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Biomaterials 26 (2005) 3739–3748

Novel PCL-based honeycomb scaffolds as drug delivery

systems for rhBMP-2
B. Raia,1, S.H. Teohb,, D.W. Hutmachera,c, T. Caoa, K.H. Hoa
Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Received 22 June 2004; accepted 22 September 2004


This study investigated a novel drug delivery system (DDS), consisting of polycaprolactone (PCL) or polycaprolactone 20%
tricalcium phosphate (PCL-TCP) biodegradable scaffolds, fibrin Tisseel sealant and recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2
(rhBMP-2) for bone regeneration. PCL and PCL-TCP-fibrin composites displayed a loading efficiency of 70% and 43%,
respectively. Fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy revealed sparse clumps of rhBMP-2 particles, non-uniformly
distributed on the rods’ surface of PCL-fibrin composites. In contrast, individual rhBMP-2 particles were evident and uniformly
distributed on the rods’ surface of the PCL-TCP-fibrin composites. PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 10 and 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2
demonstrated a triphasic release profile as quantified by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This consisted of burst
releases at 2 h, and days 7 and 16. A biphasic release profile was observed for PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 10 mg/ml
rhBMP-2, consisting of burst releases at 2 h and day 14. PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2 showed a tri-
phasic release profile, consisting of burst releases at 2 h, and days 10 and 21. We conclude that the addition of TCP caused a delay in
rhBMP-2 release. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and alkaline phosphatase assay verified
the stability and bioactivity of eluted rhBMP-2 at all time points.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: BMP; Bone tissue engineering; Drug delivery; Fibrin; Polycaprolactone

1. Introduction addition of rhBMP-2 had accelerated mineralization.

However, the inclusion of cells in this strategy has its
In general, two strategies have evolved for bone tissue disadvantages. Firstly, a surgery must be performed for
engineering. The first strategy utilizes scaffolds for cell the isolation of autologous cells. Secondly, the cells must
transplantation [1-3]. Recently, our group evaluated the be expanded extensively in vitro to obtain sufficient
efficacy of incorporating canine osteoblasts with re- numbers. This is both time and resource consuming [4].
combinant bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) These drawbacks provide the impetus to venture into
into 3D biodegradable polycaprolactone 20% tricalcium the second strategy that requires the loading of the
phosphate (PCL-TCP) composites in vitro [3]. The scaffold with bioactive factors only, prior to implanta-
composites were biocompatible and when seeded only tion. Here, the scaffold serves as a drug delivery system
with osteoblasts, sustained osteogenic expression. The (DDS). Based on this concept, numerous groups have
been focusing on developing a DDS for bone engineer-
Corresponding author. Tel.: 65 687446345; fax: 65 67773537. ing [4-9]. Among the plethora of bioactive factors
E-mail addresses: (B. Rai),
available, BMP-2 is reportedly the strongest osteoinduc- (S.H. Teoh). tive factor administered therapeutically to restore form
Also for correspondence. and function to bone [10-17]. However, currently used

0142-9612/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3740 B. Rai et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 3739–3748

carriers for BMP-2, mainly collagen and ceramics are

less than ideal and the development of a carrier for load
bearing applications is highly desired from a clinical
point of view.
Our group has performed extensive in vitro and in vivo
studies on PCL-based scaffold/cell constructs. In vivo the
constructs exhibited bone formation, remodeling and
maturation along with rapid vascularization in low and
medium load-bearing sites [1,18-21]. In addition, the use of
the highly reproducible and computer-controlled fused
deposition modeling technique allows the fabrication of
tissue-engineered grafts designed on the basis of computed
tomography (CT) scans of individual defect sites [1,20].
Following the current trend toward bioactive composite
development, our group fabricated novel bioactive 3D
biodegradable composites consisting of 80% PCL and
20% TCP, which will be assessed in this study. The TCP
component was reported to spontaneously bond to and
integrate with bone, provide a pH buffering effect on the
polymer degradation behavior [22,23] and enhance the
mechanical properties of porous polymer constructs [24].
Moreover, TCP exhibit a high binding affinity for proteins
and are well known as carriers for BMPs [10,11].
Fibrin sealant was selected for our delivery system to
promote the loading efficiency of rhBMP-2 onto the
composites [25]. The sealant has been studied in various
applications to improve the stability and cell-attachment
properties of scaffolds [26], while simultaneously deli-
vering cells [1,27] and/or bioactive agents like angiogenic
[28], polypeptide growth factors [29,30] and, recently,
non-glycosylated BMPs [31]. Fig. 1. SEM revealed the structure of both (A) PCL and (B) PCL-TCP
Here, we propose a novel DDS consisting of three scaffolds to be a typical honeycomb array of interconnected equilateral
components: slow degrading PCL-based scaffolds with triangles with regular porous morphology. PCL scaffolds manifested a
sufficient physical properties to withstand both wound smooth surface unlike PCL-TCP scaffolds where hydrophilic TCP was
evidently exposed within the hydrophobic PCL scaffold surface as
contraction forces as well as load bearing applications, particles.
fibrin Tisseel sealant and rhBMP-2. Notably, the various
components of the DDS proposed are FDA approved
and can be prepared simultaneously and quickly at the
operation table. This makes our strategy highly suited 2.2. Bone morphogenetic protein
for clinical applications.
Recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2) (Shanghai
Huigu Bio-tech Co., China) was used at concentrations
2. Materials and methods of 10 and 20 mg/ml. A loading volume consisting of 30 ml
rhBMP-2 at the various concentrations and 20 ml fibrin
2.1. Scaffold design and fabrication Tisseel sealant (Tisseel kit, Immuno, Austria) was evenly
pipette-loaded onto each scaffold. Similarly, 30 ml of
PCL scaffolds were fabricated by fused deposition rhBMP-2 free PBS with 20 ml fibrin sealant was loaded
modeling (FDM) as previously described [18,20,32]. onto scaffolds to serve as control. Hence, six experimental
PCL and PCL-TCP (80:20%) scaffolds, each with a lay- groups were created (n ¼ 4 for each group) (Table 1).
down pattern of 0/60/1201 and a porosity of 65% and
measuring 5  5  3 mm, were used (Fig. 1). Further 2.3. Loading efficiency, intensity of burst and distribution
details of these scaffolds can be found in the literature of rhBMP-2 loaded on PCL and PCL-TCP scaffolds
[2,18-21]. The scaffolds were soaked for 3 h at 37 1C in
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM The loading efficiency was determined by dividing the
KCl, 10 mM Na2HPO4, 1.8 mM KH2PO4, pH 7.4) prior retained amount of rhBMP-2 by the initial loaded
to rhBMP-2 seeding. rhBMP-2 concentration multiplied by 100%, after 24 h
B. Rai et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 3739–3748 3741

Table 1 natants and reference standards) was transferred to a

Six experimental groups were created for this study (n ¼ 4 for each
coated capture plate. After incubation for 2.5 h at 37 1C,
the wells were washed 2  with PBST. The anti-BMP-2-
Group 1 PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 10 mg/ml rhBMP-2 antibody was biotinylated with a biotin labeling kit
Group 2 PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2 according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Roche
Group 3 PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 10 mg/ml Diagnostic, Germany) and 50 ml (0.5 mg/ml) was added
Group 4 PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml
for 1.5 h. Then, 100 ml of avidin horse radish peroxidase
rhBMP-2 (AHRP) conjugated (Pierce, USA) (1:1000 in PBST)
Group 5 PCL-fibrin composites alone (Control 1) was added to each well for 1 h. After washing 2  with
Group 6 PCL-TCP-fibrin composites alone (Control 2) PBST, 100 ml of ABTS solution (Pierce, USA) was
added to each well for 8 min. One hundred microliters/
well of 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate stop solution was
added before reading the plate at 405 nm [33]. The eluted
of loading. The physical distribution of 10 mg/ml proteins in the removed buffer (n ¼ 4) at each time
rhBMP-2 on the composites was analyzed by scanning interval were also assayed quantitatively for total
electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal laser micro- protein content by the Bio-Rad protein method (Bio-
scopy (CLM). For SEM, samples were fixed in 2.5% Rad, USA), according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
gluteraldehyde (Sigma, Germany) at 4 1C overnight. tions, using bovine serum albumin as a standard. All
They were then dehydrated in a graded ethanol series of raw data obtained are expressed as mg/ml.
25%, 50%, 75%, 95% and 100%, air-dried and gold
sputtered with a JFC-1200 fine-coater for 70 s at 30 mA 2.5. Bioactivity and stability of eluted rhBMP-2
under high vacuum. The specimens were examined with
a Jeol JSM 5600LV SEM operating at 10 kV under high In order to assess the bioactivity of rhBMP-2 eluted
vacuum mode. For CLM, 10 mg/ml rhBMP-2 was from the PCL/PCL-TCP-fibrin composites, an alkaline
labeled using a FluoReporter FITC protein labeling phosphatase (ALP) assay was performed. Basically,
kit (Molecular Probes, USA) according to the manu- release study supernatants (n ¼ 4) from each time point
facturer’s instructions, before loading onto scaffolds as were incubated for 4 days with a monolayer of human
described in Section 2.2 and viewed under a confocal osteoblasts (hOB) (1  105 cells/ml) as previously de-
laser microscope (Olympus 1  81, FluoView 500). scribed [27], cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s
Three dimensional depth projection images were con- medium on 24-well plates. This was followed by rinsing
structed from 100 horizontal slices of step size 2 mm. twice with PBS and then staining with a Sigma ALP kit
(No. 86), used according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
2.4. In vitro release kinetics of rhBMP-2 tions (Sigma Diagnostics, USA). Under the influence of
BMP-2, hOB express enhanced osteoblast phenotype by
The PCL and PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded increased ALP activity [33,34]. Hence, strong staining
with rhBMP-2 at various concentrations were placed in for ALP will ascertain that released rhBMP-2 retains its
24-well plates and immersed in 2 ml of PBS. The elution bioactivity. Sites of phosphatase activity will appear as
of rhBMP-2 was examined at 2 h, followed by 1, 2, 7, 10, dark blue-stained granules within the cytoplasm of cells.
14, 16, 18 and 21 days. At each time interval, the Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electro-
supernatant was completely removed and replaced with phoresis (SDS-PAGE) confirmed the identity of released
fresh buffer. rhBMP-2 as well as provided information about its
Eluted rhBMP-2 in the removed buffer (n ¼ 4) at each stability [35]. The release study supernatants were
time interval was measured quantitatively using a suspended in electrophoresis buffer and electrophoresed
sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELI- in 12% SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. SDS-
SA). Monoclonal anti-human BMP-2 antibody (Mab PAGE followed by modified silver staining (BioRad,
3552, R & D Systems) was diluted by 50-fold to obtain a CA) showed the molecular weight of rhBMP-2 used for
final concentration of 10 mg/ml in PBS, and then 50 ml this experiment to be about 30 kDa. Hence, a band of
was added to each well of Nunc immuno plate. After 30 kDa observed in the release study supernatants would
incubation overnight at 4 1C, the wells were washed with confirm the presence of an intact rhBMP-2. As
PBS containing 0.05% Tween (PBST). Two hundred molecular weight markers, [14C] methylated proteins
microliters of blocking solution (3% Bovine serum (serum albumin 66.2 kDa; ovalalbumin 45 kDa; carbo-
albumin in PBS) was added to each well, followed by nic anhydrase 31 kDa; trypsin inhibitor 21.5 kDa;
incubation at 37 1C for 40 min. A standard curve was lysozyme 14.4 kDa; aprotinin 6.5 kDa) were used. Time
plot by preparing a total of eight dilution points ranging points investigated for both ALP assay and SDS-PAGE
from 0 to 20 mg/ml of rhBMP-2 as reference standards. were selected in accordance to the release profile
Fifty microliters from each group (release study super- obtained from Section 2.4.
3742 B. Rai et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 3739–3748

2.6. Statistical analysis

Four replicates were used for each experimental group

and each experiment was repeated twice. All results are
expressed as mean7standard deviation (SD). The
results were compared using a Student’s t-test and
differences were considered significant when po0:05:

3. Results

3.1. Loading efficiency, distribution and intensity of burst

of rhBMP-2 seeded on PCL/PCL-TCP-fibrin composites

PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 10 and 20 mg/ml

rhBMP-2 demonstrated an average loading efficiency of
70%. A significantly lower loading efficiency of average
43% was demonstrated by PCL-TCP-fibrin composites
loaded with 10 and 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2. SEM examina-
tion revealed cobweb-like extensions of fibrin sealant
attached onto the surface as well as across the pores of
PCL and PCL-TCP scaffolds (Fig. 2A). The fibrin
sealant manifested thick fibrils with a large pore size
(45 mm). The fibrin network was well established on
PCL-TCP scaffolds but was discontinuous on PCL
scaffolds. PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 10 mg/ml
rhBMP-2 showed sparse, large clumps of rhBMP-2
particles attached to the rods’ surface of the scaffold
(Fig. 2B). In contrast, roughly spherical rhBMP-2
particles were evident and dispersed on the rods’ surface
of PCL-TCP-fibrin composites (Fig. 2C). These findings
were substantiated by CLM. Fluorescent rhBMP-2 was
observed to form clumps that were non-uniform and
sparse on the rods’ surface of PCL-fibrin composites
(Fig. 3A and C). Individual rhBMP-2 particles could not
be discerned. PCL-TCP-fibrin composites revealed
clearly fluorescent rhBMP-2 particles, approximately
6 mm in diameter, uniformly distributed on the rods’
surface of the scaffold (Fig. 3B and D). No rhBMP-2
was detected in the pores of both composites.
Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of (A) control (PCL-TCP-fibrin compo-
3.2. In vitro release kinetics sites), (B) PCL-fibrin and (C) PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with
10 mg/ml of rhBMP-2.
Fig. 4 illustrates the amount and Fig. 5 the cumulative
release of rhBMP-2 over a period of 21 days as
quantified by sandwich-ELISA. Plotting the mean %
of cumulative release (y) against time (x), resulted at day 16, respectively. No significant differences were
in trend-lines with polynomial equations of observed for the intensity of burst at all three release
y=0.0857x2+5.4854x+24.661 (R2 ¼ 0:9356) and time points. After day 16, no further release of rhBMP-2
y=0.0263x2+3.6068x+37.602 (R2 ¼ 0:912) for was detected. Group 3 demonstrated a biphasic in vitro
PCL-fibrin and PCL-TCP-fibrin composites, respec- release pattern. This consisted of an initial cumulative
tively. Groups 1 and 2 showed a similar triphasic in release of 53.3% or 5.7 mg/ml at day 1 and a delayed
vitro release profile. This consisted of an initial burst of second cumulative release of 100% or 10.7 mg/ml at day
26.4% or 3 and 4.8 mg/ml at 2 h, a second cumulative 14. No significant differences were observed for the
release of 68.5% or 7.6 and 12.8 mg/ml at day 7 and a intensity of burst at both release time points. After day
third cumulative release of 100% or 11.4 and 18.2 mg/ml 14, no further release of rhBMP-2 was detected. A
B. Rai et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 3739–3748 3743

Fig. 3. Two- and three-dimensional confocal laser micrographs of (A and C) PCL-fibrin and (B and D) PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with
10 mg/ml of rhBMP-2. Depth projection images for 3D micrographs were constructed from 100 horizontal slices of step size 2 mm. FITC-labeled
rhBMP-2 was identified by their green fluorescence.

12 12
Group 1 Group 2
10 10
ug/ml of BMP
ug/ml of BMP

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
Time (days) Time (days)

12 12
Group 3 Group 4
10 10

ug/ml of BMP

ug/ml of BMP

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
Time (days) Time (days)

Fig. 4. The Amount of rhBMP-2 released from experimental groups in vitro as a function of time. Released medium was removed at 2 h, followed by
1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 14 and 21 days and quantified by ELISA (n ¼ 4; mean7SD). Group 1: PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 10 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Group 2:
PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Group 3: PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 10 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Group 4: PCL-TCP-
fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Controls showed no release of rhBMP-2 at all time points.
3744 B. Rai et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 3739–3748

Fig. 6. Amount of total protein release from experimental groups in

vitro as a function of time. Released medium was removed at 2 h,
followed by 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 14 and 21 days and quantified by protein Bio-
Rad assay (n ¼ 4; mean7SD). Group 1: PCL-fibrin composites loaded
Fig. 5. Cumulative in vitro release of rhBMP-2 from experimental with 10 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Group 2: PCL-fibrin composites loaded with
groups as a function of time. Released medium was removed at 2 h, 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Group 3: PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with
followed by 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 14 and 21 days and quantified by ELISA 10 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Group 4: PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with
(n ¼ 4; mean7SD). Group 1: PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Control 1: PCL-fibrin composites alone. Control 2:
10 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Group 2: PCL-fibrin composites loaded with PCL-TCP-fibrin composites alone.
20 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Group 3: PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with
10 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Group 4: PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with
20 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Controls showed no release of rhBMP-2 at all time 3.3. Bioactivity and stability of eluted rhBMP-2
A qualitative histochemical demonstration of alkaline
phosphatase activity assessed the bioactivity of rhBMP-
triphasic in vitro release pattern was observed for Group 2 eluted in release study supernatants. At 2 h, all
4. This consisted of an initial release of 49.1% or experimental groups loaded with rhBMP-2 manifested
11.4 mg/ml at 2 h, a second cumulative release of 82.8% enhanced blue-stained granules indicative of phospha-
or 19.2 mg/ml at day 10 and a third cumulative release of tase activity (Fig. 7A–D). Hence, the eluted rhBMP-2
100% or 23.2 mg/ml at day 21. The intensity of burst retained its bioactivity at 2 h, days 2, 7 and 16 for
diminished significantly (po0:05) over the three release Groups 1 and 2. Blue-stained granules were evident for
time points. Control groups showed no release of Groups 3 and 4 at days 1, 14, and 10, 21 respectively.
rhBMP-2 at all time points. Notably, the eluted rhBMP-2 could retain its bioactivity
Protein Bio-Rad assay revealed that all experimental in vitro for up to 21 days. All other time points revealed
groups, including controls, showed a similar trend, negligible ALP activity. Control groups displayed
that is a progressive decline in total protein content negligible staining of granules at all time points (Figs.
over time (Fig. 6). Plotting the mean protein 7E).
content (y) against time (x), resulted in trend-lines with SDS-PAGE verified the identity and stability of eluted
polynomial equations of y=0.2617x28.8244x+73.292 rhBMP-2. Fig. 8A depicts eluted rhBMP-2 of Groups 1
(R2 ¼ 0:9365) and y=0.2788x29.1938x+74.532 (R2 ¼ and 3 at 2 h, days 2, 7 and 16, and 2 h, days 1 and 14,
0:9385) for PCL-fibrin and PCL-TCP-fibrin composites, respectively. Fig. 8B shows eluted rhBMP-2 of Groups 2
respectively. There was no significant difference and 4 at 2 h, days 2, 7 and 16, and 2 h, days 10, and 21,
(p40:05) in the amount of total protein release between respectively. At these time points, a clear 30 kDa band
controls. This suggests that fibrin release from both was detected, which corresponds to the molecular
scaffolds followed a similar pattern. Fibrin release from weight of an intact rhBMP-2. However, at all other
both controls lasted for only 10 days, after which no time points, no bands were observed, indicating the
protein could be detected in the supernatant. The absence of rhBMP-2 from the release study super-
amount of protein release at each time point for controls natants. Interestingly, additional multiple high and low
was significantly (po0:05) lower than that obtained by molecular weight bands were evident at 2 h until day 10
the experimental groups loaded with rhBMP-2. Protein for all composites. Controls also showed multiple high
release was detected for up to day 16 for Groups 1 and and low molecular weight bands until day 10, after
2, day 14 for Group 3 and day 21 for Group 4. These which no bands could be discerned. These bands
findings correlate well with the results obtained from correspond in molecular weight to those observed in
sandwich-ELISA. the experimental groups loaded with rhBMP-2.
B. Rai et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 3739–3748 3745

Fig. 7. ALP histochemistry of hOB incubated with eluted supernatant for 2 h from (A) PCL-fibrin composites alone, (B) PCL-fibrin composites
loaded with 10 mg/ml rhBMP-2, (C) PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2, (D) PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 10 mg/ml
rhBMP-2 and (E) PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Blue-stained granules within the cytoplasm of cells represent sites of
phosphatase activity. All pictures are reproduced at  20 magnification.

Fig. 8. SDS-PAGE represents rhBMP-2 elution from (A) PCL-fibrin and PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 10 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Lane 1:
protein molecular weight markers. Lane 2: positive (intact rhBMP-2) control. Lanes 3–6: eluted rhBMP-2 from PCL-fibrin composites loaded with
10 mg/ml rhBMP-2 at 2 h, days 2, 7 and 16. Lanes 7–9: eluted rhBMP-2 from PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 10 mg/ml rhBMP-2 at 2 h, days
1 and 14. (B) PCL-fibrin and PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2. Lane 1: protein molecular weight markers. Lane 2: positive
(intact rhBMP-2) control. Lanes 3–6: eluted rhBMP-2 from PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2 at 2 h, days 2, 7 and 16. Lanes 7–9:
eluted rhBMP-2 from PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2 at 2 h, days 10 and 21. RhBMP-2 suffices as a 30 kDa band.
3746 B. Rai et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 3739–3748

4. Discussion loaded with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2. A biphasic release

pattern was observed for PCL-TCP-fibrin scaffolds
Numerous groups are working on drug delivery loaded with 10 mg/ml rhBMP-2. PCL-fibrin composites
systems for bone engineering [4,5–9]. Problems inherent loaded with 10 and 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2 exhibited a
in the currently used delivery systems for BMP-2 include similar release pattern and burst intensities. Thus, the
slow release, unfavorable architecture for vasculariza- dose of rhBMP-2 affected the release profile for PCL-
tion and lack of mechanical strength. Hence, we propose TCP-fibrin but not PCL-fibrin composites.
a novel DDS consisting of three components, biode- A minimum of two bursts of release emerged between
gradable PCL-based scaffolds, fibrin Tisseel sealant and 2 h and day 16 for all composites. BMP-2 is endogen-
rhBMP-2, for load bearing applications in bone ously produced within a few days after fracture,
regeneration. Notably, these components are FDA suggesting that BMP is necessary for bone formation
approved and can be prepared simultaneously and within a few days after post trauma [13]. Thus, the initial
quickly at the operation table. This makes our strategy bursts of rhBMP-2 from PCL-fibrin and PCL-TCP-
highly suited for clinical applications. fibrin composites would facilitate bone healing. It
This work investigated specifically the in vitro efficacy should be noted that PCL-TCP-fibrin composites loaded
of PCL-fibrin and PCL-TCP-fibrin composites as DDS with 20 mg/ml rhBMP-2 exhibited prolonged retention of
for rhBMP-2. The first parameter measured was loading the protein for up to day 21. This increases the time
efficiency. PCL-fibrin composites retained significantly period acting on the surrounding cells, which can lead to
(po0:05) more rhBMP-2 than PCL-TCP-fibrin compo- enhanced bone induction [8]. Thus, these novel compo-
sites at day 1. Notably, both composites manifested sites could suffice to be reliable, control release DDS.
reasonable loading efficiencies of 70 and 43%, respec- SDS-PAGE and ALP assays verified the stability of
tively, in comparison to other scaffolds observed in the eluted rhBMP-2. Two conclusions can be drawn from
literature [6,7]. There are several possible explanations the SDS-PAGE results. Firstly, at each burst of release
for the loading efficiencies observed. Firstly, fibrin glue of rhBMP-2, the protein sufficed as an intact or non-
could have facilitated the adhesion of rhBMP-2 onto the degraded band. This indicates that the different
scaffolds. Secondly, ceramics are known to enhance materials did not affect the stability and activity of
adhesion through an inherently high binding affinity for rhBMP-2. Secondly, additional high and low molecular
proteins [24,35]. Thirdly, PCL-fibrin composites prob- weight bands were apparent for up to day 10 for both
ably retained more rhBMP-2 at day 1 because of its composites and controls. We hypothesize that these
hydrophobic property that causes the delay of water bands represent the end products of the action of
penetration, thus retarding the diffusion of rhBMP-2 thrombin, a proteolytic enzyme, on fibrinogen. Fibrin
from the scaffold into the release medium [36]. On the monomers are formed that cross-link spontaneously to
other hand, PCL-TCP-fibrin composites have reduced form a weak gel, i.e. fibrin sealant [37]. This implies that
hydrophobicity, allowing water penetration and diffu- the initial release of rhBMP-2 was due to fibrin sealant
sion of protein through the scaffold more readily. that had adhered to the composites. Fibrin had
Hence, the addition of TCP appears to have a profound disintegrated by day 10 (verified by Protein-BioRad
effect on the loading efficiency of rhBMP-2. assay) but rhBMP-2 was still released, as detected by
The second parameter analyzed was the distribution sandwich-ELISA, from all composites. This implies that
of rhBMP-2 and fibrin sealant on the scaffolds. A rhBMP-2 could directly attach to the PCL and PCL-
continuous network of fibrin was observed on PCL-TCP TCP composites.
scaffolds in contrast to a discontinuous array on PCL ALP assay conceded that the rhBMP-2 released still
scaffolds. This resulted in a uniform distribution of maintained its bioactivity at all time points. This
rhBMP-2 on PCL-TCP-fibrin composites, whereas correlates with the results obtained by Kim HD et al.
rhBMP-2 was dispersed unevenly as clumps on PCL- [33]. This has two implications. Firstly, the aggregation
fibrin composites. Notably, rhBMP-2 appeared (as of rhBMP-2 observed upon loading onto PCL-fibrin
observed in SEM and CLM studies) to adhere only to composites in the present study did not result in
the surface of fibrin network, and although the pores of inactivation of the factor [7]. Secondly, at day 21,
the scaffold manifested fibrin networks, no rhBMP-2 release study supernatants from PCL-TCP-fibrin com-
could be detected spanning the pores. This suggests that posites loaded with 20 mg/ml of rhBMP-2 showed
rhBMP-2 needs a substrate to adhere onto. This significant ALP activity. This suggests that sufficient
observation may have important implications in the intact rhBMP-2 molecules were still present to enhance
use of fibrin sealant as DDS for growth factors. the osteoblastic phenotype and that rhBMP-2 can
The third parameter measured was the in vitro release maintain its bioactivity in vitro for 21 days.
kinetics. ELISA results revealed a triphasic release The mechanism of release of rhBMP-2 from the
pattern for PCL-fibrin composites loaded with 10 and composites is an important consideration. Drugs for-
20 mg/ml rhBMP-2 and PCL-TCP-fibrin composites mulated in polymeric devices are usually released by
B. Rai et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 3739–3748 3747

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