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Pallasigue, Olive Mae A.

May 10, 2024

BABR 4-A Assignment 1

Manuel Castell once wrote, “Media are not the holders of power, but the constitution by
and the large space where power is decided.” It is a mere fact that the media plays a vital role in
disseminating information about politics, and the issues of society in general. It highlights details
of current events and social injustices that incite public discussions through journalism. While it
is true that the media is viewed as powerful, it does not have power in itself but rather serves as
a platform where power dynamics are influenced and determined.

An editorial of PhilStar, “Beautifying the country not the role of the media”

Media is the fourth estate, having the role of a watchdog in democracy per se. We
cannot obtain democracy without having a free press. On the contrary, it is significant to
remember that freedom is not absolute and that one should be responsible for every narrative
released. However, I concur with its duty to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable— no
matter how ugly the truth is. Unfortunately, it is blurry to hold the perpetrator fully accountable,
especially if censorship and red-tagging are included in the picture.
Photo by ABC News, ‘’Biggest stars show out for 2024 Met Photo by The Washington Post, “Israeli troops seize Rafah
Gala” border crossing, imperiling Gaza aid’’

The recent coverage of The Met Gala 2024 has sparked controversy due to being
released on May 7, 2024, the same day that Rafah, the last “safe zone” in Gaza, has been
invaded. This not only struck me but also drew me to the Agenda Setting Theory by McCombs
and Shaw in 1974. This theory suggests that the media can influence people's thoughts,
creating a sense of urgency around those highlighted issues. Through constant repetition, this
leads individuals to perceive that these highlighted events are more important than the actual
reality; such related discrepancy is also seen in politics which causes audiences to have
distorted and even uninformed opinions regarding events that really matter.

Headlines of and The Manila Times on the financial aid for affected drivers of the Public Utility Vehicle
Modernization Program (PUVMP)

To write a narrative is to choose a specific area where you want to set your lens. You can
immediately tell an article’s approach by simply reading its headline but reading the whole text
equips us with a better understanding of the issue. By delving deeper into its content, we can
detect its contextualisation and angle within a specific frame of reference. This points out
framing which is selecting certain aspects of a story to emphasise (while somehow
white-washing), ultimately shaping how its consumers perceive and understand the information.
A recent article by the Philippine News Agency presenting A recent article by Rappler featuring the perspective of
the side of NSC Asst. Director General Jonathan Malaya targeted activists for red-tagging

‘Biases’ are actually helpful in decision-making despite carrying negative connotations.

As for me, I see them as several truths that can reveal the bigger picture of the story. On the
contrary, being over-reliant on our initial judgment can make us ignore contradictory information.
This is prevalent in political content which causes others to have a closed mind on politics. It is
not wrong to have a preference, but it is also not wise to disregard the presented facts at a time
when adverse consequences are felt by society.

The media shows us the outside world but at the end of the day, we are the ones who
decide how we will view reality. These are just some of the issues in society nowadays, but all
are equally important regardless of where they occur. Media, in its literal sense, is significant in
setting an angle of a story, let alone establishing an image. Well, what about politics? Everything
is political, not unless you want to be stuck living in a utopia.


● ABC News Network. (2024, May 7). Biggest stars show out for 2024 Met Gala. ABC

● Bolledo, J. (2024, May 13). Not yet justice, but SC ruling gives activists fighting chance
vs red-tagging. RAPPLER.

● Chenkhinwee. (2014, February 28). Agenda setting. Media Studies 101.

● Cruz, M., & Ismael, J. J. (2024, May 4). Drivers hit hardest by PUVMP Can Expect Aid.
The Manila Times.

● De Villa, K. (2024, May 5). DSWD set to assist Jeepney Drivers.

● Morris, L., Mahfouz, H. F., Parker, C., Rubin, S., & Harb, H. (2024, May 7). Israel forces
take Rafah Crossing, angering Egypt, endangering Gaza Aid. The Washington Post.

● Motamedi, M. (2023, October 16). Why rafah crossing is vital for supplying aid amid
Israeli bombing of Gaza. Al Jazeera.

● Nepomuceno, P. (2024, May 13). Security exec: SC ruling didn’t say NTF-ELCAC a

● Agenda setting theory. Communication Theory. (2019, October 27).

● Editorial - beautifying the country not the role of the Media. (2022,
November 10).

● The media’s role as Watchdogs. Freedom Forum. (2023, June 22).

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