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Planes of the Brain

3 Basic Planes:

1.Sagittal Plane
2.Coronal Plane
3.Transverse Plane
Coronal Plane
Coronal Plane
A coronal or frontal
plane is perpendicular to
the ground and divides the
body into dorsal (posterior
or back) and ventral
(anterior or front)
Sagittal Plane
Sagittal Plane
A sagittal plane, also
known as the longitudinal
plane, is perpendicular to
the ground and divides the
body into left and right.
Sagittal Plane
❖ The midsagittal or median
plane is in the midline i.e. it
would pass through the midline
structures (e.g. navel or spine).
❖ Parasagittal planes are parallel to
midsagittal plane.
❖ Median can also refer to the
midsagittal plane of other
Transverse Plane
Transverse Plane
Transverse plane, also known as
an axial plane or cross-section,
divides the body into cranial (head)
and caudal (foot) portions.
❖ It is parallel to the ground, which

separates the superior from the

inferior, or put another way, the
head from the feet.
Lobes of the Brain
Hemisphere Left Hemisphere

It controls It controls speech,

creativity, spatial comprehension,
ability, artistic, and arithmetic, and
musical skills. writing. The right
Lobes of the
Frontal Lobe
It is situated at the front of the brain, extending
back to the central sulcus.
• Motor Function: Controls voluntary
movements through the primary motor cortex.
• Cognitive Functions: Involved in reasoning,
planning, problem-solving, judgement, and
impulse control.
• Speech Production: Broca's area, typically
located in the left frontal lobe, is essential for
speech production.
• Personality and Behavior: Influences
personality traits and social behavior.
Parietal Lobe
It is positioned behind the frontal lobe, separated by
the central sulcus, and extending to the occipital lobe.
• Sensory Perception: Processes sensory
information such as touch, temperature, and pain
through the primary somatosensory cortex.
• Spatial Orientation: Important for understanding
spatial relationships and body position.
• Integration of Sensory Information: Combines
sensory inputs from different modalities to form a
coherent perception of the environment.
Temporal Lobe
It is located beneath the lateral sulcus, on the sides of the
• Auditory Processing: It contains the primary auditory
cortex, essential for processing sounds.
• Memory Formation: The hippocampus, located within
the temporal lobe, plays a critical role in forming and
retrieving memories.
• Language Comprehension: Wernicke's area, typically
in the left temporal lobe, is crucial for understanding
spoken and written language.
• Emotional Response: The amygdala, also located in
the temporal lobe, is involved in processing emotions.
Occipital Lobe
Located at the back of the brain.
• Visual Processing: Contains the primary visual
cortex, essential for interpreting visual
information such as color, light, and movement.
Thank you for
listening <3
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and
includes icons by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik

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