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Political Science & International

Lecture - 35

Marx theory of revolution

3. Feudal State: Here, the contradictory classes are Feudal lords and serfs. Some

process takes place and new relations of production develop. As a result, the class of

contradiction increases. Thus, giving rise to the next stage in history.

4. Capitalist state stage: The 2 contradictory classes are Bourgeoisie (capitalists) and

Proletariat (workers). A similar process of history takes place and society moves to

the next stage.

5. State of Socialism- According to Marx, capitalism has its inherent contradiction.

Thus, workers who were exploited in the system will go for revolution. They will

establish the socialist mode of production. In this stage, means are owned by the

working class. This stage denotes the dictatorship of the proletariat. The dictatorship

of the proletariat will work towards the establishment of communism where

ownership of means of production lies with the society.

Stage of Communism

 Once means of production or property are owned by the community, classes will

vanish and as a result, contradiction will vanish. The state is a class institution, it

always serves the interest of the dominant class. Once classes Vanish state is no more

required. This is the stage where the state will wither away. This is known as

communism. Hence, there will be an end to history.

 Marx believed that in "every epoch the ideas of the ruling class have been the ruling

ideas". It means the ideology promotes the status quo and exploitation and false

consciousness. Philosophers made ideas equivalent to God and ideology was raised to

the status of religion. Ideology became a secular religion. Ideology as well as religion

detached man from reality. Both perform similar functions. The effect of religion is

however greater than that of ideology. Marx described "Religion as the opium of


 For Marx, man created God and not vice-versa. The base and superstructure model
shows that religion and ideology are not autonomous. They are a reflection of
economic structure. They will work in the interest of class which controls the
economic structure. Thus, religion and ideology perpetuate exploitation. Hence, in
every age, the ruling ideas are the ideas supporting the ruling class.

 Hence, Marx wanted workers to not be misguided by ideologies or religion. They

should try to realize their real-life situation and they should attempt to change it.
He says that "it is not our consciousness which determines our existence rather it is
our existence that determines our consciousness".

 Marx wants that workers should understand their real exploitation and develop their
real consciousness which will inspire them to change the exploitative system i.e. to
change their material reality.

 History moves in a dialectical manner i.e., it moves because of conflict or as a result

of contradiction between the previous and new forces of production. It moves
because of conflict between existing classes. The progressive class is an exploited class
that wants to change the system. The change is not smooth, as those who were
benefitting from the previous system resisted changes leading to a violent revolution.


 New forces of production: They lead to the growth of new relations of production.
Changes keep on happening and these Changes come into conflict with the previous
order. A Situation comes into existence where the previous order cannot
accommodate new changes. Consequently, a new mode of production gets
established. The new stage is higher in truth i.e., more progressive in comparison to
the previous stage where quantitative changes become qualitative changes.


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