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~ man -;:ftfu-1986 ~ 3TTf1fu ~ ~ fcl~l(,ilff
The National Policy on Education-19 86
envisaged setting up of residential schools, to be
.. n_, __ ,u. 9i1 Tf{ t~~~ fcl~IWl qi"[~ called Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, that would
m 1l7:ll t afu -4 ~Wo m,ftur "!mf'ql3n "cfi1 mit BR ~ bring out the best of rural talent.
"lf2TIB'qq ~ ffl I It was felt that children with special talent or
~ ~ ~ 1T7:ll t fqi ~ Wd~ ~ cFl" 1:fi1"B
aptitude should be provided opportunities to
progress at a faster pace by making good quality
~ cFl" a;mcrr "cfi1 ~ ~ 1 &<f ~ ~ ~011(i:icfi man education available to them irrespective of their
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WR capacity to pay for it. Such education would
enable students from rural areas to compete
~ ~ ~ -u mit ~ ~1 ~man~ i;ni:ftuT mrrit<n with their urban counterparts on an equal
"cfi1 3m ~83 m mrrit<n q;- -mir ~m m ~ footing; seamlessly assimilating and integrating
them into the mainstream of the society.
'qT«f o~ ~ 7!J '5'fR ~ ~ man q;- a,hi ~ ~ The Navodaya Vidyalaya System which began as
a unique experiment, is today unparalleled in the
r. -~"--·"' >fUTTffi iJ:cfi" ~ ti ~ m
cFl" ~ m,ftur annals of school education in India and
Wd~ ~ "cfi1 ~8?1 ~ ~ ~· 1'flJ, -:;:.r:R 0~ ~ elsewhere. Its significance lies in the selection of
talented rural children as the target group and to
~ ~ ~ ~ 3TTf1fu 7!J '5'fR ~ ~Wo man provide them with quality education comparable
~ "Bl1R ~011(i:icfi man~ m
q;- m ~ f.lmf -%1 to the best in a residential school system.

"31.,.fc!. ~ ' f.!m ii "!ml:~ tf'ql - Moming Assembly at JNV Katinar, Bihar.

qjftfcfi ftl:TTi AnnualReport 2020-21

~.,.fcr. 'lTT'!l<m:, 3ffi11 -4" ~ maJT ~ - Computer Education Programme at JNV Golaghat, Assam.

~.,.fcr. <fifTR9Tl1, ~ ~ ~ 'lo'!-'llo'l - Digital teaching-learning at JNV Tamenglong, Manipur.

:::. rl ~ .l , rA ~ •• ;:;w n J.J n.1 rr1 er; 3 cle. ~ 61

Objectives of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

~ (% ~ :mit '~ fc:1Mc1ll' cflm lr:11 • To establish, endow, maintain, control and
• '%) ~ ~
~, .~ m
manage schools (hereinafter called
cfi8T, ~ 'Navodaya Vidyalaya') and to do all acts and

W-&lc!, ~ ;,:m: ~~ cf2TI ~ "B'lfr ffl cfi8T things necessary for or conducive to the
~ ~ fcll'.llc1£ff cfi" 'Be{${ "<t fui:i: 3JlcH<lcfi "llT ~ promotion of such schools which will have the
ti ~~ ~"9:cliRt:- following objectives:
y 1J&r~it°muT a)ifq;-"Slfu~~'cfiTffl >-- To provide good quality modern
-n-fi-=T ....4 f ~.,.,.f;,....,.._ -Aon~ -rrr s.= -P.rn education-including a strong component
'11'1.91'1. Cf"ll flil-\1 -ijcfi-,~-111~Cf"l l~IQ -,, v--,1·1 I'-.~. of culture, in . cu lca tlo
. n of values,
f<ir;:TT, :1°11,4cfi -3ll~ fuan m cfiB"l, ~ awareness of the environment, adventure
fll41f-ijcfi ~' 4<lftj{OI ~ "5lfu >Jli'l{c\cficil, fllt;focfi activities and physical education- to the
cfil4chc114 ~ ~11DRch man ~ 4t(('tj'i_Ul ~ talented children predominantly from the
cfil ~ "ITTI rural areas without regard to their
Y ~ 'lTT ~ "(fcfi ~ -m "CR "(fcfi "fl"4"R >TI~ . family's_ socio~~~onomic co~dition.
~~~ ~ ~ fu~ 9i1 ~~ m ;;-To provide facilities, at a suitable stage, for
31 instruction through a common medium,
viz., Hindi and English, all over the
';;> "B'lfl fc:1l'.l1c11::ff -<t -m if §.ffw4cha1 ~f1f¼=qa ffl country.
;.> To offer a common core-curriculum to
q ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~311 'cfi1 ~
ensure comparability in standards and
~~mm~ fui:i: ~-41q_ltil<lT cfi8TI m to facilitate and understand the common
,.. ~ ~ 'cfi1 ~ "0 fll41f-ijcf, ~ 9i"tam and composite heritage of our people.
~ -<t fui:i: ~ ~ -<t mm$n 'cfi1 ~ };-> To progressively bring students from one
~it ~q;-"(fcfi 'lWTil°~ 'lWT~~~I part of the country to another in each
';;, ~ ~ q;- ~ 31~ 'cfi1 ~~ school to promote national integration
and enrich the social content.
~ ~'qq ~ ~m311 -<t ~ ~-m &:rn >- To serve as a focal point for improvement
~ man 9i"t TTcNI ~ ~'!:Til: -<t fui:i: 1:fcfi ~ in quality of school education through
~ q;- ~ ~ ffl cfi8T I training of teachers in real life situations
fui:i: ~1311c:llfl and sharing of experiences and facilities.
• ~ fc:11'.llW-ff cfi' fcfmf$n q;- ~ q;-
~ cfiB1' ~ fcrchTT:{' W-&lc! q ~~ • To establish, develop, maintain and manage
hostels for the residence of students of
cfi"v,T I Navodaya Vidyalayas, thus fostering in them a
-<t ~ "ch1 '!fci -<t ~ ~ ITT,
• Bfi:ffe!
~ -<t fcnm '1ft 'lWT ~ ft.iffi 3R
oi 1c1~ lief,
~311 'cfi1 ~
positive attitude towards community living.
• To aid, establish and conduct other institutions
~m~,~~~~~ as may be required for the furtherance of the
Society's objectives in any part oflndia.
~ w:ft ~ cfiB1 -;;:rr ~ milfu -<t fcfim "llT "B'lfr • To do all such things as may be considered
• ~ 9i"t-q:_ffl cfi" ~ ~, \.11~·r1ch "llT m necessary, incidental or conducive to the
attainment of all or any of the objectives of the
~~I Society.

" . . · .•. ,~""'"f'~'1ot"""rF~ v~,~ "'i\;\,....-,.~ ,i;;,i:~~~~ ~rif~ ,:J1~~~~~~ '"""' '~~~t.lz,\ .,

a,fo~ ~-
---•.--~ ••~.:,,;;;i.,.~,;,,, ..,,,.,,..,, ••.••••..,.,~- !f;;.ct,;
A.nnua_!.1el?.f't. . ,.t..~o,2g-q1 ,,,,,,,,,,,A\~ . '·~··Y•~•~1~~:.~~.3'•i~~1~
. _,J.'!i..,~~~- .~-~~nt~~J~~~c~f.I!!ti
,.,, '' ~&flill.i.•••• i~ll, ••~,.-.,

;.ici)~q fcfe.JIMlif ch7" ~ fcf~lt:4cti~

Salient Features of Navodaya Vidyalayas
• ~.-::r.fu.~irowr:~cfi~"Qt•
~ ~ -wR Fcm-rf'$:n'cfil~<W<IBrwan cf, ~'1\ • JNVST: Entrance on the basis of Merit
~t~~~~-=q;r,,wanq;m~i~ Navodaya Vidyalayas draw their students
strength from talented children, selected on the
~ ~. fcrc!;m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~aJq;" ~ basis of a merit test, called the Jawahar Navodaya
3m >lmaJUT ~ &RT f4i<JT ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ wan-3n cnr Vidyalaya Selection Test, designed, developed
~ ~ ~fuan ~ &RT f4i<!T ~ ~i:man i, and conducted initially by NCERT and now by
CBSE. The test is held annually on an All India
~ 3lfuR;r ~ «R '1\ ~ ~ ~ ~ «R '1\
basis and at block and district levels. The test is
~ cii"t ~ !1 ~ wan fcitlll9<c:fi ~ qll-~ er~ i objective, class neutral and is so designed as to
~ W1I ~ ~ cfiT ~ % % ~ fiRfhm f4i<JT ~ ~ % ensure that rural children are not at a
• mGT'cnT3TTta;TUT
~,m, disadvantage while attempting it.
• Reservation of Seats
(q;) ~~cf,~~~ 75 ~ ~ mlTTUT &hf~ a) At least 75% of the seats in a district are filled by
candidates selected from rural areas and
~ 3'.i'RTT~ mT cf2TT "*r ~ ~ cf, mit &hf ~ remaining seats are filled from urban areas of the
~ 3'.i'RTT~ ~ ~~I district.
("&)~ ~3ffi~ "'1~cf>~cf,~~ b) Reservation of seats in favour of children
belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
91T 3ffi8;TUT ~~ ~ cfiT ->FH-l°&-ll cli" 31]%f -q' R<TT Tribes is provided in proportion to their
~t I ~ fcR:ft tjt ~ -q' ~ fcR:ft tjt ~ -q' population in the district concerned provided that
in no district, such reservation will be less than
~ 31]%f ( 15 ~ ~ ~ 3fu: 7.5 ~
the national average (15% for SC and 7.5% for ST)
~ "'1 ~) ~ ~ cf2TT 50 ~ (~ ~ but subject to maximum of 50% for both the
~ 3T:1. "'1 ~ aj ~) ~ 3TT% ~- ~ ~. categories (SC & ST) have to be taken together.
These reservations are interchangeable and over
~ 3ffi8;TUT ~ qf<qct..fllj t 3fu: ~ ~ ~ ct and above the candidates selected under open
3Rrfu ~ 3'.f'Rlf~ct ~ Bfll m, merit.
c) 27% reservation shall be provided to the OBC
Tf) ~ ~ 3fu; ~ "'1 ~ ct 3ffi8;TUT ct 3IBTcfr
students over and above reservation of SCs and
3'.f,fq,-;,rr, fcrnrf'$n cfi1 27% 3ffi8;TUT ~~~I STs. The reservation to the OBC students shall be
3'.f_fq_-;,rr, fcrnrf'$n ct ~ 3ffi8;TUT ~-w:r:r '1\ Brr_ implemented as per Central list, as applicable
from time to time. The OBC candidates not
~ ~ ct ~ Brr_~ ~I ~ ~ -q' included in Central list would apply as general
~ ;,eft. cf@ 3'.f.r:r.-;;rr. attjjc::cJ1< fIT1TRI 34llc:a,i candidate.
#~-q' ~m, d) Minimum One third of the total seats are filled by
(ef) ~~cf,~~~~3TI~~~t, e) There is a provision for reservation for ** Divyang
(~) ~ "(r,r.ff (~~. ~~cf~~) ct children (i.e. Orthopedically Handicapped,
Hearing Impaired and Visually Handicapped) as
~ 'qffif mcm ct F1lll-lljfil< 3ma;rur i, per GOI norms.
** ·~ n:_6ljr,m, • f.r9 mrr -q' ~ fcR:ft ~ ct m'1\ m- '1RT "" Blindness refers to a condition where a person
lTT7TT :- suffers from any of the following conditions
( I) "WT1f ~fc.2.~n.:ia, ; <TT (i) Total absence of sight; or
(ii)~~ 3raj -;tr -q' "Q3qj ct mP.T ~ ~ 6/60 <n (ii) Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200
(snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses;
201200 ~ 3TT%, m or
(iii)~#~ qf<fll1-J:rcnr~20 3ITT<n~~, (iii) Limitation of the field of vision subtending an
angle of20 degree or worse.

'Hearing Impairment' means loss of sixty decibels
·};* I~ fc:,ol{jlj('\\ • cfi1 ~ i fcF; ~ $1 clil <ij\{k(j{('\\ ~ **
or more in the better ear in the conversational
arq~ ~ cfiR ~ 60 <TT~ 3'.lf~ tft:lo@ clil 8-ffil I range of frequencies.
;, '
• •7<
I ) ' ) r •
___'JIIE>I • { qf,~ill\)•
;,,-:+ <TT 1-l\l:- ...4-
*" 'Locomotor disability' means disability of the
bones joints or muscles leading to substantial
fcli:fii:'lil\al cfi 'qz;:@ 61~ itU cfi ~ ~ fcm'q ~ <TT restriction of the movement of the limbs or any
, ,;, ,:,Ri,,?1 cfi ~<TT~~~ form of cerebral palsy.
*" 'Person with disability' means a person suffering
'Ra:rtrT cllfc@' cfi1 ~ i fcFifcnm cm-clil fqi:fii:'li•1a1 it from not less than forty percent of any disability
40 ~ "B cfil=l 1 m 3m: m F-i:lfchct-l1f"t1cfim ~ as certified by a medical authority.
~fcFi<:rTTJ<TT"irl • Co-educational Residential Schools
• f.r:~ wra_n-cfi ~ ~ -~ 3ilcm:fta n.••••• ::Jll with Free Education fcF; ~ lll~ fua:rr ~ ~ ~ t, Navodaya Vidyalayas are affiliated to CBSE and
provide free residential quality education to
cfi'8Jl-6 ~ cfi'8Jl- l 2 (fi:fi" WTTUl $r ~ ~ ~ cfil
talented children predominantly from rural areas
f.f :~ fua:rr ~ ~ i'1 ~ ~ i=i cfi'8J[-6 ~ ~ from Class-VI to XII. Entry into Navodaya
'G-i: ffl ~ w~-w~ ~ ffl ~ ~ ~ cfi'8J[-9 m Vidyalayas is made in Class-VI with lateral entry
cfi'8Jl-11 i=i Kc@ ~ , ~ cnW m, i=i ~ w:n ~ i1 ~ in Classes- IX & XI against vacant seats, if any.
~~W-~a;!cfi ~~t. m-q~ ~ Each Navodaya Vidyalaya is a co-educational
residential institution providing free boarding
~ 3=JlcITT1, ~. ~-~. B@1 mmrr ol'.TI tR ~-~ ~
and lodging, free school uniforms, text books,
stationery and to and fro rail / bus fare to
c81T{i1o~, cfi'8J[-9 ~~-12 (f'i:fi'~~~ 600/- m students. However, a nominal fee@ Rs.600 /- per
>lfu ~ cfil ~ ~ ~ fcrcl;m f.w-1 ~ ~ i=i

;:;i::i.fcl. ~. 3TT!1'l ii ~ 31ur:R ~ - Intensive Learning Programme at JNV Jorhat, Assam.

i::i I ftfc,fi ftq)i 4,nn,.ua,(Repo
RJ:.Jfe1f@a mw«r >ITtq ~ q;- 3IBJqT 3:p:r fcrnrf$i'/ ~
IB<TT~i, month is charged from the students of Classes-
IX to XII as Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi except from
I. cfi>m-6 B 8 ?191 q;- ~ fcmr~ the students of following exempted category.
2-~~~ 1. All students from Class-VI to VIII.
3. ~~ct fcmr~ 2. All Girl students.

4. ~ ~ ~ q;-fcmr~ 3. Students belonging to SC Category.

4. Students belonging to ST Category.
5. ffl U9T "B -;:fit1 q;- 1lfumr c!i' ~
5. Wards of Below Poverty Line families.
W~ ~ c!i'~, mcmt tj,tf;:i1Rlf'ict~"B<-Tror~. In respect of wards of Government employees
1500/- 'l1fu ~ 3il!rc'!T cll«ifcltj, oTTB fu&rr 'ITTfl ~'q'fqcf; &RT other than exempted category, VVN is charged
~fc8:iT"1R9Tffi~ ~cfi.:r"ITT, fcmrwrfcrcr,mf.,f~q;-~ either @ Rs.1500/- per month or actual
Tfffl~J Children Education Allowance received by the
parent per month whichever is less.
• fiNnTI" W cfiT 31jQ I M-f
• Adherence to Three-Language Formula
~ fcmrw:r *r,r i{ ~ ~q;- ~ cfiT ~ i I The Scheme of Navodaya Vidyalayas provides for
~ ~ ~ Tf ~ "1R cm;ft ~ 'l:rf1'iT fcrnrf$i'/ q;- ~ implementation of the Three Language Formula.
~ 'B ~ i, wft ~ fcmTWri Tf fir'l:rf1'!T-~, 3i~ m The third language taught in Hindi speaking
districts is linked to the migration of students. All
'l:rf1'!T, ~ 3fu ~ q;-fu&lUT cfiT ~ fcli<TT ~ i, Navodaya Vidyalayas follow the Three Language
• fu&rr cfiT l'.l'W:n=r Formula i.e. Regional language, English and Hindi.
c'fi'&TT-7 '1T c'fi'a.-TT-8 ?191 fu&rr cfiT l:JT'l:2lll ~/ffl 'l:rf1'iT mill • Medium oflnstruction
i, Wcfi Wq@ ~~ ~ fcmTWri Tf fu&rr cfiT ~ B'9R The medium of instruction is mother-
tongue / regional language upto VII or VIII Class.
l:JT'l:2lll ~/~ '@TT i, Thereafter the common medium would be
• r$~ctrfcrcnm Hindi/English in all Navodaya Vidyalayas.
~ fcmTWri cfiT ~ V<TTR *r,r q;- l:!Ttzm 'B ~ • Promotion of National Integration
'C%'ill q;-~ cfi1 fcrcf,ft:IB cfiBT i, V<TTR ~ 31R ¾-~ Navodaya Vidyalayas aim at inculcating values
of national integration through migration
~ ~ cfi' ofRr fcrnrf$:rr cfiT 1:%" ~-m ~-~ t scheme. Migration is an inter-regional
~ cfi>m-~ Tf 1:%" ~ cfcf ct ~ ffl %, fc!fcmcrr ii exchange of students between Hindi and Non-
Hindi speaking districts, which takes place for
cf,1 ~ ~ 'tj,T ~ t-r 31R fcmR ~ ct
one academic year in Class-IX. Efforts are made
l:!Ttzm 'B Wf,& lcl{l.ii@tj, fcromf cfil' ~ cfi1 fcfc!lft:@ c'fi'B to promote better understanding of the unity in
31R ~ t-r cji' w:im ~ ~ t, diversity and to develop and promote
understanding of the rich cultural heritage
• ~~ fcrn.JrMlffcf>l" ~i:lf~ra through various activities.
~ fcmrw:r ~ 'lR q;- mtITUT $rr Tf W-IB !1 ~ ~ • Location of JNVs
fcmrwr cf,1 ~ ct mcfiR cfi1 ~ 'qq,'f W!for qi°
~I ~ Navodaya Vidyalayas are located in rural areas
across the country. For the setting up of a
~ ~ ~ 1R ~~ ~ ~ ~ 'qq,'f f.mrur cji'~ Navodaya Vidyalaya, the State Govt. has to
~lJui~~~fflt, provide cost free land for construction of school
building at permanent site and rent free
temporary building.

"':,,....;.,..· ~,. "f'" E'l-1:;'q·.-.,...,,.,.

~ Navodaya Vidyataya Samtti

Glcllt\< .Wcllc(ti P!iUIM~ lfil' .•a•••• sa

As per the policy of the Government, one Jawahar
mcfiTT clil ~ cfi ~ ~ m -q ~ ~_,{_fq_ ~ Navodaya Vidyalaya is to be established in each
fcl;<:n "fAT "t1 ~. (1fi-lf1'11~ ~~~~~-if 661 district. Accordingly, 661 JNYs have been
~.-;i.fct ~~TN. ti~ 661 ~.-;i:fcr. -q 62 ~.-;i:fcr. ~ sanctioned across the country except-Tamil Nadu
2016 -q ~~TN. f1 ~ ~/~ ~ state. 661 JNYs include 62 JNYs sanctioned in 2016,
clil ~ ~ q@ m' -q 20 ~ ~.<{.fq. am 03 20 additional JNVs sanctioned in the districts having
large concentration of SC/ST population and 03
m' -q 03 ~ ~.;,.fq_ ('l-\'fuTp), ~
?:{~ ~ additional JNYs in 03 districts i.e. Senapati
( 'l-l'fuTp) ~ ~ ( 'tl't'.Zf ~) -q ~ ~ cfi ~ -q (Manipur), Ukhrul (Manipur) & Ratlam (Madhya
~ t I ~ fc!WW-l cfi ~ cn~3TI, ~a;lT, Pradesh) as special case. Each Vidyalaya has
provision for a full-fledged campus with sufficient
~ ~. -$ R-cn8J cf~ aA '1f1lllc:J ~m3li
building for classrooms, dormitories, staff-
~ ~ cfi ~' cfil4~11(113TI, 3,«1cfi1(1ll ~ \P-il11~11(113TI quarters, dining-hall and other infrastructural
~cfi~~ mit~~immcfi1~ facilities viz. play-grounds, workshops, library
-%1 ~ ~ fclill(141° ~ '@ffi 'cfi'T ~ ~ ~ cfi and labs etc. The opening of new Navodaya
~ ~ ~ 311mfuf men t
fcfi % rc1i11(1ll cfi ~ Vidyalayas is based on the offer from the State
Government to provide around 30 acres of
30 ~ ~ (~ i::fTlffi cfi 311'1:TT\ ~ ~ ~)
suitable land (relaxable on case to case basis)
R:~ ~ ~ cfi m~-m~, fc1ill<.'lll cfi1 ~ Wfi free of cost, alongwith sufficient temporary
t@Rcfi~~~'lffl'cfi'T~'l:lcfi'tlft~Wfi accommodation to run the school till the
~ fclW(1ll ~~ 'lffl'cfi'Tf.rmD1~~61\!f@ll completion of permanent Vidyalaya building.

fcJ..:iicfi 31.3.2021 ocn .:ictld.<-4 fc1©1H41 cfiT r..,..1 m


~if;i\\,\!it'if,t1!". i ei<,,"i,'¾\i$;;;,;.;::c'l.t4¥t:1'jli;(iH¾½#ilffil:;;%%!lHJW~~'lll""'~
•........•... -..'{· ... ~- .. · ...,, ··t~
~lf~6p .ft::!)i __An,~!'~!!~PJ'lJ.~929-~t_ .
, _ -•{f§j ~ ~~!ytq ~ Navodaua

-3-l:!,½fi.:Hf ~ lzci -~j,ftfili'I ~ ~ ~ ~~

~'1f_";:j"_fu, 3TTT~'1f.,.fu. chl'~ List of Additional JNVs Sanctioned in Districts having
large concentration of SC & ST Population and Special
Sanctioned JNVs
...... '34:(fJ.fili'f ~ ~ ~ 7S fc;rQ:
,j.j@Rcki ~ ~ ~ f'•• 2,,
. •.•• ,, Additional JNVs Sanctioned for SC /
Large Concentrated Population Districts /
I. ~ State District Year /
~ 2008-09 1. Punjab Amritsar 2008-09]
2. ~
~ 2008-09 2. Karnataka Gulbarga 2008-09/
~ 2008-09 3. Andhra Pradesh
4. Prakasam 2008-09/
~ 2008-09 4. Madhya Pradesh
5. Ujjain 2008-091
TffiPl 2009-10 5. Jharkhand
6. Palamu I
TT"l/T 6. Bihar 2009-l0i
7. 2009-10 Gaya
efa;rur 24 1TDRJ 7. West Bengal 2009-10/
2009-10 South 24 Paraganas
~ 2009-10/
2010- l l 8. Jammu & Kashmir Jammu
9. ~ ~ 2010-11 9. Rajasthan 2010-11 i
_IO_ "3"W ~----·-· ~ 2012-1.L_; /
10. Uttar Pradesh
2010-11 I
i -3-lj,f!,filct ~ ~ ~ ~ 7S fc;rQ: r Additional JNVs Sanctioned for ST
~-- _ 3i@Rcki ~ ~ ~ fc1e.11~;.r !
Large Concentrated Population Districts I

· ;F;.B. zr~ r'-'1Mr q1':f


State District
I. ~ ~ 2008-09 1. Gujarat Year 7
Dahod 2008-09
2. ~ ~ 2008-09 2. Rajasthan
3. l:T'tZ/ "!l"W ~:m. 2008-09 Banswara 2008-09
3. Madhya Pradesh Jhabua
4. ~ ~ 2008-09 2008-09
4. Maharashtra Nandurbar
5. ~ ~ 2008-09 2008-09
6. 61[~ "!l"W ~ 2008-09 5. Jharkhand Pakur 2008-09
6. Andhra Pradesh
7. ~ 1i "&Tm rn:=B 2008-09 Khammam 2008-09
8. 7. Meghalaya East Khasi Hills
<!il'.ff ~ 2008-09 2008-09
9. 8. Assam Karbi Anglong
~ 2009-10 2008-09
9. Chhattisgarh Dantewara
2009-10 110. Odisha 2009-10
'--·· ··-·····--······- - -- ····-· -·· ··--·-··----·-··-·-- - .. - ---·-··· -- .. ---J ~---- Malkangiri 2009-10
~ ~ 7S 3-ITTITT" -qr 03 ~.,.fu. :
mfu-2 (~)As special case 03 JNVs: Senapati -II (Manipur),
~-2 (-i:rfirrT:) 2013-14-3ffi~-2 (l:T'tZl"!l"W) 2018_19 Ukhrul-Il (Manipur) 2013-14 and Ratlam-II (Madhya
Pradesh) 2018-19.

;;f,1.fe!. ~-2, ~ cli1 ~ I ;;f.1.fc!. ~, 31Wl -q° ~-19 ~ ct c,RR ~ mtf!it <nT fe!i-Rur1
Laying Foundation Stone of JNV Pakur-Z, Jharkhand. Distribution of essential items during COVID-19 Pandemic at JNV
Jorhat, Assam.

Admission in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is made
~ ~ fct~1z:;p~1· ii m ~ i:rr~ ma.-u mi WU
on the basis of a Selection Test, designed and
~ "if<R 1TTta.-TI ~ Wm<: 1TT WTI ~ % I ~ -qfta_.u ~ conducted by the CBSE. The test is called the
~ ~ fcrolWl "if<R ,roa;n (~.1,fq, "if<R ,roa;n) q;m Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test
~ ti ~ "q<R iroa;n q½f11Si3 ~ ~ ~ ii mm
i 11~ (JNVST). It is of non-verbal nature, class-neutral
~ <!6 ~f1fNa ~~ ~%<IT~ifcnlJPTTUT ~~ and designed so as to ensure that talented children
mer~~. f<fim ~~ ~ m ~ iroa.-u ii \lfo¼:.;1 from rural areas are able to compete without facing
any disadvantage. Special care is taken to ensure
cITT m1 ~"l@cfiTfcml'l'l:Z!R-ra1~tfcn~-~~ that children from far flung areas get admission
lJT1TTUT ~ ~ ~, 3Ticl"0--q;r f.RT f<fim ~ ~ f.l :~ forms free of cost, without any difficulty. Sufficient
~ 'cITT ml~' 3-Jlcfil~iqlO!l, ~ ~ "G;IT, ~ publicity is done through Doordarshan, All India
-q;n ~ i:rr~ ~ ~ fcrolWl ~am~~~~ Radio, local newspapers, pamphlets, Vidyalaya
ii~ rc1~1wi1 ~ m?Jcfil' am i;i~ ~ ~ ~ i:rr~ ~ websites and through visits of Principals and
teachers of Navodaya Vidyalayas to the local schools
~ 1F!R fcf;m ~ ti ~'ITT~ fc!f~ ~.1,fq, ii cf,a;TI-6 ii
of the district. All over India 25,43,459 students
ffl ~ qc\ 2020-21 "cfi1 ~ ,roa;n ~ IBlJ, 25,43,459 applied for admission in Class-VI in various JNVs
fcmrf$TI' ~ 3Ticl"0 %<ITI ~ ~ fc:mlf$n "cfi1 ~ for 2020-21 Selection Test. The total students were
2s ,43 ,459, iroa;n ii '>WT ffi cmq fc:mlf$TI' "cfi1 ~ 19 ;n ,354 registered 25,43,459, Appeared 19,27,354 &
11'<-TI ~ fcmrf$TI' ctft ~ 4 5 ,2 91 tI Selected 45,291 students.
To appear in the Selection Test, a candidate has to
~ fct~IW-11° ii ffl ~ ~-1TTt83l ii~ ~ IB"Q, ~
fulfill the following eligibility conditions :
cfi1 'tff;@l ctft.f1l-,Jf~forn 1ffil 1iU cfivTT mm ~I
---········-··-·· ... -
-·- --·-· - ---- ··------ - ···---·-··-·-------------· -----·--·-·--··- ---- .
~.';f.fu, ~ -qfta_n 2020-21 it -aia_TT-6 it
~.';f.fu, ~ "Qfta_n 2020-21 it qia_lT-6 it m ti! ~ w¢*'-rr en1 -tj~ rcrcmrr
Region-wise Candidates :Registered in
Region-wise Candidates Appeared in
JNVST 2020-21 Class-VI
JNVST 2020-21 Class-VI

~ ¼~f{,'Jq ~ - ~a1JOdaya Vidyalaya Samiti
·H,~-. ,r ,c'ilt_ ~~-·. :;:_.,,~,· :i:f/r'' · ''''ll',l;.~.fl,."r'1';~•",··"~ ''• :,,, ", • .· ,
,,,,·.1;,,1, . ,,,, ,,,, ,;1,_ .,;,,
~1"~'.,i;\'i::t~'"'t•t'ilt~~~~;,,,1i· . ,.,.·r~!.i.~.d::a.;1;~f;i.!.;1/::i'£':i!JJ11l~
~m '3afl ~cm'i ~ ~
For All Candidates
( en ) ~ -nft f;rB ~ ~ ~ ~ fffil: 3TTck,:r 'cn"B ~
(a) Only candidates from the district where the
im "ITTit ~ f;rB -q' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'311
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya has been opened
%1 o2TTf1l ~ f;rB-q ~ ~ ~ ~ Tf<TT
are eligible to apply for admission. However, in
%, ~ ~ -q' ~ f;rB cfiT fcr~ ~ R<TT ~ i'l1 tthe district where the JNV is opened and is
~ ~ ~ -q' WM ~ fffil: f;rB cii't Tr.ft bifurcated at a later date, the old boundaries of
rfii:TT;m cfi1 'ITT~ <TT ~I 7W ~ ~ -q' Bf1l
the district are considered for the purpose of
ffl t~ ,en ~ ~ fq'qITT@' ~ -q' 3l'l:IT eligibility for admission in the JNVs. This applies
~ ,ITT ~'311 t I
to cases where new Vidyalaya has not yet been
( ~) '9<R Wll:IT -q' 'qJlT cB 9@ ~ c!i1 -nft ~ ~ started in the newly bifurcated district .
~ fci;- ~ WM B11 ~ i, ~ ~~ ~ -q' (b) Candidates appearing for the selection test must
fcnm tITTi'mffficf;ffi ~ >IJ1:G <TT ~ l-Jl-<-l<1ISIIC{f be studying in Class-V for the entire academic
~ -q' 3l~ ~ ffi8:TT '3TT'q!f'R <ITTRr ~ 3IB7@ session in a Government/Government-Aided,
f:fim ~ -q' ~~ ~ ~ fcm1w:it fu&TT other recognised school or 'B' Certificate
~ ~ I ~ t 'l,11=ITUT- 1:/?f ~ 9 / 0 <j sfi l.f -q' cfi'8:Tf-5 -q' Competency Course of National Institute of Open
~3l~"ITT,T~J Schooling, in the same district where he/ she
fcnm ~ cfi1 o'l:IT J.JH<1iSll'-<l BAT~, <rR ~ seeks admission.
Wcf,R &RT <l'T mcliR qiT 3ffi ~ mf~ fcnm ~ A school will be deemed to have been recognised if
&RT J.J i-<-l <1 I SI I '-<l ~ ~ Tf<TT 'ITT I ~ ffi8:TT '3TT'q!f'R it is declared so by the Government or by any
qi" 3IB7@ ~ q)B fqE.JJ("f 1.if cfiT Wcf,TT <l'T ~ &RT other agency authorized on behalf of the
'SITT~~ &RT~ "ITT,T ~ i1 ~ ~' Government. Schools, where students have
~ fcrnl~ ~ ~ ~ fqE.J)(1lIT ~ ~ ~ ~ obtained 'B' certificate under National Institute of
"!,l"J:ffUT 1:/?f ~ ~ 'ITT ~ ~ ~ ljc@ fqE.JJC"llIT Open Schooling should have accreditation of
full:IT ~ &RT ~ "ITT,T ~I ~ ~ NIOS. A 'candidate must successfully complete
WM-1ff cfi'8:TT-5 cii't W8:TT ~ qiT TI;ft ~ I Class-V. Actual admission in Class-VI will be
wm m
cflll:IT-6 'tj' qJB'jfqcf; V<ffi t,
1R R<TT ~ subject to these conditions.

m 2020-21 ~ ~ cna,IT-6 -q
wm ~ ~ ~ fcmrm ~ 2 o 2 o- 21 ir cna,rr-6 ir ~ cfiFf
Region-wise Candidates Selected for admission ~ ~ fei E.ll&tlfi cfiT ti'~ fcrernrr
for the session 2020-21 Class-VI Region-wise details of session 2020-21
Class-VI Conducted in Total JNVs


F=4~_1<il':' ~~·~Et ,~avoday~ Vidyq.laya Samiti

A candidate seeking admission must be within
( lT ) ~ ~ ~ ~ i:!rnTT i ~ ~ 9 'B 13 ~ ( c)
the age group of 9 to 13 years. This is applicable
~ ~ m;fi ~I <N ml ~tjt qlJT ct \kl.1lfo1.ff 1l\
to candidates of all categories, including those
~ mm i. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ who belong to the Scheduled Castes(SCs) and
~~~ tjt~i1 Scheduled Tribes (STs).
(~) ~~~~K-'I tjt~ aJ;f i'fWTTlfcfim (di A candidate claiming admission from rural quota
'1ft cfim-3, 4 ~ s i'f a:i~ %"l!T m. ~ ~ must have studied and passed Classes- III, IV and
V from a Govt./Govt. Aided/ recognised school
.:fRT ~I~ aJ;f ~ i ~ ~ 2011 cITT Zi111!0l1i -q
spending one full academic session each year in a
"l:!T ~ ~ mcfiTU a:if~ ~ ~ aJ;{ tffi1'IB
school located in a rural area.
~ ~ t1 ~ "Btjt ~ qil mmuT aJ;f -i:iR1 ~I (e) A candidate who has studied in a school located in
( ~ ) 1JTlTI1l1 ~-q ffl -qR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q"ql an urban area even for a single day of a session in
-q' wmm: ~ ri -q ~ mcfiTUtmcfim any of the Classes-Ill, IV or V, will be considered
B-311.1cil!:H'-<1/l-ll.-l.lci1Sll'-<1 ~ °ll' cfia.TT- 3, 4 3ffi: 5 cITT as an Urban area candidate. Urban areas are
iroanan cfiT ~ %"l!T m am: Wd ~ ~ 1l11l ~a_-wllcfi
those, which are so notified in the 2011 Census or
through a subsequent Government Notification.
m mmuT aJ;f i'f ~ %"ll1 "ITT I All other areas will be considered as rural.
(~) ~~ ~~~~m'llm'30 ~'B1l_cT A candidate who has not been promoted and
wmt cfian i'f -;:i ~ 1"J<JT cfian-s ll' m am:
-;:i m (f) admitted to Class-V before 30th September, is not
R"lf! 1"J<JT "ITTI eligible to apply.
No candidate is eligible to appear in the JNV
< \S{ ) ~ tjt wm=i
i'f cnW '1ft ~ ~ iroan ll' ~ m{ (g)
Selection Test for a second time, under any
~ cfiPTI:l ~ mrrTI

Reservation: Please see page-4.

;;J.''!.fc!. ~- ~ if ~ ~ - Atal Workshop at JNV Nagpur, M.S.

q,r 1986-87 "it 2020-21 "'° <fi&rr-6 <r; IBll; ~ ~
f<1em1" ~ lffi&rr if~ 1TI1: flmr,ff
Students Selected through JNVST for Class-VI Admissionl986-87 to 2020-21

';;f.~.fu. ~. ~ -if ~ ~ ~ - Vigyan Jyoti Programme at JNV Dehradun, Uttarakhand


Composition of the Test

wa,n cFiT ~ The medium of the Test (JNVST) will be in any
i:m8;Tl c~.,.fcr'G<R i:m8;TI) cfiT i:i1Ul11 ;m"~ cfft ll{ 20 '11flTI3lt language out of 20 languages as notified & to be
i=i~'cfiW~'l1flTimrIT~3M'mW!W1fi<'9Rfcfilll~ I decided b)' the condidate.
'1f ..:r.fu.w.:R Wa,TT7ifi~-~ - cfia,TT-6 Exam. Papers of JNVST Class-VI
Time Weightage
~ f.fmftn ~ . 3fcfi Subject .,
60 Minutes 50%
~ W<IBT 60 fi::Rc 50 % . M~;,_t~-Ability
3OMinutes 25%
~ 30 fl::Rc 25 % Arithmetic
3OMinutes 25%
'lWTT 30 fl::Rc 25 % Language
636 ~.-;,.fct if f.11-1f~f@1 fufum cfi1" °;jf,.,-,fu. ~ ~ q;r In 636 JNVs, the JNV Selection Test was Conducted on
~fcfim<rm: !nt4<file1i-i °;jf,.,-,fu. -i:rfu:.11.01.2020 cfil"~ following dates : Summer Bound JNVs on 11.01.2020
and Winter Bound JNVs on 07.11.2020.
nibx1~1::. °;jf,"f.fu. -q 'fu:. 07.11.2020 cfi1" I

~ 1~ ~ -if:;r.rcr. ~ W8_1r · Medium/ Languages in which

3-1lll1f'11a col ~ t: JNVST is Conducted
~ 12. ~ (~ fmq) 1. Assamese 12. Manipuri (Bangla Scrip~)
2. WTT"ffi 13. mrat 2. Bengali 13. Marathi
3. mm 14. ~ 3. Bodo 14. Mizo
4. ~ ~ 4. English 15. Nepali
5. TTm 16.
5. Garo 16. Oriya
6. ~ ¢mm 6. Gujarati 17. Punjabi
7. it,:a.1' 7. Hindi
18. "fffm.f 18, Tamil
8. ~ 8. Kannada
19. ~ 9. Khasi 19. Telugu
9. ~
10. ~ 10. M~layal~m 20. Urdu
11. 11. Manipud (fyleitei Mayek)
' . ~
';jf,,.fu. ~ '<:fia,-TI-6 ~ wm: ~ ~ fqiJ(("\4 ~ JNVs where JNVST -2020 was not conducted for
"Qfta,n - 2 O 2 O cfiT ~~ t* Class-VI
~ fcroTw:r # ;m'~ 80 fcrnlf~ cfi1 cfiBJl-6 ~ ffl fc::q'T A maximum of eighty students are admitted in
~ t, ~ fcn <TITI! \.lflllfW:i'i 3fu: fcrnlf~ cfi1 3TTc!m m Class-VI in each Vidyalaya subject to availability of
~ cfft 3,1~~ ~1:ITT( ~ 'ITTI ~ ~ ~'l:l'TW eligible candidates and infrastructural facilities, to
~ 31'~ ~ <m9 ~.,.fct # ~ 40 fcrnlf~ cfi1 ffl fc::q'T ~ house the candidates. In the absence of adequate
% m ft!ffi__,~ fcroTw:r ~ fcrnlf~ cfi100 cfft '1ft ~m phys~cal facilities,_ the number of admissions is
1 · ftlffi it40 restricted to forty m some schools. Due to non-
~ -:,m' ~' '"31 ~ ~ ~ "q'<f'! ,roBJ[ availability of accommodation even to house forty
~-:,m cfft ~ %1 ~ f1i=-if~f©ct ~ -q ~~ children in a Vidyalaya, the JNVSTwas not conducted
fcroTw:r "q'<f'! -WBJI 2020-21 ~ ~ ~ ";fITT cITT ~I in the following districts during 2020-21.
Regions States JNVs
r:NTTT ~ ';jf_,fu.
1. Bhopal Madhya Pradesh Agar Malwa
~ "J:[1:Zl ~ 3llR ~
1. Badayun
~ '3m~ ~ 2. Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
fmajrr ~~ ~~ 3. Shillong Arunachal Pradesh Kurung Khumey

~f~.~ ~~-1%,~ ~~~ ~·~~i:ttl!\tii.'l~,,,,~&,1Mt'/1Jl'MJA~ 'ti'-.#
; ,f~ i"'C, .
%,,.,,,cti .,,,cfi fttni
,,,. ir1:-,,., Ann.'fal,
,,;,•.t•h,.,.,;,;,.;,~,,s, •,x,,,,,,.,;,,\,,,1
Rep~,t ~p20,
Z,1, .,:,tJ,4'. ~~~"··~
-.;t:i,1;,:..,...,~ cif.. ''·~
·'''· .•,)·~,
B,~ 1 \~,"~
~~ •. •Ji:. i"'"""''.k""".~.,,,,.~
,,, ,,.~j"''· ~~,C~. ~~~~~<l]!~. VidY,~!~~~--~~~iti
~ .. · ' · ~'<i?.c}t>,i''</+.·1.-.,,,.;
·---·.~~*~~---·---·----"'"'""~·'"'"2""'1~---"' ' ' ' ~- , ,.•..~ , "·"'"''''
: i'iqi~{ -ii:flc{lf fcl©i("f4( if ~--;ftfu 'q;f ma,rco fqq{or
cfi&f(-6 '2fi fc.m:
fu. -mr,:r 'tl'TT&rf

~.-~.m. if cfl&n-6 if wm :!&l ~ 'B ~~mu qfo:fif'c,q('J JNV Selection Test for Class-VI
3fu ~ ~ 'Rt&n cli" ;m~ ~ fc!;-m ~ i1 ~ W&n 'cfi1
Admission in JNVs is mainly open to Class-VI on the
~ ~ fcmJwr ~ 'Rt&n (~.,.m:~.'IT.) cflITT ~ it basis of Selection Test designed and conducted by an
external agency. The test is called the Jawahar Navodaya
~ 'Rt&n, ¾ 't!Tfurct;, ~, cfl&n ~ '('[?.TT ~ fcmJwr
Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST). It is of non-verbal
Tifi:rfu mu ~ qi" ~: mtftuT &ho' "B ~~ fcmrf$:rr
c!iT Wt.fR c!iT -3-llcl~l-lcfirn nature,mm -t,
class neutral and suit the requirement of
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti to identify the talented
cn&Tf-9 ir ~ ~ q,n>cfcn-~ 'tf'TT8;TT
students predominantly from rural areas of the districts.
~.,.m. ii ~ -3TI~ 'IFf ~ ~ ~ ~?:.flan cflT Lateral Entry Test for Class-IX
~ ~ ~ cfi ~' cfl&TT-10 cnT WR~' ftc@ ~
In order to optimally utilise the infrastructure and staff
cfi1 ~ 1TT7 &TT ~ "1U "1'@T I t
facilities available in JNVs, vacant seats, if any, in
cfi&TT-11 if 41~cfq, ~
Class-IX are filled up through Selection Test.
~ ~.,.m. if~ ~ zj ~.,.m. fcmrf$:rr 'B ~ cf, Lateral Entry Admission to Class-XI
~~~Re@~, ~~"ITT(ff, qi"~~~'B After filling up the available seats with JNV students in
~ wiB qi" l1'T-am 'B, an~ fc!;-m "1'@T i '('J?..Tf Class-XI in each JNV the remaining vacant seats, if any,
a¼l"ci1<Y 'cfi1, cfle.-n-1 lcnT ~ iroe.-na:ff if ffl ~ <fi ;m~ are notified centrally through online portal and
~ w:rf.rn fc!,m ~ t, candidates are selected for admission based on the
performance in Class-X Board Examinations.
~ fq,;ilQcli~ MainFeatures
• for'512('jlcfi{OI 1T@~ ~ cfl&TT-6 if~ cii" ~ ~.,.fcr:i:l.'!T. • As a part of digitalisation initiative the process for
' ~~ ~. ..:. ~ cli" fun ~ 1W applying for JNVST for admission to Class-VI, Lateral
'SI ~,as, ~", ""1-9 " '"" '"' """~ &IT"'" Entry Selection Test foe Class-Ix and Lateral Entry
cfl&TT-11 B' Wffi cli" ~ 1TITNcFi W&TT cflT fH('jlcf>{Uj fc!;-m Admission Class-XI, has been simplified through
Tfl.TI t~~ B Wffi aj 3fRft! ~ ~ qcfl c!iT online process right from seeking application to
'-!'l1<-t1q1~-T -<=t>J
-.-. ~- ~ f. F<;('[
>tlst><-il mu1641 c · ~ i<=t><-il ~ .:ti:\. I finalisation of admission.
, . cf> 1'1 ,. cf> cli" • Human interference is only at the time of final
• cficIB fcmTwr ~ Wffi ~ 'ITT '-;Rt/ \Jfl ~ admission in the school for the physical verification of
~ ~ raa,rq fc!;-m ~ i1 documents.
• ~'ITT: ~- cfi"ITT' <i:ft 'B<i:TT ei;- ~ ~<q I • Easy accessibility to all anywhere in the country.
• V<ffi ~ ~.Rf 'B-.ft fcrcwrr ,.m.'B. ~ (www.navodaya. • All details related to admission are available on the '1\ ~ t, NVS Website (
\if3,fu:~.'Q'. ~~ JNVST Coaching
~.,.m. ~ 3wAf;;ra fcrf'lA Tffif-R~ Tffufcef'~ if 'B ~.,.m::;=.r. Various Pace-setting Activities are organized in JNVs.
-er. ~8:TUT ~~it ~.,.m. if R:W'cf>" ~8:TUT~ As a part of pace setting activities the students who
'cf>"imi:i 3wAf;;ra c!iT ~ t, ~
6"f fcmrf$:rr cli" ~ ~ fcfi<:rr w~re re~istere~ for JNVST are provided with proper

. ' . onentat10n/ guidance to appear for the test. Free

Tf<:1J l'.lT ~ ~.1.fcr.''i:f."CT. ~ ~ ~ fcfi<:rr l'.lT f:iRm '3'1cflT JNVST Coaching classes were conducted in JNVs. It
~ ~ -;;rr rrci;- izci' ~ fcmrf$:rr cfiT ~ f!A~i:m fcfi<:rr -;;rr was conducted for the stud en ts who have been
tfcli" . enrolled for JNVST to encourage and ensure talented
I students.


Conduct of JNVST for Class-IX

cn~-9 ~~~.-;;.rcr. ~i:rfra,ncnT 3llll1-J1'1 In order to optimally utilise the infrastructure and
~ ~ fc1~1<1141· ~ ~ ~m;m ct~~staff facilities available in J awahar N avodaya
ct 1W!. cfi~-9, WR~'~~~~(~) Vidyalayas, vacant seats in Class-IX, if any, are filled
ffl "9it~ ct llf~ "B '1W ~ ti q"q 2020-21 ct~' up through Lateral Entry Test. During the year
cfi~-9 ~ ~ 661 ~.1.fcf. ~ "B ~ ffl "9it~ 2020-21, Lateral Entry Test for Class-IX was
conducted in 596 JNVs out of sanctioned 66 lJNVs.
596~.1.fq.~ ~cnl~I
1. Eligibility Conditions
1. im@T~
~ "9it~ ~ ¼cf.t ct fw!, 31-:i:i'ia:cm cfil f.,l--1fC'lf@ct "CJl;@l To appear in the Selection Test, a candidate has to
fulfill the following eligibility conditions :
Th11lUcfi'BT"ITTffit: Only those candidates who have studied in
t~ •
• ~ qif 31::1.fia:cll~ cfi'~-9 ~ ffl -z;) ~ Class-Vlll in one of the Govt./ Govt. recognised
cfi~-8 ~ "3m ~ ct Wcf,TU/mcfiTT WU i:fPlq[ >111-0 schools of the district where the JNV is
~ ~ 3i~ fcl:i<:lT m ~ ~.~ fc1~1w~ functioning can seek admission in Class-IX.
• A candidate seeking admission must be between
·,;;r~n~t1 the age group 12-16 years on l st May of the year
(,) m 1lA ct ~ fcm"Tm cfft ~ ffl ct ~ crq cfft ,..,f admission for which the Selection Test is
~ cn1 ~ ~ cfil
~ cfft ~ uft i
m crq ct fw!. ~ "9itan
_ 16 crq ct~ it-;:fr ~I
w ------·

conducted. This is applicable to all categories ot

...,....; ~ ' 12 -~ ~ candidates including those who belong to the
1:f6 ~ICl 61::J,:q)ikl ~ ~1-i.. ~::l,"-i)-i:lct ~ ~ ct Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
dU-jli!_cll{l. ~ 'B'ITI' qlTI ct dU-jlc!_cllU. 'G1: 'ffill mrITI • The medium of Language for the Examination is
9 -9fta_:rr cfil ~-llf~ ~/~ i1 English/Hindi.
cfia_{T-9 -il • tu ~.-;;.fct w:r, wa_:rr 2020-21 -il ~ ~ fcmlm


2. cfia_rr- 9 ~ wm: ma.rr cfiT ~

>!<nl 'Rt~ tj' RYF<:1F@o ~- -q cf>~-ll cj; m ~ m ~ 2. Composition of Test for Class-IX
~t, Admission Test consists of questions of Class-VIII
standard in the following subjects.
~ ~ 3-Tcn'
01 Subject Total Marks "7
~ 15
02 01. English 15
~ 15 02. Hindi
03 7Jiur<i 15
35 03. Maths
04 ~ 35
35 04. Science .
~~ 100 35
· · TotalMarks
~ "Gfta;,r cl½:IP1tB m cfiT mm t, ~ ~~ f.R1 fcnm 100
The test is conducted in objective type for 3 hours
fcTTm cfi' 3 tR' mm t I duration without any break.
3. cliWT-9 ll ~ ( ~) •%u tfiwm:~~
3. Centre for Lateral Entry Test Class-IX
cf>a:TT-9 °G' Wffi ~ ~ ( ~) cfi' ~ "Gfta:rr ~
-mrr~ ~ cfiT ~~~am~~ "CR~ The Centre for the Lateral Entry Test Class-IX
~-q'~ I Examination is Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of the
respective district or outside centres on need basis.
4. 3-ITT~
4. Reservation
~ ~/~ '1f, ~ l3TUft ~ ~ "&T0l mi,~
fcfi" 3lt'mffem ! ~ l3)fuTaj cfi' fcmrf~ cfi' ~ amf&m "{@ ~ i1 The existing vacant seats in the SC/ST category, as
notified, are reserved for the SC/ST students.
cfia,TT-11 -q' ~ ~ q I ~cl ch ( 3TTWfefi ) ~ 1TTTa,TT
cfia,TT-11 -q' ~ ~ ~~ ~ Lateral Entry for Class-XI
Issuance ofNotification for Admission in Class-XI
~ ~ ~ fcmrw:r 'G' ~ ftc@ mi "ITT qtf The vacant seats available in each JNV is notified
~ wwm cf;l1' 'G' -mtr~ ~ ~ fcm1Wl &m every year in the local newspapers by the JNV
3lf~ cfiT -;;mrr t, ~: 'cfia:rr-11 'G' wm ~ ~ concerned of that district. The admission in Class-XI
~ "ITT qtf 15 ~ ~ lU cfiT -;;mft i I is completed generally by 15th July every year.
cfia,TT-11 -q' ~ ~ 1ID@T Eligibility for Admission in Class-XI
• Students seeking admission in Class-XI
e cfia;TT- 11 °G' Wffi cfi' ~ fcrnrf*rr cfiT ~ ~ should be within the age limit of 14-18 years as
01 ~aj 14-18 qtf &.ft~, on l " July, oftheyearofadmission.
(t 3'.f<o.r?.fi ~ wm -&q cITB qtf cfi' ~~ m cfi' ~ ~ • The candidate must have passed Class-X from
~ cfi' fcnm l:fR@T ~ fcmrw:r (~ fcf;- ~ a recognized school (affiliated to CBSE or any
"t/T~ fua;rr ~ <fr 3Rr fua;rr ~ "B ~ "ITT) "B other State Education Board) of the district
cfia;TT- JO -q-rn cfiT "ITT f;m-q' ~ ~ fcrww:7 ~ where the JNV is located during the academic
t, session of the year of admission.
• m?.ff c!i7 'cfia;,r- 1 o cfiT ~ cfiT "Gfta:rr 'G' 3mh, 3fcf;t cfi' • The merit list will be prepared as per marks
3TT~ "CR <!P<ra1 sn11 ~ 'G' &1 ~ i am wm obtained by the applicant in the Class-X Board
Exam and the admission will be given as per
3w:,1e_ql{ cfiT <IP<raT ~ -mtr~ ~ ~ fcrww:l
'G' ~ mer cfi' 3TT~ "CR~~ t, eligibility of candidate and the seats available
in the JNV concerned.
• ~'Rff~aj~TJ,ci~cfiT~~"ITTT~I • The candidates must have reasonable
competency in English and Hindi.

r 1-·
Admission to Class-XI through Lateral Entry 2020-21
. ··1, r
~~,.=·r~~!i'.:J"!t!; ,... ~;;~~t~:~t·'; J!.'!:~ '::::••:.1::~~:~~:;
26 62
'ql"tl@Bhopal 113
.~ q1~10digarh. 74
i~ Hydh;bad .·
,: :\.
,;1-.' ,/
!~ .Jaipure
C 0


-.i."'!.fci. ~. mftl ii ,;p:R i::m'\TI qi~~~ -m~ ~ qi mm

Participants of Orientation Programme involved in conduct of selection test at JNV Goir,ghat, Assam.

Fla.a •• Ritili .• ~ ~Qi~ ~ PJillW1<4 \.d:fti« <=tfqfdqf
1) ~~~ i:iRw.11MJt<ir~slfRc!R'ft~: I. Following facilities are provided to the
1. ';if;;;,fu. ii- fc1i11Mai c:€1 ~ f.r:~ ~

students in JNVs free of cost:
~~%: • Education
•m • Boarding Facilities
• Lodging Facilities
• Uniform
• Text Books
~~ • Stationery (such as Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Scale,
• ~ ~ (~ cnW!' iffi:@' ~' ffll' ~ .jm:j' Geometry Box, Note Books, School Bag) etc.
• Daily use items (Bathing Soap, washing Soap,
~ .~ Wl)~I Tooth Paste, Tooth Brush, Shoe Polish, Hair
• ~ - c!ft ~ (~ c!i1 ~. ~ ~ c!i1 ~. Oil, Washing & Ironing of Cloths, Sanitary
~-"$Fl.~-~.~~. qlB[c!il~.~c!ft ~~ Napkins for girls) etc.
~. "0f!l3TI%~#R:u ~ )~1 II. Following Expenditure on students in JNVs is
II. ';il",1.fu. cfi fc1t11fJJi <n-~'qlFf f.MR-if@1 ~ 'ITT1.fu.~. also borne by NVS
• Travel expenditure of students by 3rd AC in
~cfi«'ITi: Train/ AC Bus
• ~ wft =
cua~ J<:'1"'=a~B/cllc11ji.f>J1:1a ~ "B fcm1m c!ft <If;!! c!i1
-,-;: • Medical Expenditure.
cx:r:! • CBSE-Fee
• ~ cx:r:! • Free of various quizzes/competitions/
• ct:i:n.fu.~~ activities viz. Olympiads, Brick Maths,
• fcffeR m;;i / Sl@41Plc11~/ ~~I ~.&cf;~' Aryabhatta Ganita challenge, Cryptic Cross
Word etc.
~W~.~~~I III. Engagement of Qualified Counselors on
III. mm 3TTUIT tIT cl' a;raT ~ i::fi Id (-k'H 'i: fiT -;;f<R
-;;i:1.fcr. ~ ~ cfi m !1 -;;i.-~.fcr. cfi fcrml',ff ~~-;ft JNVs are residential in nature. The students of
"GIB "i.f,1 ~1:.j cfi ~ ~ llTCTT-f1TTIT 'B 'i3" mt, fcmlfitm JNVs are staying away from their parents for a
period of nine months in a year. The students
"i.f>1 ~ ~. "Blfiri:fi cfi ~ cfi"I ~. fcfi!?ll<l<H->!-ll "i.f>1
may have issues like home sickness, peer group
~. B41<1i'1H "i.f>1 ~. ~aJfirrcf, i.f>fo1i~<li, "41c(11,4i.f> pressure, adolescent issues, adjustment
~ ~ ~ ~ m m %1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:m. problems, academic difficulties, emotional issues
~:m "i.f>1 3m: ~ -;;r@ t ~ 9RU114fc:(~9 "\,!'@'qi 3fu: etc. These issues manv times lead to accidents.
suicides resulting in great loss of talent and life.
~ cfi"I ~ ~ m"eft % I fcrmfitm' "i.f>1 ffi ~ "fc(R~ Qualified Counselors were engaged in JNVs to
3fu: cflf<lTUT "i.f>1 ~ cflB cfi ~ 411~:illf-li.f> ~ provide psychological support to students in
>R"R cflB ~ "l\lTT-1 q {I 1-11<fc:;1 a ld-i1 "i.f>1 ~ fcn<lPT<lT m I order to ensure their mental health and well
m 2020-21 cii ~ ~ cfie.n3'.fi cfiT ~ ~ c!'K R<TI During session 2020-21, conduct of phvsical
Tf'-11 Zf1 3lR ~\>.TT ~ tR "G"l: in c3ITT W ~ I ~~ cfiT classes was suspended and students stavec1
at their home. It was a great challenge to
~~il~.~~~~3fri:fcfimm keep the students mentally fit, emotionally
1-11'1&:i11f1ih ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~1 m 2020-21 cfi balanced and away from any psychological
~. ~ -q,: -;;r,-;,.fcr. ii~ Bit~ ~. ~ ~/ issues. During session 2020-21, Counselors as
engaged in JNVs on contract were tasked to
~ l'!TU!ll ~ ~ ~ "\,l<;R cfiB cfiT cfiTJ:f ffl 1'fl\l Zf1 I provide counseling support in online / offline mode.
o-ffl ~ l'!TU!ll 'B 1'.l@l-r:@T/~~'qfffl 'B ~ cffi, They interacted to the parents/ guardians
~ 3fR a:il~ w~ cffi • cl ~ or =rr c!ft through online mode, conducted webinar :inrl
virtual meetings to guide them for taking care of
zjy~ cfi ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ their wards specially when the use of digital
c!i1 ~ oTT{ 1'f<ll 'if I devices have increased.

t'~ ;,$,¼''/#,·$~Gi/i~\ii%'·:f;;t\J,4~ii\A¾,.,~#-Jt1,,;1,f;/bii1,;JH!!;ri'i,.rJ.t'1;\ $!,%Wi:lf!~f;.~
. ,}~if:~\'rf:~4*.,b%rtlt4::t&i~rtt:s'!1ldl~~~~;w;t,lf~;?.i:c,g:~~'~;;'4't½Jd~.,~,P~:1<~
... .:!~1Cf~,,.,~~~.~,.!~~!;.
.. z
~mi/it.:iil>\~'iiJii,~~-l '·· ~f
; .·~'1"'!4'.fC" ! ;~~•~l.,{!.2.,;'.,,~.;:~i~:/!. J{,;,,)!1,:·!t~!~ ,
. )il!,E". "'~'c,,: ,~~~-!;,-=

IV. uf:;;.fcr. it ffl mR tfi 3mm' lR' cTT ~ ~ ~ IV. Engagement of Two House Keeping Personnel
·mrcIT~~( ~'¥'f~~i:rfrn' )cfil' f.r<JfcRr I or Safai Karmchari (one Male & one Female)
V. ~ cfi 3mTir lR' ~ on daily wage basis in JNVs.
~1:!;ci~~c!\~-ii.~fcf. t~c!,l~'fR'#rcfiT~ V. Vehicle on Contract basis.
~- 30000/->lra~~~Tf<lli~~-ii.';f.fcf. i?i<l6~. 26,500/- Monthly hire charges are@ Rs. 30,000/- p.m. in
>lfu~!, JNVs located in Hard/Difficult Stations and @
VI.~~~ Rs. 26,500/- pm in otherJNVs.
VI. Safety and Security
~ i:fi1 ~ 1:!;ci 'ffiE.'11 ef; ffl 1R ffiR q;f.r t ~ ~
Necessary instructions were issued to JNVs to
qiB ef> ~ -ii.,.fcf. cl,1 ~ ~f.leyr ~ f€f;1p11(~i conduct meetings to discuss Safety & Security
• ~~i:fi't~i?i~11<1t!il(~) c!,1~<[, measures to be provided to the students.
ffl l:1'lm ~ I • Monthly House Prefects Meeting with Principal
0 cfi'8Il ~ i:fi1 ~ ii cfi'8Il 1l<1t!iT (cR1m ~)~ c!,1 in the presence of House Masters.
~<f>ffll:1'lm~I • Monthly Class Prefects/Monitors Meeting with
• l:1'lm ~ ~, Principal in the presence of Class Teachers.
e ~ ~ 1:!;ci~ (~. izus 3m:) mtrfu~ I • Monthly Staff Meeting.
e l:1'lmfliimtrfu~ I • Monthly Maintenance & Repair (M&R)
• RYR1r@a 14 ~ ~ 1R l:1'lm fMlir Committee Meeting.
~<@'~3llr~<@'f.Fm;rr~~~~: • Monthly Mess Committee Meeting.
I. ~&Rf ~.3t'it. ~ (fMli) i:fi1 ~~ (~) clwlrl • Monthly report on the following 14-points.
2. mm c!i FilFciict-1&>1'1 ~ (~ fu!:iJt) cfiT l:1'lm Fourteen Points Programme for monitoring Safety
~rnld1Jcf,{OI ~ ffl &Rf ~I & Security of Children in JNVs
1. Daily verification of Master on Duty report by the
3. mm c1,1 cft ~ cfTffi • cfiT ~ if~~ cfiT ~ Principal.
~.~cfiT~i?i~w:rurcnBT~~rf 2. Monthly updating of students medical records and
~ cnBT, ~: >fcTTm (~) ~ ef; ffll verification by the Principal.
4. *r~i:fi't~~BA<R1:!;ci~(~)i?i~ 3. Daily visit of House-Master to dormitory, interaction
with children particularly migrated children, along
i:fi1~~i:fi1~~w;,r, with verification of issue of students' articles in time.
s. ~«it(rf~~q,-)~~tll'_q;~ 4. Availability of drinking water and maintenance of
~ (~) -::rJmocnBTI running water facility to toilets and bathrooms.
5. Nominating a suitable Counsellor for counseling of
6. -qj'twi?i1:!;ci~3W-'C!ffi~~a1:!;ci~~ emotionally disturbed children.
(m ) cfiT '@ -W ~ ~ ~ q;'f.rt-::rrfmr ~ 6. Assigning rotational responsibility to designated staff
c!,l<lm-<lmrt 3rj{i:(1Micl fTI'FITI for supervision of physical hazards/ danger points in
and around campus and taking remedial action.
7. ~~m,~ef,fflffli:fi1~~~, 7. Weekly review meeting by Principal with House-
s. fcrorffiR<f:lUT~,~1:!;ciw~~~ Masters and House Captains.
~i'lircnJW-llffi~3lR~~~1:!1:~WUm 8. Operationalizing Vidyalaya Control Register,
RlRFft~, Maintenance & Repair/Complaint Register and
Grievance Box. All are to be directly monitored by
9. ~BK-1 cfi"~ ~ ~ ~ llffl ef;~ (!J'ffi WTATI Principal.
IO. <lffi-~ (~) c!,1 ~ clwlT 1:!;ci fc@rffi-qftw-qm ffl clft 9. Locking dormitory during day time and school
building during night.
10. Cleaning of bushes and adequate lighting in the
11. :i@l&l<'tR 3W ~i:fi1~cnBTI campus.
12. ~i:fi't~~I 11. Regulating entry/ exit at Main Gate.
13. -qftm if~-~. ~<f>f-r:hor ~l:1'lm~ ( ~) 12. Proper repair of boundary walls.
clwlr~I 13. Monthly fumigation in campus to control
insects/ mosquitoes etc.
14. K-r <f> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i:fi't '@ -W -ir ~ ~ 14. Sick children to stay in MI Room under supervision of
cfia:T (~.~~) i?iw;u,f<l;'~lll Staff Nurse and not in dormitories during day time.
~ ~ ~ fcrorffi ef; ~ i:fi1 ~ 1:!;ci ~ ef; ~ ~ Apart from it, for safety and security of students of
Navodaya Vidyalayas, comprehensive guidelines have
~ ~ ~q,-) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lTTI: ~ ~ been issued to all the JNVs and all circulars are
~ ifu:11 cl,1 ,.fcf."B. i:fi1 ~ 'tR ~ TJ<lT % I fc!fiR >lcffi ~ef> uploaded in the website ofNVS. Principals and Teachers
&Rf~ i:fi1 p 1:!;ci ~ ef; ~ ef; o!R it~~ q,-) ~ rna.m have been educated about the importance of safety and
security of children through various induction courses
fcfi<rrTJ<ll'hrm ~~-qftOJ!t! ~~~ and the outcome has been found to be good.


VII. ~ W&TT VII. Fire Safety

~.,.fc:r. cm~ ~~~ t fc.ti fcrnrf$n'q,'t mr-r W8:TI Necessary instructions have been issued to JNVs for
ensuring safety of students from fire accidents by
t! ~ ~ ~ '°1fi1:?li4ch ~ ~ ~ ~ mr.f 3IBN
installing adequate number of Fire Extinguishers and
wmi:~t1 Manually operated Electrical Fire Alarm.
1:l;f:it."Q;i."CJ;. f<:{:111f.1e\irr cfiT ch1t.1f.qlM: 'B~ ~ "Q:f.m. Implementation of NOMA guidelines : All the
~."Q;. ~ ~ Tfll: ~ ~ W8:TI -;ftfu cfi ~ cfil "91ffi Vidyalayas comply with the norms of School safety
policy as suggested by the NDMA. Quarterly report on
~ ti "Q:f.m.~."Q;. F.::;:111F1~:iff qi ch11.1f.cl1.11 clil' ~ 1TT ~ the status of implementation of the NDMA guidelines
n:inif.!~~-q'~q,1~wti1 is being submitted in prescribed proforma.
VIII. ~ q:;t ~ 3-ii:mm ~ W&TT VIII. Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
~.,.rcr. ~ ~ cf,1 wa.-n cfi ~ ~ 3NU"tl 3lf~, 2012 cm Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act
"ffi1l fcFi:!T ~ m i1 ~ cfi <ft, ~ q,'t ~'lITl'.f tg 2012 is being implemented in JNVs. Necessary
instructions have been issued regarding prevention
~ ~ ~ ~ Tfll: ti ~ ~.,.fc:r. -q' ~ ~ of Sexual Abuse of Girl Child. A School Complaint
~ ~ <11:B.m.m. > q,'t ~ cf,1 ~ t ~ ~ ~ Committee (S.C.C.) is set up in each JNV to serve as
~ f.:rcmur ~ cfi ~ -q' cfiT<f cfiTcTT i I ~ 'Bmfu cf>1 3i~a.raT complaints and redressal body. This Committee shall
~ (371-~ ~ cf,1 ~ 3m: ~ ~ ~ 31~ ~
be chaired by the Principal/Vice-Principal of the
school, and shall consist of five other members, i.e.
fcmr~' ~ ~
~ fu8:Tcfi' ~ ~ fu8:Tcfi' ~ ~ one male teacher, one female teacher, one female
fcmT~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ "ITT111 ~ 'B'qpl cfi ~ student, one male student and one non-teaching staff
<~) ~ 1l:cfi" ~ ~ 'Bmfu cm.m.m.) mm,~ member. Each Regional Office shall have a Cluster
~ ~~.~1l"~"ITT111~~~-q' Complaint Committee (C.C.C.), with the Assistant
Commissioner in-charge of the Cluster as its
~~ 3lf~ ~~~"ITT1TTI Coordinator. In addition, each of these Committees
IX. :i>IHlTTch <ts -qr~ shall have a female officer as a member.
~.,.rcr. ~ wm'tcfi ~ 1lD i'fW "B >ITT!oif"tlcf i1 m:.ft.11:B.tllJ:f.m. IX. Prohibition of Corporal Punishment
1TT."ill.3ffi./ 3lf~ 2009 cfi R~":11/fc;:111f1~:/I ~ ~ Corporal Punishment in JNVs is completely banned.
~ ti ~.,.fc:r. ~. wmtcfi ~ cfi lTT4ffi' "B ~ cfi ~ f.rcITTuT The directions/guidelines of CBSE/NCPCR/RTE Act
2009 are implemented. In JNVs, redressal mechanism
cf5! ~ fcFi:!T ll<TT -ti have been put in place to deal with the reported cases of
x.~~ corporal punishment.
~.,.fc:r. cfi fcrrnf$:rr 911 fi=.ifchct-11 ~ ~ ~'l:.ft ~'!Th1 cfi X. Health Care
~. <£lllchlf("ich ~ -;cm 111\ll 02 ~ man Full time staff Nurse and 02 Physical Education
Teachers (PETs)(one male & one female) are
~ ~ ~ ~) ~ fcf,Q: Tf1J: ~I cfil,:ll-kH (q;_o[cf>lf("ich) appointed for medical and health care of JNV
~ cfi '41cHl,4ch 3ih 4:t'i~:iilf1ch ~ cfi ~ ~~ cfi students. Counsellors (full-time) have been engaged
3'.!T~ 1TT ~~ti on contract basis for emotional and psychological
f1i:.:ilfc1,a ~.'1".fc:r. cfi ~"tl ~ ~ chl4f,;cF81. q.: ~ 2tR: cfi well being of the students.
It has been approved to appoint part-time doctors to
~ ~ cfi ~ ~-20,000/-(~ m'B ~ cfic!B) ~ visit JNVs for two hours every day on all working days
911 ~ 1TT c-i:/1 ch lf("ich fi=.ifch Ricfil 911 ~ ~ 911 "llcIT I i on payment of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand
(I)~~~ ffl' 1TT ~ 'Btjt ~.,.fc:r. ~ I only) per month in respect of -
(1) All JNVs located in hard and difficult areas.
c2)a:p:r ~.-1.rcr. ~. ~ ~ 9,&-l11:11.1 ~ 10 f<.ti.m. "B 3n'"tlcii (2) Other JNVs which are located beyond a
3lh ~I 9,&-llW-1 "B 25 fc.ti . .:fl. "B 3TT'tlc!1 ~ 1TT ~ ii distance of 10 kms. from Tehsil Hqrs. and 25
~- 6,0001- (m mr ~ 1-l'"f;f) >fIB lfm" ~cm~ ~ kms. from District Hqrs.
~~2~cnBcfifu11:'lJ1@Rfcn<:IT~1~a:rfufuf;, Rs. 6000/- (Rupees six thousand only) per month will
be paid to the doctor for making 2 visits per week to
fcrrnf$:rr cfi ~ cfi fu11: ~ GR! ~-~ 1TT ~ the Vidyalaya. Additionally, Professional Counselors
ol\lcH-llfllcti 9{14:1fi;1a1a:n~ fi=.ifchct-icfil°;"TI ~ 9iT ~ >ffu /Dentists/Eye Specialists, engaged by the Vidyalaya
~ 1soo1- m cfil 'lJ1IBR fcn<:IT ~ ti ~.,.rcr. "9ftm: ~ time to time for the welfare of the students are also
~ ,af.iRi::la ~ cfi fu11:, m fcf,Q: TPJ: ~ ~ cfil
paid Rs.1,500/- per visit. To ensure hygiene and
sanitation in the JNV campus, are disposed by
H1RR ~~cfi&ru~~i1 incinerators used sanitary pads.

XI. foE.11<"1?..l rcrcfimf.rr~cfiT~
XI. Utilization ofVidyalaya Vikas Nidhi
'9lw mcfiR NU TffcIB am~ 31T<WT cfiT fflq,1R~n' cf 3fjBR As per the recommendations of the Expenditure
~ mm f.lf't.T (fcr.fcr.f.f. > 1lfu ~?ff 1lfu ~ (~ ~ Reforms Commission constituted by the Govt. of
°' India, the WN was introduced. Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi
,I,ruft Cf.~)~- WO!- fcfi<IT~t1 mcfiRt cfi1.h--11Rl.ficf*'l:t (WN) is to be collected @ Rs. 600 /- per student per
i:r fcr.fcr.f.f. "cfil -=r.fcr.11. -;:ftfu cf~~ fcfi<TT ~ %1 month (except from the students of exempted
1. ~ fue;rur ~ cf 3Tiflfu ~ ~'1Ellfilcfi7 cf~ collected asInperrespect category). of Govt. employees WN is
NVS policy.
~, ~~ BIC/<1< 3ffi fur@ ~ ~ tjt In order to enable the Vidyalaya to fully utilise the
~";jj'T~t I Navodaya Vikas Nidhi, a few guidelines are given below:
1. Under Computer Education Programme and I.T.
2. ~-~, ~ 1Tftrfcrf~, ~ 'cfi1 >iF IB ffl tg
Accessories and educational softwares and
~ ~ ~-~ cfiT wrni Bl° ";jfT ~ f I absolutely required hardwares can also be
3. ~~ W1UT 1R ~ \lfR ~ o<l<ll
2. Service of experts can also be utilized by the
4. Bff<f,@cfi ~ cf >lfue;rur ~ '!ITT ~, tifl'.J.~7 3ffi institution for promotion of sports, adventure
~ ~ 1R m cffB o<l<l/ffi"cfi'
~I ft:qq, ~ cfi'Tm 3, activities etc.

Expenditure on educational excursions.

fua;rr -q cj;ffi
I ~ cf, I 4sh 1-ff ~ tjt ~ f.rr't.T cfiT ~ fcn<:rr 4.
Expenditure for specialized training on cultural
~~!1 importance like Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi,
5. wa;rr ~ ma;rr, ~ ~'!Wf, ~~ ~ ~ Mohiniyattam. Folk Dance, SPIC MACAY
programme, Art in Education etc. can also be met
m, m
3i-clite.a, ~'!:ITT. f;f,;qjcf>("J1q ~ cfiT ~ 11'RT from this fund.
~ ~I 11.:f -qr-ft 'cfiT ~'t.TT, m:rr~ 'cf,'8,-l aj ~ S. Expenditure on Safety and Security, Health care,
~ ~ ffl, ~ cf 'cf,'8,-l cfiT ~m ~ m, providing academic tools, quality improvement
activities like, providing clean drinking water, hot
~~~~~f I water facilities, clean toilets with tiles paved on
the toilet floor, providing reading room facilities
etc. can also be taken up.
7. fc1~1wff B cfiT ~e;rur 6. Installation of CCTV camera in the common area.
s. ~ mm it 2 cf,J.[f ]'fu ~ 'cfiT ~ it, wa;rr cf,fl:f;qf cfiT 7. Maintenance of CCTV in the school.
~ 8. Engaging the services of security personnel by
outsourcing at the rate 2 personnel per school.
~ 1ITTlTlll aj f.r-w ~ ~ f % fcrnTWl fcrcfiT"B f.rr't.T it
However, Principals are directed to ensure that the
~- 50 ,0001- (m 'tf9m ~ ~) it zj''t.T'cf,' cf am tg approval of Chairman, VMC is obtained for all
3l~a:T, fcrorw:l ~~ ~ cfiT ~ &.,r {!f1f:(tjd ~ I expenditure exceeding Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty
thousand only) to be met from the Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi.
~~ 'ITT cf;' )!R'q -q 'ITT ~ f.rr't.T -q ~ c!lffi ~ "{Tm cfiT Proper planning needs to be made right at the
3l:!J.fR WTR 3m fclf-q;=;, 'J.[zj' 3ffi 1Tftrfcrf~ tg f.rr1:1 cfiT beginning of the academic session for making an
~ fcli<lT ~ I ~ ~ tg fcrnTWl "fin: 1R ~
estimate of the total collection towards the funds
during the year and for allocation of budget for items
~cfiT7Ta,~~1~3l~~)"ITTll :- and activities. A Committee may be constituted at the
• ~ Vidyalaya level for this purpose with the following
• "3'tl -~ 1 cl R:t>iw-t fuaJ'cfi'
• Principal
• ~ fil <1 cf>I 'IH ffiaJ'cfi'
• Vice Principal/ Senior Most Teacher
• ••
~ mn'&m B@'cf,' fflafqi~ fflafqi OnePGT

• ~ fi:F'llr4<h ffiafqi

One TGT / Computer Teacher
One Creative Teacher


Status of Aadhar Enrolment of JNV Students and NVS Staff

2,87,967 18,714

XIII. ~ ~ fcRnw:{ ~ ~-fua:TT ~ l~ XIII. Each Navodaya Vidyalaya is a co-educational

fcfwftj,:n' cfi1 ~ 3W-lrn, q'GJ, ~ ~ ~ m"91ft residential institution providing free boarding
~~~t ci~ fm:rrfirn cfi1 t.J~ ~ 31A -;;JR and lodging, expenses on uniforms, text books,
cfillJ1Ri~1:TT~~t1 stationery and travel expenditure on students.
~.1.fu. cfi fc1~1~4'i cfiT n:l"ffi c1WIT ~ : Facilities Provided to Students in JNVs
1.~<R~: 1. Mess Expenditure :
~ ~ cnfu;:r ~ i.f ft:iTcl ~ ~ fct'illci<ff ~ For JNVs located at other than hard and difficult
3IBTcrrmi:r:~.14,2831- mfcrolin~ c~. 1,5s11- areas Rs.14,283/-per student per year (@Rs.1,587 /-
m fcroltjf ~, 9 ~ ~ fu°Q:) "&l<l mi~ t1 ~ per student per month for 9 months) is approved. In
3mrft:@ fcffe{cq ~7-5111cil! a:r:r, ~ 19RT ~ ~ fu°Q: addition, for miscellaneous mess expenditure
{!:fl, ~-~ ,3ffi 1§fRT ~ ~ cfir:r i.f wrrq: ~ including fuel for cooking, cleaning/ washing and
31f1 l! P-1c1 ch 11-11 Ill.'! cfiT ~ ·~ t, ~
fu°Q: ~ 3ffi'ITTcRf wages for casual workers engaged for cooking, an
um ~- 3531- m fcrolm ~ c 9 ~ ~ fu°Q:) 'lft additional amount of Rs.353/- per child per month
~ cfiT ~ tI (for 9 months) is also approved.
~ ~ cfifcF! $n ~ W-IB ~ ~ fct'illci41 "CR For JNVs located at hard and difficult a re a s
~.16,668/- ]fufcmr2TT~ (~. Ij52/- ]fufcmr2TT~, Rs.16,668 /-per student per year(2y(Rs. 1,852 /- per
9 1-!N ~ ~) cl!?:f fc!:;l!r ~ in ~ ~ fcrfcicq student per month for 9 months) is approved. In
'>fl'5Filcil! cl{?:f, fm:p:f "@AT ffi ~ ~ ~ / mq)-~ ~ addition, for miscellaneous mess expenditure
"&RT ffi ct "cfi"Tl1 i.f WTm: ~ 3fufi:IB cfilWTm cfiT ~ including fuel for cooking, cleaning/washing and
~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ -um ~- 353/- ]fu mm wages for casual workers engaged for cooking, an
additional amount of Rs.353/- per child per month
~ (91-IN ~~) 'lft~"chT~t I
(for 9 months) is also approved.
2. qcff:
2. Uniforms:
o) *11-1~na1ru1 ~ m ~ ~ i.f ft:iTcl "'5f.~.fct tr (I) ForJNVs located in temperate climate/coastal areas-
olflf- ~I ~/ ~I ~ ~/
Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Orissa, Karnataka, West
~ I~ ~ cftcf, ~/ llTcIT, ~ afu: !FR~/
~ "Q,cl. f.l chI cil I { ~ I q lf-s tj u ,3ffi (1~ i.f ft:iTcl
Bengal, Gujarat, Daman & Diu, Maharashtra, Goa,
Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Andaman & Nicobar Islands,
~ ~ rc1'il1a41· q;- ~-~. 2,4001- m fcrolin m
c5j"q I Pondicherry and Lakshadweep- Rs. 2,400 /-per student
(II) ~llctchicil1 ~ 31IB ~ $n i.f W-IB "'5f.~.fci. ~ - ~'
(II) For JNVs located in extreme Summer and Winter
~/ ~, ~. ~ ~/ ~/ ~. ~htl*111<t areas- Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar
~ ~ ~ W-IB ~ ~ fct'illci41 ct ~- Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and
~- 3 ,000/- ]fu fcmr2TT ~ 9lf I Chandigarh-Rs. 3,000/-per student per year.
(III) 3l"fu ~llctch1<1l1 ~ i.f ft:iTcl "'5f.~.fcf. ~ - ~ ~ (III) For JNVs located in Extreme Winter Areas -
~/ d*!{l<§i-s, ~ ~ afu: fo91ilci ™ i.f ft:iTcl Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand, North Eastern
~ ~ fct~IWff ct fu°Q:- ~. 3 ,360/- >ITTf fcrol~ Region and Himachal Pradesh- Rs. 3,360 /-per
"5ffifq"ql student per year.

i1M$Mf!:1!•#,flWN&;l,,"!!,,!ij",\ff/J1@&@&,~ ~~\'f~~~~,.,,.,,.,~ ir~~.:m,""'w,,,i;~;;'¥;;r.~ .·

3. ~~-qr~: cm-<Jfc!cfil 3. Text Books: Actuals.
4. -a,f.:rq; m cfi1' ~ qJm mmr,:r mmn- -qr o!P-l =
4. Daily Use Toilet Items : Rs.1,200 /- per student
~. 1,200/- >fIB fcffirtjf >fIB q!!f I
per year.
5. fcl'Ellfv.f4i l:Tt fcf;Q: ~ cITB ~ o!P-l:
5. Other Expenditure on Students:
i) fofciict-il o!P-l: ~- 324/-(9~~:wr~~ 36/-Wf~
chl~'ff) i) Medical expenses : Rs.324/-(@ Rs.36/- per
ii) ~ mmfi" o!P-l : ~- 918/- 9 ~ t! >fIB fcffirtjf student per month for 9 months.
~. 1021- cii1 ~ "Bl ii) Stationery : Rs. 918 /- ( @Rs. 102 /- per student
iii) WcR min:IT l:Tt ~ : ~- 7201- >fIB 'cfrf I per month for 9 Months.
iv) ~.m:fvr. ~ ~ : q/«Jfc!cfi I iii) Bedding items : Rs. 720 /- per student per year.
v) ~ wr c cfic1R q;~-6, 9 ~ fci'E.l1f?.f4i cfi ~) : iv)CBSE Fees : Actual
~. 360/-
v) School Bag (for Class-VI, IX students only ) :
vi) ~ ~: ~. 24/- >fffi ~ ~ cR ~ "B 9 ~ t!
Rs. 360/-
~. 216/-~<lmcfi'~ol!TT~<lmt! III M
vi) Travel Expenses: @Rs. 24/- per child per month
cfil q@fc!c:fi {~~ ~I
for 09 months= Rs. 216/- for local journey, actual
6. ~ ~ fcl'E.l!Hll ~ ~ rcmR ~ III AC class Rail/ AC Bus fare for outstationjourney.
ii %mi' c¥t ~ ~ "lfm cfi ~ rcrnmfm ~ 6. Daily allowance to students during journey
~~~'ifflr: . only for participating in various events/
twnit B <lffi ffl cflB ol!TT ~. 31R. m~ tffi activities outside the JNV : In case of travel by
GIR--qr,, w:n B ~;~ ffl cflB fcmrf$rr ~ ~ train, actual rates charged by IRCTC/Indian
m <ITT! 'lTTf1 ~. 3001- >1R! fcmrtjf ~ cli1 dTT~ Railway for standard meals and breakfast taken,
Mi' f.rmful t, ~ 3'!~ 3R. w~ B <lT:TT ffl with the upper ceiling of Rs. 300 /- per day per
~m 3A lWIC1T -tj' ~ 3'!~ 'q]ffl student. Daily Allowance in other cases of travelling
by Train where IRCTC or Indian Railway Services
m ~ w:n ~wt~ 'ITTfT ~- 1so1- >lfu fcmrtjf
are not available and in cases of travelling by other
~ clil~B~mTTTI
means Rs. 150/-perdayperstudent.

;;r.,.fcr. ft:rm, 1'!•21 ~ it' cJ~ ~ - Tree Plantation at JNV Sehore, Madhya Pradesh

compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

F.No.25-5/99-NVS(Acad.) Dated: March, 29, 2000


The Principal
All Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas

· Sub. : Organisation of House System in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas.

It has been observed that House System. has riot been. properly and uniformly organised in
·. many JNVs. Perhaps, specific guidelines for organisation and implementation of House System
were not uniformly made available to all the Vidyalaya though issue has been normally discussed
,with Principals and teachers during various conferences and training courses organised by Regional
: Offices and HQ. Office of the Samiti.The guidelines for effective organisation of House System have
-.· been finalised and
. .
are being
. ..-
- .
for implementation.
·,· . .· .

The efficient management of a residential school depends upon the quality of the House system
;functioning in a school. A House consists of group ofchildren effectively led by responsible teacher
f(House Master) who acts as a parent, guide, philosopher and friend for every member of the House.
-A House inherently provides a family atmosphere in making the child physically fit, socially adjusted,
\emotionally balanced and morally upright. · ·

:;Objectives of HouseSystem
,ii/,", - .. ., : . ·. - : --
The objective ofadopting House System lnaJawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya are to:
- a smooth
. transitlon
from home Hfe
~ t6'schodl life.

Develop situations, which fulfil the social and emotional needs of the children.

Help socialisation of pupils to integrate themselves well in to corporate life.

Inculcate the sense of responslblllty to take his Ufe earnestly and discharge
themwell. · · ·· · · · · · ·

Prepare pupils to play different kinds ~f roles as members of a group, community or .

. society. · · ·· - ·
. .. . . . -·. . . .
· Develop child's personality and integrity. ,, · ·

Develop the Spirit of healthy competition among the chndren.:'

Inculcate the qualities bf self~dignity, self-confidence arid. respect for others' views
and opinions and discretion totake ·their own decisions on issues and problem's at
hand. · ' ·. - ,-,.· ; ·

Develop a sense of b~longirigness among the pupils and to create a sense of desire
to live in harmony'. · ·
. Benefit by bright example ofothers and benefit others by his own example .. ·
~- : ~ -:· . '. . , ;. . ~ -~ . . . ,.:. .

Inculcate in the child respect for seniors, elders, teachers and a caring attitude towards
.juniors and fraternity towards all. ·· .•,· .. _ .
Compendium of Circulars : School Admn.
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

Learn to life work endure and enjoy together and develop a degree of sensitivity for
other feelings and needs.
Formation of House

Even though various guidelines for formulation of House system in JNVs have been
communicated, it has been observed a common system is not being followed in JNVs. The formation
of Houses differs from one region to another and many .Yidyalayas have failed to evolve an efficient
House System for taking proper care of the children residing and studying in the JVNs. Keeping this
in view, it has been decided io communicate specific guidelines for formation of House System in

As intimated earlier, a two-tier system of Houses shall function in a Navodaya Vidyalayas:

i) "Junior Houses for Classes VI to VII I
ii) Senior Houses for Classes IX to XII
In a full-fledged Vidyalaya, there will be four junior Houses and four senior Houses and two
Houses for girls (one from Classes VI to VIII and another from Classes IX to XII). Therefore, there
. will be eight House Master for boys and two for girls. Average Strength of a House shall be 50.
Though all the girls in a JNV have beenplacad under two Houses (Junior and Senior) for
effective supervision and management, both the House shall be "further divided into four groups
·each.For the conduct of Inter House activities, each group of girls of a junior House shall be linked
with a junior House (boys) etthe same House and similarly each group of girls ofa senior House
shall be linked with the corresponding Se~Wr House (boys). ·.
Names of Houses

Since JNVs have been established in every comer of the country names of.the Houses should
also reflect all India character of Vidyalayas .. This will create feeling of '.one~ness' not only among
the Vidyalayas but also among the children who migrate in Class IX from one Ji11guistic region to
JNVs.- :Keeping
another. .· this
. in view, following
. four name
... are recommended for maintaining uniformity in all

·· SeniorHouses ·· .junior Houses .·

1) .Aravaf}. 'A'. .Aravaf '.B' 'i
2) Nilgiri . ' Nilgiri· 'B'.
3) Shivalik
' .A '
'A' _Shivalik. 'B'
4) · •Udaigiri · :'A':; · · · · ·. · Udaigiri . 'B' -·
As stated earlier, administratively there will be two
Houses for girls under two House Masters.
. Senior House for girls may be called ''A' House and Junior as ~B' House. For conduct of Inter House
activities these· Houses will be further divided into four groups each as illustrated below:
Senior House (~iris) -'A' . .·. · J~~i;~ House (Girls) .:_:B' · · . .
., . . :... ,: AravaW· ·" ::. 'A,··--~-.... . :~ra_vaH · :-- B .·. ·
Nilgiri - A· Nilgiri - B
Shivalik - A Shivalik - 8
··udaigiri · -- 'A · ·,lJdaigiri ·: - >'B
Allotment of House
. . :· . . ,:· . ' .· . . .... , ·' : _.,;,_ .. -~-. :~: ~; -~~-!--~- .· :·.. : .. ~- ~- '
Each child must be allotted a Houseon the day he/she"Js· admitted to the Vidyalaya. The
-House bf a girl or a boyshould not be changed. till°Class-Xll .::ft is 'hot advlsablsto reshuffle Houses
every year, once a·child joins a House, he/she sho_uld tiontinue in the same House tiil he/she passes
out of Vldyalaya. · · · · · ·
compendium of Circulars : School Admn. l!J Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
House Colours
Colours for House flags, badges, f-shlrts etc. should be allotted in the following manner -
Aravali Blue
Nilgiri Green
Shivalik Red
Udaigiri Yellow
House Appointments and their Duties
Each House (Senior & Junior) should have following appointments which should be awarded
to children on account of their good performance in every activity of the Vidyalaya-
House Captain - 1
· House Vice-Captain - 1
Prefects 2

Following Vidyalaya level appointments be made in consultation with all House Masters, for
effective management of the Vidyalaya-
School Captain - 1
School Vice-Captain, boys . - 1
School Vice-Captain, girls. - 1
Both the above mentioned appointments should be from senior inost class in a JNV. They
. should not hold any other appointment in their own Houses.

Duties and responsibilities of School Captain, House Captain and Prefects are suggested
'•below - · · ·

School Captain
Maintains good personal conduct and behaviour in the Vidyalaya.

Receive roll-call and list of absentees from House Captains before ·submission to
Duty Master/Principal. ·
. . .
. Maintains full control and good djscipline during Vidyalaya level activities with the help
.. of House Captains and Prefects. · . . . . . .

Ensure proper dfs6ipHne in· dining hall, morriirqassernbly and at all other places where
_all the children of the Vidyalaya assemble for a_ny activity. ,
\ ··. ' . -. .. -· '. .
. 1.s a permanent member of Mes~ Cornrnittee. ·..
Carries-out all responsloilittes assigned by the Principal of the Vidyalaya. .. s1'., •·
House Captain
Ensures that the House maintains punctualltyfn all specifiecractivities as ;per-daiJy,;;,-
-routine. · · · · '

. Conducts roll-c,il of the House during morning assembly and evening gamesand
reports t~e same to School Captaln'Housemaster. · · ·

Supervises 'prep' of self-study in case same in carried out Housewlse.

.. Ensures that aU 'the children in the House devote sufficient time for studies in order tog
improve their own performance as wellas overall academic performance of the House .


Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. l~

.•• -.,r'(t'-
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

Reports absentees and sick children to the Housemaster everyday.

Controls his/her House during the conduct of all inter-house activities.

Ensure that maximum number of children take part in various co-curricular, sports/
games, pace-setting and other activities planned in the Vidyalaya.

Assists House Master in selecting best talent of the House for participation in Inter-
House Competition

Ensures cleanliness around his/her House.

Maintains good personal conduct and ensures proper discipline in the House.

Reports to Housemaster in case he/she observes any unusual behaviour (such as

persistent depression, rebelliousness continued sickness etc.) on the part of any student
of the House.

Ensures good discipline in the dining hall during the meals.

Carries-out all other duties assigned by HousemasterNice-Principal/Principal.

c) Prefect

House Captain of the House 'shall share his duties and responsibilities with the House
Prefect with the approval of Housemasters.
Appointment of House Master/Associate House Masters
Normally, senior teachers may be given the appointment of House Masters/Associated House
Masters. Preferably, a PCT should be House Master of Senior House. As far as possible, Art, Music,
PE, SUPW teachers and Librarian/Nurse may not be given the responsibilities of House Mastership
since they are commonly attached to all Houses for the conduct of inter House activities.
Role of House Master

A residential school system revolves around the personality, capability and effectiveness of
the House Master. A House Master is a leader of the House. He/she should be able to motivate and
guide all the children placed under his/her care. He has to ensure that children of his House participate
in all inter-House activities and also do well. He is responsible for over-all welfare of all the children
in his House. Preferably, House Masters may be rotated after 4-5 years so that other talented members
of academic staff may get opportunity to look after the welfare of the children.
Role of Associate House Masters & Tutors

In a House system, House Master is assisted by an Associated House Master and by other
teachers (called Tutors) attached to his House. They should provide assistance to House Master
and carry out all house related responsibilities assigned to them by their House Master.
Planning for Inter-House Competitions

House Master is personally responsible that boys/girls of his House take part in all Inter House
CCA & sports/games activities in the Vidyalaya. He is supported by Associate House Masters and
Tutors who are attached with him for proper management of the House. House staff (House Master
Associate House Master, Tutor} should take pride in grooming various teams for Inter-House activities
in order to win various trophies and awards.

Guidelines for effective conducts of CCA in a JNV have already been communicated which
should be followed under overall guidance of the Principal of the JNV.

compendium of Circulars: School Admn. l~ Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti

Award of Points for Activities

For Inter-house activities, following pattern of awarding of poi.its may be followed

Individual events· Group events

First - 4 First 8
Second - 3 Second 6
Third - 2 Third 4
Fourth - 1 Fourth 2
•. A system of awarding of House points based on academic performance in Class X & XII may
'/be evolved and points earned by each students be credited to the House to which he/she belongs.

Every year by the end of February, points awarded for Inter House CCA and sports/games
.competitions (as well for all other Inter-House competitions conducted in the Vidyalaya, e.g. wall-
\h,agazine, gardening morning assembly, cleanliness etc.) to each House should be totaled up.
lhus, points of a Senior House and corresponding Junior. House be added together to declare a
';hampion House.

Vidyalaya should hold special function (Annual Day) where Champion House Trophy be
arded to a House.

For effective management of the House system, Principal should monitor all inter-House
ictivities carried out in the Vidyalaya. He may ensure that CCA and sports/games competitions are
gularly carried out in the Vidyalaya based on calendar of activities planned during the beginning of
.adernicterm every year. Principal r:nay ensure that suitable Honour-boards are displayed in the
(dyalaya_where names of meritorious children are displayed prominently. He may allot points for ·
eanlmess, beautific_ation (gardening etc.) and discipline maintained by a House during the year
}iich may be added while deciding a Champion House every year. Principal should hav~ an effective
{ntrol on over all activities planned and carried out in his/her Vidyalaya. ·· · ·

. The guidelines given above for the orqanisation of House System in Vidyalayas should be
variably implemented. In case of any difficulty in implementation or any suggestion, Principals are
~b:ime to communicate the same to the i.m;dersign~d for clarification, if any._ .. · · · ·
. • .. ,. • . . ... .~ • - ;- -. . •. . . .• l ·. . ·• - ~ ;. . • ._' .

This issues with the approval of Director, NVS. •

-.,··. -· ·,.
Y 01Jrs faithfully,

-- ·.· ' ·-
--~·...._: · ·_·.··· ..·.·.· .. ·.: .·•
·.:,~ '
.. .

i'(S.S. Gauri)
:.. ''"joint·Oirector(Acad.)
PY to:
:,1, Dy. Director, NVS (All Regions).
All Officers of NVS (Hqrs.)
Sr. PA to Director, NVS ..
Joint Director (Acad.)

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. ~ Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
D.O.No. 2-18/2003-NVS(SA) November 06, 2003

Dear Principal,

As you are aware that the Principal and teachers are expected to make the JNVs a parallel
extension of home for a child by creating a ·climate and environment where students feel that they
are living in a home. It is to be born in mind that the children in Navodaya Vidyalayas for a maximum
period in a year remains away from their parents and their social atmosphere etc. This very situation
' of separation of a child from his/her original atmosphere calls for great concern to provide a homely
i1!i atmosphere and parental affection which fulfills their social and emotional needs as well as developing
their personalities.
With the aim to provide a kind of family support with parental care towards individual attention
I to the children, houses are formed and teachers are associated with each house to act as House
Master/Mistress (HMs)/Associate House Master. Therefore, the role of a House Master/mistress in
I the Navodaya Vidyalaya is of vital importance. His/her job demands a very dedicated, matured and .
a judicious approach round the clock. ·

~ I understand that Samiti has already issued guidelines for organisation of House System in all
I JNVs vlde letter dated 29th March, 20001. I am sure thatthese guidelines are being implemented in
your Vidyalaya. From the analysis of the reports of the circumstances leading to unforeseen incidents
in some JNVs it has been observed tnatthe efficient management of the JNVs largely deperids upori
the quality of the House functioning. It is, .therefore, felt necessary to reiterate the role of Principal
and House Masters/Mistress in JNVs towards the house management.
The Principal as the head of the institution must keep a fatherly/motherly eye on all the students.
The Principal has to be a source of inspiration to the teacher and students and his/her behaviour at
all times has to be exemplary. He/she should adopt special measures to sensitize the subordinate
start towards house management. The house achievements and effective role of the house master/
mistress should be recorded and projected in the morning assembly or in the House evenings and
also to be displayed on notice boards to keep healthy spirit of competition among the houses.
I am enclosing 'herewlth suggested guidelines about the role of a House Jvlaster/Mistress·for
your ·immediate attention and action2. You are requested to sit with the teachers and discuss on
these points for adopting strategies to ensure meticulous ·implementation of the guidelines. The
duties & responsibilities can be divided amongst the House Master, Associate House Master and
Matron :according to local situations. ··

It is to be ensured that the 'teachers not only know and understand their duties and
responsibllltlss ;but also put the same into practice. ·There will be no compromise on any kind of
negiigence, and indifference either on the part of Principal or teachers associated with the house.
The Principal may keep a strict vigil on the activities Of house Masters/mistress besides providing
adequate support aI1q_guig_~oce_ to .them. · ·

1. See·j)age 445
2. C~y enclosed. See page 454

compendium of Circulars : School Admn. ~ Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely,

(D.K. Kotia)
Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas,.

All Deputy Directors, Regional Office. They will ensure that the Navodaya Vidyalayas under
their jurisdiction follow them guidelines meticulously. The performance of JNVs in this regard
should be monitored closely and adequately.

The Asstt. Directors, lncharge cluster will provide adequate guidance, support and supervision
to the Principal for implementation of guide lines. They will maintain a record -of their
assessment towards management of houses and the role of Principal and the house master/
mistress specifically. in the Navodaya Vidyalayas during their inspections.
. . . . .

~ ·. -',:-·: .:

Compendium of Circulars: School Admn.
.~ i
.,._...,ic , Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti


A residential school revolves around an effective 'House System' and real pillars of this system
are House ~Jlasters/Mistress (HfV!s). They provide leadership and parental guidance to the students
who are residing witt~ theri ir a 'Home' away from their own homes. Therefore, the role of a House
Master/M stress is of vital importance since the stature of a residential school largely depends on
how effectively a House Master can organize and manage his/her House.
The duties ano responsibilities of a Housemasters/Mistress in JNVs are summarized below:
A. General Duties

A1 A House Master/Mistress will exercise a benevolent fatherly/motherly influence on

the students.

A2 He/she must create such a confidence in his/her students that they confide in him/her
· · in all matters and treat him/her as local parent.

A.3 He/she wilt interact the students as frequently as possible and ensure that students
speak to him/her without any fear in case of any problem.
AA He/she should be very affectionate and polite with the children and should avoid any
physical punishment or scolding,

A.5 He/she will attend all sort of the well being, comfort and happiness of the students
placed in his/her charge.

A.6 He/she will ensure to follow the instructions issued by Samiti dated 29/03/20001,
regarding (House System) under supervision and guidance of the Principal.
A7 · He/she will be very courteous to the parents and create a confidence in them that their
· children are living in very safe and secure environment.
AB Have periodical interaction with Parents of PT meeting day and inform about the·
Academic Progress health and conduct of the child.
· A9 To ensure that he/she is always impartial and fair equally to all the students of his/her
House. ·

-A. 10 He/she ·will ensure proper medical treatment. in case of students of his/her house is
unwell as per Safety and Security guidelines.
· · A.11 · To ensure preventive measures for Safety and Security of each child ·of his house at
' all times in accordance with the guidelines of the Samiti dated 13/08/20032 under
supervision and guidance bf the Principal.

A 12 Interact with the children by providing regular orientation on the important aspects of
safety precautions, guidelines and principles to be followed.
A 13 He/she must ensure and educate all the students in respect of their moral values,
Correct behaviour, self-discipline, turn out and punctuality.

1. See page 445

2. See page from 390-399

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. ~ Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

A 14 The Housemaster need :o be cautious of his/her own conduct, behaviour. character

habits, punctuality and sense of moral values at all times as the ch;!d looks up to
teachers as her/his role models.
A. 15. Care has to be taken to ensure that the dormitories are comfortable. safe and students
need to be made aware of their conduct rules and regulations they expected to follow.

A. 15 To ensure proper assistance of Associate Housemaster/Tutors/Matron by dividing

duties on rotation basis related to house activities with the approval of Principal
A. 17 To brief Principal immediately in order to solve any problem of the house beyond his
reach or domain.
A.18 To inculcate a sense of pride, belongingness and a healthy house spirit among the
students of his/her house.
A.19 Carry out any other duty i.r.o. house system as assigned by the Principal.

B, Administrative Duties
B.1 He/she must ensure proper cleanliness, upkeep of the dormitories and proper care of
hygienic conditions of the premises of the house with the help of associated staff.

B.2 To supervise that all basic facilities like water, electricity, fans, furniture and beddigns
are available in the House. In the event of any shortage or malfunctioning he/she
must report to the Principal to rectify the problem area .

B.3 Ensure proper maintenance of bath/toilets of the house. He/she should bring it to the
notice of Principal immediately in case ofany discrepancy.

BA As a head of the house, he/she be responsible for maintaining discipline in the house
at all times.

B.5 He/she ensure punctuality in the daily routine of the house from rouser to bed time
. and in other organised activities.

B.6 Assigning responsibilities to all students on rotation so as to enable them to develop

orqanizational ability, self-confidence and qualities o,f leadership.
. •' -
B.7 To .ensure that underno circumstances house captains or senlorstucents harass/rag
.. · . juniors either in the house or ,in the school premises.

B.8 Conduct surprise checks and kit inspection periodically to ensure that the students do
·' not keep any typeof undesirable articles, obscene books and check on their cash etc.

B.9 Jo supervise his/her house during meals in dining halL.He/she must educate table·
manners to all students in dining hall during meals. · · ··

8.10 Arrange conduct of regular roll call in order to ensure the presence of the children in
the house. · ··· · · · · · · · · ··· ..

8.11 a
Maintain a personal me· of each chHd 1n· his houseand record of good and weak
points in the personalfile including family background.· · · ·
.. . .. .. ·- . . . .

s.12 : . l>.11 cases of indiscipline .and unhealthy behaviour ofthe students are dealt with
appropriately in consultations.zapproval of Principal instead of Qiliing harsh punishment.

B.13 Arrange weekly/fortnightly house inspection of the Principal to assess the working of
the house and motivate his team and wards.

0 ,m.,
Compendium of Circulars : Schoof Admn. llJ Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti
~ .•.

8.14 Ensure proper issue of articles to the children in time and its maintenance.
8.15 To select House Captain/prefect for his/her house on the basis of a fair selection
process as per guidelines and assign responsibilities and duties of the house to them.
8.16 To conduct meetings of the House as and when necessary but at least one meeting in
a fortnight.

B.17 To keep leave and sick record of all the students of his/her house.
B.18 He/she will ensure that the wards look after their cupboards and keep their clothes
and belongings in a neat and orderly manner.
To ensure that the students emphasize on personal hygiene and cleanliness, takes
regular bath and hair cut, and clean uniform while in school.
He/she will supervise that all students get up and sleep on time.
Keep a close watch on all the activities and moments of the students particularly (off
hours) i.e., Sundays and holidays and in night and report to the Principal about any
Rounds are carried out even after .the lights are out so as to ensure security and to
keep the wards away from mischief.
All hostel activities will go under his/her active supervision under control of the Principal:
i C. Academic Duties
C.1 To keep an eye on the academic performance of the weak students of his/her house.
C.2 Coordinate/interact with tutorial incharge/subject teache_rs to look after the pupils
academic performance of his/her house.
- C.3 To ensure smooth conduct of self-study in the dormitory.
C.4 To provide help in reading, writing, home work, projects carried out by ttie students
with the active support of tutors/Associate House Masters: ·
C.5 Counsel and guide the students regarding their performance in academic and co-
. curricular areas. . · ·

C.6 interact and inform the parents about :academic performance of the child on PTM
· Day.

c:7 To encourage bright students to help weak students of the house/class. ·

C.8 ' inform Principal in case any child of his/her house need special attention for academic
improvement. · · · · ·

C. 9 _ To ensure that the children attends the classes regularly. _

· C.1 O · 'To ensure availaqility_ of text books, note books and other stationery items to the
children of his/her house. . ·. . . ..

C.11 To ensure that the children of his/her house attends library regularly so as to promote
. : reading habits/skills and also tc ensure to refer literature/reference books as per his/
; 'herrequirement. ·· ·· · · · ·· ·· · ·

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. \~ Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti
C.12 To keep an close eye on the progress chart of children going to write CBSE exams (X
and XII) and fortnightly interaction with the subject teachers for remedial teaching, if
need arises. ·
D. Co-Curricular, Games and Sports Duties
D.1 Organize Co-curricular Activities as per the calendar of activities.
D.2 Train the inmates well to help participate them effectively in the activities.
D .3 To ensure participation of every child of his/her house in every competition co-curricular/
games/sports activities organized in the school.
D.4 To select guide and train students for all inter House competitions with the active help
of tutors and other teachers.
E. Duties of Associate House Master/Mistress
An Associate House Master/Mistress is a helping hand to the House Master. He/she in co-
ordination with the House Master, as a colleague, shall:
Provide support to the child in all respects.
He/she should provide assistance to the House Master/House Mistress.
Carry out the house related responsibilities assigned by the Principal/House Master
and divided amongst the House Master/Associate House Master for the welfare of
He/she will discharge the duties of the House Master, when he/she is on leave or out
on duty and
Any other duty assigned by the Principal related to house.

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. ll,

•....•. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

F.No.5-4/87-NVS Dated:Sep., 14, 1987


The Principal
All Navodaya Vidyalayas.

Sub. : Guidelines Regarding the Arrangements to be Made for Running the

Hostel Mess in Navodaya Vidyalayas.
t,: s·Jr,
:L_.. Navodaya Vidyalayas are residential in character. and in such Vidyalayas proper messing
{ arrangements are of great importance. For the effective and smooth functioning of hostel mess of
¢ . . the following. guide-points
. . may please be. kept in view :
l,1. It has been decided that messing arrangements, as far as possible, be made by the Vidyalayas
",, themselves be employing cooks and helpers under the supervision of some senior teachers.
Help of students may also be taken for this purpose. The Chairman of VMC may also be
associated and his help arid guidance be soughtinthis direction. In case messing arrangements
are to bemaae on contract basis, regular tender procedure must be followed. I he contractor
may be asked to deposit Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) as security and this amount
be deposited in theVidyalaya Accounts.
N.V.S. prefers that mess should be run by the Vidyalaya rather than giving it to.a Contractor.
The mess charges @Rs.250/-1 per student per month have been prescribed on uniform basis
for all Navodaya Vidyalayas. Expenditure incurred on the appointment of cooks and helpers
will have to be met out of the stipulated amount i.e. Rs.250/-1 per student per month. Required
utensils, gas 'burners and gas cylinders may be purchased out of Vidyalaya funds.
One male (for boys) and one female (for girls) House Master-cum-Warden selected from
· ' among the members of the Vidyalaya staff may be provided for every unit of 80 students.
Principal, House Master-cum-warden and Staff Nurse/Compounder are entitled to take their
all meals in the hostel mess, free of charge. This facility is extended to self only anc:l not to the
members of his/her family. All those teachers who stay in the hostel along with the students
are entitled to take free meals, only if they stay without their families and do not get suitable
residential accommodation in the Vidyalayas. All teachers of the Vidyalaya are entitled to take
free lunch. ·
Facility of free meals to the Principals, House Masters and others in available only for the
duration when the Vidyalaya mess is functioning. No reimbursement to this effect will be
-available to any one during Summer/Winter breaks. ·
A Mess Sub-Committee consisting of House Master-cum-Wardens and four students (two
boys and two girls) may be formed. This Committee shall be responsible for all messing
arrangements viz. cleanliness, menu, chec)Sing of quality of food stuff control on contractor (if
mess is run on contract basis) and maintenance of healthy discipline etc. Staff nurse/
Compounder will test the food stuff before it is served to the students.

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. \I; Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
7. Hostel mess should remain closed during breaks and vacations.
8. Suggested daily menu for the hostel mess is given below :
Breakfast Egg, bread and butter, milk or tea/Potato Pranthas
and tea/Bread Pakoras and tea/purres, Potatos
and tea/any other local suitable item.
Lunch Bread (Chapatis), Rice, Dal, Vegetable and Curd.
Mid-day Seasonal Fruit.
Evening Tea Tea and Snacks.
Dinner Bread (Chapatis), Rice, Dal, Vegetable, Salad or
Night Milk - 250 gms.
Non- Vegetarian food may also be served on suitable occasions as decided by the Mess Sub-
committee. If Curd is not served, it must be compensated by any other suitable item.
9. It is desirable that a prayer be recited daily before the food is served in the hostel mess. All
efforts should be made to see that students learn proper mess manners.
10. Principals are supposed to provide all required physical facilities like furniture water, electricity,
- - - - - - -- - - · utensils;· cooking materials etc. They are also advised to see that all the other related
arrangements are made for proper running of the hostel mess. Principals who run the mess on
their own within the stipulated amount will be given a special entry in their A.C.R.s.

Yours faithfully,

(K.S. Sarma)
Encl. : As above

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

F.No.5-4/87-NVS Dated: March 11, 1988

The Principals
All Navodaya Vidyalayas.

Sub. : Mess Facilities for Non-eligible Persons-reg.


I am to refer to the subject noted above and to say that the Samiti is being approached regarding
clarification for providing mess facilities on payment to the teachers not eligible for free mess, parents
visiting the Vidyalaya, engineers of construction agency posted in the area for the construction of
Vidyalaya building etc.

In this connection, I am clarify that all those persons who are not entitled to avail free mess
facilities may be permitted to avail mess facilities on payment on the monthly rate admissible for the
Vidyalaya. Rates for a day or for single meal may be calculated according to the monthly rate.
This issues with the approval of the Director, NVS.

. t ~~
.ml~. ith~

(Dr. S.K. Na rang)
Asstt.Director (Acad.)
Copy to: . .
All Regional Offices of NVS.

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. ti}
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

F.No.5-4/2000-NVS(SA) Dated: 13.07.2000


The Deputy Directors

All the Regions

Sub. : Constitution of Committees at Regional and District Level for Regular

Inspection of Quality of Food and Mess Arrangements of the Vidyalayas
- regarding.


The 20th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has decided
to constitute committees at Regional and district Level to regularly undertake the inspection of the
quality of food, arrangements in the mess, health, hygiene etc. Since there has been a regular flow
of complaints on quantity and quality of food served to the students and also unhygienic conditions
of the dining hall, kitchen and its surroundings, it was thought appropriate to carry on periodic
inspections of the VidyaJ9yas in this regard. It is proposed to constitute two committees one at the
Regional Level and the other at the District level. While the District Level Committee wifl 'perfo~
lly _
inspect the Vidyalaya (once in a quarter) and issue them necessary guidelines and directions, the
Regional Level Committee will visit some selected Vidyalayas as per their convenience'. The
composition of the proposed committees at Regional Level as well as the District Level are as under:
(1) Regional Level Committee
1. Deputy Director of the region concerned Chairman
2. One eminent educationist with background Member
of managing residential institutions.
3. Director, School Education of one of the Member
State Governments within the Region
4. One renowned social worker Member
5. One Asstt. Director of the Regional Office Member-Secretary.
(II) District Level Committee
1. Joint Collector/Additional District Magistrate Chairman
2. District Civil Supplies Officer Member
3. District Medical and Health Officer Member
4. District Education Officer Member
5. One Public Representative to be nominated by Member
the Chairman, VMC from the list of names
recommended by the local MP.
6. Principal of the concerned JNV Member-Secretary

compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

The responsibilities entrusted to the above committees are as follows :

The Committee shall:
(a) Periodically visit the Vidyalayas and examine the regular menu including the nutritious
value of the food served.
(b) Oversee the effective functioning, planning, execution and effective functioning of the
Mess Committee.
(c) Undertake surprise check to ensure supply of quality of ration items like rice, atta, dal,
oil, milk, vegetables, etc.
(d) Supervise the procedure and disciplines followed in the dining hall by the students.
(e) Inspect the sanitation facilities in and around the kitchen and dining hall.
(f) Haye interaction with the students about the quality and quantity of food served.
(g) Suggest guidelines for the improvement of quality and quantity of food within the
financial allocation.
(h) Look into other related issues to ensure qualitative, quantitative and nutritious_food.
I request you to get in touch with the concerned and constitute the Committees at Regional
d·District·leveland intimate-us-the-details-relatecl-te-tl"leir-funGtiG>i:iinQ-fmm-Ume-to-timt;......------------

Yours faithfully,

(V. Rama Rao)

Joint Director (Admn.)
iPPY to:
w;.: SPA to Director for lnforrnation.

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

F.No.25-5/99-NVS (Acad.) Dated: Feb.,26, 2001


The Principals of all JNVs.

Sub. : Dining System in JNVs.


In residential schools an efficient House System and properly managed Dining System create
an excellent environment conducive to alround development or the children. JNVs being fully
residential, in order to function at optimum efficiency level, have to ensure that House System and
Dining System are given due importance and attention by the Vidyalayas, The physical, mental,
academic and social development of the children takes place during the seven years they spend in
a JNV. It is of utmost importance to provide hygienic and nutritious diet to growing children in the
: Vidyalayas, The procurement of food stuff, its cooking and serving to all the children is a gigantic
·-··---·--·--- ta:;;kJQr_a JNV._Since guidelines for budgetary provisions, procurement of food stuffs and appointment
· ofpersonnel for the Mess have already been notified separately. It has been felt necessary to formulate
and communicate necessary instructions for an effective dining system in JNVs. The same are now
being communicated for compliance :
1. Mess Committee
For effective Mess Management each JNV shall constitute a Mess Committee comprlsinq of
following members.
1. Principal Chairperson
2. Vice-Principal Member . .
3. One PGT (on rotation)
'4.· ·• One TGT/Misc.. Teacher (on rotation) - ··,,Member ·
·_.Member ~t least one Lady teach~r
· ' · ·
' ··s. Staff~Nurse •. ' · ''Member
6. .· Ca.tering Assistant - · · Member.Secretary
7. School Captain . Member . ' .
· 8. :. SchoolVice~Captain_(Girl) . .Membsr
: . 9. ·. One Migrated Student · 'Member
10. One child from each class .Mernber
The meeting of Mess Committee shall be held at least once in a month. The functions and
duties of the Mess Committee are as follows: -
1. To plan and finalise Menu and to suggest changes in the current menu with existing
. financial constraints.
2. To supervise quality and quantity of purchased foodstuff for the Vldyalaya Mess by
Sub-committ~e of Mess Committee
3. To supervise the preparation (cooking) for food in the Mess.
- C

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

4. To Suggest ways and means for local purchase of fresh provisions reduction in wastage
of food maintenance of proper discipline in dining hall and maintenance of cleanliness
in dining hall and surrounding areas.
5. To suggest and implement an effective serving system in the dining hall.
2. Role of Principal
The overall functioning of dining system in a JNV has to be controlled and supervised by the
Principal. Principal shall invariably involve Vice Principal of the Vidyalaya in discharging his/her
responsibilities by assigning specific responsibility(ies) if any to him/her. Principal should ensure
that nutritious and hygienic food is provided to children within the budgetary constraints. The
responsibilities of the of the Principal would include.
1. To ensure that monthly expenditure of Mess remains within the prescribed budget.
2. To visit dining-hall regularly to inspect stores of the mess personally and to ascertain the
quality of the procured food items.
3. To observe the quality of food being served in the Mess by dining with the children in the
dining hall itself.
4. To ensure that adequate and suitable furniture is provided in the dining hall.
_ .Pc __ To ensure that dry ration/provisions are stored at least to last for 15 days.
6. To keep a proper watch over the cleanliness of not only of the mess and dining-hall but also
of the personnel involved in the cooking and distribution of the food.
7. To approve the weekly menu. ·
8. To approve the procurement of rations and fresh provision for the mess based on prescribed
9. To assign duties to various staff members for efficient functioning of the dining system in the
3. Duties of Duty Teacher
For keeping a watch on all the activities carried out in a JNV the system of Duty Teacher has
been evolved and recommended for implementation in JNVs. The Principal of the JNV should issue
a weekly notice (preferably on Saturday) containing the names of seven teachers to act as Duty
Teachers for the coming week i.e. Monday to Sunday) It should be ensured that all the teachers
without any exception act as Duty Teachers on rotation basis. The name of the Duty Teacher of the
day should be specifically displayed near or outside the Administrative Office of the JNV. This shall
be responsibility of the Admn. Staff of the JNV). The duties and responsibilities of the Duty Teachers
of the day towards mess and dining hall are given below :
3.1 To reach dining hall well before the entry of the students in dining hall before meals
are served.
3.2 To ensure that food is ready before children are let-in.
3.3 To control and ensure proper entry of the children in dining hall with the help of School
3.4 To ensure that system of serving of food to the children, as prescribed is strictly
3.5 To ensure that children start eating their meals only after the prayer is over.

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

3.6 To take spot decision in case of any emergency (shortage of food accident, students
indiscipline etc.) and report to the same to the Principal.
3.7 To submit observations/suggestions to Principal in the duty report to be submitted
next day. ·
3.8 To leave dining hall only after all the children have taken their food and have left.
3.9 To supervise (quality/quantity etc.) intake of fresh provisions (fruit/veg/milk etc.) by
the Vidyalaya on the day of his/her duty and report observations, it any, to the Principal.
4. Duties of Catering Assistant
The Catering Assistant is the controller of Mess and Dining Hall in a JNV and is responsible for
providing well-cooked and nutritious food to the children within the stipulated budget. His duties shall
include the following.
4.1 . To act as overall incharge of the Mess.
4.2 To maintain StockRegister for not only of the fixtures and furniture in the Mess/Dining
.Hall as well as for all consumable and non-consumable items received for the Mess.
4.3 To maintain record of attendance of staff employed for the Mess and to recommend
their leave.
----4-... ..•4-----+o-enst1r-e-diseipline-and-cieanliness-0Hhe-Mess-staff-and-also-to-enst:1r-e-their-monthl1\r------
hledical check-up by the school doctor.
4.5 To maintain record of all receipt for the Mess items issued and consumed on day to
"day basls. •
4.6 To prepare demand or requirement for the Mess in order to submit to the Principal for
.approval for purchase.
4.7 To inspect all the food items purchased for consumption in the Mess.
4.8 To prepare weekly menu and submit the same to Principal for approve.
4.9 "Act as Member Secretary of.the Mess Committee of the JNV.
4.10 To,. train and. guide Mess ~taff working
. . -.. ., - . ' . .under him and supervise ,their functioning.
4.11 To be responsible for cleanliness and hygienic conditions in the Mess, Dining Hall and
surrounding areas.
4.12 T~ ensure that there ls no wa~tag~ of food in the Mess.
4.13 Not to 'allciw any ~nauthorised p~rsonto eriter and orto dine in th'e Mess/Dining Hall
without specific permission of Principal. .·
·. 4.14. io ensure th~t foodstutf (cooked/uncooked) is not taken a~ayfrC?rri Mess/Dining Hall
without proper authorisation 'of the Principal. · ·
. '4.15
, )"o :enslJre
- .
timely cooking and ~erving offciod in the; mess'.
. .... . : -.'. '
, .. ··- .. . ...
·.· .··-· ' ' ..
4.16 -.Being a trained person he/she should arrange a demonstration -ot table manners/
· serving of food .etc, to all the children (where staff is also present) at least once in six
months. ·
4.17 To carry cutall otherdunes assigned by the Principal.

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn.
ti; Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
5. Duties of House Masters/Teachers
The success of disciplined dining system depends on the interest and control exercised by
House Masters and other teachers of the Vidyalaya. Keeping the objective in view following
responsibilities are assigned to all House Masters/Teachers.
5.1 All House Masters and teachers shall remain present in the dining hall and take their
meals with their Houses as per seats assigned to them.
5.2 They shall dine with the children and not after the children have left the dining hall.
5.3 They should keep an eye on the children who are sitting with them on the same table
to ensure that all children are present and are taking meals. Absentees are invariably
be enquired.
5.4 Efforts should be made to teach table manners to the children.
5.5 Children should not be allowed to get up from their seats in case duty children are
assigned to replenish the food served on the tables.
5.6 . They should ensurethatproper discipline is maintained by children during meals.
5.7 House Masters, being head of the family should ensure that all the children and teachers
of his House are being looked after by those who are on serving duty. . ·
6~. FurnitureJor:_.O_ining_l:f.all '--"-'----~---"---'----'~~-~--~------
ln view of the fact that all the JNVs were started in temporary buildings and furniture for dining
~' hall was purchased on need basis, the uniformity in purchase of furniture has not been maintained in
most of the JNVs. Keeping in view the effective utilisation of the furniture based on the size of the
dining hall, furniture of following dlrnensions is recommended:
6.1 Dining Table 8' (Length) x 3' (Width) x 2.25' (Height) with. Stainless Steel/
Aluminium Sheet/Stone/Marble top.
6' (L) x 3' (W) 2.25' (H) with Stainless. Steel/Aluminium
Sheet/Stone/Marble top. ·
Bench 8' (L) x 1' (W) X ·1 :5' (H) With Sunmica top

6' (L) _x 1' (W)
.! ' .: ', . .
x 1.5' (H) With Sunmica top
-~ . . .. . - - ' .. ·- - . . '

Chair With wooden/Sunrnica seat/moulded & without Arms.

6.2 ·· Since size ~f the dining hall is not uniform in all the JNVs, the Principal of the Vidyalaya
may decide. the size of the table and benches (keeping in view maximum space
utilisation in din'ing hall) before placing the orders. : ' ' ' '
:_' ~ ·.:: ·. ' "! . •': ; . ', ' ' "' . •.

6.3 The above mentioned furniture may be acquired only if permanent RCC tables and
benches have not been provided in the dining hall by the Construction Agency. The
Principal of the· Vidyalaya should · keep in .rnlnd that adequate circulation. space is
'" -avallable ·in the dining hall afterfumiture has been place. Normally two 8' x 3' size
tables (as shown below) can be joined length-wise so that approx. 24 children can
easily be seated. At the both ends of such arrangements of table, chairs for teachers
should be kept so that they dine aiongwith the children. :·

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. ttevoaey» Vidyalaya Ssuniti

B 8
8 8
i3• j@J
§ 13' T l I
:========: T

B 8
T.Tab!e B~Bench. C-Chair

7. Seating Arrangement
All out efforts should be made to ensure that all the children and staff dine together in one shift
only. Perhaps it has not been possible because of inadequate size of the dining hall in a few JNVs.
WhereverVidyalaya wishesto extend the exlstinq dining hail space the proposal for the same should
be submitted to Hqrs. through their RO. Three different patterns of seating arrangement in a dining
hall (depending upon the size) are illustrated below.· · ·


Service Pattern-I

oCl T ]o -

· Stores · Pattern-II

_ol T 1 · T

:A.rea l 'T -- ]o

• Entry

Pattern-I 4 tables. 8 benches and 4·tea~h~rs chair(foi.-~8 ~hildren approx:)similar_rows may be

.added to occupy complete dining hall. . . .

Pattern~ll 3 tables ,6 benches and 2 teachers chair (for 36 children approx.jMore rows may be
. ; added. ' . -. . . .. .

Pattern-lll ?°tables 4 benches 21eachers chair (for 24 children). J\1oi-e rowsrnay be added.

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
Compendium of Circulars : School Admn.

In the patterns illustrated above the dimensions of dining tables have been taken as 8' x 3' and
bench 8' x 1 '. However for effective utilisation of the space Vidyalaya may buy tables of size 6' x 3'
and benches of the size 6' x 1 '. The objective of the exercise to ensure that maximum children are
accommodated in order to avoid more than one shift in dining halls.
The planning given above is only suggestive. Wherever dining halls of larger dimensions have
been constructed, all out efforts must be made to ensure that all the children dine in one shift only.
Following guidelines are communicated while finalising seating arrangement:
7.1 Tables should be allotted House-wise
7.2 House Master/Teachers attached with the House should occupy the chairs placed at
the both ends of the table.
7.3 All children of the House should be allotted a permanent seat on a designated table.
This would help in checking the absentees/sick, if any.
7.4 As soon as prayer/silent prayer is over and children take their seats. House Master/
teacher of the House may quickly check whether any child is absent on their tables.

·a . Entry of Children in Dining Hall

- - The entry of children--in-the-dining-lclall-for--all-the-th.r.ee__major_rneals_(.f3.rn§kfast, Lunch and
Dinner) should be properly regulated by Duty Teacher and School Captain/House Captains. In this
regard, following guidelines are communicated for compliance:
8.1 Duty Teacher, School Captain and House Captains should be present in the dining
hall before children are permitted to enter.
8.2 Childri::i" - : - -· ·r-1 be allowed to enter from both ends of the dining hall, preferably House-
w; . n one side and juniors from other side. They may be asked to from
House-wise lines outside the entry door before permitted by School Captain/
School Vice-Captain under the supervision of Duty Teacher.
8.3 In case food has been pre-served children may stand near their allotted seats till all
the children are in. They should wait for the signal for the prayer.
8.4 After the silent prayer, signal for which is given by the School Captain, all the children
should sit simultaneously for taking their meals. _
8.5 Meals are normally overwithin 20 to 25 minutes. Schools Captain should give a signal
so that all the children get up simultaneously.
8.6 House Captains should ensure that their House leave dining hall in an orderly manner.
Preferably, Children should be permitted to move out table-wise. In case a few children
have not finished their meals, they may be permitted to sit and finish meals before
9. Serving of Food in Dining Hall Pre-Service System
In the per-service system, children on duty keep bowls (Dongas) full of various food-items on
the table before children enter the dining hall. Other children enter with their Plates/Thalies, keep
their Thalies on the tables where seat has been assigned to them, stand by and wait for the prayer
to be over. After prayer is over they sit and then collect food from 'dongas' (bowl) one by one.
Children who are serving keep on replenishing the food on the tables assigns to them. ,
A donga normally, should be of two litre capacity. Their cleanliness of dongas shall be
responsibility of the mess staff. Buckets etc. may not be used.

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

Following guidelines should be strictly followed while meals are being served.
9.1 Atleast 4 children from each House may be assigned serving-duty on rotation. They
may eat as soon as serving duty is over.
9.2 Other children should not be allowed to get up and move around in the dining hall.
9.3 House Masters/teachers may ensure proper discipline in their House while meals are
being served and ensure that food is not wasted.
9.4 Same food should be served to all guests/VIPs in the Dining Hall.
10. General Guidelines
It is the responsibility of teaching staff of JNVs to create proper and appropriate traditions in
the dining halls. To this effect following guidelines are communicated for compliance.
10.1 All the children should be in proper school uniform when they enter dining hall for
breakfast. They should not be allowed to enter dining hall in bathroom slipper/chappals.
In case socks and shoes are prescribed as part of their uniform they should be directed
to wear the same. Only on Sunday and Holidays, this conditions may be relaxed.
10.2 Since lunch is held just after classes the tendency of children to change their clothes
are remove the shoes (since they go to collect their Thalies kept in dormitories) should
be invariably checked. All children must have lunch in school uniform ~mall tneWorR- in~g-· ------
days. This condition can be relaxed on Sundays/holidays but chappals/bathroom
slippers should not be permitted.
10.3 During dinner also children should not be allowed to have meal in night suit/dress.
Proper dress should be prescribed and ensured.
10.4 Under no circumstances children/staff shall carry blankets/quiets etc. in the Dining
10.5 Staff should also be properly ,dined for meals in Dining Hall.
10.6 Large-size doormats should be kept outside the main door of dining hall in order to
reduce the dust and dirt entering the dining hall.
1 o._7 Dining Halls doors must have an additional wire-gauge door/shutters to keep the files
and flying insects out. Preferably, this door may be fitted with automatic door-closer.
10.8 Dogs/pigs should not be allowed near dining halls.
10.9 It is the responsibility of the Catering Asstt. to ensure that the cleanliness is maintained
in and around dining hall. Mess staff must be neatly d_ressed when they enter dining
hall during serving of meals. Wearing of Apron for all mess staff should be ensured.
10.10 Kitchen staff must wear head-gear while meals are being cooked or served to children.

10.11 It ls responsibility of the staff-nurse to keep Principal informed about cleanliness being
maintained in the dining hall.
' I
All out efforts have to be made by all concerned that dining hall and surrounding areas
remain neat and clean at all the times.
10.13 Left over food, if any, should be collected in a large bin/drum and disposed off properly.
10.14 lt is highly advisable to install a siren or a suitable bell on ensure that punctuality for
meals is observed strictly .

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidya/aya Samiti

10.15 No food should be taken out of the dining hall under any circumstances unless it has
specific approval of the Principal.

10.16 Children who are sick should be provided special/specific diet on the recommendation
of the Vidyalaya doctor/nurse.

10.17 No outside food should be permitted in the dining hall without specific approval of the

10.18 Children are not permitted to have food in a common plate/thali.

10.19 Wherever meals are served in two shifts, Catering Asstt. must ensure that dining hall
is properly and quickly cleaned by mess staff/helpers before second batch is let-in. It
should be ensured by Catering Asstt. that second batch is served hot food under
clean and hygienic conditions.

1020 Entire staff of the Vidyalaya mess should be medically examined by the Vidyalaya
Medical Officer at least twice a year.

10.21 Preferably cooked food should be tasted by Nurse/Catering Asstt.Nice-Principal/

Principal/Duty Teacher before it is-served to children .

. · ::Abo.~e mentioned guidelines for makirig dining system effective in all th~ JNVs have been
a_lised in-consolation with all ROs and senior Principals. All the Principals are requested to implement
rthe same within the limitations of.infrastructural facilities available with them so that proper foundation
of an efficient residential system can be laid and appropriate traditions are not only created but also
maintained and strengthened in JNVs.

This issues with the approval of Director, NVS

Yours faithfully,


(S;S Gauri)
.. ~
. (Acad.)
. - ~. -..
'Copy to:{'· : ·
1. _ General Manager (Constn.) NVS (Hqrs.)
2. , . JolntDirector (Adrnri';fNVS (Hqrs.) - ~ ', . .
'3. . All Regional Offices of NVS-with the request for implementation.
4. ·. ··sr:P.A. to
Director, NVS · ·
u. - ''
~ ~
. Joint Director (Acad.)

\ ..

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

F.No.1-38/2001-NVS(SA) August04,2003


In continuation to Sarniti's Circular of even no. dated 21 /12/20011 regarding the admissibility
of free meal facility to the Principals and House Master, and free lunch for all teachers, it is further
clarified that Vice-Principals of the JNVs are also entitled for free meal facility.
This issues with the approval of Commissioner, NVS.

)~ (Kaneez Fatima)
Asstt. Director (SA)

1. The Deputy Directors, All Regional Offices.
2. The Principal, All JNVs.
Copy to:
1. Deputy Director (Fin.), NVS Hqrs.
2. Assistant Director (Pers.), NVS Hqrs.
3. Guard File ·

1. See page 437.

. ,~ .•)l@!EQ! ... -···-··'
' f\""l"""'!' ·. ~

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn.
Dated: Sep. 11, 1989
F. No .5-4/87 /NVS(Admn.)


All the Principals

of Navodaya Vidyalayas.

Sub. : Free Boarding Facility to Staff Nurse/Compounder-reg.

In continuation of Samiti's circular of even number dated the 8th May, 1989, lam directed to
say that the facility for free meals is also extended to Staff Nurse/ Compounder in all Navodaya
Vidyalayas. The Staff Nurse/ Compounder will ,.however, be on duty in the mess before the preparation
of the meals and all meals shall be tested by him/her before they are served to the children. It will be
ensured by the staff nurse/compounder that proper hygienic conditions are maintained in the kitchen,
dinii:,g-~all and surrounding mess areas.

Yours faithfully,

(Dr. S.K. Narang)

Compendium of Circulars : School Admn. Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti

F.No.5-4/2001/NVS(SA) Dated: Oct. 19, 2001


As decided in the Dy. Directors Conference on 14th September, 2001 at New Delhi, henceforth
the Vice-Principals will be responsible for the management of Navodaya mess. All the powers relating
to management, funding and day-to-day matters will vest with the Vice-Principals. The vlce-Prlncloals
will be able to pass all the Mess bills and to incur all the Mess expenditure, of course, subject to the
limit of amount budgeted for the year.
However, th§) Principals will be required to draw the-budgeted funds from the school budget on
demand from Vice-Principals; that means that the cheques for drawal of money wili be signed by the
Principals. It is nevertheless clarified that the Principals will not perform bay-to-day work of the mess
though Vice-Principals will be responsible subject to the overall supervision of Principals as is the
case with other activities of theschool,
The duties relating to management of mess by the Vice-Principals will be in addition to the
specific duties assigned to them under Office Letter No.1/15/98/NVS (Estt) dated 10.12.1998 •



Copy to:
1. All Principals.
2. Dy. Director, NVS All Regional Offices.
3. All Officers in NVS Hqrs.

1. For reference see page 294 of Establisshment Section.


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