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Research Objectives
General Research Objective
The general objective of this study is to investigate factors affecting crop production among
small scale farmers in rural areas in Dilla district, Somaliland.
Specific Research Objectives
The specific objectives of this study are to:
1. Establish the effect of infrastructural development on crop production among small scale
farmers in rural areas in Dilla district, Somaliland.
2. Assess the effect of environmental development on crop production among small scale
farmers in rural areas in Dilla district, Somaliland.
3. Find out the effect of agricultural technology on crop production among small scale farmers
in rural areas in Dilla district, Somaliland.
Conceptual Framework
This study was guided by the framework in Figure 1.

Factors of Crop Production Crop Production

Infrastructural development
- Roads.
- Water catchments.
- Storage facilities.

Environmental Factors
- Quantity of crop production
- Rainfall.
in bags.
- Soil type.
- Quantity of yeilds.
- Land size.

Agricultural Technology
- Ploys.
- Threshers.
- Irrigation system.
Part I: Background Information
Provide the following background information. Please, tick ( √) the appropriate alternative or fill
in the blanks as may be appropriate.
a. Name (optional)________________________
b. Gender:
i. Male [ ]
ii. Female [ ]
c. Your district of origin: …………………………………………………………………………
d. Your marital status:
i. Single [ ]
ii. Married [ ]
iii. Widow [ ]
iv. Divorced [ ]
v. Others [ ]
e. Your age(years):
i. 0-19 [ ]
ii. 20-29 [ ]
iii. 30-39 [ ]
iv. 40-49 [ ]
v. Above 50 [ ]
f. Your highest level of formal education:
i. None [ ]
ii. Primary [ ]
iii. Secondary [ ]
iv. University [ ]
v. Others [ ]
Part II: Infrastructural Development
Please check ( √) one alternative that best reflect you answer to the following statements.
1. How long does it take you to get your crops to the market?
i. 1 – 4 hours [ ]
ii. 5 – 8 hours [ ]
iii. 1 day [ ]
iv. 2 days and more [ ]
2. How do you take your crops to the market?
i. Truck [ ]
ii. Camel [ ]
iii. By foot [ ]
3. Can a vehicle easily reach your farm?
i. Yes [ ]
ii. No [ ]
iii. Not sure [ ]
4. Please check (√) one alternative that best reflect your feeling to the statement in the spaces
provided. Do not select more than one response on one statement.
No Statement Response
1 The state of roads in this area is good and allows me to
take my products to market easily.
2 There are sufficient and adequate water catchments to
allow for irrigation on small scale farms.
3 I have adequate storage facilities for all crops I produce
from the farms.
4 My storage facilities are working well.
Key: SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, NC= No Comment, DA = Disagree, and SDA = Strongly
5. What types of water catchments do you use? You may select more than one alternative.
i. Baley [ ]
ii. Barkads [ ]
iii. Sand dam [ ]
6. Which storage methods do you use? You may select more than one alternative.
i. Barn storage [ ]
ii. Room storage [ ]
iii. Bags [ ]
7. How long can you keep your crops safe in this storage?
i. 1 – 3 months [ ]
ii. 4 – 6 months [ ]
iii. 7 – 10 months [ ]
iv. 1 year – 2 years [ ]
v. 3 years + [ ]
Part III: Environmental Factors
Please check ( √) one alternative that best reflect you answer to the following statements.
1. Which months do you get rain in a year?
i. Jan-Feb [ ]
ii. March-April [ ]
iii. May-June [ ]
iv. July-Aug [ ]
v. Sept-Oct [ ]
vi. Nov-Dec [ ]
2. How do you rate the amount of rain?
i. Very poor [ ]
ii. Poor [ ]
iii. Average [ ]
iv. Good [ ]
v. Very good [ ]
3. Please check (√) one alternative that best reflect your feeling to the statement in the spaces
provided. Do not select more than one response on one statement.
No Statement Response
1. We always have rains and rains never fail.

2. The rainfall in my area is very reliable and predictable.

3. My area is dry most of the year.
Key: SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, NC= No Comment, DA = Disagree, and SDA = Strongly
4. What approaches do you use to improve your farm’s soil fertility? You may check more than
i. Using manure [ ]
ii. Using chemical fertilizers [ ]
iii. Crop rotation [ ]
5. Please check (√) one alternative that best reflect your feeling to the statement in the spaces
provided. Do not select more than one response on one statement.
No Statement Response
1. I have sufficient land for my crop production.

2. My land is fertile.
3. My land does not hold water during rainy.
Key: SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, NC= No Comment, DA = Disagree, and SDA = Strongly

Part IV: Agricultural Technology

Please check ( √) one alternative that best reflect you answer to the following statements.
1. I use plough to cultivate my farm.
i. Yes [ ]
ii. No [ ]
iii. Sometimes [ ]
iv. Not sure [ ]
2. I use thresher to harvest my crops
i. Yes [ ]
ii. No [ ]
iii. Sometimes [ ]
iv. Not sure [ ]
3. Do you own a plow machine?
i. Yes [ ]
ii. No [ ]
iii. Share [ ]
iv. Higher [ ]
4. What method do you commonly use to cultivate your land?
i. Plow [ ]
ii. Oxen [ ]
iii. Tractor [ ]
iv. Higher [ ]
5. What types of harvesting tools do you commonly use?
i. Reaper [ ]
ii. Thresher [ ]
iii. Hoe [ ]
iv. Combine harvester [ ]
6. Do you irrigate your farm?
i. Yes [ ]
ii. No [ ]
iii. Sometimes [ ]
7. If “Yes” what types of irrigation system do you use?
i. Furrow irrigation [ ]
ii. Drip irrigation [ ]
iii. Flood irrigation [ ]
iv. All these methods [ ]
8. Where do you get water for irrigating your crops?
i. From Baley [ ]
ii. From shallow well [ ]
iii. From canal [ ]
iv. Waiting rain [ ]
Part V: Crop Production
Please check ( √) one alternative that best reflect you answer to the following statements.
1. How many bags of Sorghum did you produce from your farm in the last harvest.
i. 0 - 2 [ ]
ii. 3 - 5 [ ]
iii. 6 - 8 [ ]
iv. Above 10 [ ]
2. Do you produce enough Sorghum for your family food needs from your land.
i. Yes [ ]
ii. No [ ]
iii. Sometimes [ ]
iv. Not sure [ ]
3. How many bags of Maize do you produce from your farm in the last harvest.
i. 0 - 2 [ ]
ii. 3 - 5 [ ]
iii. 6 - 8 [ ]
iv. Above 10 [ ]
4. Do you produce enough Maize for your family food needs from your land.
i. Yes [ ]
ii. No [ ]
iii. Sometimes [ ]
iv. Not sure [ ]

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