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SYBSc-IT TIME: 2½ hrs.

Q.1 Attempt ANY THREE from following 15 Marks

1) How do we implement if, elif, else condition? Explain with an example.
2) Explain break/continue statement in python with example.
3) What is comment? Why do we need it? How do we implement it
4) Explain operators with suitable example.
5) Write a short note on looping statements
6) Write a Program to calculate area of rectangle and Circle. Take input from the user

Q.2 Attempt ANY THREE from following 15 Marks

1) Define Function. Write the syntax to define function. Give example of function definition.
2) Explain str.find() function with suitable example.
3) Write a short note on Math module in python. Explain any 5 math functions with example.
4) Write short note on import, import and object from from module, import all(*)
5) What is recursive function? Write a program to calculate factorial of a number using recursive
6) Write a recursive function to display factorial of a number.

Q.3 Attempt ANY THREE from following 15 Marks

1) What are lists? Lists in python are mutable Justify.
2) Explain any five built-in list function and methods.
3) What is tuple? How Create and access it with example
4) What is dictionary? How Create and access it? With example
5) Write a short note on file object attributes and file methods.
6) Write a short note on exception handling mechanism in Python.

Q.4 Attempt ANY THREE from following 15 Marks

1) What are regular expressions? Explain any three patterns.
2) Write Short note on Pack Geometry managers in Python.
3) Write Short note on grid Geometry managers in Python.
4) Explain any five widget in python GUI.
5) Write a Program to Calculate Simples interest. Take Principle amount, rate of interest and
number of years from user.
6) Write a program in python to get following output.

Q.5 Attempt ANY THREE from following 15 Marks

1) Write a short note on standard dimension attributes of tkinter module.
2) What is a message box? What are its types?
3) Explain creation of radio button widget with an example.
4) How to connect MySQL database using python
5) Write a small program to insert value in MYSQL database using python GUI application
6) Write a small program to retrieve value from MYSQL database using python GUI application


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