Compound Indefinites

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compound indefinites

they refer to a person, a place or something, they don’t express exactly who or what or where they refer.


People -Somebody -anybody -nobody -everybody
-someone -anyone -no one -everyone
things Something Anything nothing everything
places Somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

They follow the same rule as some,any,no

 Compounds with some are used in affirmative sentences or to make offers and requests.
(Can I have something to drink?)
 Compounds with any in interrogative and negative sentences
(did you go anywhere for this weekend?)
Also in affirmative sentences (when they means: chiunque, qualsiasi, qualunque)
(this exercise is very easy. Anybody could do it)
In dubitative sentences (I don’t know if she needs anything)
 compounds with no can be used instead of not anybody/anyone, not anything, not anywhere
(there wasn’t anybody in the room= there was nobody in the room)
 compounds with every have no limits, so we can use them in every type of sentences.
(You can ask everyone
Can I ask everyone?
I can’t ask everyone)
 they are all singular so after those there is a verb at third singular person, but we use plural personal
pronouns or possessive adjectives.
(Everybody was very happy to be there)
 in possessive case with saxon genitive
(is this anybody’s seat?)
 They are followed by an adjective without of
(I’d like to eat something particular)
 When they refer to a place they are never preceded by a preposition of place., but they want a
preposition of origin like «from » and «out of ».
I looked for my jacket but it was nowhere

In case of choice between a certain number we use some of, any of, none of, every one of
Some of the boys are playing football
None of the boys are playing football

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