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When hydraulic or
pneumatic systems
must produce linear

Cylinders motion, cylinders

become their most
important component
by con-verting fluid
pressure and flow to
force and velocity,

he linear motion and high force
produced by cylinders are big
reasons why designers specify Barrel Piston
hydraulic and pneumatic systems in
the first place. One of the most basic
of fluid power components, cylinders
have evolved into an almost endless
Piston rod
array of configurations, sizes, and spe-
cial designs. This versatility not only
makes more-innovative designs possi-
ble, but makes many applications a re-
ality that would not be practical or
possible without cylinders. Rod-end port Cap-end port

Cylinder basics Fig. 1. Cut-away view shows key features of a typical cylinder, in this case, a double-act-
The most common cylinder config- ing model for hydraulic service with standard tie-rod construction.
uration is double acting, Figure 1.
Routing pressurized fluid into the rod Single-acting cylinders, Figure 2,
end of a double-acting cylinder accept pressurized fluid on only one
causes the piston rod to retract. Con- side of the piston; volume on the other
versely, routing pressurized fluid into side of the piston is vented to atmo-
the cap end causes the rod to extend. sphere or returns to tank. Depending
Simultaneously, fluid on the opposite on whether it is routed to the cap end
side of the piston flows back into the or rod end, the pressurized fluid may
hydraulic reservoir. (If air is the fluid extend or retract the cylinder, respec-
medium, it usually is vented to the at- tively. In either case, force generated
mosphere.) by gravity or a spring returns the pis-
Because the area of the rod-end pis- ton rod to its original state. A hy-
ton face is smaller than the cap-end draulic jack for vehicles represents a
area, extension force is greater than re- common application of a single-act-
traction force (assuming equal fluid ing, gravity-return cylinder.
pressures). Because total cylinder vol- Single-acting cylinders can be
ume is less with the cylinder fully re- spring-extend or the more common
tracted (because of rod volume) than spring-return type. A spring-extend Fig. 2. Cut-away view shows key features
when the cylinder is fully extended, a cylinder is useful for tool-holding fix- of a single-acting cylinder. This partial
cylinder retracts faster than it extends tures because spring force can hold a model is base-mounted with an extension
(assuming equal flow rates). workpiece indefinitely. The cylinder spring for a tool holding application.

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then releases the workpiece upon appli- that pass through holes in the corners the barrel. This construction, how-
cation of hydraulic pressure. Spring- of the end caps. Nuts threaded onto ever, usually cannot accommodate as
applied/hydraulic-pressure-released the end of each tie rod secure the end high a pressure rating as welded and
(parking) brakes represent another caps to the barrel. Static seals in the can be more difficult to disassemble
common application of single-acting, barrel/end-cap interface prevent leak- and reassemble.
spring-extend cylinders. age. A number of variations to this de- Mill-duty cylinders, Figure 4, have
But the most common type of single- sign exist, including use of more than flanges welded to the ends of the cylin-
acting cylinder uses a return spring. In four tie rods on a cylinder, or long der barrels with end caps of the same
this version, pressurized fluid enters bolts that thread into tapped holes in diameter as the flanges. Bolts secure
the cap end of the cylinder to extend the one of the end caps. the end caps to the flanges. Their con-
piston rod. When fluid is allowed to The majority of cylinders for indus- struction is similar to that of welded
flow out of the cap end, the return trial, heavy-duty applications use tie-rod cylinders, but mill-duty cylinders have
spring exerts force on the piston rod to construction and usually conform to Na- thicker barrel walls and heavier con-
retract it. Factory automation — espe- tional Fluid Power Association (NFPA) struction in general.
cially material handling — is a com- standards. These standards establish di- Large mill-duty cylinders often
mon application using pneumatic mensional uniformity so cylinders from have a barrel wall thick enough for
spring-return cylinders. multiple manufacturers can be inter- the end-cap bolts to be threaded di-
changed. However, care should be taken rectly into the barrel wall. As the
Standard constructions when interchanging cylinders because name implies, these cylinders were
Construction variations for single- even though it conforms to NFPA di- originally designed for use in steel
and double-acting cylinders are based mensional standards, a cylinder may mills, foundries, and other severe-
primarily on how the two end caps have proprietary features from its spe- duty applications.
are attached to the barrel. Additional cific manufacturer that may not be avail- At the other end of the duty spec-
variations include wall thickness of able from a different manufacturer. trum are non-repairable cylinders,
the barrel and end caps, and materials Welded cylinders, Figure 3, have Figure 5. These cylinders are de-
of construction. end flanges welded to the barrel and an signed for economy and have end
Tie-rod cylinders, Figure 1, have end cap attached to each flange. End caps welded to the barrel to make
square or rectangular end caps se- caps are secured in place by bolts that them throwaway components. They
cured to each end of the barrel by rods slip through holes in each end cap and cannot be disassembled for repair or
thread into tapped holes in each end seal replacement. However, this de-
flange. This construction is lighter and sign proves very cost effective when
more compact than the standard tie-rod high service life is not required. Most
configuration, which explains why of these cylinders have stainless steel
welded cylinders find wide application end caps and barrel, but because they
in mobile equipment. are intended primarily for light duty
A variation to this construction has cycles, many make extensive use of
each end cap threaded into the end of aluminum alloys and plastics for light
Fig. 3. Welded cylinders combine bene- weight and economy.
fits of heavy-duty construction with com- An alternative method of manufac-
pact design, which is the main reason ture rolls the tube into a slot on the
why they are widely used in mobile- end caps to mechanically lock the
equipment applications. three pieces together. Another alter-
native design has the end cap welded
to the barrel and a rod-end cap se-
cured via threads or a lock ring.
These modifications allow disassem-
bling the cylinder for repair but also
raise its initial cost.

Common variations
Fig. 5. Non-repairable cylinders generally The most common type cylinder is
are constructed primarily of stainless the single-rod end, in which the rod is
steel, aluminum alloys, and engineered nearly as long as the cylinder barrel.
plastics for pneumatic or low- pressure hy- The rod protrudes from the rod-end
Fig. 4. Mill-duty cylinders have flanges draulic service. Shown here are a single- cap to transmit the generated force to
welded to both ends of their barrel with an acting, spring-return model, top, and dou- the load. A double rod-end cylinder,
end cap bolted to each flange. ble-acting with double rod-end, bottom. Figure 5, has a rod attached to both

2003 Fluid Power Directory A/55

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faces of the piston with each rod ex- or the load to retract the piston rod. piston interface. The short-stroke type
tending through a rod end cap. Dou- Short-stroke cylinders, Figure 7, uses an elastomer sheet secured be-
ble rod-end cylinders are useful for generally have a rod length that is less tween halves of the cylinder body and
moving two loads simultaneously, than the piston diameter. It is used is commonly used for truck and bus
and they also eliminate the differen- where high force must be generated
tial area between the rod side and from a relatively low supply pressure.
blank side of the piston. With equal Short-stroke cylinders also fit into a
areas (and cylinder volumes) on both narrow axial space but require sub-
sides of the piston, a given flow pro- stantial radial width. These cylinders
duces the same extension and retrac- lend themselves to air-operated, au- Rod-end port
tion speeds. tomation machinery.
Most telescoping cylinders, Fig- Tandem cylinders, on the other
ure 6, are single acting, although dou- hand, are designed for applications
ble-acting versions are available. where high force must be generated
Telescoping cylinders contain five or within a narrow radial space where
more sets of tubing, or stages, that substantial axial length is available. A
Cap-end port
nest inside one another. Each stage is tandem cylinder, Figure 8, functions
equipped with seals and bearing sur- as two single rod-end cylinders con-
faces to act as both a cylinder barrel nected in line with each piston inter- Fig. 7. Short-stroke cylinders have a pis-
and piston rod. Available for exten- connected to a common rod as well as ton diameter that exceeds rod length.
sions exceeding 15 ft, most are used a second rod which extends through They are used where axial space is lim-
on mobile applications where avail- the rod-end cap. Each piston chamber ited and high force must be generated
able mounting space is limited. The is double acting to produce much from a relatively low supply pressure.
collapsed length of a telescoping cyl- higher forces without an increase in
inder can be as little as 1⁄5 its extended fluid pressure or bore diameter.
length, but the cost is several times Duplex cylinders also have two or
that of a standard cylinder that can more cylinders connected in line, but Piston Piston
produce equivalent force. Models are the pistons of a duplex cylinder, Fig-
available in which all stages extend ure 9, are not physically connected;
simultaneously or where the largest the rod of one cylinder protrudes into
stage extends first, followed by each the non-rod end of the second, and so
successively smaller stage. forth. A duplex cylinder may consist
Ram cylinders are a special type of of more than two in-line cylinders
single-acting cylinders that have a rod and the stroke lengths of the individ- Common rod
OD the same diameter as the piston. ual cylinders may vary. This makes
Used mostly for jacking purposes, ram them useful for achieving a number
cylinders must be single acting because of different fixed stroke lengths, de-
there is no internal cylinder volume to pending on which individual pistons Fig. 8. Tandem cylinders use multiple
pressurize for retracting the rod. Ram are actuated. pistons connected through a common rod
cylinders sometimes are called plunger Diaphragm cylinders, Figure 10, to generate relatively high force from a
cylinders and are most often used for are either of the rolling diaphragm or low supply pressure and small bore.
short-stroke applications. Most do not the short-stroke type. Both use elas-
use return srpings, but, rahter, gravity tomeric diaphragms to seal the barrel-

Fig. 9. Duplex cylinders have multiple pis-

Fig. 6. Telescoping cylinders have two or more stages that, when fully extended, can pro- tons that are not connected to a common
duce a stroke that exceeds the length of the cylinder when fully retracted. Shown here is a rod. Actuating individual piston chambers
cutaway of a six-stage single-acting model. achieves multiple strokes.

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yield at rated system pressure. Many

manufacturers of heavy-duty cylin-
ders for mobile equipment specify a
3:1 design factor. A 15,000-psi stress
at rated system pressure, with smooth
system operation and no pressure
pulses, is considered conservative.
System pressure spikes that cause
30,000-psi stress often are not alarm-
Fig. 10. By eliminating the conventional ing, but at 30,000-psi unit stress,
sliding piston seal — and its inherent ten- steel’s dimensional change is 0.001
dency toward stick-slip operation —di- in./in. of length. For a 30-in. cylinder,
aphragm cylinders produce nearly friction- a pressure spike of that intensity
less motion, except for the miniscule causes a length change of almost 1⁄32 in.
amount of friction at the rod seal. The di- Dimensional changes in stressed
aphragm’s positive sealing also eliminates cylinders, or those subjected to wide
the potential for leakage around the piston. temperature changes, may further
limit allowable working pressures.
air-brake applications. The rolling di- Large dimensional changes can seri-
aphragm cylinder has a hat-shaped di- ously affect performance and life ex-
aphragm that rolls into the cylinder pectancy of nonmetallic cylinder seals.
barrel as the piston advances. Both For example, extrusive failures of 80
types require very low breakout Shore A durometer, synthetic Nitrile
forces, have zero leakage, and are sin- seals can occur when clearance exceeds
gle-acting, spring returned. 0.004 in. at fluid pressures over 3000
psi, or a 0.001-in. clearance with sys-
General system design tem pressure of 6000 psi. Such pres-
Cylinders — and all components for sures can easily be reached in systems
that matter — should be readily acces- using differential cylinders or those
sible to ease installation and subse- with meter-out flow controls.
quent maintenance. If a fitting cannot You must consider system shock
be checked for tightness without first pressures. If the hydraulic system con-
removing adjacent lines, for example, tains speed control or energy-absorbing
there is little incentive to bother fixing devices, pressure spikes can occur that Fig. 11. Fixed cylinder mounts that provide
minor leaks that may occur. are two to three times above normal straight-line force transfer are: (a) tie rods
Consider all components and fluid system pressure. Therefore, determine extended, and extended both ends (a + b);
conductors of the system to be elastic: the loading the cylinder will experience (c) head rectangular flange, (d) head
they will flex and change length due to and then mount accordingly to main- square flange; and (e) rectangular head
changes in fluid pressure, tempera- tain port seal integrity. which provides same service as (c) but
ture, and strain. These changes are not uses entire head rather than an added
minor. A pressure pulse to 6000 psi Mounting flange. Cap flange mounts are the same as
will elongate a steel cylinder with a Trouble-free use of fluid power (c) and (d) but bolt to cap (not shown).
24-in stroke by 0.024 in. If made of cylinders and their ability to serve and Rectangular caps also are available.
aluminum or cast iron, the cylinder remain leak-free depends, in large part,
can elongate about 2 to 2.5 times as on properly mounting the component ● straight-line force transfer with fixed
much. If this elongation has not been for the particular application. The de- mounts that absorb force on the center-
accounted for in the design of the ma- signer must determine the loading the line of the cylinder
chine, the system eventually will leak, cylinder will experience and mount it ● straight-line force transfer with fixed
even if the latest fitting technology has accordingly. mounts that do not absorb force on the
been used. If previous installations The National Fluid Power Associa- centerline of the cylinder, and
have continually leaked, take this as tion, NFPA, has standardized on a ● pivot force transfer with pivot mounts
clear evidence that a new design ap- number of dimensions for square- which absorb force on the centerline of
proach would be beneficial. headed tie rod cylinders to promote the cylinder and allow the cylinder to
cylinder interchangeability between change alignment in one plane.
Cylinder life manufacturers. Part of this standardiza- Straight line — Cylinders with
An industrial cylinder should have a tion program includes cylinder mount- fixed mounts that absorb the force on
design factor of about 4:1 based on ing styles, which generally provide: the centerline of the cylinder are con-

2003 Fluid Power Directory A/57

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sidered the best for straight line force jected to simple tension or shear with- end and used to mount the cylinder.
transfer. Tie rods extended, flange, or out compound forces; when properly When the tie rods extend at both ends
centerline lug mounts are symmetrical installed, cylinder bearing sideloading of the cylinder, one end can be used
and allow the thrust or tension forces is minimized. for cylinder mounting and the oppo-
of the piston rod to be distributed uni- Cylinder tie rods are designed to site end can support the cylinder or be
formly about the cylinder centerline, withstand maximum rated internal attached to the machine members.
Figure 11. Mounting bolts are sub- pressure, and can be extended at either Flange mounts also are extremely

Spare the rod, double the stroke

he continuing trend to make The piston-lug rodless cylinder
T machines smaller by taking ad-
vantage of more compact compo-
Drive lug
drives the load by a lug con-
nected to the piston by a bolt
nents is the driving force behind the that protrudes through a slot in
increasingly widespread use of the barrel. A seal running
rodless cylinders. The three main Piston along the length of this slot
types of rodless cylinders are the prevents compressed air from
piston-lug version,the cable cylin- leaking as the piston and lug
der, and the flexible-wall cylinder. traverse the stroke.
Most of these are designed for use
with pneumatics, but some manu- recently introduced cylinder is de-
facturers provide ratings for low- signed to achieve the precise control of
pressure hydraulic service. proportional hydraulics using simple
The piston-lug design works in a pneumatic directional control.
fashion similar to that of a conven- In a cable cylinder, as the piston
tional cylinder, but does not move moves inside the cylinder barrel, it
the load through a rod. Instead, a pulls a cable attached to both sides of
bolt extends from the side of the pis- the piston. The cable wraps around a
ton out through a longitudinal slot in pulley mounted at each end and at-
the barrel. A drive lug is attached to taches to a yoke. As the double-acting
the end of the bolt and moves di- piston moves in one direction, the yoke
rectly with the piston. travels in the opposite direction be-
To seal the slot between the pis- cause of the wrap around the pulleys. Magnetic coupling of piston to lug al-
ton and lug, steel bands pressing Options include automatic cable ten- lows rodless cylinder to drive and posi-
against each other separate when the sioning, single-acting models, cable tion loads using any dynamic seals.
bolt passes by. Different piston tracks for greater load stabilization and Model shown has integral bearings to
widths are available to meet any capacity, a pulley arrangement to double carry load and ensure alignment.
bending moments imposed by a the stroke and speed, caliper disc brakes
load. Stroke lengths of piston-lug on the cable pulley, and reed switches. end of the the upper yoke rides on
cylinders can exceed 30 ft. Options The cable also can be wound around a the cylinder barrel for greater load
include position switches, brakes, drum to provide rota-
and carriages to support loads and tional motion.
maintain alignment. A variation of the
A variation of the piston-lug cyl- cable cylinder relies Yoke
inder uses a permanent magnet in on a metal band run-
the piston to create a magnetic field ning over pulleys in-
that links the piston to the lug stead of a cable. Each
through the cylinder barrel. This
eliminates the need for a longitudi- Cutaway of cable cylin-
nal slot in the barrel and, therefore, der shows how the piston
the need for any dynamic seals. is connected to the yoke Piston
Breakaway forces of the magnetic through a cable assem-
field can exceed 200 lb. bly. This design uses a
A new type of rodless cylinder seal around the cable
uses a magnetic brake for precise where it passes through
motion and position control. This each end cap.

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good for straight line force transfer ap- flange mount depends partly on puts the piston rod in tension. Center-
plications. Three styles available are whether the major forces applied to line lug mounts, Figure 12, absorb
head rectangular flange, head square the load result in compression or ten- forces on the centerline; they are the
flange, and a larger and thicker rectan- sion on the piston rod. least popular fixed mounting style.
gular head with its own mounting Cap mounts are recommended for When used at higher pressures or un-
holes; the same three versions are thrust loads while head mounts der shock conditions, the lugs should
available for the cap. Selection of a should be used where major loading be dowel pinned to the machine.
Straight line, force not absorbed
Enidine Inc. Greenco Corp.
— Side mounted cylinders do not ab-
sorb force along their centerlines.
These mounting styles have lugs on

FIG. 12. As with other NFPA standardized

mountings, centerline lug mounts provide
striaght-line transfer of force.
Flexible-wall cylinders provide linear actuation without any dynamic seals. The type
at left uses one or more flexible chambers (the one shown has three) that expand ax-
ially when pressurized. The hose type, right, expands radially when air is introduced.
This type is best suited for short-stroke applications where actuation must occur over
a relatively long length, especially when minimal clearance is available.

stability and capacity, negating the preventing crushing the elas-

need for a separate load carriage in tomeric portion of the cylinder be-
many applications. These cylinders tween end plates. Alignment of
may be fitted with a brake that stops these cylinders is much less critical
and holds the load anywhere along than with conventional cylinders.
the stroke. However, relative torsional rota-
Flexible wall cylinders have tion between the end caps should
evolved from designs that were be prevented to keep from having
originally made for vibration and the elastomeric portion fail due to
isolation mounting. They consist of excessive shear stress.
metal mounting plates fixed to a re- An alternate design resembles a
inforced rubber chamber that ex- length of flexible hose sealed at
tends and collapses, respectively, as both ends. With no pressure, the
it is pressurized and vented. They hose is flat; pumping air into it ex-
have generous lateral misalignment pands the hose into a tubular shape.
allowances and can actuate through Maximum stroke is approximately
an arc without a clevis mount. the ID of the inflated hose. Using a
Some precautions should be ex- long length of such hose can gener-
ercised when applying these cylin- ate very high force from a rela-
ders. First, mechanical stops should tively low pressure. However, actu-
be provided to limit the length of ation force decreases with stroke
extension. Otherwise, an overrun- length. This is because as the hose Fig. 13. Side mounted cylinders include
ning load could pull an end plate expands, it becomes more round, so side lug (a), side end angle (b), side and
off the cylinder. Mechanical stops a smaller area is in contact with the lug (c), and side tapped (not shown).
should also limit retraction, thereby load to apply the force. These mounts produce a turning moment
as the cylinder applies force to the load.

2003 Fluid Power Directory A/59

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the end closures and one style has sisting of a plate extending from the
side-tapped holes for flush mounting, side of the cylinder — can be supplied For more info
Figure 13. The plane of their mount- with most cylinders. It should be For examples of cylinders used
ing surface is not through the center- placed at the proper end to absorb the in a wide variety of circuits, re-
line of the cylinder; for this reason, major loading, that is, at the rod end fer to the Basic Circuits section
side mounted cylinders produce a with the load in tension and at the cap of this handbook. Individual
turning moment as the cylinder end with a thrust load. This method circuits suggest valve arrange-
moves the load. This turning moment may be used where a keyway can be ments for specific functions.
tends to rotate the cylinder about its milled into a machine member. The
mounting bolts. If the cylinder is not key takes shear loads and provides ac- and causes unnecessary side loading
well secured to the machine, or the curate alignment of the cylinder. on the bearing and piston. For appli-
load is not well guided, side loads Side lug mounts are designed to al- cations where the piston rod will
will be applied to the rod gland and low dowel pins to pin the cylinder to travel a path not more than 3° either
piston bearings. the machine. When used, pins are in- side of the true plane of motion, a cap
To avoid this problem, side stalled on both sides of the cylinder spherical bearing mount should be
mounted cylinders should have a but not at both ends. used as well as a spherical bearing rod
stroke length at least as long as the Pivot force transfer — Cylinders eye. Cap detachable clevis mounts are
bore size. Shorter stroke, large bore with pivot mounts that absorb force most often used for air or medium-
cylinders tend to sway on their along the centerline should be used duty hydraulic service.
mounts with heavy loading especially when the actuated load travels through Trunnion pivot mounts also are
with side lugs, end lugs, and end an- an arc. There are two ways to mount a used when the piston rod travels an arc
gle mounts. cylinder so it will pivot during the in one plane. Trunnion pins are de-
Side mount cylinders depend work cycle: clevis or trunnion mounts, signed for shear loads only and should
wholly on the friction of their mount- Figure 14. Pivot mount cylinders are not be used with bending stresses. The
ing surfaces in contact with the ma- available with cap fixed clevis; cap support bearings should be mounted
chine to absorb the forces the cylinder detachable clevis; cap spherical bear- as close as possible to the trunnion
produces. The torque applied to the ing; and head, cap, and intermediate shoulder faces.
mounting bolts should equal that of fixed trunnion. Special trunnion as- Head trunnion mounted cylinders
the tie rod torque as recommended by semblies that provide gimballing ac- usually can be specified with smaller
the manufacturer. tion are available. diameter piston rods than cylinders
For heavy loads or shock condi- Pivot mount cylinders can be used with the pivot point at the cap or at an
tions, side mounted cylinders should in tension or thrust applications at full intermediate position. On head trun-
be held in place with a key or pins to rated pressure, except that long stroke nion mounted long stroke cylinders,
prevent shifting. A shear key — con- cylinders in thrust applications are the designer should consider the
limited by piston rod column strength. over-hanging weight at the cap end of
Clevis or single-ear mounts usually the cylinder. To keep trunnion bear-
are an integral part of the cylinder cap ing loads within limits, stroke lengths
although detachable styles are avail- should be not more than five times
able and provide a single pivot for bore size.
mounting the cylinder. A pivot pin of An intermediate fixed trunnion
appropriate length and diameter to mount is the best trunnion mount. It
withstand the maximum shear load at can be located to balance the weight of
rated cylinder operating pressure is in- the cylinder or anywhere between the
cluded as part of the clevis mount. The head and cap to suit the application. Its
fixed clevis mount is the most popular location must be specified at time of
and is used where the piston rod trav- order because its location cannot be
els a fixed arc in one plane. It can be easily changed once manufactured.
Fig. 14. Pivot mounts absorb force along used vertically or horizontally.
centerline and actuate loads that travel On long-stroke thrust applications, Installation
through arc. Cap trunnion (a), intermediate it may be necessary to use a larger di- Proper installation begins with ma-
fixed trunnion (b) can locate anywhere be- ameter piston rod to prevent buckling chine layout; here are some rules:
tween head and cap, and head trunnion (c) or use a stop tube to minimize cylin- ● if high shock loads are anticipated,
are versions of this style; only one of these der side loading in its extended posi- mount the cylinder to take full advan-
versions is used at one time. The cylinders tion. Fixed clevis mounted cylinders tage of its elasticity, and don’t forget:
shown in Figures 3 and 6 employ clevis do not function well if the path of rod the fluid lines are along for the ride,
mounting, which is a type of pivot mount- travel is in more than one plane. Such hold fixed-mounted cylinders in place
ing for loads that travel through arc. an application results in misalignment by keying or pinning at one end only

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● use separate keys to take shear

loads: at the head end if major shock
loads are in thrust, at the cap end if
they are in tension
● locating pins may be used instead of
shear keys to help take shear loads and
insure cylinder alignment. Avoid pin-
ning across corners — this can cause
severe warpage when a cylinder is Fig. 16. Rigid tubing connected to cylinder
subjected to operating temperature Fig. 15. Cylinders with non-centerline heads will be subject to forces and motion.
and pressure. Such warpage also is im- mountings tend to sway under load. Cylinders plumbed this way will leak.
posed on fluid connectors at cylinder
ports, and of pressure and temperature changes
● pivoted mounts should have the must be provided for or the cylinder
same type of pivot as the cylinder will leak. Consider these factors:
body and the head end. Pivot axes ● Cylinders with non-centerline-type
should be parallel, never crossed. mountings, Figure 15, tend to change
Many fluid power cylinders incorpo- length and sway under load and tem-
rate cushions to absorb the energy of perature change. Any rigid tubing con-
moving masses at the end of a stroke, nected to a cylinder cap port will be
including the masses of the piston and subject to that resulting force and mo-
rod, the load being moved, and the fluid tion, Figure 16. If a cylinder is rigidly Fig. 17. An overhung cylinder needs addi-
medium operating the cylinder. When plumbed, the question is not whether it tional support to prevent cylinder move-
the cushion operates, the additional will leak, but when. ment at non-flange end. Cylinder length
thrust is imposed on the cylinder as- ● Cylinders with non-centerline changes with pressure and temperature.
sembly and it will change length. What mountings often require stronger ma-
about the fluid conductors? chine members to resist bending, so flange mounts are best for thrust load-
Consider protecting exposed rods consider the rigidity of the machine ing; rod-end flange mounts are best
from abrasion and corrosion that could frame. For example, where one end of with the rod is in tension.
destroy the rod surface and, in turn, the a cylinder must be overhung, Figure ● If misalignment occurs between the
rod seal. In especially dirty environ- 17, an additional supporting member cylinder and its load, the mounting
ments, protect the rod with a cover such should be provided. style may have to be altered to accom-
as a rod boot or bellows described on ● In most cases, a layout of the rod-end modate the skewing movement. A
pages A/40 and 41 of this handbook. path will determine the best type of simple, pivoted centerline mounting,
pivot mounting. such as a clevis and trunnion, compen-
Operation conditions ● Fixed, non-centerline mounted cylin- sates for single-plane misalignment. If
Cylinders undergoing pressure and ders with short strokes add another multiple-plane misalignment is en-
temperature changes elongate and con- strength problem because mounting countered, the cylinder should have
tract. In addition, flexing and rocking bolts will be subjected to increased ten- self-aligning ball joints on the cap and
makes the mounting head sway under sion in combination with shear forces. rod ends of a clevis-mounted cylinder
load. The type of mount to specify de- ● Do the major applied forces result in — and fluid-line connections should
pends on the application, but the effect cylinder rod thrust or tension? Cap-end be able to accept the movement.

2003 Fluid Power Directory A/61

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