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Time Specific Objectives Content Teaching Learning AV Aids Evaluation

1 Student teacher
Min introduces the
topic that

Student teacher
0.5 announces , I Am
Min ……… , Student of
BSc( Hons)
Nursing 2nd year ,
Ahilya Bai College
of Nursing , Going
to present my
seminar/ webinar
on the topic .

1 Students define the …………………………….. Power point Define the

Min term ………………. Student teacher term ……?
defines the term

1 Students enlist the The Risk Factors are …………… List down the
Min risk factors of …… : Student teacher risk factors
1………… enlists the risk of……?
2…………. factor
Min Students describe ………………
the etiology of …….. …………………………… Student teacher Describe the
describes the etiology
etiology of……. of…………?


1 Student teacher
Min summaries the
topic that ………….

Min Student teacher


Vancouver Style : ( Author name. Title of chapter or part. In: Editor A, Editor B, editors. Title:
subtitle of book. Edition(if not the first). Place of publication: Publisher; Year. p. page numbers. )

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