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The Land of Snow

Ice Age: The time long ago when there were thick ice
sheets which covered large areas of land.
Harpoons: A weapon like a spear, with a long rope
attached to it, used for hunting whales.
Ice Berge: A large block of ice floating on water.
Huskies: A breed of wolf like dogs that pull sledges in

Give Reasons:
Q1. Greenland is often called the ‘Land of midnight Sun’.
Ans. During the summers, there is continuous sunlight for
several weeks, that is why Greenland is known as ‘Land of
Midnight Sun’.
Answer in Brief:
Q1. What are igloos?
Ans. Igloos are dome shaped snow houses made of large
blocks of ice by the Inuits. A hole is made in the centre of
the dome to allow the smoke and hot air to pass through.
Q2. Where is Greenland located? Why is the island white?
Ans. Greenland is located towards the North America,
near the North Pole. It is white because 50 per cent of the
island is covered with snow and ice.
Answer in Detail:
Q1. Name and Discuss about the inhabitants of Greenland.
Ans. Inuits and Eskimos are the inhabitants of Greenland.
They are short and stout. They are kind, hard-working
and cheerful. For hundreds of years, they lived by hunting
fishing and gathering roots during summer and spring.

Q2. Describe the climate of Greenland.

Ans. Greenland has an arctic type of climate and is very
cold throughout the year. The winters are long and cold
with temperature during below freezing point whereas
summers are short and cool. The weather is bright and
sunny especially in coastal areas.

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