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______solves the problem of novice teachers since many of the basic decisions about what and how to teach have
already been made for them; however, ___ refers to a set of strategies, actual practices of the principles prescribed
for the procedure in the classroom.

Choose the alternative that best completes the given statements.

A) Approach/method
B) Technique/method
C) Method/approach
D) Method/technique
E) Theory/technique

2. Which of the following is not a reason for the need of an Eclectic Approach regarding the use of methods and

A) Each method of language learning and teaching inherently holds its benefits and shortfalls.
B) Educating the pre-service EFL teachers is essential to equip them with necessary knowledge about the available
methods and principles.
C) Most of the methods put forward claims about how languages should be learned without basing their principles on
second language learning theories.
D) Teachers should act and decide flexibly when and which methods to make use of and adapt them to the specific
educational context.
E) Methods have come forward due to context-bound needs and requirements of their times, and cultures, which
means they cannot be universally applicable.

3. Which of the following methods prescribe the use of cognates and the lists of isolated words to build
vocabulary knowledge?

A) Direct Method
B) Desuggestopedia
C) Audiolingual Method
D) Silent Way
E) Grammar Translation Method

4. An EFL teacher prepares a lesson plan for grammar teaching. As a first step to introduce the new linguistic structure,
the teacher decides to get the students to watch a brief cartoon in which parents give advice to their kids about their
faulty actions in the past. Next, she extracts some sentences to take the students’ attention to the structure.

Which approach does the teacher adopt to teach grammar in the above case?

A) focus on forms
B) deductive
C) inductive
D) direct explanation
E) drills

5. Which method is the first scientific method in history of language teaching?

A) Community Language Teaching

B) Silent Way
C) Direct Method
D) Grammar Translation Method
E) Audiolingual Method

6. Which of the following pairs of learning theory-method is incorrect?

Method Theory of Learning

A) Audiolingual Method Behaviourism
B) Grammar Translation Method Reading Approach
C) Silent Way Cognitivism
D) Community Language Learning Humanism
E) Total Physical Response Humanism
7. It refers to the ability to use and respond to language appropriately, given the setting, the topic, and the relationships
among the people communicating. It asks: “Which words and phrases fit this setting and this topic? How can I express a
specific attitude (courtesy, authority, friendliness, respect) when I need to?

A) Intercultural competence
B) Sociolinguistic competence
C) Discourse competence
D) Linguistic competence
E) Strategic competence

8. Which of the following features does not belong to Direct Method?

A) The necessity of developing oral language skills is emphasized at the expense of reading and writing skills.
B) Its underlying principles are based on Krashen’s Natural Approach, so structure-based practices are not utilized.
C) The meaning of the input provided by the teacher is made accessible to the learners through demonstration and
D) Language is primarily spoken; therefore, written language is given less importance.
E) Vocabulary teaching depends heavily on the nature of the word; concrete words are taught via pictures and realia,
yet abstract words through association of ideas.

9._____is described as speaker’s mental reality of language underlying actual behaviour with a general cognitive view
of language, _____, however, refers to the observed use of language.

Choose the alternative that best completes the given statement.

A) Accuracy/usage
B) Aptitude/performance
C) Competence/behaviour
D) Competence/performance
E) Aptitude/attitude

10. If a foreign language learner asks the following questions: “How do I know when I have misunderstood or when
someone has misunderstood me? and How can I express my ideas if I do not know the name of something?”, which
competence types does s/he aim to develop?
A) Discourse
B) Sociolinguistic
C) Linguistic
D) Strategic
E) Pragmatic

11. Which of the following best defines interlanguage?

A) the language developed by language learners in the process of learning a first and second language before they
haven’t internalized it
B) learner’s evolving system of rules in the process of first language acquisition, resulting from the overgeneralization
of newly encountered rules
C) the types of linguistic system used by second-foreign-language learners who are in the process of learning the
D) the language which is full of mother tongue interferences in the process of foreign language learning
E) the language developed by learners to interact with the native speakers of the target language

12. ______refers to belief that the acquisition of a second language results from a student’s understanding of the target
language within a natural, authentic setting and the meaning should be accessible to the students.

Choose the alternative which best completes the given sentence.

A) The Natural Order Hypothesis

B) The Input Hypothesis
C) The Affective Filter Hypothesis
D) The Monitor Hypothesis
E) The Acquisition vs. Learning Hypothesis
13. In a reading lesson, the teacher may lead students to see beyond the literal meaning of words in a text, using a
variety of clues to have students understand what the writer states implicitly.

What is the subskill practiced in the case above?

A) Skimming
B) Inferencing
C) Scanning
D) Guessing vocabulary
E) Extensive reading

14. For a teacher who aims to teach words such as “unrealistically” and “dependence”, which of the following
vocabulary teaching technique is the most suitable?

A) Word building
B) Using pictograms
C) Contrasting with mother tongue
D) Utilizing realia and visuals
E) Using familiar words

15. In developing listening skills in language teaching and learning, various listening types are taught and practiced.
_______, for example, is the most basic form of listening and does not involve understanding of the meaning of words
and phrases but merely the different sounds that are produced.

Choose the alternative which best completes the given sentence.

A) Comprehensive Listening
B) Discriminative Listening
C) Appreciative Listening
D) Strategic Listening
E) Critical Listening

16. In the while-reading stage of a reading lesson in a language classroom, the students can be asked questions to
identify whether they know or remember the answer. These questions lack the communication intention because the
aim is to see if the students have the knowledge of the language.

What is the question types in the situation above?

A) Referential
B) Reference
C) Display
D) Inferential
E) Open-ended

17. When teaching vocabulary, teachers make use of several vocabulary teaching techniques in line with the
characteristics of the context of education such as the age, interest and needs of the learners, the aim of the course etc.

Which of the vocabulary teaching techniques given below is not based on the knowledge of semantic

A) Synonyms
B) Antonyms
C) Cognates
D) Hyponym
E) Superordinates
18. When listening to a speech, learners experience different kinds of processing strategies depending on the reasons
why they are listening. To illustrate, they may involve in activities such as putting a series of pictures or sequence of
events in order, listening to conversations and identifying where they take place, or inferring the relationships between
the people in the conversation.

Which of the following do the activities mentioned require?

A) Top-down listening
B) Comprehensive listening
C) Bottom-up listening
D) Discriminative listening
E) Evaluative listening

19. In an English language teaching course-book, at the end of each unit, there is a section where the students listen to
short conversations and learn and practice the intonation and stress rules of the language.

A) Segmental features
B) Spelling conversations
C) Sound discrimination
D) Communicative competence
E) Suprasegmental features

20. Learning strategies are specific actions, behaviours, steps, or techniques learners use in order to improve their
progress in apprehending, internalizing, recalling and using second or foreign language.

Which of the following is considered as a learning strategy?

A) Linguistic strategies
B) Cognitive strategies
C) Listening strategies
D) Visual learning
E) Kinaesthetic learning

21. Which of the following refers to many and varied dialects of English spoken in different parts of the world,
including not only American and British English, but such varieties as Indian, Pakistani, Australian, and New Zealand
English, as well as the English spoken in various African and Asian countries?

A) English as a Foreign Language

B) World Englishes
C) English as a Lingua Franca
D) English as an International Language
E) English Spoken in the Expanding Circle

22. Many second language learners make errors which do not have their sources in their mother languages. Such errors
can be explained in terms of intra-lingual confusions and faulty pedagogical procedures that cause productions which
include errors.

Which of the following has been criticized with the above explanation?

A) Interlanguage development
B) Innateness hypothesis
C) Universal Grammar
D) Contrastive Analysis
E) Definition of the errors
23. _____to the teaching of writing emphasizes mechanical aspects of writing, such as focusing on grammatical and
syntactical structures and imitating models. This approach is primarily concerned with “correctness” and form of the
final outcome. Moreover, this approach fails to recognize that people for an audience and for a purpose and ideas are
created and formulated during the course of writing.

Choose the alternative that best completes the given statement.

A) Process-writing approach
B) Grammar-based approach
C) Controlled writing
D) Guided-writing
E) Product-oriented approach

24. Which of the following is not true of principles used to build up vocabulary knowledge of the students?

A) For vocabulary retention, a systematic recycling for previously learnt lexicons is needed.
B) To convey the meaning of the new words, the teachers make use of semantization, whereby they create meaningful
C) The vocabulary choice of the teachers should be based on how frequently they are used by the native speakers in
daily usage.
D) Students should be given chances to actively use the newly-learnt words both in speaking and writing so that they
are transmitted to long-term memory.
E) New words need to be taught via reading passages, the majority of which include unknown words to teach a lot of
words to the students in a single lesson.

25. Which of the following is not one of the issues to be considered in teaching in teaching writing?

A) Homophones
B) Register
C) Coherence
D) Cohesion
E) Organization

26. Which of the following pairs is an incorrect match?

A) Reading-receptive skill
B) Speaking- productive skill
C) Pronunciation-sub-skill
D) Vocabulary-sub-skill
E) Writing-receptive skill

27. Which of the following is appropriate to be a while-listening activity?

A) Dictogloss
B) Listening for gist
C) Key vocabulary teaching
D) Poster making
E) Discussion

28. Which of the following listening types refers to listening for the aesthetic nature of speech?

A) Discriminative
B) Critical
C) Evaluative
D) Appreciative
E) Comprehensive
29. ______listening involves going over a piece of listening material multiple times for dictation to build vocabulary
and grammar.

Choose the alternative that best completes the statement given.

A) Extensive
B) Intensive
C) Non-reciprocal
D) Interactive
E) Discriminative

30. Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of a good listening text?

A) It should have a clear aim to test.

B) It should be clear and unambiguous.
C) It should be interesting.
D) It should be above the listener’s level.
E) It should be relevant to materials taught.

31. Which of the following materials is not used while activating the schemata in the warm-up and pre-stages?

A) Power points
B) Brainstorming
C) Note-taking
D) Videos
E) Magazines

32. _____focuses on information, whether it is a simple weather report or an extended lecture on an academic topic and
may also include descriptions of learning strategies and examples of their use.

Choose the alternative that best completes the statement given.

A) Structured output
B) Communicative output
C) Input and output hypothesis
D) Form-oriented input
E) Content-oriented input

33. Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of speaking?

A) It may be planned or unplanned.

B) It may involve reciprocity or no interaction.
C) It displays variation of roles, purpose, and the context.
D) It employs less vague or generic words than writing.
E) It contains slips and errors reflecting the processing.

34. Which of the following is not a good match of skills and activities?

A) Speaking-information gap activity

B) Reading-dictogloss
C) Listening-fill-in-the blanks
D) Writing-outlining
E) Vocabulary-puzzles

35. Which of the following is not an appropriate way of correcting mistakes in speaking activities?

A) Over-correction during the task

B) Peer-correction after the task
C) Delayed correction after the task
D) Correction after recording speaking
E) Gentle correction during the task
36. Which of the following is an appropriate way to encourage reluctant students to participate in speaking

A) Making students prepare role-plays

B) Selecting the volunteer ones only
C) Waiting for spontaneous production
D) Letting students repeat after samples
E) Giving an extraordinary task

37. Which of the following statements proves the characteristics of a speaker who has the skill of “negotiation of

A) Being an effective turn-taker

B) Having agenda management
C) Using gestures in conversations
D) Being good at expressing expository routines
E) Communicating ideas clearly

38. Which of the following reading sub-skills is concerned with recognizing written symbols and understanding
the words, phrases, and sentences?

A) Decoding
B) Comprehension
C) Interpretation
D) Scanning
E) Skimming

39. Which of the following reading types refers to extra reading in which students read on their own for pleasure
or for their own purpose?

A) Intensive reading
B) Reading aloud
C) Reading for details
D) Silent reading
E) Extensive reading

40. Which of the following refers to a reading strategy that aims to find what was implied in the text rather than
explicitly stated?

A) Reference
B) Comprehension
C) Setting the scene
D) Inference
E) Predicting the topic

41. When boarding on a plane, you have to read and follow the signs.

Which of the following types of reading is exemplified above?

A) Reading for pleasure

B) Environmental reading
C) Survival reading
D) Reading for learning
E) Fluent reading

42. Which of the following is not a sub-skill used in while-reading?

A) Setting the scene

B) Inferencing
C) Referencing
D) Reading for details
E) Critical interpretation
43. Which of the following statements is not a characteristic of a process-oriented writing?

A) Evaluating on several drafts

B) Using portfolios
C) Employing project works
D) Asking for an essay in a final exam
E) Using learner diaries

44. Which of the following is not a technique used in writing lessons?

A) Outlining
B) Brainstorming
C) Clustering
D) Paraphrasing
E) Referencing

45. Which of the following is not a criterion in evaluating essay writing?

A) Capitalization
B) Punctuation
C) Pronunciation
D) Unity
E) Accuracy

46. Which of the following statements is true about teaching grammar?

A) Grammar can be introduced through elicitation.

B) Grammar teaching should be done deductively.
C) Each class should begin with grammar teaching.
D) Course books do not include grammar.
E) Grammar practice activities are always uninteresting.

47. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about PPP (Presentation, Practice, and Production) ?

I. The lesson starts with contextualized practice.

II. Teacher gives limited number of practices.
III. Teacher can use elicitation in presentation.
IV. The lesson ends with free exercises.
V. Teacher gives tasks in practice.


48. Which of the following statement does not count for why to teach pronunciation?

A) It helps to become aware of different sounds and sound patterns.

B) It helps to become more motivated for reading and writing.
C) It helps students better understand the spoken language.
D) It helps to deal with intelligibility problems better.
E) It helps to develop fluency in students’ speaking skills.
49. Which of the following is not true for vocabulary teaching?

A) Words chosen from the dictionary in an alphabetical order should be taught.

B) Visual aids such as picture-cards can be used to facilitate understanding.
C) Concept check question should be used rather than translation.
D) Collocations, synonyms, antonyms and part of speech should also be given.
E) Spelling is a part of teaching writing as well as vocabulary teaching.

50. Which of the following is not true for vocabulary teaching while in a reading lesson?

A) Students match the words in the text with their meanings.

B) Students can make sentences with the bold words in the text in post-reading.
C) Students should translate the given words into their native language before reading the text.
D) Students find the synonyms of the given words from the text.
E) Students read the given definitions and find the words in the text according to the definitions.

51. Which of the following is not true about learning a new structure in grammar?

A) To recognize the new language item

B) To practice in a meaningful way
C) To understand the meaning and use
D) To make yes/no questions only
E) To use it in speaking or writing

52. Which of the following is not an appropriate activity to be used in the production stage of PPP (Presentation,
Practice and Production)?

A) Writing a memo to colleagues

B) Discussion on deciding where to travel
C) Matching the sentences with tense options
D) Giving cake recipes to peers
E) Presenting a weather forecast

53. I. checking understanding

II. clarification requests
III. confirming checks
IV. exchanging unknown information
V. maintaining motivation

Which of the following can be among the purposes of utilizing display questions in a language class?

A) I, II, III and V

B) I, II and IV
C) IV and V
D) II, III, and IV
E) I, II and V

54. What is the obvious impact of the use of English as a Lingua Franca on English Language Teaching?

A) to teach specific cultural information about all cultures to improve intercultural competence
B) to expose the learner to both American and British English as well as Australian English
C) to enable students to speak as appropriately as possible during interactions
D) to teach all possible dialects of English to the students through reading texts
E) to use of non-native speakers in the listening texts to expose students to different accents
55. _____refers to setting a meaningful and comprehensible context by means of which the meanings of the new words
are made clear to learners to guess?

A) deducing
B) internalization
C) semantization
D) consolidation
E) personalization

56. ____refers to the many and varied dialects of English spoken in different parts of teh world, including not only
American and British English, but such varieties as Indian, Pakistani, Australian, and New Zealand English, as well as
the English spoken in various African and Asian countries.
Choose the best option.

A) English as a Foreign Language

B) English spoken in the Expanding Circle
C) English as a Lingua Franca
D) English as an International Language
E) World Englishes

57. _____is viewed as a separate, systematic evolving linguistic system, clearly different from both the leaner’s native
language (NL) and the target language (TL) being learned, but linked to both NL and TL by interlanguage
identifications in the perception of the learner.

Choose the alternative that best completes the given definition.

A) Foreign language
B) Inner grammar
C) Interlanguage
D) Private speech
E) Negative transfer

58. ____based on the competence types offered by Hymes, sees language as a means of expressing ideas and feelings
with certain structures.

Choose the alternative that best completes the statement given.

A) Generative transformational theory

B) Functional view
C) Cognitive theory
D) Humanism
E) Constructivism

59. According to the psychological view of______, learning is a habit formation; thus, reinforcement and punishment
are important to form behaviours. Therefore, learning is based on drills, memorization and imitation.

Choose the alternative that best completes the statement given.

A) Traditionalism
B) Cognitive theory
C) Behaviourism
D) Structuralism
E) Humanism
60. A/an _____is a generalized set of classroom procedures to teach language by focusing on the goals of the
teaching/learning, learner roles, teacher roles, role of instructional materials. It is based on a more general framework
and is applied through smaller means.

Choose the alternative that best completes the statement given.

A) approach
B) method
C) technique
D) task
E) activity

61. Which of the following is not true for the Grammar Translation Method?

A) Constructive feedback
B) Use of translations
C) Use of cognates
D) Teacher-centeredness
E) Use of L1

62. Which of the following methods is based on Krashen’s five hypothesis?

A) Cooperative Learning
B) Community Language Learning
C) Communicative Language Teaching
D) The Oral Approach
E) Natural Approach

63. Which of the following methods promotes inductive teaching with visual aids particularly in vocabulary
teaching with meaningful context as opposed to Grammar Translation Method?

A) Audiolingual Method
B) Silent Way
C) Direct Method
D) Suggestopedia
E) Total Physical Response

64. Which of the following hypotheses of Krashen suggests that knowledge of linguistic components controls
production of them?

A) Acquisition vs. Learning

B) Natural Order Hypothesis
C) Affective Filter Hypothesis
D) The Monitor Hypothesis
E) The Input Hypothesis

65. Which of the following competence types of Hymes suggests that we need certain ways to communicate (to be
understood) such as translating, paraphrasing, using body language, etc?

A) Communicative Competence
B) Strategic Competence
C) Discourse Competence
D) Linguistic Competence
E) Socio-linguistic Competence
66. ______competence refers to communicative appropriately and effectively within the people with different cultural
and language backgrounds on the basis of specific behaviours, cross-cultural knowledge, and abilities. The underlying
purpose here is to eliminate or prevent communication breakdowns, humiliating and offensive events and dialogues.

Choose the alternative that best completes the statement given.

A) Strategic
B) Intercultural
C) Cross-linguistic
D) Intracultural
E) Pragmatic

67. Taking into consideration the setting, time, the relationship between the interlocutors and the status relationship,
_____competence is to know how to use and respond to language appropriately; on the other hand, ____ competence is
the skill to be able to spot and repair communication breakdowns, avoid miscommunications by compensating the
language gaps in the target language.

Choose the alternative that best completes the statement given.

A) intercultural-cultural/pragmatic
B) discourse/sociolinguistic
C) pragmatic/strategic
D) intercultural/grammatical
E) style shifting/linguistic

68. ______teaching involves giving the students examples of language within a meaningful context and working with
them to come up with the target grammatical rules, whereas _____teaching begins by giving students the rules and
working with them to produce language by applying the rules.

Which of the following best complete the given statement?

A) Direct/implicit
B) Inductive/deductive
C) Discovery/inquiry
D) Deductive/inductive
E) Meaning-based/deductive

69. ____hypothesis proposes that language acquisition occurs in natural conditions where learners receive messages
that can be comprehended by putting some effort because the level of the language provided is a little challenging for
the current proficiency level of the learners.

Choose the alternative that best completes the given statement.

A) Acquisition vs Learning
B) Affective Filter
C) Natural Order
D) Input
E) Communication

70. ______serves as a guideline for the inexperienced teachers, because many of the general procedures and decisions
regarding what and how to teach the language have already been made and provided for them, yet____ are the set of
strategies, actual and concrete implementations the principles proposed to be used in procedure of language
learning/teaching in the classroom.

Choose the alternative that best completes the given statements.

A) theory/technique
B) technique/method
C) method/technique
D) method/approach
E) approach/method
71. The aim of pronunciation teaching must be that the students can produce English speech which is intelligible in the
areas where they will use it. The teacher will have to concentrate on the important phonemic contrasts and select
allophonic variations only to ensure ____ not only achieve a total set of native-speaker-like variations.

Which of the following can best complete the given statement considering the pronunciation teaching in ELT?

A) negotiation of meaning
B) intelligibility
C) comprehensibility
D) accentedness
E) minimal pairs

72. In a dictation course, the teacher reads the sentence “The strength of the brakes of the cars is important”. The
student writes “ The strength of the breaks of the cars is important”. The reason for this mistake is that these words

Choose the alternative that best completes the paragraph above.

A) Hyponyms
B) Superordinates
C) Allophones
D) Homophones
E) Phonemes

73. Most descriptions of the sound system of English show how it uses patterns of phonemic contrasts to distinguish
words. The following pairs of messages illustrate, in each case, one phonemic contrast:

“ Pull!………………………………………Bull!”
“It’s a pin. …………………………………It’s a bin.”
“There are pears in the garden……………………There are bears in the garden.”

Which skill do these examples require a language learner to possess first?

A) phonological awareness
B) mutual intelligibility
C) communicative competence
D) intra-cultural competence
E) supra-segmental skills

74. Which of the following is the objective of an activity in which students are supposed to go over the text and
match the pictures with the paragraphs of the reading texts?

A) to develop micro-skills in writing

B) to enable students to guess the meaning of the words from the context
C) to improve scanning skill to find the specific information in the text
D) to develop skimming as a reading sub-skill to understand the gist
E) to elicit the key vocabulary that is essential to comprehension

75. Which of the following task types definitely requires cooperation among students?

A) cloze test
B) self-correction
C) jigsaw
D) peer-correction
E) journal writing
76. During an in-class activity, the teacher instructs the learners to listen and tick the most strongly pronounced

Based on the information above, which of the following does the teacher focus on practicing?

A) intonation
B) correct pronunciation
C) stress patterns
D) spelling
E) segmental features

77. Which of the following is not the most appropriate resource for students learning a foreign language according to a
teacher holding the belief that memorizing the meanings of the words in first language is not an effective way of
vocabulary building?

A) pedagogical grammar book

B) bilingual dictionary
C) monolingual dictionary
D) picture dictionary
E) spoken grammar book

78. Below are the instruction given by an EFL teacher in the class:

I. Match the words which are commonly utilized together.

II. Select the most appropriate expression to use in the given situation.

What do these instructions aim to teach?

A) lexicon linguistic competence
B) lexical chunks strategic competence
C) collocations sociolinguistic competence
D) pronunciation grammar
E) formulaic expressions politeness rules

79. Which of the following is the aim of the “scrambled paragraphs” used as an in-class activity?

A) to develop unity and fluency

B) to improve the skills in cohesion and coherence
C) to provide chances for accuracy development
D) to develop strategic competence
E) to practice L2 in the context

80. ______refers to the particular techniques and behaviours adopted by the learners to learn more easily, quickly, more
effectively with the purpose of recalling the information easily.

Choose the alternative that best completes the given statement.

A) discourse competence
B) intelligence types
C) learning styles
D) learning strategies
E) motivational instruments
81. If you are doing research on a long chapter, you can begin to read only the first sentence of each paragraph and this
process is called as____. On the other hand, in _____, you look only for a specific fact or piece of information without
reading everything.

A) skimming-scanning
B) intensive reading-extensive reading
C) scanning-skimming
D) extensive reading-skimming
E) scanning-intensive reading

82. The concept of_____ assumes that learners are in a clean state with no preconceived notions of a language.

Choose the option that completes the sentence.

A) descriptive view
B) competence
C) information-processing
D) reinforcement
E) tabula rasa

83. The ability to learn and analyse linguistic information is universal and innate, which is embedded in our language
acquisition device.

Which of the following theories support this view?

A) Behaviourism
B) Cognitivism
C) Constructivism
D) Humanism
E) Communicativism

84. Which of the following statements about linguistic view is not true?

A) Traditionalism focuses on the grammatical rules and accuracy.

B) Saussure, the father of structuralism, stressed on the descriptive view.
C) Generative linguistics highlights the innate capacity of learners.
D) Communicative view promotes the delivery of messages and meaning.
E) Functional approach views learning as habit formation to learn the rules.

85. I. Language units are interrelated which are to be acquired in association with real life concepts.
II. Learning is a habit formation through imitations and reinforcements from the environment.
III. Leaners use their mental capacities to process language input.

Which of the following matches is correct according to the theories given about L1 acquisition?
A) Behaviourist Constructivist Innatist
B) Connectionist Cognitivist Interactionalist
C) Constructivist Behaviourist Innatist
D) Interactionalist Connectionist Mentalist
E) Connectionist Behaviourist Cognitivist

86. Which of the following statements about methodology is not correct?

A) Approach is an umbrella term covering the underlying assumptions.

B) Method is a course design that reflects an approach in its background.
C) Procedure is a practice used in classroom in line with a method.
D) Technique cannot be observed in class, but an approach can.
E) Methodology is the overall pedagogical exercise of how to teach.
87. _______teaching involves teaching explicitly by giving examples after presentation whereas ____ teaching involves
implicit teaching by letting learners discover the rules from the given examples.

Choose the option that completes the sentence.

A) Inductive/deductive
B) Deductive/inductive
C) Meaning-based/rule-based
D) Indirect/direct
E) Peripheral/focal

88. I. Lessons are conducted in L1.

II. Rules and vocabulary are memorized.
III. Learners are passive while teachers are the authority.

Which of the following methods best describes the features above?

A) Grammar Translation Method

B) Direct Method
C) Audiolingual Method
D) Oral Method
E) Silent Way

89. Which of the following statements about deductive presentation is not true?

A) Audiolingual Methods follow deductive presentation.

B) It has no place in Communicative Language Teaching.
C) It is rule-driven rather than meaning-driven.
D) It promotes giving the rules prior to the examples.
E) It can be applied depending on the learner’s cognitive style.

90. Which of the following is the most suitable vocabulary presentation for words such as “unemployed” and
“realistically” for Turkish learners?

A) Visualization
B) Using cognates
C) Word-building
D) Familiarization
E) Using videos

91. Which of the following statements about teaching grammar is not true?

A) Grammar activities should be embedded in meaningful contexts.

B) Promoting accuracy should be the only aim of grammar teaching.
C) Teachers should not use too much linguistic terminology.
D) Grammar is believed to be an important sub-skill to use the language appropriately.
E) Grammar can be taught deductively or inductively based on the need of learners.

92. Which of the following statements about teaching grammar is not true?

A) Focus-on-form requires attending on the meaning of a structure.

B) Focus-on-forms requires attending to each grammar rule to accumulate all.
C) Grammar teaching stages involves presentation, practice, and production.
D) A matching activity can be counted as a free grammar practice.
E) Grammar teaching should be both input-based and output-based.

93. Which of the following statements about teaching vocabulary is not true?

A) Active words should be taught and tested.

B) High-frequency words can be identified from corpora.
C) Vocabulary should be presented in a meaningful context.
D) Newly learned vocabulary should be recycled.
E) Concept check questions can be asked to verify meaning.
94. Which of the following statements about teaching pronunciation is not true?

A) The aim should not be native-like proficiency, but intelligibility.

B) Not only sound but also intonation, stress, and pitch should be taught.
C) Minimal pairs, tongue twisters, and songs can be used for practice.
D) Practice can be both on sounds in isolation and in context.
E) Discriminating sounds is a high level skill for advanced learners.

95. Which of the following statements about teaching listening is not true?

A) Listening for gist is to reach to a general understanding.

B) Building gradually from sounds to meaning requires a bottom-up process.
C) In intensive listening the aim is to only comprehend longer stretches of speech.
D) It is important to check the rate, clarity, and difficulty of speech in listening.
E) Learners should be taught listening strategies and note-taking skills.

96. Which of the following statements about teaching speaking is not true?

A) Reading aloud can be a reading, speaking, and listening activity.

B) Learners should be provided immediate feedback on their production.
C) Speech imitation is an early speaking activity at lower levels.
D) Both fluency and accuracy should be the aim in speaking.
E) Communication strategies and body language signals can be taught.

97. Which of the following statements about teaching reading is not true?

A) Skimming strategy is used to look for specific information like dates and names.
B) Key vocabulary of the text can be presented in the pre-reading stage.
C) A top-down reading process is conceptually-driven focusing on the whole idea.
D) Perceptive reading is a bottom-up process with limited purposes of reading.
E) Reading texts should be varied and intrinsically motivating for different groups.

98. Which of the following statements about teaching writing is not true?

A) Writing tasks should be authentic and learners should have a real purpose to write something.
B) Writing requires genuine feedback from teachers so as to improve learners’ writing skills.
C) Intensive writing with dicto-comps is more controlled than responsive writing with question-answers.
D) Editing, grading, discussing, or peer-evaluation rubrics can be used in the post-writing stage.
E) A process-oriented writing seeks for the correct written production of learners at the end of the process.

99. ______is a more traditional form of teaching. In this teaching you typically provide information (lecture), share
specific examples of the concept or skills being taught , then, allow students to practice the skill being taught. This is a
more teacher-centred model of teaching that is rule driven. Some of the advantages of this method are, it is time saving
and it gets to the point of the lesson easily.

Which of the following techniques is described below?

A) Inductive teaching
B) Deductive teaching
C) Task-based teaching
D) Humanistic teaching
E) Interactional view
100. I. Reporting and story completion
II. Picture narrating and picture describing
III. Articulatory tasks

Which of the activities is/are among the speaking activities?

A) Only I
B) I and II
C) II and III
D) I and III
E) I, II, and III

101. _____is a complex skill that can be taught through explicit instruction in inferential strategies. This term requires
higher order thinking skills which make it a difficult skill for many learners. The learners should deduce the meaning
while reading the text.

A) Scanning
B) Skimming
C) Inferencing
D) Negotiation of meaning
E) Encoding

102. If you are doing research on a long chapter, you can begin to read only the first sentence of each paragraph and this
process is called______. On the other hand, in______, you look only for a specific fact or piece of information without
reading everything.

A) skimming-scanning
B) intensive reading-extensive reading
C) scanning-skimming
D) extensive reading-skimming
E) scanning-intensive reading

103. According to _____, errors in target language learning are often assumed to be the result of inference from the
learner’s mother tongue. It is based on behaviourist and structuralist approaches.

Choose the best alternative to complete the given statement.

A) Input Hypothesis
B) Universal Grammar
C) Language Acquisition Device
D) Prescriptive Grammar
E) Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis

104. _____is defined as a slip of tongue. It is a failure to use already known information correctly, on the other hand,
_____occurs because the learner does not the correct form.

Choose the best statement to complete the given definition.

A) Comprehension/avoidance
B) Error/mistake
C) Mistake/avoidance
D) Mistake/error
E) Comprehension/error

105. In his class, a teacher tries to explain the functions of the brain by putting the hard disk in brain’s place while
What technique is used by the teacher above?

A) Realia
B) Simulation
C) Simile
D) Role playing
E) Metaphor
106. I. Use gestures to diminish unnecessary teacher talk.
II. Encourage interaction between only the learner and the teacher.
III. Allow time for students to think and answer the questions.

Which of the above is/are true while creating classroom interaction?

A) Only I
B) Only II
C) I and III
D) I and II
E) I,II and III

107. The same strategy is used in most successful sources of vocabulary teaching. According to this strategy, when
teaching vocabulary, students should encounter the same word at different times and in different activities. Because the
more the student encounters the same word, the better they will learn.

Which of the vocabulary teaching strategies is described above?

A) Contextualization
B) Semantization
C) Internalization
D) Recycling
E) Word map

108. I. Learning words from the isolated lists

II. Antonym-synonym-cognate
III. Immediate error correction

Which one/ones of the above is/are true about the GTM?

A) Only I
B) Only II
C) II and III
D) I and III
E) I, II and III

109. This listening types has many properties. The learners are proficient learners and have large capacity for the higher
level of comprehension. Students use background information to predict the meaning of language they are going to
listen. This background knowledge activates the schemata.

Choose the best alternative according to the paragraph.

A) Bottom-up listening
B) Top-down listening
C) Extensive listening
D) Intensive listening
E) Comprehension listening

110. Teacher: The paragraph you wrote is very successful grammatically. There is no grammatical break from one
sentence to the next. Therefore, those who read it do not have difficulty in reading.

Student: I am glad to hear that from you.

Which of the following refers to the feature appreciated by the teacher in his feedback on the paragraph?

A) Outlining
B) Cohesion
C) Coherence
D) Clustering
E) Register
111. The teacher gives learners a topic about healthy lifestyle. She says “You will write as fast as you can. I don’t allow
you to stop writing.” The learners are asked to examine their text carefully to find and correct their grammatical or
spelling mistakes once they finish their writing.

Which of the following alternatives is suitable for the activities describes above?

A) Quotation and Summarising

B) Paraphrasing and Clustering
C) Free-writing and Proofreading
D) Citation and Revising
E) Brainstorming and Prewriting

112. ____occurs passively and unconsciously through implicit, informal, or natural learning and it is an acquired
competence of a language, while ____ occurs actively and consciously through explicit and a formal way.

Choose the alternative that best completes the given statements.

A) Acquisition/learning
B) Error/mistake
C) Learning/acquisition
D) Mistake/learning
E) Acquisition/error

113. ____is used to quickly identify the main ideas of a text. For example, when you read a newspaper, you are
probably not reading it word-by-word. It is an overall idea of the text. And, you ignore the details.

Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence above.

A) Skimming
B) Scanning
C) Inferencing
D) Comprehensibility
E) Negotiation of meaning

114. _____focuses on writing tasks in which the learner imitates. It is usually presented at early stage and it is also a
traditional approach. Language teachers who follow this approach want to see whether the students obey the discourse
convention relating the main subject. Also, it emphasizes mechanical aspects of writing.

Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence above.

A) The Process Oriented Approach

B) The Product Oriented Approach
C) The Current Integrative Approach
D) The Analytical-Linguistic Approach
E) The Intuitive-Imitative Approach

115. The learners have been looking at how conjunctions are used to contrast and compare ideas. They are now writing
a short discursive essay on globalization. The teacher is working with the groups to guide them in the correct use of the
target language. The teacher is constantly with the students.

Which type of writing is exemplified above?

A) Free writing
B) Guided writing
C) Descriptive writing
D) Expository writing
E) Narrative writing
116. _____ is the ability to use the language correctly while_____ is the ability to use the language spontaneously.

Choose the best option.

A) Accuracy/fluency
B) Fluency/accuracy
C) Competence/performance
D) Performance/competence
E) Accuracy/usage

117. ____is based on the belief that all human actions and responses can be explained in terms of the reflexes
conditioned via stimulus and response relationship. Repetition and reinforcement are the main subjects of it.

Which one of the following is explained in the given statements?

A) Structuralism
B) Humanism
C) Constructivism
D) Behaviourism
E) Cognitivism

118. _____is a constructivist model of teaching that is more student-centred. In this teaching, the teacher first provides
examples, then makes students practice and figure out the rules themselves. This method of teaching is more
experiential and based on a guided discovery.

Choose the option that best completes the gap above.

A) Behavioural Teaching
B) Inductive Teaching
C) Deductive Teaching
D) Cooperative Teaching
E) Brainstorming

119. ______reflect operation of learning strategies that are universal to all language acquirers.

Choose the option that best completes the gap above.

A) Intra-lingual errors
B) Negative transfer
C) Interlingual errors
D) Positive transfer
E) Interlanguage

120. _____usually involve both the identification, retention, storage, or retrieval of words, phrases, and other elements
of the second language. They enable the learners to manipulate the language material.

Which one of the following term is explained in the given statements?

A) Metacognitive strategies
B) Cognitive strategies
C) Socio-affective strategies
D) Listening strategies
E) Kinaesthetic strategies

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