Toddle - MYP1 - Unit 4 - What Makes Things Happen - FA 2 - Criterion D

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UNIT 4: What Makes Change Happen?

GLOBAL CONTEXT: Globalisation and Sustainability
EXPLORATION: Consumption, conservation; natural

Name: _________________________ Class & Sec ______________ Date: __________

Time Duration: 45 min

Statement of inquiry: By controlling energy, we can facilitate changes that may impact the way of life
for people now and in the future.
ATL skills:
Critical Thinking > Interpret data, Gather and organize relevant information to formulate an argument
Communication Skills > Read critically and for comprehension.
Research skills> information literacy> Access information to be informed and inform others, Make
connections between various sources of information, Use critical-literacy skills to analyse and interpret
media communications, Create references and citations,
Thinking Skills>Creative Thinking>visible thinking strategies

Learner Profile: Thinkers, Communicators

Command Terms:
Describe: Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process
Identify: Provide an answer from a number of possibilities
Summarize: Abstract a general theme or major point(s).

Criterion D
i. Summarize the ways in which science is applied and used to address a specific problem or issue
ii. Describe and summarize the various implications of using science and its application in solving a
specific problem or issue
iii. Apply scientific language effectively.
iv. Document the work of others and sources of information used.

Criterion-D (Reflecting on the Impacts of science)

The escalating global energy demand, which is growing almost daily, has led to both an energy
crisis and environmental pollution primarily fuelled by fossil fuels. Despite their dominance in
meeting this demand, fossil fuels are unsustainable due to their finite and depleting reserves
and their significant environmental repercussions, such as air and water pollution and


contribution to climate change through greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, there is a
pressing need for alternative energy sources that are both eco-friendly and sustainable.
Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biomass energy, offer
promising alternatives to fossil fuels. Solar energy harnesses the power of sunlight using
photovoltaic cells or solar thermal systems, providing a clean and abundant source of electricity.
Wind energy utilizes wind turbines to generate electricity without producing harmful emissions.
Hydroelectric power harnesses the energy of flowing water to generate electricity, while
biomass energy uses organic materials like wood or agricultural waste to produce heat or
As a student in MYP1, you aim to raise awareness about these renewable energy sources and
their benefits in addressing the dual challenges of meeting energy demands while mitigating
environmental impacts. These technologies not only offer sustainable solutions but also
contribute to reducing carbon emissions and promoting a cleaner, healthier planet for future
Create an infographic for any one alternative natural energy source based on the following
D1. Summarize the ways in which this alternative natural source of energy addresses
the issue of use of fossil fuels.
(i) Using scientific language, describe the implications (2 positive and 2 negative effects) of
using the alternative natural energy source.
(Hint: Your implications can be based on economic and environment.)

(ii) Summarize the implications based on sustainability of this alternate source of energy.
D3. Document the any one source used by you during your research in MLA 8 format in the
given manner in the infographic.
[Hint: For this first you will have to identify the component required for MLA8 format. After
that write it in a below mentioned format]

Author. “Title of the Article.” Name of the publisher, Date, url


Title of the Article


Name of the



In your infographic include the following pointers: Infographic Guidelines:

● Introduction: Alternative Natural Energy Source

● Importance of Reducing Fossil Fuel Use
● Role of Science in Sustainable Energy Solutions
● Implications of Alternative Energy Source:
Positive Effects (Economic/Social/Environmental/Ethical)
Negative Effects (Economic/Social/Environmental/Ethical)
● Concluding appraisal for the implications
● MLA 8 Formatted Source Citations
● Use engaging visuals and concise text to convey the information effectively.


Criterion-D: Reflecting on the impacts of science

Achievement Task Specific Clarification

Emerging Student will be able to:
i) Recall the role of science with the use of alternate source of energy to
address the issue of use of fossil fuels in QD1.
ii) State 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of using alternative energy
source in QD2 (i) and (ii).
iii) Document sources with limited success in QD3.
Developing Student will be able to:
i) State the role of science with the use of alternate source of energy to
address the issue of use of fossil fuels which is partially correct in QD1.
ii) State 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of using alternative energy
source in QD2 (i) and (ii).
iii) Sometimes document sources correctly in MLA8 format in QD3.
Demonstrating Student will be able to:
i) State the role of science with the use of alternate source of energy to
address the issue of use of fossil fuels in QD1.
ii) Outline and summarize 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of using
alternative energy source in QD2 (i) and (ii).
iii) Usually document sources in MLA8 format which is partially correct in

Excelling Student will be able to:

i) Summarize the role of science with the use of alternate source of
energy to address the issue of use of fossil fuels in QD1.
ii) Describe and summarize 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of using
alternative energy source in QD2 (i) and (ii).
iii) Document sources precisely in MLA8 format in QD 3.


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