into the mud. ARR Hh aP BEER DT adjective complete and correct in every BSA way eg, ltis a perfect day. ARENA. te Antonym imperfect #244; tidak sempurna ride 44 * menunggang verb nia eg. KEE, te oversleep Beit &; ketiduran to sit on and control a bicycle or motorcycle I ride my bike to school. PTA DATE PRS to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body inactive I sleep at ten o'clock. BF ABR = Idiom sleep like a baby i#ia&; tidur nyenyak Scanned with CamScanner {20} fit 48/R 49 ¥ sihat adjective healthy and strong e.g. Mr Tan keeps fit by exercising =" every day. Bi EAE RGSS) VARA ER {a1} sport 4 #4) * sukan TB) pos noun physical activity that people do to 47| keep healthy or for pleasure eg. Kai Lun is good at sport. : DUCK AEH de t= sports day 22; hari sukan t= sportswear 324) JR3R; pakaian sukan (22) leam = #4) * belajar verb to get knowledge or skill by being ¥\ taught ‘eg We learn how to use a computer. PAVES 0 FTA BA, t= Idiom learn your lesson &5X 4k)! ; belajar daripada kesilapan (23) hour/ hours “8h % jam in , gia period of 60 minutes eg | Play piano an hour a day. R-RMAR—Aay, @ Scanned with CamScanner info plus Days of the week: —TEM BWSR: Monday Tuesday 2A ZS Isnin Selasa Thursday ZUG Khamis Saturday BHA Sabtu Scanned with CamScanner ~~ PY DB, ( 3 ) Let's Speak William, what do you do on Saturdays? RT, AR AE AL oS ABA AR HA? William, apakah yang kamu lakukan pada hari Sabtu? I play football with my friends. RAM ABR Saya bermain bola sepak dengan kawan-kawan. A What about you, Tina? HIE, ARIE? Bagaimanakah dengan kamu, Tina? I watch TV and read books KAA VILA A A Saya menonton TV dan membaca buku. Scanned with CamScanner (Textbook: p.70 - p.8!) house /houses %-F % rumah © ean a building for people to live in e.g. There is a river behind the house. IBF GA EA ts terraced house 4%; rumah feres {2} bathroom / bathrooms #4 * bilik mandi (78) p70] noun a room with a bathtub or shower, a 4%) washbasin and a toilet eg ! brush my teeth in the bathroom. RABELMF tse shower #42; pancuran t= toilet 44%; mangkuk tandas se washbasin vi 4; singki {3} bedroom / bedrooms _s}:E + bil dur noun F 4iq a roomin the house where you sleep eg, Jun Jie cleans his bedroom every Saturday. BAA BINA 47 4a eH SO te master bedroom £8); bilik tidur utama Scanned with CamScanner {a} living room / living rooms = #/T * ruang tamu {8} hall / halls 1 /F % ruang depan noun ia e.g. t= Other meaning #L%; dewan € 6) dining room / dining rooms noun Aa eg. aq tx downstairs #F ; tingkat bawah @ (e)70) a room in the house where you watch television, relax, etc. Jason is watching TV in the living room. AAAST LACM. (e) p70) a space inside the entrance or front door of a house There is a carpet on the floor of the hall. Ur ahs bat T RI, 487% bilik makan a room in the house where you eat your meals We are having our lunch in the dining room. PUNT Bt PAE a set of steps to go from one floor to another You must not run down the stairs. MART VAS FREE, "S upstairs #&_- ; tingkat atas Scanned with CamScanner cellar / cellars noun 474 eg. noun 47 eg. park/ parks = 2+ % faman te national park {iy full #64, 3565 © penuh t= Antonym empty 4); kosong 24 F & % bilik di bawah tanah (13) p70) an underground room used for storing things Andrew walks down to the cellar. REGATUTS. Wer) a place outside your house where you can grow flowers Mei Shi is watering flowers in the garden. FPACMLRE. ts garden equipment 4%; alatan berkebun a public area where people go to walk, play or relax We go to the park every evening. BANE MERAZERE Rl; taman negara adjective — containing or holding as much or GEA as many as possible eg. The basket is full of durians. EF LRAT BE. @ Scanned with CamScanner | {12} hat / hats #8 % topi noun a shaped covering that you wear on 474 your head e.g. Look! There is a rabbit in the hat. A! RFLA-RLFo ©) habitat /habitats #4 8.38 + habitat 278 noun the place where a plant or animal 474 grows or lives in nature ‘@g.\ The whale’s habitat is the ocean. | SRB HEF t= natural habitat & %4%.82%; habitat semula jadi 14> polar region / polar regions #43 * kawasan kufub the area around the North or South Pole Penguins are found in the polar region. PAT HG ABS IL fe, a large body of salt water Dolphins live in the ocean. TERME IEW t= Synonym sea 4%; laut @ Scanned with CamScanner jungle / jungles = #4 ¥ hufan (te) p78) noun a thick tropical forest with many tall 434 trees and plants There are many wild animals in the jungle. BUHEARS TEAM. eg. a large area covered with sand A desert is a hot dry place. DRED RAT RAIL 0 mountain / mountains — 11 * gunung a part of the land that is a lot higher than other parts She climbs up the mountain to see the sunrise. oe Ar Ao the very tiny pieces of rock My sister is filling the bucket with sand. BRAT FRA Eo tx sandcastle #42; istana pasir @ Scanned with CamScanner 20 tree/trees = #} % pokok noun Ai eg. t= tree house #t/2; rumah pokok {ai} tock / rocks 4 * batu noun 47) egh 33% batu karang noun” 4 ia ‘eg. noun 444) eg. t= snowball 4k; bola salji a tall plant This is a coconut tree. KARA t= Christmas tree £4}; pokok Krismas the hard solid part that forms part of the earth’s surface The ship crashes into the rocks. ARRAS ELT Bk. a hard substance formed from the bones of very small sea animals We go diving on the coral reef. 411 2 MAB Ok, ean) small soft white pieces of ice that fall from the sky when it is cold They are playing in the snow. HINA BIL ERR, "= snowman “A; orang-orang salji Scanned with CamScanner parrot / parrots camel / camels goat / goats 3534,; burung nuri 3838; unta wh#; kambing polar bear / polar bears shark / sharks Abe f&; beruang kutub &&; ikan yu jellyfish penguin / penguins 7k; ubur-ubur 4548; penguin Scanned with CamScanner Aargh, spiders! I don’t like spiders. NT, Hoth! RAE ak How, Ah, labah-labah! Saya tidak suka | labah-labah. What's in the old house? | RPT ZAHA? i] Apakah yang ada di dalam rumah usang itu? It has a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and a bathroom. BEER ET. RA. Bb Se Aes, Scanned with CamScanner (Textbook: p.82 - p.93) (7B) ps2 adjective BEA eg. Wen Bin gets dressed after brushing his teeth. SAG HF HE RAR. wearing clothes {2} jeans A4$4% * seluar. ‘jean (Te) ps2 noun trousers made from a blue material 47% that is thick and strong @g. Timis wearing a pair of jeans. AEF T EAR {3} sweater / sweaters 4 * baju sejuk noun a clothing with long sleeves worn on 47% the upper body eg. | boughtanew sweater. RET HH HER. @ Scanned with CamScanner {a} jacket / jackets # %, ¥ jaket noun aia eg. a clothing with sleeves and a front opening Mr Raju wears a jacket to work. FERAL FT HRA EGE. tr life jacket 2%; jaket keselamatan (8) skirt / skirts #8-F * skirt noun Aa eg. e& long skirt K%; skirt panjang (6) shorts #24 % seluar pendek noun A eg. noun 4 eg. a clothing worn by girls and women that hangs from the waist This is my new skirt. RAM HEF us short skirt #248; skirt pendek (8) pe) short pants that end above the knee or reach the knee He wears a pair of shorts when go Jogging. OF T RRS, TB) p82 a soft hat that has a curved part sticking out in front My brother puts on a white cap. RMA RE— WG EE, Scanned with CamScanner (8) shoe/shoes #7 * kasut noun ; Lia something you wear on your foot @g., The shoes are dirty and smelly. AR RAEF TIE Ko t= shoelace #24; tali kasut {a} sock/ socks + % stoking foun’ a clothing that covers your foot and 474 ankle eg. ! bought a pair of blue socks. RET -REEWAF. 10) T-shirt /T-shirts T ¥% * kemejo-T (eee) te Antonym left £i249; kiri t= Other meaning 2 #4; betul the opposite of right Raise your left hand. PEM EF a device that produces electricity I replace the batteries for my toy car. RARM RIA HB Hh, = car battery 44% 2%; bateri kereta @) Scanned with CamScanner $4e % gitar 1) guitar / guitars noun Ai eg. te guitarist 344-7; pemain gitar wing/ wings 21/4; ¥ sayap {16} bone / bones #3 * tulang noun AA eg. t= boneless £144; tanpa tulang TB) p.100 a musical instrument that has six strings Jimmy is playing his guitar. SRAM AH (va) p.101) one of the parts of the body of a bird or insect which is used to fly A butterfly has two pairs of wings. See A 75 TE. ‘B22 & rangka (T5)p.109) the frame of bones supporting the body of a human or animal We saw the skeleton of a dinosaur in the museum. PULA TH TE 2 ASI RK BR, one of the hard parts that form the skeleton The dog has a bone in its mouth. ABR #9 tt BA ARS @ Scanned with CamScanner y ao! ( 3 } Let's Speak | 5] I made a robot from boxes. RAT ET KPI AD robot daripada kotak. Saya telah membuat sebuah } Art Exhibition That’s amazing! REAATEA! Menoakjubkan! an you move the robot's arms? kT AA BIE LB AM FAS? lengan robot ini? jolehkah ~=awak menggerakkan Yes, and I can move its head too. TA, RT HE AK, Boleh, saya juga boleh | : menggerakkan kepalanya. i Scanned with CamScanner (Textbook: p.106 - p.117) {1} beach / beaches 3) + pantai Can) t= beach ball #82; bola pantai (2) catch 4/48 %* menangkap an area of sand along the sea Daniel and I are walking along the beach. RAPER E ADRES (r8}p.106) to capture and hold something that would try fo escape We catch fish with nets. AAA AES t= Synonym capture 43%; menangkap t= Phrasal verb catch up 4£-£; mengejar {3} paint (JA Ai#+) & * melukis gambar (F5)p.106) 48; berus lukis t= paintbrush & to make a picture using paints Lina and Jenny paint the pictures with watercolours. AMPS RAKBREHS @ Scanned with CamScanner {ay Ice cream = 2K 3$t2% % aiskrim NOUN a cold, sweet frozen food zi eé.g,| Jian Feng loves to eat ice cream. At DLE PETAR 0 (8) Photo / photos HH; 44) * foto (T8)p.106) noun a picture taken by a camera (short 474 from of photograph) They are taking photos in the park. eg. RAVED Bl 24H listen "fF %* mendengar (Te)p.t08) verb | . ahi] to give attention to a sound e.g. | often listen to music in my room. RADHA AMY 1 BORE AR, (7) shell/shells 2% ¥ cangkerang (r8)p.105) NOUN heh £4 e hard outer part of some animals e.g. Mum, can I look for shells on the beach? Hi, RT AS oe bp mao @ Scanned with CamScanner {8} read i * membaca ee to look at words and understand them eg. I always read books in the library. RATER PALE. wr reader #4; pembaca (9} sandcastle / sandcastles #42 ¥ istana pasir (r3)p.106) ; ian a model of a castle built out of sand e.g. My brothers are making a sandcastle. A EIR, 8) p.106) verb) to make a hole in the ground or to 3h#4] move soil using a tool ég.) Mr Rahim digs a hole with a spade. EKAEMG HET VA {u) holiday / holidays 43 * hari cuti (75)p.108) noun a time when we do not have to go to 474 work or school The schoo! holidays will start next week. PURIST A 2 e.g. © public holiday 2354 5 + cuti am @ Scanned with CamScanner top / tops TW s% % puncak noun a¥ eg. the highest part of something He climbs to the top of the mountain, AONE E T Tilo ts Synonym summit Wik; kemuncak oy % bukit 0) hill / hills = noun 4A eg. noun aia e.g. ee toothbrush 7; berus gigi 444 % bersih t= Antonym dirty Ais; kotor adjective BEI a part of the land that is higher than other parts but lower than a mountain The church is built on the hill. AIS Bi a 9 7 LE any of the hard white structures in our mouth The boy has clean and white teeth. ANS ARATE 8 05 FG. t= toothpaste 44; ubat gigi free from dirt We must keep our hands clean. PNR ERE RSPR, cs Phrasal verb clean up 4142-4; mengemaskan Scanned with CamScanner (16 country / countries R *% negara Z (18)p.112) noun an area of land that has its own 474 government and people Sy ¢ ne tw Other meaning 4 F; desa Malaysia is a multiracial country. eg. LRALR—-HSAAAHAR (17) kangaroo / kangaroos #8, # kanggaru (pp) a big animal that moves by jumping I saw kangaroos in Australia. RARKA LA LER. t pouch #JUR; saku ©) koala/koalas #1 #8 ¢ beruang koala x an animal that has grey fur and no tail (also known as koala bear) Koalas live in trees. HRMREAML. verb to swim underwater with a tube for 374 breathing We go snorkeling in Tioman Island. AAS) 7 BSB. @ eg. Dy) ba Ceara Scanned with CamScanner {20} forest /foresis fk #huton | (ele noun f land with a lot of tre ty large area oO es re ° g The scouts are camping in the forest. (O80 Reet EARLE. a very big animal that lives in the sea A whale is not a fish. BRAK. te blue whale i %%; ikan paus biru (22) famous #4 4 terkenal known by many people She is a famous singer. WR-GELOKF, t= Synonym well-known #4 #4; ternama {23} bagpipes iL * begoaip | Q musical instrument that has a bag, a tube and pipes The man is Playin: i, 1g the bagpipes. MAEF bem Scanned with CamScanner fou weather £% + (e)p.tia) u the condition in the air at a particular 474 place and time ‘@.g))_ The weather is hot today. FRNRA KA sunny snowing Fax R49; cerah FS; sajji turun cloudy windy M4; mendung JAH; berangin Scanned with CamScanner a” (teks Speak) T would like a chocolate ice cream, please. HER 2G LARK. Saya hendak membeli sebatang aiskrim coklat. F] a swim. i] RAR TERT tL] Apu F Cuaca panas. Mari Good idea. HER, Idea bagus. Scanned with CamScanner

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