Repaso Vocabulary Ejer Odt

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1 Completa las siguientes oraciones con la preposición de movimiento correcta: into, out

of, through, across, along, around, over, under.

1.Por favor, reemplaza los guiones bajos con la preposición de movimiento que creas correct.

2.The cat jumped ____________ the table.

3.She walked ___________ the park on her way home.

4.He swam __________ the river.

5.They are walking _____________ the street.

6.The mouse ran _________ the room.

7.She looked __________ the window.

8.He climbed ___________ the ladder to reach the top shelf.

9.The dog crawled ________ the bed.

2 Completa los huecos con los adjetivos de sentimientos correctos en inglés. Los adjetivos que
puedes usar son: happy, sad, angry, excited, scared, bored.

1.When I passed my driving test, I felt so _______.

2.He didn’t do well on the test, so he’s really _______.

3.She’s _______ because her favorite team lost the game.

4.I’m _______ about going on vacation next week!

5.He’s _______ because he thinks there’s a monster under his bed.

6.She’s _______ because there’s nothing to do.

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