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________________ 1. basic rights and freedoms that all human beings have
________________ 2. set of principles that recognize and protect the dignity and value of all
human beings
________________ 3. freed the slaves, declared that all people had the right to choose their own
religion, and established racial equality
________________ 4. world's first charter of human rights.
________________ 5. In Greco-Roman and medieval times, doctrines of natural law concerned
mainly the duties, rather than the rights, of "Man"
________________ 6. First document to put into writing the idea that the Monarch and his
government were not above the law.
________________ 7. Placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself.
________________ 8. bloodless revolution
________________ 9. The primary law that set the stage for a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY
in England.
________________ 10. abolished slavery in most British colonies.
________________ 11. also known as United States War of Independence
________________ 12. based on the understanding that certain rights such as life, liberty and 12
the pursuit of happiness were fundamental to all people.
________________ 13. freedom of religion and freedom of speech were safeguarded within the
bounds of public order and law.
________________ 14. formally abolished slavery in the US.
________________ 15. aside from red cross: a. Violence to life and person, b. Taking Hostages,
c. Outrages upon personal dignity, d. Passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions
without previous judgment
________________ 16. its main purpose is to oversee treaties protecting workers with respect to
their rights, including their health and safety, manifest the increased positive attitude toward the
recognition of the importance of Human Rights
________________ 17. the idea of human rights emerged stronger after World War II.
________________ 18. the founding document of the United Nations.
________________ 19. The first generation of Human Rights.
________________ 20. the right to due process of law protection from arbitrary arrest; the right to
the due process of law, the right to a fair trial, and the right to religious freedom and worship.
________________ 21. include rights such as the right to speech and expression, assembly and
association, and the right to vote and political participation.
________________ 22. the right to a family, the right to education, and the right to health and
________________ 23. right to benefits of culture, the right to indigenous land, rituals, and shared
cultural practices.
________________ 24. States and other DUTY-BEARERS are answerable for the observance of
human rights. Therefore, they have to comply with the legal norms and standards enshrined in
international human rights instruments.
________________ 25. All individuals are equal as human beings and by virtue of the inherent
dignity of each human person.
________________ 26. All people have the right to participate in and access information relating
to the decision-making process that affects their lives and well-being.
________________ 27. The fulfillment of one right often depends wholly or in part upon the
fulfillment of others.
________________ 28. All human rights have equal status and cannot be positioned in a
hierarchical order.
________________ 29. This means that we are already equally entitled to our human rights.
________________ 30. Refers to the third generation of human rights that include rights to public
such as development and the environment
________________ 31. A political concept that refers to dominant power or supreme authority
________________ 32. A political organization of society body politic or more commonly known as
the institutions of government.
________________ 33. Is the capability of a nation-state to enact laws for citizens without
interference from other states or other external organizations
________________ 34. Means that the state has the supreme authority within their borders.
________________ 35. The state’s freedom from interference in the jurisdiction within their
territory and the formal equality states in their dealings with each other.
________________ 36. The right to issue legal directives and to coercively regulate the activities
of the people situated within its borders.
________________ 37. The exclusive rights to govern an area and its population free from the
interference or efforts at regime change on the part of the foreign states' individual groups.
________________ 38. The regulation of the movement of people and goods across their
________________ 39. The utilization and regulation of extraction of minerals and oils.
________________ 40. Right to participate in cultural life and to share in and benefit from
scientific advancement.
________________ 41. A person who is present at the scene of a violent crime and who is injured
as a direct result of witnessing that crime.
________________ 42. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due
process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
________________ 43. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech, of expression,
or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government for
redress of grievances.
________________ 44. Ex post facto – retroactive

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