Journal Articles and Papers and Abstracts - PFIS-PQUIM

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Summary of points (as of a writing) usually
presented in a very structured way.
• Introducing background/problem: (B)
Why the subject is important, what is currently known, why
nobody else has adequately answered the question yet.
• Presenting current research and purpose: (P)
The hypothesis, aim, and how it fills the gap in knowledge
discussed above.
• Method (M) used to test the hypothesis or to solve the
Rhetorical problem.
• Results of the study: (R)
moves in the Did you support or reject a hypothesis? Did you solve a
problem? How close were the results to what you
abstract expected? State specific numbers.
• Conclusions: (C)
The significance of your findings. Do the results lead to an
increase in knowledge, a solution that may be applied to
other problems, etc.?
Based on Swales, J. (1990). Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings.
Cambridge University Press; Bathia (1993) and Hyland (2000). 9

Smart Bins have become popular in smart cities and campuses around the world.

These bins have a compaction mechanism that increases the bins' capacity as
well as automated real-time collection notifications. In this paper, we propose
WasteNet, a waste classification model based on convolutional neural networks
that can be deployed on a low power device at the edge of the network, such as
a Jetson Nano. The problem of segregating waste is a big challenge for many
countries around the world. Automated waste classification at the edge allows
for fast intelligent decisions in smart bins without needing access to the cloud.
Waste is classified into six categories: paper, cardboard, glass, metal, plastic and
other. Our model achieves a 97 % prediction accuracy on the test dataset. This
level of classification accuracy will help to alleviate some common smart bin
problems, such as recycling contamination, where different types of waste
become mixed with recycling waste causing the bin to be contaminated. It also
makes the bins more user friendly as citizens do not have to worry about
disposing their rubbish in the correct bin as the smart bin will be able to make
the decision for them. 11

Abstract: 
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) generate considerable amounts of
sewage sludge. The thermal sludge treatment system (TSTS) is therefore one
of the most important technological units of a WWTP. However, due to
technological processes involved in thermal sludge treatment, specific
chemical, physical and biological conditions may arise that can affect air
quality both within the WWTP area and in its vicinity. This study uses data
from experimental measurements taken in and around a WWTP to assess the
impact of thermal sludge treatment on air quality. The selected facility is
located in the Group Sewage Treatment Plant in the Lodz Agglomeration and
serves a population of around one million. The concentrations of harmful
gaseous substances, bacteria, fungi, particulate matter and thermal energy
were investigated. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of physical,
chemical, and biological factors and their influence on air quality are
Optical properties of hybrid periodic/quasiregular dielectric mul
tilayers - ScienceDirect


Optical properties like transmission, omnidirectional
reflection and localization of modes are theoretically
investigated in hybrid periodic/quasiregular dielectric
heterostructures based on porous silicon. It is shown that
the fabrication of this class of multilayers would lead to an
improvement of the formation of microcavities, the
widening of the incidence angular interval for total
reflection as well as the appearance of spatial localization
of electric field intensity within specific regions of the


An open-source platform to be used in high school or
university laboratories has been developed. The platform
permits the performance of dynamic experiments in a
simple and affordable way, combining measurements of different
sensors in the platform. The sensors are controlled by an Arduino
microcontroller, which can be wirelessly accessed with
smartphones or tablets. The platform constitutes an economical
sensing alternative to commercial configurations and can easily be
extended by including new sensors that broaden the range of
covered experiments.
Cloud robotics is a rapidly evolving field that allows

 robots to offload computation-intensive and storage-

intensive jobs into the cloud. Robots are limited in terms
of computational capacity, memory and storage. Cloud provides
unlimited computation power, memory, storage and especially
collaboration opportunity. Cloud-enabled robots are divided into
two categories as standalone and networked robots. This paper
surveys cloud robotic platforms, standalone and networked robotic
works such as grasping, simultaneous localization and mapping
(SLAM), monitoring.

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