Batch 133 Task 1

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What is writing task 1?

Focus: একটা chart (charts) েদেখ ২০ িমিনেট

summary েলখা। সব িকছ� খুব েবশী details এ রচনার
মত কের describe করেবন না। chart �ট িক েবাঝায় তা
েছাট কের summary আকাের েলখা। main points
�েলা বলা, একটা information/data েকন important
তাও বলা –একটা data িলেখ বলেবন -এটা এই কারেন
���পূণ-� এটাই চায়। েযখােন স�ব িমল/অিমল
খুঁেজ েবর করা এবং েসটা উে�খ করা। minimum 150
words এ। paragraph আকাের।
Old instruction
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the
information shown below.

Modern instruction
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting
the main features and make comparisons where

Old instructions Modern instructions

Write a report for a Summarise the information
university lecturer by selecting and reporting
describing the information the main features, and make
shown below. comparisons where

আেগ �ধু describe করেলই হেতা। িক� এখন বলেত হেবঃ

data েকন important এবং compare করেত হেব।
Describe versus summarise:
Describe Summarise
Sheikh Hasina has been in Sheikh Hasina has been in
power for 15 years. (1) power for 15 years – the
longest in the history of our
country. (2)
China’s nominal GDP is China’s nominal GDP is $19
about $19 trillion. trillion, which is the second
largest in the world.
Online sales for travel Online sales for travel stood
stood at 36% in 2003. at 36% in 2003 – which was
by far the highest.

Right side = far better, and fulfils the marking criteria

পুরাতন instruction এ left side হেলই হত।
Nokia 1100 এখন আর latest phone না। instruction বদেল
Books for writing task 1 (academic):
1. The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS: pages 91-
2. The Key to IELTS success: page 68-77
3. The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS: model
answers: 7
4. Cambridge IELTS Books: 5-10, and 14 teachers’
answer: 12 + 1
5. Simon’s writing task 1: 50 plus (for 6-7)
6. (The Key to Writing Task 1 by Pauline Cullen) for 7
or more
Time management:
i. Planning: 3-5minutes (minimum 3 minutes) অেনক
important। করেতই হেব। েকাথায় িক িলখেবন,
েকান paragraph এ িক িলখেবন। েকান কথা আেগ
িলখেবন তা আেগ plan কের িলখা �� করেবন।
ii. Writing: 10-13 minutes
iii. Revision: 2-3 mins
1. Graph
2. Pie chart
3. Bar chart:
4. Table
5. Map
6. Diagram
a. Process
b. Cycle

1. Graph
2. Pie chart
3. Bar chart:
4. Table
এই চার�ট আসেল এক। excel এ েটিবল এর data েক িবিভ�
ভােব ত� েল ধরা যায় (graph, bar, pie) । মােন সব �েলা
একই। �ধু presentation আলাদা।

Bar chart
1. Task achievement: 25%
• Summary
• Comparison
• Did you answer the question fully and write at least
150 words?
2. Coherence and cohesion: 25%
• easy to understand
• well organised and clearly linked
3. Lexical resource: অেটা যা আসেব তাই িলখেবন
4. Grammatical range and accuracy: অেটা যা আসেব
তাই িলখেবন

Places of cohesion:
i. Within a sentence
ii. Between sentences
iii. Between paragraphs
Different cohesive devices:
i. To add ideas/to connect similar
ideas/information/thought extenders: first, (firstly,
first of all) /to begin with/ for a start, second
(secondly, second of all), third (thirdly, third of all),
in addition, in addition to, additionally, also, as well
as, next, then, afterwards, later, on top of that (often
negative), finally, lastly, and, similarly, likewise,
besides (this/these), along with it, coupled with,
even, eventually (finally), alongside, in association
with, too = and
ii. To connect opposing/dissimilar/opposite ideas, to
give counter argument, to refute an argument/
contrasting conjunction/contradict/ (thought
reversers): but, however, on the other hand, yet,
while, whereas, although, though, even as, even if,
even though, despite, in spite of, as opposed to,
compared to, compared with, in comparison with,
contrary to, in contrast, in contrast to, by contrast,
rather than …, instead of …, unlike, meanwhile,
alternatively, nevertheless
iii. To give reason: as, because, because of, one cause,
one factor, due to, for, since, thanks to, the reason is,
one explanation for this, part of the problem, why

iv. To conclude: as a consequence, as a result,
cause/causing, consequently, hence to sum up, in
conclusion, in order to + verb (purpose/final), lead
to/leading to, meaning that, resulting in, so, so as to,
so that …,thus, , , , therefore, thereby, , to+ verb, , ,
this means, , that’s why,
v. For example: say, like, such as, for instance,
particularly, in particular, especially, including, take
for example, to illustrate, as an example, one
example is that, a case in point, (… and other …),
namely, take the case, e.g.
vi. Condition বুঝােতঃ If/provided/given …, place –
where/which/that …, time – when/which/that …,
humans – who,
vii. To put emphasis on a particular idea: more
importantly, even more importantly, most
importantly, not only … but also …, among them,
the most … is …, primarily, mainly, chiefly, what’s
more, moreover, furthermore…, the biggest
advantage, a major point …
viii. Transition cohesive devices: about Japan, regarding
Japan, as to Japan, as far as Japan is/are concerned,
with regards to Japan, when it comes to Japan, in
terms of Japan, moving on to Japan, turning to
Japan, next, Japan then, Japan
i. Introduction
ii. Overview:
iii. BP1: detailed
iv. BP2: detailed
v. BP3: detailed (optional)
Task 1 এবং task 2 এর পাথক�
� হলঃ
Task 1 Task 2
Overview Conclusion

Task 2 has conclusion.

Task 1 has overview but not conclusion.
i. Introduction
ii. BP1: detailed
iii. BP2: detailed
iv. BP3: detailed (optional)
v. Overview: trend

যিদ কী িলখব তাই পািরনা তাহেল কী করব।। েকান েটনশন

েনই।। Sample answers �েলা েদেখ েদেখ িলখুন আর
বুঝুন।। of course, মুখ� কেরন।
কীভােব বুঝেবন: subject verb agreement, singular plural
identify, cohesive device, sentence structure, active,
passive, identify, েকান কথা আেগ িলখেছ, েকন িলখেছ,
েকানটা পের িলখেছ, েকন িলখেছ, �াস সাজােনা টা েখয়াল
করেবন।। এভােব 30 েথেক 100 টা কেরন। understanding
চেল আসেব।।
Tips for Introduction: উে�শ� হল িক িলখব তা পিরচয়
কিরেয় েদওয়া। question এ যা েদওয়া থােক, তা একট�
change কের িলখেলই সবেথেক ভাল introduction হেব।
i. Write ‘show’ (question এ give থাকেল আপিন
provide িলখেবন)
ii. Below (below শ��ট question এ েদওয়া থাকেব,
িক� আপিন িলখেবন না)
iii. Between … and: from … to, over a period of …
iv. Include some important items from the chart(s)
v. Paraphrase
vi. যিদ দুইটা years থােক তাহেল িলখেবন two years
vii. যিদ িতনটা countries থােক তাহেল িলখেবন three
countries namely China, Japan and Korea
viii. On=about=regarding (িবষেয়/ স�েক� – অথ িদেল)

To score band 7 or above in academic writing task 1, your
summary must contain a clear overview of the main
trends, which contains no details.
To help identify the patterns, you need to look for the
• Peaks (high points) and troughs (low points)
• Periods when the figures remain steady (show little
or no change)
• Periods when the figures fluctuate (show a lot of
• Beginning and ending

Overview: 1 or 2 or 3 sentences এ সারাংশ বলেত হেব।

Overview এর philosophy:
আপনার overview পেড় েকউ যিদ একটা চাট� (s) বানােত
পাের, বা কাছাকািছ ক�না কেরেত পাের, তাইেল overview
হইেছ। নাইেল হয়িন।
Important points for overview: trends থাকেব, িক� details
থাকেব না। summary িলখেবন, রচনা না।
• Trend (beginning and ending: একািধক year
• Avoid data [usually লােগনা।]
• Overall highest (সব�েলা িমিলেয় বা পুেরা সময়
জুের েক সবেথেক বড়।)
• Overall lowest (সব�েলা িমিলেয় বা পুেরা সময়
জুের েক সবেথেক েছাট।)
• Individual highest (অেনক �েলা আইেটম এর
মেধ�, েকান একটা সবথেক বড়।)
• Individual lowest (অেনক �েলা আইেটম এর মেধ�,
েকান একটা সবথেক েছাট।)
• Overall increase (পুেরা সময় জুের সব িমিলেয়
বাড়ল িকনা)
• Overall decrease (পুেরা সময় জুের সব িমিলেয়
কমল িকনা)
• Individual increases (পুেরা সময় জুের অেনক �েলা
আইেটম এর মেধ� েকানটা েকানটা বাড়ল।)
• Individual decreases (পুেরা সময় জুের অেনক
�েলা আইেটম এর মেধ� েকানটা েকানটা কমল।)
• Significant change
• No change
Overview: 1 or 2 or 3 sentences এ সারাংশ বলেত
Overview এর philosophy:
মূল কথা�ল ১,২,৩ sentence এ িলেখ েদওয়া।
আপনার overview পেড় েকউ যিদ একটা চাট� (s)
বানােত পাের, বা কাছাকািছ ক�না কেরেত পাের,
তাইেল overview হইেছ। নাইেল হয়িন।
Overview: trends থাকেব, িক� details থাকেব না।
summary িলখেবন, রচনা না। সবেথেক ���পূণ �
কথা�েলা িলখেবন।
i. Highest
ii. Lowest
iii. Similarities
iv. Dissimilarities
v. (increases) (সবসময় increase/decrease
েদওয়া যায় না। একই �জিনেসর একািধক
সময় থাকেল তখন বলা যায়,
increase/decrease হেয়েছ।)
vi. (decreases)
Increases and decreases িকভােব েবর করেবন?
দুইটা years েদখেবনঃ first year and last year
�থম বছেরর ত� লনায় েশষ বছের - বাড়েছ,
কমেছ না আেগর মতই আেছ তা বলেবন।
Increase/decrease চাইেলই বলেত পারবা না। একই
�জিনস [item] একািধক সমেয় – থাকেল বলেত

• Highest
• Lowest
Trend েবর করেত না পারেল, highest, lowest িদেবন।
correct িদেত পারেল 6।
Map এর েবলায়ঃ
১। কয়টা change হইেছ, তা িলখেবন। ****
২। েছাট হইেছ না বড় হইেছ।
৩। িভতের, বাইের না দুই যায়গায় পিরবত�ন।
Diagram এর েবলায়ঃ
১। কয়টা stage/step আেছ
২। step (েযমন ৯ টা) �েলােক ভাগ কের group (২,৩,৪) এ
৩। cycle িকনা বলেবন।
৪। human labour লােগ নািক fully automated নািক দুইটাই
৫। েকান একটা stage িভ� েকান ভােব হয় িকনা।

i. Graph, bar, pie and table: highest, lowest, increases,
decreases, similarities, dissimilarities (trends)
ii. Diagram: stages
iii. Map: differences

Charts এ age থাকেল,

• 18-25 age group
• 18-25s
• People between 18 and 25
• Among the 18-25 age group
• 18-25 -year-olds
• People above 65s
The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS,
Question: 171
Answer: 388
একটা answer েদওয়া। েদখেত পােরন।

i. In summary,
ii. Overall,
iii. Overall, it is clear that
iv. It is clear that
যিদ একািধক years থােক, তাহেল এই পুেরা সমেয়র মেধ�
কথাটা িলখেত পােরন।
In English,
i. Throughout this period
ii. Across this time
iii. Across these years
Overview এর philosophy:
আপনার overview পেড় েকউ যিদ একটা চাট� (s) বানােত
পাের, বা কাছাকািছ ক�না কেরেত পাের, তাইেল overview
হইেছ। নাইেল হয়িন।
Exam hall খুব �ত কীভােব overview েবড় করেবনঃ
Answer: িবিভ� sign িদেয়।
↓↑→≈═≠, * 0
Highest হেল *
Lowest 0
বাড়েল ↑
কমেল ↓

Body paragraphs:
েকান data/info আেগ েদব, েকানটা পের েদব, মােন
সাজােবা িকভােব?
1. Top down (usually) (বড় েথেক েছাট)
2. All increases then all decreases or vice versa
(যত�েলা েবেড়েছ, েসই�েলা একসােথ, এর পর
যত�েলা কেমেছ, েসই�েলা একসােথ।) + top down
3. All positives then all negative or vice versa (সব
positive ডাটা�েলা একসােথ, এর পর সব negative
ডাটা�েলা একসােথ।) + top down

Flexible language
Close to
More or less

Just a little bit Well under/ quite
under a lot under
Just under Well under
Slightly under Considerably
less than
Close to
When it is over
Just a little bit Well over / quite
over a lot over
over Just over Well over
above Slightly over Considerably
more than
More than Marginally

When: (?)
If yes,
Past years: past indefinite (in + past year), (�থম year =
past indefinite)
Past perfect (by + past year: subject + had + V3) (�থম year
এর পের েয েকান year চাইেল past indefinite/past perfect
এ িলখেত পারেবন)
Present years: present
If no year/time is mentioned, then use ‘present tense’
সংখ�া বাড়া, সংখা কম – active, not passive.
i. The number increased.
ii. The number decreased.
iii. The amount stayed the same.
iv. The percentage changed.
v. The percentage dropped.
vi. The consumption of meat decreased.
vii. The number, amount, percentage, ratio, proportion,
figure + increased, rose, went up, grew, remained
the same, stayed the same or decreased, dropped,
went down
Future years (2050, 2070): future + present
Future years (2050, 2070): future + present
Structure: it is
predicted/expected/estimated/projected/forecast(ed) that
subject + will + verb
S + is/are predicted/projected/estimated + to + V1
Future years (2030, 2050, 2100, etc.)
Structure: It is
predicted/expected/estimated/projected/forecasted that
subject + will + verb
Should not be written Should be written
I predict that sea levels will
continue to rise.
I estimate that sea levels
will have increased by
200mm by the year 2050.
I estimate that China’s
economy will hit $30
trillion by 2035.
I project that petrol and oil
will provide 50 qu of energy
in 2030.

Should not be written Should be written

I predict that sea levels will It is predicted that sea levels
continue to rise. will continue to rise.
Sea levels are predicted to
continue to rise.
I estimate that sea levels It is estimated that sea
will have increased by levels will have increased
200mm by the year 2050. by 200mm by the year
Sea levels are estimated to
have increased by 200mm
by the year 2050.
I estimate that China’s It is estimated that China’s
economy will hit $30 economy will hit $30
trillion by 2035. trillion by 2035.
China’s economy is
estimated to hit $30 trillion
by 2035.
I project that petrol and oil It is projected that petrol
will provide 50 qu of energy and oil will provide 50 qu of
in 2030. energy in 2030.
Petrol and oil are projected
to provide 50 qu of energy
in 2030.

To avoid repetition: (use signalling vocabularies)

i. Regarding
ii. About
iii. As to
iv. When it comes to (noun) + (verb +ing) + object
v. In terms of …
vi. As far as … (singular or plural subject) … (is/are)
Body paragraph এর এেকবাের �থেম signal িদেয় বুঝাইেল
েয আিম (example) ‘agricultural use’ িনেয় িলখেতিছ, তখন
ঐ paragraph এ আর বাের বাের agricultural use িলখেত
হয়না। �থেম িলেখিছ ওেতই হেব।
You will lose marks for Task Achievement if you
• Leave out data that is important.
• Speculate on reasons for the data.
• Add information not included in the data.
• Write less than 150 words.
Don’t do these things.
Speculate: form a theory or conjecture about a subject
without firm evidence.
"My colleagues speculate about my private life"
Absolute number এবং percentage এ change হওয়া
Cherry 2020 2023 Absolute Percentage
change change
30,000 30,070 70 0.23%

Data in body paragraph:

Graph এ data কয়টা েদেবন?
i. First year
ii. Last year
iii. Peak = highest
iv. Lowest
v. েয year এ বড় change ঐ year(s) িদেবন
vi. বড় েকান change না হেল, first year আর last year
vii. যিদ আপনার েচােখ important িকছ� পের

Structure 1: highest বুঝাইেত

Subject + top/topped the chart in terms of/in/about …
Subject + to be verb (is/are/was/were) + the leader + …
Subject + take(s)/took/will take + the lead
Subject + verb (to be verb/to do verb) + the most/the
i. China tops the chart in rice production.
ii. In rice production, China tops the chart.
iii. China is the leader in rice production.
iv. In rice production, China is the leader.
v. China has taken the lead in rice production.
vi. In rice production, China has taken the lead.
vii. China is the largest producer of rice.
Structure 2: highest বুঝাইেত
Subject + to be verb (is/are/was/were) + the leader + …
i. In terms of yearly income, Sandy was the leader in
all three years.
ii. China is the leader in manufacturing.
iii. China is the leader in high-speed rail technology.
iv. The USA is the leader in weapons production.
v. Bangladesh once was the leader in jute production.
Structure 3: highest বুঝাইেত
Subject + take(s)/took/will take + the lead
i. In terms of yearly income, Sandy took the lead in all
three years.
ii. India will take the lead in population.
iii. China will take the lead in semiconductor sector.
iv. China took the lead in 5G.
Structure 4: highest বুঝাইেত
Subject + verb (to be verb/to do verb) + the most/the
i. Sandy’s earnings were the highest in all three years.
(To be verb: were)
ii. In all three years, Sandy earned the most. (To do
verb: earned)
iii. The USA has the largest number of aircraft carriers.
iv. Russia has the largest land mass in the world.
v. China produces the highest number of engineers
each year.

Structure 5: ত� লনা করেত (অিমল)

Subject + verb + data + compared with/to + data
Sentence + while/whereas/but/though/although + sentence
Sandy 100k
Jack 65k
Russ 60k
Mithila 58k

i. In 2010, Sandy earned $100k while Jack, Russ and

Mithila made a lot less $65k, $60 and $58k
ii. In 2010, Sandy earned $100k but Jack, Russ and
Mithila made a lot less at $65k, $60k and $58k
iii. Dinner takes the lead with 37% but breakfast has the
lowest percentage (16%).

Bangladesh has 170 million Bangladesh has 170 million

people compared to 1400 people while India has 1400
million in India. million.
Bangladesh got Bangladesh got
independence in 1971 independence in 1971 while
compared to 1947 of India. India got that in 1947.
Chicken consumption was
145 grams while lamb
consumption was 150
I am … compared to SRK I am … while SRK is 58.
who is 58.

2010 2015 2020

Sandy 100k 300k 600k
Jack 65k 195k 200k
Russ 60k 240k 200k
Mithila 55k 100k 53k
Chompa 50k 25K 100k
Cherry 40k 18k

i. In 2010, Sandy earned the most, at $100k compared
to $65k of Jack, $60k of Russ, $55k of Mithila, $50k
of Chompa and only $40k of Cherry.
ii. I am 25 compared to Obama who is 55.
iii. Bangladesh has 170 million people compared to
Pakistan which has 220 million.

Structure 6:
Subject +
ummet↓↓ from (data) in (year) to (data) in (year)
i. The population of Bangladesh increased from 75
million in 1971 to 170 million in 2022.
ii. Beef consumption per person per week decreased
from about 220 gm in 1979 to 110 gm in 2004.
Minimum দুইটা িভ� year থাকেলই এই structure use করেত
i. Our population has increased from 70 million in
1971 to 170 million in 2022.
ii. Sandy’s income increased from $100k in 2010 to
$300k in 2015 and $600k in 2020.
2010 2015 2020
Sandy 100k 300k 600k
Jack 65k 195k 200k
Russ 60k 240k 200k
Mithila 55k 100k 53k
Chompa 50k 25K 100k
Cherry 40k 18k

Structure 7:
Accordingly, respectively: �মানুসাের, পযায়�েম,

Sandy1 + Jack2 + Mithila3 = Sandy’s data1 + Jack’s data2 +
Mithila’s data3 + accordingly/respectively
আম + জাম + কলা = আেমর ডাটা + জােমর ডাটা + কলার
ডাটা accordingly/respectively

েযই িসিরয়াল এ নাম, েসই িসিরয়াল এ ডাটা।

Sandy 100k
Jack 65k
Russ 60k
Mithila 58k

i. In 2010, Sandy took the lead in terms of yearly
income with $100k. Jack, Russ and Mithila earned a
lot less at $65k, $60k, and $58k respectively.
ii. Sheikh Hasina, Tariek Zia and Puja Cherry are 70,
50 and 20 years old respectively.
i. Sakib and Cherry are 40 and 18 years old
ii. Pakistan and India got independence on 14 and 15
August respectively.
Structure 8:
Subject (Sales/figures/numbers/percentage)
doubled2/tripled3/quadrupled4/halved (1/2)
/more than
i. Between 2010 and 2015, Sandy’s income tripled
ii. Between 2010 and 2015, Jack’s income tripled
iii. Between 2010 and 2015, Russ’s income quadrupled
($60k - $240k).
iv. Between 2010 and 2015, Mithila’s income almost
doubled ($55k-$100k).
v. Between 2010 and 2015, Chompa’s income exactly
halved ($50k-$25k).

2010 2015 2020

Sandy 100k 300k 600k
Jack 65k 195k 200k
Russ 60k 240k 200k
Mithila 55k 100k 53k
Chompa 50k 25K 100k
Cherry 40k 18k

Structure 9:
Subject + stand(s) at + data
Is/are/was/were এর পিরবেত� stand/stood েদওয়া যায়।
In 2010, Sandy’s income In 2010, Sandy’s income
was $100k. stood at $100k.
The population of
The population of
Bangladesh is 170 million.Bangladesh stands at 170
Mithila’s income is $120k Mithila’s income stands at
per year. $120k per year.

Structure 10: There was a decrease/increase of (data-date
দুইটা dataর পাথক�।).

i. There was an increase of $20k in Sandy’s income
ii. There was an increase of $20k in Sandy’s income
from $70k.
2010 2015 2020
Sandy 70k 90k
Jack 65k 70k
Russ 60k 75k
Mithila 55k 40k
Structure 11:
Subject + increase, grow, rise/decrease, drop, fall + by +
i. Sandy’s income in 2010 stood at $70k. Five years
later, it increased by $20k.
ii. Jack’s income in 2010 stood at $65k. Five years
later, it increased by $5k.
iii. Russ’s income in 2010 stood at $60k. Five years
later, it increased by $15k.
iv. Mithila’s income in 2010 stood at $55k. Five years
later, it decreased by $15k.
2010 2015 2020
Sandy 70k 90k
Jack 65k 70k
Russ 60k 75k
Mithila 55k 40k

1. Sales growth slowed.

2. Japan showed an upward trend.
3. Transactions/figures went from 5 to 50, making it
the first/second/third
4. There was a downward trend.
5. The figures continued to fluctuate.
6. The number stood at …
7. The numbers/figures followed a similar trend.
8. Subject went to/on …
9. The figure stands/stood/will stand … with
10. The figure/number/percentage peaked before
falling. (সেবা�� হবার পর কমেত থােক)
11. The figure/number/percentage went to a low of
(figure) before rising. (সবিন�
� হবার পর বাড়েত
12. The figure/number/percentage went to a high of
(figure) in (year) before falling.

i. 25% = a quarter
ii. 24% = almost a quarter
iii. 50% = exactly half
iv. 51% = more than half
v. 67% = two thirds
vi. 75% = three-fourths/three quarters
vii. 10% = one – in – ten
viii. 30% = 3 in 10

Overall, both sodium and saturated fat are eaten the most
at dinner while added sugar at snacks. By contrast, all three
vitamins are taken the least at breakfast.
Overall, heating and water heating are the two biggest users
of energy while cooling take the least. On the other hand,
water heating and other appliances release most gas
whereas cooling the lowest.

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