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s the neasuye

is a Pass ve eletonic Camforent bul

shres eresgy

raarde of fe charet

V-I Relatte
Grcst Voltage ament
Brsrert bats)
RC2) V=Ri i
L(4) ijtrio
C) v=t fdt tvo
four yes of Linoy Defendent sources
(went vtage
(onbe led voltage
Source. V:A,, (Vcv s)
Sour (e -
ovent- (ontreled cuYYent urce
Volag e - oovoled CaYeot Souy(e
I :GmVe
(VCC )
Too bpes of Jndeprden Soustes
Becic avcart Can Ge dacfed ic fuo bes
yage Sources
CaYent SouY ces

vadeol apcibs in sovies and in farnaled

Gpacibys are one of dardkrd omprents ngletic

Tess cpcks emected in pradel

choged otel sbyed charge in Gpcikr Q=Qit@2
Ths Hhe Yule is
Ihe Eivadent Gpcate bo Gpocibrs (coeched in Raude
is fe Suro of Kreiodvdad Gpacan e

Tuo Gpacbre- coonele din Sevies

seiesaod prale
paralol Comoabo of esishoys
Senes -


Peallel Conbakn escbys


I - I t tfz t--- IN

fe R,

oees of Srducbr in Series ond prael.

ave Gooneced io Series: The Cqivalent indutonee
4he conoalknwl be Hhe Sumof all ndviduad ncors indctnlk

Shducos are (omeced poadd he

Ra P

The Grent io on sertical Ceart k divechl


vdaes in caoy csed rutt or omesh or Joup is ZeYo.

Sum o!
io an cectvi Crai is Zevro

)Ave ond fsive ) Loer nd Non. oey

a) BJakerad ond nloer Lumpd ond! di shbded.
2.Mreti Cit
(^he Mognettc pKSSANe ,COheh selS Up the ragnere Buxin,
Mgrettc Ctscutt ts aled Mog heto notve Force
* The sI Unit o! MME 1S
Amhore -tn(AT)

N= no-oPtnsoP 4heindacve coil

(\a)De Prox?
(A) ihe nmber oP mgretc Prcld eres passirg thnghgivch eisrd sokre

coher e,

The abttty o ararete-material to resisF thelbooat rogreli:
|ox f5 Cal led rgghehtc veroekaree.

(2)osife the diferente betooeen eloc%ical ciscults condmaqretlc esats

2-etore'- Theoosororheoroo
euCt8? (YYent Y heordrto , otte!

rengtth o the lodcta

3)pain chrl fobadoy Jas

ecfoomofRe Poco indoced tr fhe toil.

ftodoy's etonó Joo;

Tne rogritudt o> he indoced CM ino coi is direélyfprrelitof

N= no-ot tunS inthe oif

- roti ot chorge algheltr hs


Mukens tretonr e
L= . () where L indu

Fmla o sesig pSirg

Peane ade d
Leg =

Pasorel opposirg

4- acotoeth Covc PBm

"The dstonce ectooeen the hhrest oint o occove cre

and tcost potht ) thbougk .(3 Cattedaege tu.

the pais to or atue ta Sine Cave Sthe Vae ym he

Pos?ive fo the neqatve peak.

The tine taren Pb any oave to temoetliene kau tye

iS called the fmepedio d (T)

eovc S deltd og he number eyce tod
e Gave Comp ele inone tecond.

Phase argte is dcned e the Snu ^oide erglt d SAacd
Psonn relereme potnt time.

he prase o o Sine twave 1S an argca dydaenot tha

spectle the esi iion ef fhe Sin ecave velatve setoeree.

Avercqe ole
Prom fac


in Cafach:
OResonan (ee
an eynal
Kesonan ce
yce Cases
is phenemeon fat crurs when
obrec! to vibyate et a hgfher
Series resonance in phscs is
Condikthat ocrs in
tGe GaYeat Yenches a maimm y
Sexíes civcuits when Le
specfe volaje.
Paval el Yesonene i- J oCCurs when the impd Gne k
cuiegt flow at a cetain fremen (y
Q iS a measuYe

sekcbvy, We speak of a oycuit haviog kavag 4

Bandadih is fheke ange of trequeries tat a ign

hat a iY(uit an han dle
Cupes oY ht
Seies Resenonetorm,lo':
Seyies Ye SonanCe
in a Sevies RlC oYt is
2-R+S (XL-X)
X): Jncuchve Yeactane, fven Gy XL= wL
XC:- apaohve _Yeq ctonle, Gven by XC=
Paald Resenonie fovonda
TG fprmda for fhe Yeasoant tauany
foeny ofa pralel bned
cKeut is f21Le.
d parallel cvcut is (onsi dered a pavaid Yeasanae Cirast

RiXl: 2 mf)

R - Resistane.

3s nahvad
UNJT-V (tod- ANSWlEi)
A) 9 Stales thot any t0 teztrfihals of retos k con
be replaced by an equivalert voog sot and an
valent seies efstance. The voltoe soue i5 the ol
age ac0s5 the too leorf nal bth Lood if
The seofes pesisl ance ?s the xesistance d the netuoxk
meaguxd blw tuo teni nol5
usth Load emoyd and con
Slar volege Souce belrg zeplaced by foiezrol Resist
zeto esfstanco .
Shoct cuit) ond constant cuttet uce eplac
ed by înf9te esfstance, î-e oper ciscftt



) Deffe NOXlO NG TheoRtM

4) 9t staBes That two tes minals of newook can be xepla
ced by an equivalet cuteNt SoUXCe and an equfvalent paallel
Re sistare The constant cuz8eNt 5 equal to the cue
Nt whfch would flow n a shoot of the cfxcit poced ac
05S the teninals The Pacallel RestaNce of the Neto
ohen vewed f6cm these ofn - trai tel tesmPoals
ofteo all vollage ond cucCeNt GouCES have BeeN
moved ard replaccd by înterol ResisloNe
3) defre mafmum Pioex txansloxmalî cn ThoREM
Thal the mafmum Powes Ps deifveded
Souxce t a bod thhen she lcod esslapce i5 lg
to the 50U 8ce


) effre theoxen
A) staks
Suks Thot nañy bxanch of ntuook fxcutt,the
Cu zOent de to irngde Souce.
MZce. of volkae (u) h the ne
twock P5 qual to the cusxent banch n
the SCUX Ce
odifnoly laced uhen the su8ce
ojorni put în te bsanch 9h wkich the cuadent

9 defire mil fmans theoro
ence (o8 sees npedence) 2 12 -- Zh
fasaleL then these be veplared by o
vltoge of eltage VM
ZM uhete VM and ZM oe
) define comgensodfc thoM.
ony neax NcteOtk nssing f frea Gnd
Gm pe derce and afve souce, r the npederte z of

bzanch ca toying czeNt I nctense by 52, then the

mert of
of volloge d cu te Nt în each bonch ff the ploucead
35 the veltage thot
of valse Ve() fnteo
opposing vtage oATe
cuced Gn the Altezed biarch offer eplairg ccinal
by thefr foternd inpedente


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