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A project-I report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of


Submitted by

BHARTI KUMARI (20102128001)

MD SAUWAN ALI (20102128023)
MD NOFIL AHMAD (21102128912)

Under the Supervision of



MAY 2024

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We certify that
a. The work contained in this thesis is original and has been done by myself under the general
supervision of my supervisor/s.
b. The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for degree or diploma.
c. We have followed the Institute norms and guidelines and abide by the regulation as given in the
Ethical Code of Conduct of the Institute.
d. Whenever we have used materials (data, theory and text) from other sources, we have given due
credit to them by citing them in the text of the thesis and giving their details in the reference section.

Name and Signature of the Student/s


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This is to certify that the dissertation titled “A Review of Solar Air Heater” which is being
submitted by Bharti Kumari (20102128001), Md Sauwan Ali (20102128023), Shashtanand Kumar
(20102128028), Aditya Prakash Pandey (20102128029), Md Nofil Ahmad (21102128912) for the
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.)
in Mechanical Engineering Department is a record of the student’s own work carried out at Department
of Mechanical Engineering, B.P. Mandal College of Engineering Madhepura, Bihar, under my
supervision and guidance. The matter embodied in this thesis has not been submitted elsewhere for
the award of any other degree or diploma.

Dr. Ajay Giri

Madhepura (H.O.D)
May 2024 Department of Mechanical Engineering,
B. P. Mandal College of Engineering,

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We feel immense pleasure and privilege to express my deep sense of gratitude, indebtedness and
thankfulness towards my supervisor, Dr. Ajay Giri Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering,
for his invaluable guidance, constant supervision, continuous encouragement and support throughout
this work. His suggestions and critical views have greatly helped me in successful completion of this
H.O.D :- Dr. Ajay Giri
Principal :- Arbind Kumar Amar

We feel most obliged to my parents and all my family members for their affection and constant
support for my education and overall well-being.
Lastly, we express thanks to the Almighty for his generous blessings and giving me courage to
complete the project with great satisfaction.

Madhepura Bharti Kumari (20102128001)

May 2024 Md Sauwan Ali (20102128023)
Shashtanand Kumar (20102128028)
Aditya Prakash Pandey (20102128029)
Md Nofil Ahmad (21102128912)

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1.1 Artificial roughness applied to the underside of absorber plates in solar air heater ducts is a
widely adopted technique to enhance heat transfer while tolerating a moderate increase in
friction. The key lies in optimizing the design of these rough surfaces, including their shape and
arrangement. By tweaking parameters like roughness size and spacing, we can influence the flow
patterns, which in turn dictate heat transfer mechanisms.

1.2 Researchers have extensively reviewed various artificial roughness elements documented in
literature, analyzing how different patterns affect heat transfer. They've also compiled
correlations between Nusselt number (a measure of convective heat transfer) and friction factor
for these roughness variations. Additionally, studies have compared the thermohydraulic
performance of different roughness elements to better grasp their effectiveness in practical
applications. Essentially, it's all about strategically manipulating surface textures to maximize
heat transfer efficiency without compromising too much on fluid flow.

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Chapter Title Page
Declaration 2
Certificate 3
Acknowledgements 4
1 Abstract 5
Table of Contents 6-8

2 Introduction 9-10

3 Methodology 11

3.1 Literature Review

3.2 Objective Definition
3.3 Design and Simulation
3.4 Material Selection
3.5 Prototype Construction


4.1 Solar Air Heater
4.2 Absorber Plate
4.3 Artificial Roughness
4.4 Friction Factor
4.5 Nusselt Number

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4.6 Flow Structure
4.7 Heat Transfer Mechanisms
4.8 Correlations
4.9 Optimization


5.1 Absorption of Solar Radiation
5 5.2 Transfer of Heat to Air
5.3 Convection and Heat Transfer
5.4 Circulation Mechanism
5.5 Control Mechanisms


6.1 Absorption of Solar Energy
6.2 Heating of Air
6.3 Convection Heat Transfer
6.4 Distribution of Heated Air
6.5 Temperature Regulation

7.1 Temperature Regulation
7.2 Commercial Buildings
7.3 Greenhouses
7.4 Industrial Processes
7.5 Off-Grid Applications
7.6 Solar Drying Systems

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8.1 Energy Access and Affordability
8.2 Health Benefits
8.3 Job Creation
8.4 Climate Change Mitigation
8.5 Community Resilience
8.6 Education and Awareness
9.1 Advanced Absorber Materials

9.2 Optimized Design

9.3 Enhanced Heat Transfer

9.4 Intelligent Controls and Automation

9.5 Integration with Energy Storage

9.6 Hybrid Systems

9.7 Material Efficiency and Sustainability

9.8 Cost Reduction Strategies



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2. Introduction

Energy is a primary need to live our daily life at an expenses of some valuable things such as
environment degradation by using fossil fuels[1]. Use of fossil fuel are not only affects the
environment, but also threats to humans life[2]. The earth have fixed quantities of these fossil
fuels reserved in it, which will be depleted after few years[3]. In this view, renewable energy
sources are getting more importance in the recent days. Renewable energy sources have wide
verities depending upon the usage and location. Out of many renewable energies, solar energy
has wide usage due to its huge potential available everywhere. Solar energy is a non-polluting,
freely available and infinite source of energy. However, solar energy potential depend on the
location of earth, weather and time etc. Solar energy has low density energy, requires a large area
to capture. Solar air heater is used at moderate temperature applications like industrial HVAC
system, drying crops, space heating, and textile industries[4]. Geometry of solar air heater is very
simple and its main component is collector which convert solar radiation into thermal energy of
air[5]. Other parts of solar air heater are glass cover, back insulated cover and blower as shown
in Fig.

[20] (Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of conventional solar air heater)

Glass cover is used to minimize the heat through top of absorber plate and it transparent to
incoming solar radiation[6]. Back insulated cover is used to minimize heat losses through
backside of the duct[7]. Air is passed through the duct having three insulated sides and top side
which is collector. Generally, conventional solar air heater has very low thermal performance
because smooth absorber plate offers low convective heat transfer to flowing air, leading to high

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heat losses to environment. The performance of solar air heater can be improved by mainly tow
techniques: 1. reducing the top heat losses to environment, 2. enhancing the convective heat
transfer coefficients at absorber plate[8]. Second technique is the most popular due to its wide
applicability. Various techniques are available to enhance the heat transfer rate which depend on
the applications. The most auspicious technique is to increase the heat transfer rate using
roughened surfaces instead of smooth surface[9]. Artificial roughness create turbulence on the
heated surface and help to break the thermal boundary layer[10]. Enhanced heat transfer is also
accompanied with higher pressure drop, which is undesirable. The researcher always try to
optimize the roughness which provide high heat transfer at low pressure drop penalty[11]. In this
article, an attempt has been made to summarize previous investigations based on artificial
roughness used in solar air heater duct[12].

Solar air heater (SAH) is a device in which energy from sun is captured by absorbing surface and
the thermal energy is extracted by the air flowing over it[13]. SAH is the cheapest way of solar
energy conversion and used for various applications as space heating, drying of crops, and other
industrial applications. A typical SAH is simply de-signed and requires less maintenance.
However, they have poor heat transport between absorber and fluid due to development of
laminar sublayer which results in a lower efficiency[14]. The heat transfer coefficient can be
significantly improved by disrupting the laminar sublayer and inducing turbulence adjacent to
the absorber plate by providing artificial roughness[15]. However, it is done at the cost of extra
pressure drop which upturns the pumping power requirements. The use of repeated ribs as
roughness elements underside the absorber is one of the convenient and most efficient method
for heat transfer augmentation[16]. A lot of experimental as well as few Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) explorations are reported so far to evaluate the influence of roughness elements
on the thermal and frictional performance of roughened SAH duct. Further, attempts had been
made to optimize the rib roughness parameters[17]. This article presents a comprehensive review
of various investigations carried out with the purpose of obtaining maximum heat transfer
improvement and least pumping power penalty[18]. The outcomes of these investigations are
discussed along with the optimum parameters obtained and the reported correlations of Nusselt
number and friction factor[19].

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3.1 Literature Review:

Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature and research on solar air heaters,
including design principles, materials, heat transfer mechanisms, and performance evaluation
3.2 Objective Definition:
Clearly define the objectives and goals of the project, such as improving efficiency, optimizing
design, or exploring new materials or technologies.
3.3 Design and Simulation:
Develop a conceptual design for the solar air heater based on the objectives and available
resources. Utilize software tools and simulations, such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or
finite element analysis (FEA), to optimize the design parameters and predict performance.
3.4 Material Selection:
Choose appropriate materials for the absorber plate, ducting, insulation, and other components
based on factors such as thermal conductivity, durability, cost, and environmental impact.
3.5 Prototype Construction:
Build a prototype of the solar air heater based on the optimized design. This may involve
fabrication of the absorber plate, assembly of ducting and insulation, installation of sensors or
control systems, and integration of any additional components.


4.1 Solar Air Heater:

A device that utilizes solar energy to heat air for various applications such as space heating,
ventilation, or drying.
4.2 Absorber Plate:
The component of the solar air heater that absorbs solar radiation and transfers it to the air
passing through the heater.
4.3 Artificial Roughness:
Modifications made to the absorber plate surface to enhance heat transfer by creating turbulence
in the airflow.

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4.4 Friction Factor:
A dimensionless quantity that characterizes the resistance to flow caused by the roughness of the
4.5 Nusselt Number:
A dimensionless parameter used to quantify the convective heat transfer coefficient between the
absorber plate and the airflow.
4.6 Flow Structure:
The arrangement and behavior of the airflow within the solar air heater duct, influenced by the
roughness elements and other design factors.
4.7 Heat Transfer Mechanisms:
The processes by which heat is transferred from the absorber plate to the airflow, including
conduction, convection, and radiation.
Thermohydraulic Performance: The overall efficiency and effectiveness of the solar air heater in
terms of both heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics.
4.8 Correlations:
Relationships or equations derived from experimental data to predict parameters such as Nusselt
number and friction factor based on specific conditions and design parameters.
4.9 Optimization:
The process of adjusting various design parameters, such as roughness shape and arrangement,
to maximize the performance of the solar air heater while considering factors such as cost and

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5.1 Absorption of Solar Radiation:

The solar air heater consists of a transparent cover (usually glass or plastic) that allows sunlight
to pass through. Behind this cover is an absorber plate, typically made of a material with high
thermal conductivity such as metal. When sunlight strikes the absorber plate, it absorbs the solar
radiation, converting it into heat.
5.2 Transfer of Heat to Air:
As the absorber plate heats up, it transfers this heat to the air passing through the solar air heater.
The air typically enters through an inlet and flows over or through the absorber plate, depending
on the design of the heater. The transfer of heat from the absorber plate to the air occurs
primarily through convection.
5.3 Convection and Heat Transfer:
As the air comes into contact with the heated absorber plate, it absorbs thermal energy, causing it
to increase in temperature. This heated air then exits the solar air heater through an outlet and can
be utilized for various purposes such as space heating, ventilation, or drying.
5.4 Circulation Mechanism (Optional):
In some designs, a fan or blower may be incorporated to enhance airflow through the solar air
heater, ensuring efficient heat transfer. This circulation mechanism helps distribute the heated air
more evenly and can improve overall performance, especially in larger systems or when airflow
resistance is high.
5.5 Control Mechanisms (Optional):
Depending on the application and complexity of the solar air heater system, various control
mechanisms may be employed to regulate airflow, temperature, or other parameters. These
controls can help optimize performance and ensure the system operates effectively under
different environmental conditions.

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6.1 Absorption of Solar Energy:

The solar air heater is positioned in such a way that it receives direct sunlight. It consists of a
transparent cover, usually made of glass or plastic, which allows sunlight to pass through. Behind
this cover is an absorber plate, often made of a material with high thermal conductivity like
metal. When sunlight strikes the absorber plate, it absorbs the solar radiation, converting it into
6.2 Heating of Air:
As the absorber plate heats up, it transfers this thermal energy to the air flowing through the solar
air heater. The air, usually drawn in from the surroundings, passes over or through the absorber
plate. This contact with the heated surface causes the air to increase in temperature.
6.3 Convection Heat Transfer:
Heat transfer from the absorber plate to the air primarily occurs through convection. The heated
air absorbs thermal energy from the absorber plate, causing it to expand and rise. This creates a
natural circulation within the solar air heater, with cooler air being drawn in at the bottom and
heated air rising towards the outlet.
6.4 Distribution of Heated Air:
The heated air exits the solar air heater through an outlet and can be directed to the desired
location for use. Depending on the application, it may be used for space heating, ventilation,
drying, or other purposes. In some cases, ducts or fans may be used to distribute the heated air
more effectively throughout a space.
6.5 Temperature Regulation (Optional):
In more advanced solar air heater systems, temperature regulation mechanisms may be
incorporated to control the airflow and maintain desired temperature levels. This can include
dampers, vents, or automated controls to adjust airflow rates based on environmental conditions
and heating requirements.

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7.1 Residential Heating:

Solar air heaters can be used in homes to supplement traditional heating systems or as standalone
heating units. They can provide space heating during colder months, reducing reliance on fossil
fuels and lowering energy bills.
7.2 Commercial Buildings:
Solar air heaters are also used in commercial buildings such as offices, warehouses, and factories
to provide space heating. They can be integrated into the building's HVAC (Heating, Ventilation,
and Air Conditioning) system to reduce overall energy consumption and operating costs.
7.3 Greenhouses:
Solar air heaters are employed in greenhouses to maintain optimal growing conditions for plants.
They help regulate temperature and humidity levels, preventing fluctuations that can affect plant
growth and productivity.
7.4 Industrial Processes:
In industries that require drying of products or materials, such as food processing, agriculture, or
textiles, solar air heaters can be used to provide the necessary heat for drying processes. They
offer a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to conventional drying methods powered by
fossil fuels.
Ventilation Systems:
Solar air heaters can be integrated into ventilation systems to improve indoor air quality by
providing fresh air while also preheating it. This is particularly beneficial in buildings with high
occupancy or where air quality is a concern.
7.5 Off-Grid Applications:
In remote or off-grid locations where access to traditional energy sources is limited, solar air
heaters offer a reliable and sustainable heating solution. They can be deployed in cabins, RVs, or
remote facilities to provide space heating without the need for grid electricity or fuel delivery.
7.6 Solar Drying Systems:
Solar air heaters are often used in solar drying systems to dry agricultural products, grains, fruits,
vegetables, and other perishable goods. They facilitate the drying process by providing a
consistent source of heat while also promoting airflow to remove moisture.

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8.1 Energy Access and Affordability:

Solar air heaters provide an alternative source of energy for heating purposes, particularly in
regions where access to traditional energy sources like electricity or gas is limited or expensive.
This can improve energy access and affordability for communities, reducing their reliance on
costly or unreliable energy sources.
8.2 Health Benefits:
By reducing the use of fossil fuels for heating, solar air heaters help mitigate indoor air pollution,
which can have significant health benefits. Indoor air pollution from burning fuels like coal,
wood, or kerosene for heating can lead to respiratory problems and other health issues,
particularly in low-income households. Solar air heaters provide a cleaner and safer alternative,
improving indoor air quality and promoting better health outcomes.
8.3 Job Creation:
The adoption of solar air heaters can stimulate local economies by creating jobs in
manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and servicing of solar energy systems. This can
provide opportunities for employment and skill development, particularly in regions where there
is a need for clean energy infrastructure and technologies.
8.4 Climate Change Mitigation:
Solar air heaters contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by displacing the use of fossil
fuels for heating. This helps mitigate climate change and its associated impacts, such as extreme
weather events, rising sea levels, and disruptions to ecosystems. By transitioning to renewable
energy sources like solar power, communities can reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to
global efforts to combat climate change.
8.5 Community Resilience:
Solar air heaters can enhance the resilience of communities by providing a decentralized and
distributed energy source. In areas prone to power outages or natural disasters, solar air heaters
can continue to provide heating even when traditional energy infrastructure is disrupted. This
resilience can help communities withstand and recover from adverse events more effectively.
8.6 Education and Awareness:
The adoption of solar air heaters can raise awareness about renewable energy technologies and
promote sustainable living practices. Educating communities about the benefits of solar energy
and how they can harness it for their heating needs can empower individuals to make informed
choices and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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9.1 Advanced Absorber Materials:

Research into novel absorber materials with higher thermal conductivity and improved
absorption properties can enhance heat transfer efficiency and overall system performance.
Materials such as selective coatings or nanocomposites tailored for specific wavelengths of
sunlight can maximize energy absorption and minimize heat loss.

9.2 Optimized Design:

Continued research and development of optimized designs, including the shape, size, and
orientation of the absorber plate and ducting, can improve heat collection and airflow distribution
within the solar air heater. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and experimental
studies can help identify the most efficient configurations for different applications and operating

9.3 Enhanced Heat Transfer:

Integration of advanced heat transfer enhancement techniques, such as fins, baffles, or heat
exchangers, can increase the rate of heat transfer between the absorber plate and the airflow.
These enhancements can maximize thermal efficiency and reduce the overall size and cost of the
solar air heater system.

9.4 Intelligent Controls and Automation:

Implementation of smart control systems and automation technologies can optimize the
operation of solar air heaters based on real-time environmental conditions, energy demand, and
user preferences. This can include features such as automated tracking systems, variable airflow
control, and predictive algorithms for optimal performance and energy savings.

9.5 Integration with Energy Storage:

Integration of energy storage systems, such as thermal storage or battery storage, can enable
solar air heaters to provide heating during periods of low sunlight or at night. This can increase
energy resilience and enable greater flexibility in meeting heating requirements, especially in off-
grid or intermittent solar resource areas.

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9.6 Hybrid Systems:
Integration of solar air heaters with other renewable energy technologies, such as solar
photovoltaic panels or solar thermal collectors, can create hybrid heating systems that leverage
multiple energy sources for increased reliability and efficiency. Hybrid systems can also utilize
waste heat from other processes or sources to further enhance overall energy utilization.

9.7 Material Efficiency and Sustainability:

Exploration of sustainable and eco-friendly materials for construction and manufacturing can
reduce the environmental footprint of solar air heater systems. This includes using recycled
materials, minimizing waste during production, and designing for end-of-life recyclability or

9.8 Cost Reduction Strategies:

Continued research and innovation focused on reducing the cost of components, manufacturing
processes, and installation can make solar air heaters more accessible and affordable, especially
in developing regions or for low-income households. This can involve economies of scale,
streamlined production techniques, and standardized installation practices.

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In conclusion, the project of developing a solar air heater offers a promising solution for
harnessing renewable energy to meet heating needs sustainably. Through the utilization of
innovative design, advanced materials, and optimized systems, solar air heaters have the
potential to significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuels, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and
improve energy access and affordability for communities.
By leveraging the principles of solar energy conversion and heat transfer, coupled with ongoing
research and development efforts, solar air heaters can be enhanced to achieve higher efficiency,
reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Integration with smart controls, energy storage, and hybrid
systems further increases the versatility and resilience of solar air heater applications, enabling
them to adapt to varying environmental conditions and user requirements.
Moreover, the social impacts of solar air heaters extend beyond mere energy provision,
encompassing benefits such as improved indoor air quality, job creation, climate change
mitigation, community resilience, and public awareness of renewable energy technologies. These
positive outcomes contribute to the creation of more sustainable and equitable societies, fostering
economic development and environmental stewardship.
In light of these considerations, the project of solar air heater development represents a
significant opportunity to advance clean energy solutions and address pressing challenges related
to energy security, climate change, and social well-being. Continued collaboration among
researchers, engineers, policymakers, and communities will be essential to realize the full
potential of solar air heaters and accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable energy

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