Course Outline in Thai and Bahasa

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### Week 1: Introduction to Thai Language and Culture

- **Lesson 1:** Introduction to the Thai language, alphabet, and pronunciation.

- **Lesson 2:** Greetings, wai (traditional Thai greeting), and basic expressions.

### Week 2: Personal Introductions

- **Lesson 1:** Introducing oneself (name, nationality, occupation).

- **Lesson 2:** Asking and answering personal questions.

### Week 3: Numbers and Time

- **Lesson 1:** Numbers 1-100, prices, and bargaining.

- **Lesson 2:** Telling time, days of the week, and daily routines.

### Week 4: Everyday Conversations

- **Lesson 1:** Common phrases for everyday situations.

- **Lesson 2:** Ordering food and drinks, the concept of "sanuk."

### Week 5: Family and Relationships

- **Lesson 1:** Talking about family members and marital status.

- **Lesson 2:** Describing people and relationships.

### Week 6: Food and Eating Out

- **Lesson 1:** Thai dishes, flavors, and ingredients.

- **Lesson 2:** Restaurant phrases, ordering meals, and dietary restrictions.

### Week 7: Shopping and Services

- **Lesson 1:** Shopping vocabulary, clothes, and colors.

- **Lesson 2:** Asking for and giving directions, transportation vocabulary.

### Week 8: Travel and Accommodation

- **Lesson 1:** Booking hotels and transportation.

- **Lesson 2:** Describing places, tourist attractions.

### Week 9: Health and Emergencies

- **Lesson 1:** Common sicknesses, symptoms, and visiting the pharmacy.

- **Lesson 2:** Emergencies, asking for help, and dealing with authorities.

### Week 10: Mid-Course Review and Practice

- **Lesson 1:** Review of vocabulary and grammar from Weeks 1-9.

- **Lesson 2:** Interactive speaking and listening activities.

### Week 11: Thai Culture and Customs

- **Lesson 1:** Festivals and holidays.

- **Lesson 2:** Do's and don'ts, understanding Thai etiquette.

### Week 12: Education and Work

- **Lesson 1:** Educational system and discussing occupations.

- **Lesson 2:** Job applications, work-related vocabulary.

### Week 13: Entertainment and Leisure

- **Lesson 1:** Hobbies, sports, and leisure activities.

- **Lesson 2:** Inviting, accepting, and declining invitations.

### Week 14: The Environment and Geography

- **Lesson 1:** Geography of Thailand, weather, and seasons.

- **Lesson 2:** Environmental issues and conservation efforts.

### Week 15: Social Issues and Current Events

- **Lesson 1:** Discussing current events and reading news articles.

- **Lesson 2:** Expressing opinions and thoughts on social issues.

### Week 16: Thai Literature and Media

- **Lesson 1:** Introduction to Thai literature, folktales, and poetry.

- **Lesson 2:** Thai media, films, music, and television.

### Week 17: Final Review and Practical Application

- **Lesson 1:** Comprehensive review of all topics covered.

- **Lesson 2:** Role-play scenarios, conversations, and oral presentations.

Each week could also include:

- Grammar focus (e.g., sentence structure, verb tenses, particles).

- Pronunciation practice (e.g., tones, vowel sounds, consonant clusters).

- Cultural insights (e.g., Thai norms, traditions, societal values).

- Interactive activities (e.g., role-plays, dialogues, games).

- Homework assignments (e.g., workbook exercises, essays, research on cultural topics).

- Assessments (e.g., quizzes, oral exams, group projects).

**Week 1-2: Introduction to Bahasa Indonesia**

- Greetings and introductions

- Basic vocabulary: numbers, colors, days of the week

- Basic sentence structures

- Pronunciation and intonation practice

**Week 3-4: Daily Life**

- Common expressions for daily activities

- Asking and giving directions

- Talking about daily routines

- Shopping phrases and vocabulary

**Week 5-6: Food and Dining**

- Food vocabulary and ordering in a restaurant

- Discussing preferences and dietary restrictions

- Indonesian cuisine and popular dishes

- Cooking terminologies and recipes

**Week 7-8: Travel and Transportation**

- Vocabulary related to travel and transportation

- Booking tickets and accommodation

- Asking for and giving directions

- Discussing past travel experiences

**Week 9-10: Family and Relationships**

- Family members and relationships

- Talking about family traditions and celebrations

- Describing people's appearances and personalities

- Expressing feelings and emotions

**Week 11-12: Work and Professions**

- Job titles and workplace vocabulary

- Discussing daily work routines

- Talking about future career aspirations

- Interview skills and job application phrases

**Week 13-14: Health and Wellness**

- Medical vocabulary and common ailments

- Expressing symptoms and seeking medical help

- Discussing healthy lifestyle habits

- Describing physical activities and exercise routines

**Week 15-16: Culture and Festivals**

- Indonesian cultural practices and traditions

- Major Indonesian festivals and celebrations

- Traditional arts and performances

- Cultural etiquette and customs

**Week 17: Review and Assessment**

- Review of all topics covered throughout the course

- Comprehensive assessment to evaluate language proficiency

- Feedback session and recommendations for further study

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