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Sentence Transformations: Passive Structures

You will be asked 6 questions, one or two of which will be like the examples below.

The Basics
In the sentence below, a noun (Bob) has moved from its position after the verb (sentence 1) to before the verb
(sentence 2). This means the structure has changed from active to passive, or vice versa.

Everyone has been laughing at Bob. => Bob ____________________ at by everyone.

To change to the passive, replace the principal verb with BE in exactly the same form. We will do this by copying any
auxiliary verbs that come before it (has been) and replacing laughing with being.

Bob __has been laughing being_______at by everyone.

Finally, add the original verb as a past participle (laughing => laughed)

Bob has been being laughed at by everyone.

1. Scientists have designed an enormous rocket to take me to the moon. HAS

An enormous rocket _________________________ my trip to the moon.

2. The government should pay for my journey to the moon. FUNDED

My journey to the moon ________________________ by the government.

3. I hope I’m not eaten by Aliens when I’m in space. EAT

I hope aliens ___________________ when I’m in space.

Passive with Reporting Verbs (You might get one question like this.)

Reporting verbs (said, thought, believed, etc.) in the passive are followed by an infinitive (to be, to have, etc.)

1. People say the rocket is incredibly beautiful. SAID

The rocket _____________________ beautiful.

2. Everyone knows I am the greatest astronaut in history. BE

I _____________________ the greatest astronaut in history.

Have/Get Something Done (You might get one question like this.)

Someone will build a rocket for me => I will get a rocket built.
(Get is in the same form as build in the original sentence)

1. I will ask someone to water my plants every day while I’m on the moon. HAVE

I ______________________ every day while I’m on the moon.

2. Do you think I could have the rocket flown by someone else? HIRE

Do you think I could _____________________ the rocket?

HighImpactEnglish ©James Seymour

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