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Name of Barangay: _____________________________ City/

Municipality:_______________________________ Province:_______________________________
A . D e m o g r a p h i c s Populaton:___________________ Year Documened:__________
Male Populaton:______ Female
Populaton:____________People wih Disabilites:_____________________________Senior
Citzens:____________________________________Under 18
Populaton:_______________________________B . E c o n o m i c P r o f l e Primary
Indusries:________________________________Livelihood:______________________________________ ____
___________________________________________ _________________________________________
______ _______________________________________________Povery
Rae:____________________________________C . B a s i c S e r v i c e s : HealhBarangay
Healh Cener: _________Cheap/Free Basic Medicine: _________Pre/Pos Naal
Check Ups:___________ EducatonDaycare:________________Primary School:____________
__Secondary School:____________ Social ServicesSenior Citzen: ______________________
Women: ________________________PWD:______________________Children:
________________________Spors and Wellness: _____________________

D . G e o g r a p h i c a l a n d E c o l o g i c a l P r o f l e Type o Terrain:
__________________Presence o Waer Ways (River, Sream, Esuaries ec)
__________Presence o he ollowing:Proecton Fores: ____________ Producton
Fores: ___________Mineral Land: ____________ Upland/Mounain/Hills:
_______________G. Securiy and Risk concerns o Barangay Hisory (Peace challengers
relaed)Noe he recen Peace and Securiy Challenges recorded in he
Barangay _______________________________________________ Dae: ________ Locaton:
___________ _______________________________________________ Dae: ________ Locaton:
___________ _______________________________________________ Dae: ________ Locaton:
___________ _______________________________________________ Dae: ________ Locaton:
___________ _______________________________________________ Dae: ________ Locaton:
___________ _______________________________________________ Dae: ________ Locaton:
___________ _______________________________________________ Dae: ________ Locaton:
___________ _______________________________________________ Dae: ________ Locaton:
___________E. Culure/Religion

Indigenous Peoples:____________

Religions/ Secs Practced:
____________F . A c c e s s i b i l i  y / T r a n s p o r  a t o n Presence o Roads:Barangay
Road: _____ Municipal Road: _______ Provincial Road: ____ Natonal Road: _____Means
o Transporaton:Privae vehicle: _____ Bus: ______ Jeepney: _____Tricycle: _____
Moorcycle (Habal): _____Ohers: ____________G.Household level barangay
inormaton (CBMS i available)(Inser Resuls Here)H . P a r t c i p a  o r y

Presence o CSOs/Peoples Organizaton: ____________

Presence o Religious Groups: _______________

Presence o Cooperatves or Business Groups/Associatons:____________

Ohers ______________

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